You became a lawyer and sent the judge in

Chapter 98 Recruitment, the scale of the law firm has expanded again, Xuezhen, don't you want t

Chapter 98 Recruitment, the scale of the law firm has expanded again, Xuezhen, don't you want to be the proprietress?

When questioning Su Bai, Li Xuezhen's small face was filled with anticipation.

Blinking eyes looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai: ...

You use this to test the cadres?Which cadre has withstood this test?

"Cough cough."

Su Bai coughed dryly twice, restrained his expression, and continued to speak:
"Lawyer Li, do you remember what I told you the last time you joined the law firm?"

Li Xuezhen's face was puzzled, and her mouth was slightly pursed:
"What did you say, Lawyer Su?"

Su Bai rubbed his temples: "Didn't I tell you that before?"

"After you become a regular, can you be promoted to partner...?"

"Become the number one partner of our law firm!"

"You ask this question now, do you think I'm making a big cake for you?"

Li Xuezhen narrowed her eyes slightly, smiling all over her face:

"Oh, good Lawyer Su, I remembered!"

"No, Lawyer Su, I didn't think so..."

Su Bai stared at Li Xuezhen, looking at it, he definitely didn't just remember it.

It shouldn't be that I'm worried that I'm just drawing big cakes for her...

As for the purpose of Li Xuezhen asking this matter, what is it...
Su Bai shook his head slightly, he didn't understand why Li Xuezhen would suddenly ask this question, so he didn't continue to think about it.

He always feels that now he can't grasp Xiao Li's thoughts.
What about the stupid and clear female college student who was promised.

On the other hand, Li Xuezhen had a smile on her face, her face was full of joy, and she happily left the office to go to her own work.

outside the office.

It happened to meet Xu Xiang who came to look for Su Bai.

Seeing Li Xuezhen's smiling face, Xu Xiang shook his head slightly and let out a long sigh.

Mr. Feng, you can have some snacks, the cabbages are about to be picked away!
Regarding recruitment, it is still in progress.

Southern Metropolitan University.

In the girls' dormitory.

Li Xuezhen filled in the recruitment content given by Su Bai.

Recruitment content: Trainee lawyer, salary 4 to 1. Details are negotiable...

Job content:  …

operating hours:.…

Li Xuezhen filled in the conditions that should be filled in.

Immediately, several people greeted Li Xuezhen on the recruitment software.

In Nandu, the salary of a trainee lawyer of [-] is not low. Most of the small and medium-sized law firms can't reach this level.

The [-] to [-] from Bai Jun Law Firm is very attractive.

Soon, as a professional trainee lawyer, Li Xuezhen denied some people who submitted their resumes.

The main thing is that some people are not very good at some legal expertise and have not passed the law test.
So it was natural to deny it.

After all, he will become a partner of Bai Jun Law Firm in the future...

Therefore, Baijun Law Firm is very serious about recruiting trainee lawyers.

Of course, there were some applicants whose resumes looked good, and Li Xuezhen immediately sent out an invitation for an interview.

Soon, two days passed.

Li Xuezhen successfully submitted a profile of interviewees.

After receiving these materials, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction and boasted:
"Yes, you did a good job. Our law firm has left you. Some things are really hard to handle..."

Li Xuezhen was praised, and her eyes narrowed into a smile: "Lawyer Su, this is what I should do."

Su Bai nodded with a slight smile, and then superimposed part of the information he screened on the interviewer's information submitted by Li Xuezhen.

"These are selected when I'm free. I'll have some interviews when the time comes. Set the interview time for the day after tomorrow. Isn't that a problem?"

"No problem, Lawyer Su."

Li Xuezhen nodded seriously.
In the female dormitory of Nandu Fa University.

Wang Kexin's small ball head was limp and listless.

Looking at Wang Kexin's mental state, Li Xuezhen was a little puzzled, since she came back from Beijing last time.

Wang Kexin kept asking himself and Su Bai how the lawsuit was going and whether anything happened in between.

Kexin was still very energetic at that time!
What's wrong now..?

"Kexin, what's wrong with you...?"

Li Xuezhen asked in a low voice. At this time, Wang Kexin, the head of Xiaowanzi, said in a low voice:
"Xuezhen, we're almost graduating, and I just realized I'm going to do an internship now."

"During this period, I applied for internships in several big law firms, but none of them wanted me, and then I found another law firm that looked good."

"The salary for the internship is not too low, and the interview will be held in two days."

"But I'm afraid. I'm afraid that people will reject me again..."

Faced with this problem.…

Li Xuezhen frowned, Wang Kexin's legal level was indeed not up to the qualifications to enter a big law firm.

But she comforted her little sister:

"Don't worry, don't worry, for a small law firm, there will definitely be no problem with internship."

"after all."

"Our Nandu Fa University is still very famous!"

"But... can Xiaoli learn anything?"

Hearing Li Xuezhen's comfort, Maruko's head recovered a lot, but her tone was still a little uncertain and worried.

Hearing this, Li Xuezhen thought of Baijun Law Firm, and comforted her:
"Don't worry, some small law firms are quite powerful!"

"Maybe you just met him. You can definitely learn a lot of legal expertise."

"Oh, right!"

Li Xuezhen's face tightened, and she suddenly remembered a very important matter, and asked:
"Maybe I know which law firm you voted for."

"It's an ordinary small law firm"

"What's the name... Baijun Law Firm, I know that although this law firm is small in scale, the salary for interns is not low, and its popularity in the Southern Metropolis law circle is not low."


Li Xuezhen was stunned for a few seconds: "What did you say?"

"What law firm?"

"Baijun Law Firm. What's wrong with Xuezhen. Is there any problem?"

Baijun Law Firm...

Isn't that the practice law firm she is working at now? !

It cannot be said that there are no problems, only that the problem is not very big.

Wang Kexin voted for Baijun Law Firm, and it happened that she was also an intern at Baijun Law Firm
This... is a bit of a coincidence!

Li Xuezhen frowned slightly, not knowing what to say.

After all, it's a pity that she was originally thought to be an intern at a big law firm.

Forget it, when Kexin will recognize herself during the interview, during this time, give Kexin a vaccination first, and don't tell her yet.

After making up her mind, Li Xuezhen said:

"There is no problem. As far as I know, this Baijun Law Firm is a very powerful law firm."

"If you go to the interview... there must be no problem!"

"Xuezhen, how do you know that this Baijun Law Firm is very powerful...?"

"I'll find out in a few days"

"Oh, okay."

Wang Kexin didn't ask any more questions, but the little ball on the top of his head perked up again.
Two days passed quickly.

The interview time of Bai Jun Law Firm arrived soon.

On the day of the interview, Wang Kexin dressed up very solemnly, and asked Li Xuezhen deliberately before leaving.

"Xuezhen, look at my outfit today, is it suitable for an interview?"

While speaking, Wang Kexin's little ball head swayed in the wind,

Li Xuezhen nodded solemnly with a small face, and said without any hesitation.

Followed by.

His face collapsed, he sighed deeply, and read silently.

"I don't know how I will react when Kexin sees it."

Chia Tai Building.

Five floors.

About ten people from Baijun Law Firm came to interview.

The interviewees this time were all selected by Li Xuezhen and Su Bai, and the requirements were relatively high.


Accompany the interviewers to enter the interview room one by one, and then come out.

Some people have expressions of disappointment, while others have expressions of excitement.

Seeing this, Wang Kexin's little ball kept shaking, and her little face was full of tension.

Soon, a voice of "Next, Wang Kexin" came from inside.

Wang Kexin walked into the interview office with small steps.

The four interviewers.

Su Bai, Li Xuezhen, Xu Xiang, Duan Liang.

After Wang Kexin walked into the interview office, her eyes widened and Xiaowanzi shook her head vigorously.

She knew two of the four interviewees!
Needless to say Xuezhen, roommate, I must know this one.

He also knows Xu Xiang!

Xu Xiang is Xuezhen's senior brother, and she met her twice when she was in school.

As for the other two...she doesn't know each other, but she can guess the general idea.

Duan Liang saw that the middle-aged man was already married.

Li Xuezhen said that the lawyer who took her at the beginning was a young lawyer.

Then the lawyer with Xuezhen can only be Su Bai.
He is very handsome, in line with the description in the novel!
Gee tut.

But thinking about it, Li Xuezhen hadn't disclosed to herself before that she had worked at Baijun Law Firm.

Wang Kexin also understood that during the interview, she must not reveal the relationship between herself and Xuezhen.

Wanzi shook slightly, took a small breath, and after adjusting his mood, Wang Kexin said:

"Hi, interviewers."

Wang Kexin is introducing herself.

Su Bai had already noticed Wang Kexin's small expression just now, and subconsciously looked at Li Xuezhen.

Nandu Law University, a senior student.

The expression just now clearly shows that she knows Li Xuezhen.

Xu Xiang is Li Xuezhen's senior brother, this time another classmate came, tsk tsk tsk, Su Bai has already begun to suspect that this law firm will not belong to him anymore.
This is completely related to Xiao Li!

The above is just a joke, this law firm must still belong to him.

But there's nothing wrong with bringing in a connected trainee lawyer.

As long as you work hard and be a trainee lawyer seriously, it doesn't matter.

What's more, this Wang Kexin's resume was selected by him. After graduating from the University of Southern France, it should not be difficult for him to be qualified for the job of a trainee lawyer.

The interview is over quickly.

Regarding the selection of trainee lawyer candidates, Duan Liang had no opinion, neither did Li Xuezhen, and Xu Xiang had no opinion either.

According to the interview situation, Su Bai quickly determined the candidate for recruitment.

One is Wang Kexin with the head of a small ball, and the other is a boy.

Wang Kangjie, a law student at Nandu University, is about 1.7 meters tall and in good health.

The result of assigning trainee lawyers is.

Duan Liang touched his bald head and said that he needed a male trainee lawyer.

After all, civil cases sometimes have certain disputes, and a strong trainee lawyer is needed to ensure safety.

Su Bai nodded heavily when he heard this, he has a deep understanding of this kind of thing.

So Wang Kangjie was assigned to Duan Liang as a trainee lawyer without hesitation.

And Wang Kexin was assigned to Xu Xiang as a trainee lawyer.

With two trainee lawyers, the number of lawyers in the law firm suddenly expanded to six!

At present, the law firm has no shortage of small cases and sufficient staff.

Bai Jun Law Firm has embarked on the journey of expanding its scale, and it has begun to flourish.

at the same time.

University of Southern France female dormitory.

After Wang Kexin came back from the interview and asked about Li Xuezhen, who is Bai Jun Law Firm and Su Bai's trainee lawyer, he secretly said excitedly:

"You didn't tell me that you were a trainee lawyer at Baijun Law Firm"

"I have inquired about this lawyer Su Bai. He is quite well-known in the industry. He has fought several lawsuits, which are very powerful!"


Faced with Wang Kexin's question, Li Xuezhen was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Kexin continued to smile and said:
"Xuezhen, take a look. Lawyer Su's heroine design, doesn't it go well with you, a trainee lawyer?"

Li Xuezhen: "?"

"Ahem, I always read novels."

"Also, don't you think the proprietress is better than the partner?"

Li Xuezhen's eyes lit up when she heard the partner.

Hearing the second half of the sentence, Xiao Li's face collapsed, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

Seeing this, Wang Kexin patted Li Xuezhen on the shoulder, her face was full of seriousness:

"Xuezhen, don't worry, I've read countless novels, I can definitely help you!"

Wang Kexin can be described as a seasoned lover of romance novels.

When Li Xuezhen went to Beijing, she began to crazily read novels, Li Xuezhen and her tutoring lawyer.

Now employed.
After understanding the specific situation, the eagerness to move in his heart was even more ignited.

Su Bai: "???"

Good college students are all clear and simple
No, why is it all crooked? !

PS: Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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