Chapter 111
The black widow had already seen that the other party would not hand over the technology, and her expression changed.

Now that she has moved out of the FBI, the other party has not responded, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. investigation did not find out the other party's handle, which is a bit difficult...

In the end, we can only take the path of secret acquisition. This path is also a helpless move. Doing so can be regarded as pushing the other party to the opposite side!
Natasha stood up. She understood that the other party did not intend to cooperate, and she had nothing to say.

Yu Que picked up the wine glass and took a sip, watching the other party go out.

"Haha, go ahead. It would be strange if you could get anything from within my company." Yu Que shook his head.

An Suyin was synthesized directly by him through latitude, and he had no skills to begin with.


25 days when Iron Man disappeared.

The stock market of the entire Stark Group evaporated a lot, but under Opadry's efforts to turn the tide, it soon stabilized.

After all, the entire Stark Group can be said to be one of the top companies in the United States, accounting for 50.00% in arms. In other words, half of the world's arms come from the Stark Group.

At this time, classmate Tony is developing his first-generation Iron Man armor in the dark cave, and the most powerful part of the entire armor is not his steel body, but the small reactor on Tony's chest!

From scratch, this is a major turning point in technology.

"Open the door, open the door quickly!" In the cave laboratory, the door was blocked by Ethan, and the men of the Ten Rings outside kept pounding on the door.

Tony's heart was in his throat, but the progress bar of the entire system loading reached more than 70, and there was still more than 20 left. There was not enough time!
Facing the crisis of life and death, no one is not excited, and Tony is just a smart ordinary person.

Ethan also understands that the iron gate won't last long, these guys have been completely irritated by them, and I'm afraid it won't end well in a while.

He took one last look at the computer progress bar and still chose to delay.

He turned and picked up the equipment, which was the guns and explosives that Tony had made.

"No, Ethan, wait a little longer and it will work!" Tony knew that time was running out and someone had to stop it.

But he didn't want the other party to die, he regarded Ethan as his partner!
"No, time is running out!" Ethan threw the bomb directly.

In an instant, the subordinates who kept knocking on the door flew out with the entire shock wave and the iron door, and the whole person couldn't die anymore!
The bald boss who just passed by the door was also affected.

Ethan had already rushed out, shooting continuously with a weapon in his hand.

In such a narrow place, the effect is outstanding, and the opponent is repelled immediately.

Tony was accused of being in the steel armor, with a huge weight, and he couldn't move at all before it was activated.

He couldn't even see behind him, so he could only look at the progress bar anxiously.

In his whole life, he had never wanted to be anxious at this moment.

"Hurry up! Hurry up, damn it!" Tony thought to himself.

In the end, Ethan still sacrificed, but he also got the last time for Tony.

The progress bar reached [-]%, the connection was disconnected, and the entire mecha started.

There was madness in Tony's eyes, he never hated this terrorist.

In the end, Tony fought back with his battle armor and escaped from birth. His friend Rhodes picked him up and returned successfully.

Sitting in front of the TV, Yu Que saw Tony in a bandage, announcing the closure of the weapon department!
"Oh, are you back?" Yu Que turned off the TV, and he naturally would not have spent this period in vain. He found Mephisto's Ghost Rider. This guy is collecting other people's souls all over the world... …

Well, Mephisto's dimension is better to give up for now, this old coin is not weak.

Yu Que shook his head.


As Yu Que refused to hand over the technology, SHIELD's Cyclops said that this technology must be obtained!

Immediately, agents were sent to invade the main god group. Since there was no hope on the surface, they would attack secretly.

Such powerful materials can make more powerful weapons, and many technologies have been stranded because the materials cannot support them. As for Zhenjin, that thing is too rare.

The whole world can count less than two kilograms, and a large part has fallen into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a shield has been made in front of many people.

It's a pity that S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know that their every move is in the eyes of the main god group.

Zhang Yi sat and said to several core personnel: "Hehe, although the main god let us develop freely, but now the other party has stretched out his hand here."

"Dini, you arrange to give the other party a deep impression and let them understand that the main god group is not something they can do!" Zhang Yi said to the woman on the right.

And Dini is also one of the high-level executives. Their purpose of existence is to smooth everything for Yu Que and make it easier for Yu Que to move around in all aspects of life on Earth and Star.

After all, a main god still needs to have the respect he has.

With a powerful force, it is convenient to do anything.

"Yes!" Dini said.


The driver drove a top-level commercial vehicle from Queens Street to the five-star restaurant in the city center.

Yu Que planned to go there to try some delicious food and meet a person named Zhao Hailun, a nanotechnology scientist recruited by the group with money and resources.

On the other side, there is naturally a driver to pick up the other party at the airport and go to the restaurant for dinner together.

However, Yu Que's car just left Queens, and everyone from all parties took action!

Secret agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reported Yu Que's real-time news.

On the other side, they obtained Yu Que's information and found out that the other party owned 90.00% of the shares, which allowed the terrorist group to take risks!

As long as Yu Que is kidnapped, so much money can be harvested. Under the huge temptation, countless people can't sit still!
And now Yu Que doesn't have a bodyguard team, nor does he have a national organization to protect him. It can be said that he is simply a mobile vault!

A tattooed man was lying on the roof with a microphone. "The lamb is driving towards the target location, and it is expected to arrive in 15 minutes. It is ready to act. This time, it must be quick and careful. Don't kill the lamb. This is our treasury!"

In the five black cars on both sides of the neighborhood on the other side, the bald head said excitedly: "Boss Fang Xin, everything is ready, as long as the other party comes over, this time he will definitely be able to escape!"

"Boss's helicopter is also ready and can lead people to retreat at any time!" A black man said from the helicopter in mid-air.

"Very well, act, this time, take advantage of the policeman's lack of reaction and complete the task!" said the tattoo boss.

The woman with an obvious scar on her face said, "Don't worry, boss, the police with America will only come to wash the floor after it's over!"

"Hahaha, that's right!" Everyone laughed excitedly.

As long as this order is completed, they will be able to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, no matter how much they spend, they will never be able to spend it all!

On the commercial vehicle, the driver who drives the main god is also a member of the main god's continent.

At this time, I felt excited.

Yu Que had already discovered the kidnapper, but he didn't care.

Sure enough, he just passed the intersection, and five black cars appeared in front of him.

The driver of the car felt something, and his eyes changed.

After all, he was also a castrated version of a third-level god, but he noticed something was wrong immediately.

But just when he was about to brake, two shots were fired suddenly, and all the tires on the left and right were scrapped.Yu Que shook his head, he didn't even have the desire to get off the car, the other party was just some ordinary people.

"Go and get rid of them."

But this time, he didn't intend to hide the strength of his subordinates. Since many people planned to watch a joke, Yu Que didn't mind letting them know what strength is.

Snipers were ambushing on the roofs on both sides, and more than 20 people got off the five cars in an instant, approaching the car Yu Que was sitting in with guns in their hands.

Hearing Yu Que's words, the driver's eyes were full of cruelty, this lowly human dared to disrespect the main god he believed in!
He opened the car door and got out.

At this time, the satellites above the head are all watching this side, and many forces are paying attention, wanting to see the other party's jokes, but some people have other ideas, annexing the assets of the main god group!
Get those top-notch technologies.

Especially the dark silver metal that costs $[-] per gram!
When the kidnappers saw that the driver got out of the car, they shot without hesitation.

Several people fired in an instant, but unfortunately all the bullets approached the driver and stopped in place.

Regardless of whether it is a castrated version of the third-level god, its strength cannot be hurt by this gun.

The driver simply waved his hand, and the bullets that had stayed in mid-air flew back in an instant, killing 20 people and several of them in just a short instant.

"Huh! What? A superpower? Or a mutant?" Countless people were stunned.

But the next driver's operation is just beginning.

He was suspended on the ground, and he approached the scar girl in an instant. With an extra sword in his hand, he swung it casually, and the head of the scar girl was chopped off.

Everyone is crazy.

Mind power, flying, conjuring a sword, what are these? !

The one-eyed dragon was sitting in front of the monitor, and he was stunned when he saw this scene, especially since all the driver's information was on the monitor, and the most obvious one was the word "ordinary person".

But everything he saw now showed that, how could this bastard be an ordinary person?

Without any accidents, in just 3 minutes, none of the more than 20 people was alive.

All were silent.

At this time, a new business car appeared, and Yu Que calmly walked out.

He looked around casually, then looked up at the sky.

The one-eyed dragon who observed through the satellite saw that Yu Que smiled slightly at the satellite.

He casually walked to another car and walked towards the five-star restaurant.

And the driver at the beginning disappeared long ago. Since the main god has spoken to solve everything, he will naturally not let every participant go.

After using the red directly, the opponent's position was found.

It can be said that Dixing has no secrets in front of the red queen.

Inside a five-star restaurant.

Yu Que didn't care about the outside world. At this time, Zhao Hailun, who was wearing a long gown, came to Yu Que's desk led by a driver in black.

"Lord God, the man has arrived." He said respectfully.

Yu Que waved his hand, and the other party retreated.

"Lord God?" Zhao Hailun was a little stunned, he remembered that he had made an appointment with the boss of the Lord God Group.

"It's okay, just treat it as a title, just like president, boss and so on." Yu Que explained with a smile.

This is a private room. Not far away, there is a beautiful waiter in a suit playing the piano. She keeps serving drinks and is dressed very sexy. Two mountains are looming, and she is making secret glances at Yu Que intentionally or unintentionally.

It's not that Yu Que doesn't like beautiful women, it's just that he has seen too many beautiful women. Who can compare to angels in appearance?
"Oh, so that's the case." Zhao Hailun felt the same way, after all, everyone has different preferences, maybe the other party likes to be called the Lord God?

For five-star restaurants, Zhao Hailun, as a top scientific researcher in Korea, has her own independent laboratory.

Naturally, she will not be stage fright, and when she was studying in the United States, she was surrounded by rich and talented people.

Tony is one of them and can be regarded as her best friend.

The two of them had about the same amount of food and drank a few glasses of wine.

Zhao Helen suddenly said: "Mr. Yu, has your master technology really achieved results in nanotechnology?"

This is also the reason why he is willing to give up the country and come to the United States.

You must know that she is the daughter of a wealthy family in Kimchi Country, and the laboratory is also funded by her father.

"That's right, I have researched nanotechnology a long time ago. Look at what it is!" Yu Que was right, and his strength in scientific research is not low at all.

Biotechnology, genetic technology, super cosmic astronomy, supercomputer, and the formations and runes behind it...

Most of this was self-taught, and all at a very high level.

However, although the Super Seminary has very strong technology in this area, it has not studied in depth in some aspects.

For example, applied physics, quark particles, nanotechnology, and quantum fields.

The scientists in Marvel have flourished in many aspects. Although they have not reached a high level yet, they still have certain basic theories.

Yu Que took off his watch casually. Although he has never been in contact with nanotechnology, no matter what, he is within the laws of the entire universe.

He directly produced the real object, and quickly mastered the entire core of nanotechnology through reverse deduction.

Zhao Hailun looked at the watch with some doubts. Isn't this a normal mechanical watch?

Yu Que started to show without saying a word, and saw him take off one strap of the watch casually.

As Yu Que removed the strap on one side, the whole watch suddenly squirmed rapidly. If you looked at it with a magnifying glass, you would find that the side where the strap was removed started to recover automatically.

Visible to the naked eye, it's done in just a few seconds.

And all of this is driven by some mechanical energy and nano-robots in the watch.

The mechanical energy in the watch is converted into electrical energy, and the access condition is the strap. After losing the strap, the internal nano-robots start to complete the strap production in the program that has been set long ago!
It is through the continuous regeneration of nano-robots to form the unified substance of the watch to complete the specific production.

Seeing this scene, Helen Zhao's eyes were filled with excitement.

Yu Que saw her desire, and directly handed over the watch.

Zhao Helen didn't hesitate, she is a real doctor with a degree, and she is very interested in this kind of technology that can be researched by herself.

She took off the watch strap again, and sure enough, the nano-robots acted again and began to copy and split to make the strap.

However, their speed was twice as slow as before.

Zhao Hailun looked left and right, and realized that no matter what it is, it needs energy. Under certain circumstances, matter is also a kind of energy body!

She understood that the energy of the watch was not enough, so she picked up the watch and began to shake it, and the repair process was obviously accelerated a lot.

Yu Que nodded in satisfaction. A high IQ is a high IQ. He feels like being in the super god world's own laboratory with Hexi, which is very worry-free.


(End of this chapter)

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