Chapter 314
The next day, early in the morning.

Late spring has arrived, and the mountains and fields are bursting with flowers.

Pieces of shady green trees spread from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, which is pleasing to the eye.

Today is the birthday of Lord Taichu of Hunyuan Dynasty.

It is also the finale of Fang Yi’s “global tour”.

He takes this very seriously.

Not only did he think for a long time about what clothes to wear, but also a group of Taoist priests from Huangshan Taojun Palace racked their brains for a long time.

Because Fang Yi's status is different from that of ordinary Taoist priests.

If you are the leader of an ordinary Taoist sect, you can just wear the king's robe according to Taoist rules.

If you are a highly skilled mage, it is natural for you to wear purple robes.

However, Fang Yi is currently the only true person in the Taoist sect, the only true immortal living in the world, and the founder of the Fangxian Sect. This costume must reflect the majesty of the "real person, true immortal".

Even if it has developed into modern society, Taoism is still relatively traditional in some rules, so one must be particular about who wears what clothes.

Finally, with the help of Taigong Zhang and Zheng Xian, he chose a Taoist outfit for Fang Yi that would not only impress the public but also reflect his majesty.

"How is this body?"

Fang Yi wears a Jiugong white jade crown on his head, a Bagua green silk robe, and Tai Chi Lianyun boots on his feet.

Zhang Taigong looked at it carefully and praised: "Teacher is really a god."

Zheng Xian sighed: "The palace master is tall and majestic, with a transcendent temperament. When wearing this custom-made Taoist robe, he looks like an immortal descending from the mortal world. He is really majestic and heroic."

"Okay, that's it." Fang Yi nodded slightly and looked to the side, "Xiaoli, Shisheng, you also go and put on the Taoist robes. There will be a sacrificial ceremony later, and there will be many people coming. Don’t lose etiquette in front of outsiders.”

Xu Xiaoli said hurriedly: "Okay, Master."

Lu Shisheng also responded: "Yes, Master."

Zheng Xian asked with concern: "Palace Master, after the sacrificial ceremony, you will still give a sermon. Have you decided which Taoist scriptures to explain today?"

"Well, I've already thought about it."

Fang Yi nodded.

This matter was considered before the "global tour" even started.

Although he experienced a lot during this period, Fang Yi decided to use "immortality" as the theme after thinking about it.

It doesn’t matter which Taoist scriptures are explained.

It is important to let the world understand the secret of "immortality".

The reason why he disclosed this secret was not only because he wanted to see if cultivators could break through the shackles, but also because he wanted to see if modern technology could, with his help, help humans achieve immortality in disguised form.

If it is possible, it means that the shackles are only useful to cultivators, and it means that they are man-made.

On the other hand, if neither technology nor cultivators can achieve immortality through normal means like themselves, it means that the inability to live forever is indeed the rule of this world.

This is especially important for him to explore the mysteries of the entire world.


Huangshan Daojun Palace, it’s 08:30.

Although the Daojun Palace is not open to the public for the time being due to the sacrificial ceremony, Fang Yi has long used his magical senses to detect that the crowds outside are all people.

Fang Yi didn't care and walked straight towards the living room.

Today, there are many dharma masters and eminent monks with high status in the Buddhist and Taoist circles in China.

He naturally wants to do his best to be a landlord.

Zhang Taigong and Zheng Xian wanted to take charge of the affairs and did not come with them.

Fang Yi came to the living room surrounded by Xu Xiaoli and Lu Shisheng.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I met an acquaintance.

I saw three or four Taoist priests in formal attire walking together.

Longhushan Zhang Tianshi, Taoist Master Qiu, Wang Yulin and an unfamiliar elderly Taoist priest were walking towards the living room.

"Real people."

"Really Fang."

Several people quickly saluted.

Fang Yi smiled and nodded: "Hello, Master Zhang, Daoist Qiu, Daoist Wang, and Daoist Lu."

Taoist priest Qiu asked with concern: "Teacher, are you really prepared to disclose the secret of immortality today?"

Fang Yi said: "Well, I have been preparing for this for a long time."

Taoist priest Qiu said with some excitement: "Last time at Tianshi Mansion, I heard your teacher teach you some methods of cultivating the art of immortality, but I didn't understand the secret. Now I have the opportunity to listen to your teacher's explanation again. I am deeply honored."

"Taoist Qiu made a strong statement." Fang Yi said with a smile: "In fact, the secret of immortality is easier to understand for Taoists. After all, everyone has been practicing according to the wisdom left by their predecessors, and they understand it more or less. As for ordinary people, I’m afraid it’s not that easy for people to understand. As for me, I’m a little afraid that if I look back and they don’t understand, I will say that I, Huangshan Daojun Palace, am making mysteries.”

Taoist priest Qiu laughed loudly and said: "This kind of thing requires understanding. If you don't understand, how can I blame you, teacher? I can only say that they have no destiny."

Zhang Tianshi also said happily: "Isn't it? No one in this world understands the secret of immortality better than you, teacher. If they can't even understand your explanation, then others basically don't need to think about immortality in the true sense."

While chatting, several people entered the living room.

There are several living rooms in Huangshan Daojun Palace.

However, currently only one of the jade towers in the outer courtyard dedicated to Taojun Taichu of the Hunyuan Dynasty and Taoist Huangshan is open to the public.

The main reason is that the other Jade Towers have not yet figured out how to use them, so naturally they are not open to the public.

As soon as I walked in, I saw many prominent figures in Buddhism, Taoism and society sitting on chairs.

Several ordinary Taoist priests from Huangshan Taojun Palace were serving tea and water.

Although these Taoist priests are extremely ordinary, they are still members of Huangshan Taojun Palace, and can be considered as members of Fang Yi's sect. Those prominent figures in Buddhism, Taoism and society dare not put on airs and say "thank you" Have not heard. "Good morning everyone."

Fang Yi walked in and said hello.

"Hello, real man."

"Teacher, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still look as good as before."

The No. 30 people present who arrived early quickly stood up and responded, with a steady stream of greetings.

Fang Yi knew some of the people inside and responded to them one by one at first.

There are also some that he is not very familiar with who report their own family status.

One of them, a 28-year-old young man wearing glasses, said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Fang, I am Yang Zhong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. My main research direction is the calculation and theoretical study of novel quantum phenomena in condensed matter."

Fang Yi looked at him, nodded and said, "Is Lao Lu your uncle?"

Yang Zhong said hurriedly: "Yes."

Fang Yi laughed, "Isn't it against the rules for you, a physicist, to come to listen to my sermon?"

Yang Zhonghan smiled and said: "Science is a methodology. It obtains and verifies knowledge about natural phenomena through a series of steps such as observation, experiment, reasoning and verification. Real person, the world you see is far more profound than what we understand. If you can listen Your explanation may be a great inspiration for my research. It is precisely because of this that I begged my uncle to get a ticket and come to listen to your sermon."

This is true. If Fang Yi is willing to sort out everything he has learned, it may give a huge boost to scientific research throughout the world and even subvert some current mainstream scientific research.

Because Yang Zhong was a relative of Lu Tingsong, Fang Yi chatted with him for a while.

As for others, the treatment is not so good.

"Hello, Professor Sun."

"Hello, real man."

"Mr. Cheng is the CEO of a biotechnology company and he came to listen to me explain the art of immortality?"

"I want to learn something from your explanation of longevity, so that the company can develop drugs that are more beneficial to human longevity, disease control, etc."

After a while, Fang Yi got to know all these people.

The Buddhist and Taoist circles have nothing to say, and they all hope that Fang Yi will soon open a forum to give lectures so that they can understand the secret of immortality.

On the contrary, people from all walks of life showed curiosity in their eyes.

They really want to know how the world, the universe, the structure of the human body and other aspects in the eyes of the extraordinary and holy "immortals" are different from what is currently discovered by science.

Some people think that listening to Fang Yi's sermons will greatly inspire current scientific research.

There are also people who come to attend the lecture just in case, without any high hopes.

At least until Fang Yi officially opens the forum, no one knows the specific results.

After a while, Fang Yi greeted everyone politely.

The Taoist priests in the palace were also asked to register their gift-giving lists one by one.

Later, more and more people came.

Fang Yi had no time to say hello.

Because he has to preside over the sacrificial ceremony.

I politely apologized to everyone.

Fang Yi left the living room with his two apprentices.

As soon as I came out, I met an elderly man who was shouting and cheering.

Although Fang Yi has never met this person, he can sense the hearts of others, so he naturally knows that this is Professor Nameng, the great professor in the field of biology who questioned whether he really wants to explain the secret of immortality on the Internet.

Professor Meng was skeptical on the Internet, but when he saw Fang Yi, he was still respectful and said, "Master Fang, good morning."

Several well-known professors in biology behind him also said hello.

Fang Yi glanced at everyone and nodded lightly, "Hello."

After saying hello, Fang Yi left.

He didn't take this kind of doubt to heart at all.

Because Fang Yi knew that Professor Meng and others were not questioning him.

Instead, he questions whether ordinary humans can live forever like himself.

To tell the truth, let alone Professor Meng and other big names in biology question this matter.

Even Fang Yi himself was quite confused.

Without the help of special means such as golden apples, elixirs, and the magical power of the Queen Mother of the West, it seems that only those who have cultivated a small amount of "true energy" can slightly extend their lives by a few decades.

Naturally, it is normal for others to have doubts about this.

There are quite a few people in society who have the same idea as Professor Meng and others.

Many people do not think that Fang Yi's disclosure of the secret of immortality will be of much help to mankind.

Because they think immortality is unique and special.

It’s not just a bunch of scientific researchers who think this way.

Even some Taoist priests and monks who have never cultivated "True Qi" are wondering.

Therefore, before everyone came, they thought that many people would come to listen to Fang Yi's sermon today, but the vast majority of those who came were religious people, and it was unlikely that there would be many social people.

However, the reality is exactly the opposite.

When Fang Yi went to preside over the sacrificial ceremony.

The entire city where Huangshan is located had traffic jams because of Fang Yi's sermon!

(End of this chapter)

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