I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 320: One unified force and four forces!

Chapter 320 Unify the four forces!
The people at the scene were shocked.

Even people who don’t understand biology are more or less aware of how powerful some stem cells can be in extending life.

What is the biggest obstacle limiting the development of human science and technology?

Although violent attacks, accidents, pathogenic infections, long-term accumulation of damage caused by inhalation of trace amounts of toxic and harmful substances, etc. will still kill humans, some of the erroneous views of old scientists may last longer, but if the natural life span of humans can be greatly extended , you can save a lot of re-learning time, extend a lot of working hours, do more scientific research, and make human progress take a big step forward!

Why is it so difficult for humans to explore the universe?

Part of the reason is that technology is not mature enough.

On the other hand, human life is too short.

Not to mention anything else, in the universe, the distance between stars is often measured in light years. Even a distance of one light year is an unattainable dream for human beings. After all, except for Fang Yi’s sprayed space battleship on the earth, In addition, the fastest one is Juno. Under the influence of Jupiter's gravity, the fastest speed is more than 70 kilometers per second.

In other words, even if Juno flies at extreme speed, it will take nearly 4000 two hundred years to cross one light-year.

How is it possible for humans to live that long?

Even if technology becomes more advanced and the speed of a spacecraft can reach ten, twenty or even a hundred times that of Juno, the pitifully short lifespan of human beings will not be enough to support long-distance space navigation.

But it's different now!

Master Fang eloquently told the world that as long as he was willing, he could make human life span hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years!
Once humans have such a long lifespan, technology will surely advance by leaps and bounds. By then, won’t a spaceship that is a hundred times larger than Juno be built?
The answer is not necessarily.

Once created, humans will have a lifespan of hundreds or thousands of years, which will be enough to support ultra-long-distance space navigation of one or two light years, and can explore more unknowns, thus forming a virtuous cycle and making science and technology more advanced again!
This is why Fang Yi only mentioned the possibility of "immortality" today, but it shocked everyone.

Because everyone knows that longevity is more than just longevity, it is closely related to human development!

More importantly, stem cells can not only help humans extend their lifespan.

The most powerful totipotent stem cells, which can even grow into a complete individual.

What does this mean?
It means that if humans can control stem cells, there is still hope to regenerate amputated limbs!

In short, healthcare will also get a huge boost.

Lu Tingsong and Huang Yunshan looked at each other, and they both saw an inexplicable meaning in their eyes. They were thinking differently from others. They just considered the topic of immortality, and they considered the possibility of the human race growing and becoming the overlord of the universe!
Of course, this plan will take hundreds or even thousands of years, but at least there is hope, instead of being "trapped" within the solar system as it is now.


The place was silent.

There were clearly over 20 to [-] people, but no one made a sound.

The millions of viewers in front of the live broadcast room had almost the same reaction.

Their silence does not mean they are speechless, on the contrary, it means they are shocked.

a long time.

No one said a word for a long time.

Finally, Professor Meng, who had always believed that Huangshan Daojun Palace released the "secret of immortality" to attract people to come to listen to Fang Yi's sermons, couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said in admiration, "Master Fang is very important to us humans. , may be the existence second only to the Creator.”

A group of biologists gathered around him all agreed. Of course, they understood that Professor Meng's words did not mean that Fang Yi had great supernatural powers and boundless power, second only to the Creator, but that he was talking about Fang Zhenren's benevolence to mankind. Perhaps second only to the Creator.

Many of these biologists had the same idea as Professor Meng at first. However, at this moment, each of them sincerely admired the other Yi.

The same is true for the remaining 20 or [-] people.

Especially Li Shiyuan, a young man, looked with shocked eyes at the alchemy master Fang Zhenren who was standing not far away and was teaching himself. Only then did he realize that Fang Zhenren was not only the highest in cultivation, but also possessed extremely profound knowledge. , worthy of the name of great master!
Yes, almost everyone at the scene worshiped Fang Yi.

On the contrary, people who are familiar with Fang Yi, such as Chen Jin, Boss Wei, Chu Qing, Li Sisi, Xu Xiaoli, Zhang Tianshi and Zen Master Jiecheng, are not so shocked. They have long known that Fang Yi is the real person who has achieved enlightenment. Immortal.

What is real?

A real person can grasp heaven and earth and know yin and yang!
Naturally, Master Fang has the ability to make everyone live forever, which is not that shocking to those of them who know his magical power.

Even though there were a lot of people present, Fang Yi now had a great mastery of soul and received all the inner thoughts of everyone in an instant.

He did not show any complacency, and there was no emotion in his heart.

When one reaches Fang Yi's level of cultivation, his emotions will fluctuate only when he improves his level and acquires powerful and magical powers. At other times, his mind is as solid as iron.

Of course, there is a more important reason. Fang Yi came today to "open the forum" to promote Taoist culture. The so-called topic of longevity is just a small part of Taoist culture.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi didn't care whether everyone was shocked or not, and casually made a little joke to bring the topic to the point, "Many people may have thought that the information about the secret of immortality released by Huangshan Daojun Palace was a gimmick before coming here. In order to attract more people." Many people came to hear me preach.”

Many people want to say "dare not" right now.

As a result, before they could say anything, Fang Yi joked, "Actually, I want to tell you that your guess is right. I really want to use immortality as a gimmick to get everyone to listen to my sermon. I am a marketing person." It was well done, and it really attracted 21 people."

Everyone was startled at first, and then they all burst into laughter.


"I didn't expect Master Fang to be quite humorous."

"Is such shocking information a gimmick? The most important thing is that it proves it. Even if I beat myself to death, I wouldn't believe it!"

"Pfft, Master Fang is teasing us, please don't take it seriously."

Even the mature Master Juncai, Master Guojue, Taoist Master Xu of the Qiu Zulong Sect, and others were laughing so hard, not to mention that most of the people present were young, and they were all amused by Fang Yi's "self-defeating".

"Be quiet."

Fang Yi pressed his hands.

Everyone gradually stopped laughing.

Fang Yi then said seriously: "To be honest, what I just said was really not a joke. The topic of immortality is just a topic that I want to talk about in my lecture this time."


"Master Fang is still joking."

"Pfft, even though I told this joke twice, I still find it funny."

Everyone was overjoyed again.

Just when everyone thought Fang Yi was joking.

Suddenly, Fang Yi clapped his hands lightly.

A miraculous scene happened spontaneously!

Everyone only saw ripples flashing before their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the environment, which was brightly lit by the scorching sun, suddenly became extremely dark, so dark that it was almost impossible to see even one's fingers.

Chen Xiaoqing was startled.

Zhang Tianshi was also puzzled for a while.A group of physicists next to Yang Zhong were also stunned.

Of course they knew that the sudden darkening of the environment was related to Zhenren Fang.

But everyone didn’t know what it meant when Fang Zhenren was joking and suddenly “turned off the lights”.

The next moment, they knew.

Master Fang's voice rang in everyone's ears, "The Taoist scripture that I will preach today is Laozi, which is also known as the Tao Te Ching."

No one saw Fang Yi, but people from both Buddhist and Taoist circles immediately became serious.

The same is true for the remaining 20 to [-] people.

Only then did they realize that what Mr. Fang just said might not really be a joke, and that "immortality" might really be just an incitement.

This made many people curious.

Such a shocking topic as immortality is just an introduction, so how grand is the sermon that Master Fang wants to preach?

Master Fang's voice sounded again, "The Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao... It is called the mother of all things. Therefore, it is always non-existent, and I want to see its wonders... Mysteries are mysterious, and they are the door to all mysteries."

This is Chapter 1 of "Laozi".

Not to mention Taoist priests, basically anyone who has gone to school knows something about it and can roughly understand its meaning.

this is nothing.

What's interesting is that when Fang Yi finished speaking, the scene in front of him changed again.

The "darkness" in front of my eyes disappeared.

Yes, the darkness is gone!
Everyone at the scene seemed to have lost all functions such as "vision" and "hearing", and could not feel their own existence.

It's as if, except for thinking, everything else has become nothingness.

Zhang Tianshi frowned and thought to himself: "Is this the so-called Tao?"

Haven't thought about it yet.

Fang Yi's voice sounded again, "The immortality of the Grain God is called Xuan Ni. The gate of Xuan Ni is called the root of heaven and earth. If it exists, it will not be used diligently."

Jumped from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6.

Daochang Li was quite confused and didn't understand why the jump was so big.

But the scenery in front of him changed again, leaving Daochang Li unable to think too much.

Everyone saw that in the "emptiness", endless "light points" suddenly appeared in the vast desert. These light points showed different colors, and they were close before their eyes but seemed to be far away in the horizon, floating above the nothingness.

Fang Yi's voice came up again, "If you can't see it, it's called Yi; if you can't hear it, it's called Xi; if you can't fight it, it's called Wei... Being able to know the beginning of the past is called Taoism."

Those light spots suddenly gathered into a group.

Although this group is composed of countless light points, it feels as big as the universe and as small as particles, and people can see it but seem invisible, which gives people a very magical feeling.

Many people don't understand what the purpose of Master Fang's display is.

Well, it’s not that everyone doesn’t understand. At least top Taoist “scholars” such as Zhang Tianshi, Taoist Master Qiu, and Taoist Li in the two places can vaguely understand it, but it is only very real.

Just when everyone was confused.

Here comes the truly shocking one!
Fang Yi read slowly: "Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. All things bear yin and hold yang, and the energy is in harmony..."


The extremely large and extremely small "light group" instantly "exploded"!
Countless particles were thrown away from it!
The endless high temperature is raging!
All kinds of high-energy radiation are visible to the naked eye!

Big bang singularity?
It turned out to be the Big Bang Singularity?

Yang Zhong never thought that Fang Yi's real sermon would be to let people see how the universe was born. He suddenly got goosebumps with excitement.

The same was true for the remaining physicists at the scene, who were all stunned and stunned.

The Big Bang theory has always been a conjecture and has not been truly confirmed, so humans have no idea whether this theory is correct.

In other words, even if it is correct, it is impossible for people to observe the process of the singularity big bang evolving the universe. After all, humans have not even explored the solar system, let alone seen the other universe from the singularity big explosion into the universe.

That's why Yang Zhong and those physicists were so shocked.

Others reacted slightly better, but their hearts were shaken by what they saw.

Only Tianshi Zhang and Taoist Li who had listened to Fang Yi's sermons were puzzled, because this time Fang Yi showed that "Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives rise to three, and three gives rise to all things" is completely different from before.

But their doubts were just born.

Fang Yi's voice sounded again, "The formation of the universe is not just the big bang, but our universe is formed by the singularity big bang. According to what I learned from exploring the mother ocean of the universe, there are many other ways to form the universe. For example, there are hundreds of billions, trillions or even immeasurable possibilities such as the theory of the creation of heaven in mythology, the death of a certain "giant" and the evolution of the universe, the natural evolution of world rules, etc. If you are interested, I will explain them one by one later. Using magical powers to simulate, now I will only talk about the "Tao" of our universe, which is the process of a singularity explosion forming the universe and the evolution of all things. It may involve a lot of Taoist knowledge and physical knowledge. If you don't know much about these two kinds of knowledge, Maybe you won’t understand, but I will try my best to make it clear to you.”



"Are there hundreds of billions or trillions of possibilities for the birth of the universe?"

"The Singularity Explosion is just one of them?"

"The formation of our universe was confirmed by Zhenren Fang to be the result of the singularity big bang?"

A group of people were so surprised that they made a loud noise.

Even the top physicist Yang Zhong was shocked and lost his voice: "Is our universe really formed by the singularity big bang?"

Fang Yi ignored those voices and just told everyone solemnly, "Please watch every scene of my simulation of the birth of the universe. I will not only confirm the singularity and the Big Bang, but also unify the biggest problems that plague human physics." Force to solve it, um, or in other words, as long as I can make you understand how to unify the four forces, you can know the origin of the universe, so listen carefully, because you may be careless in the blink of an eye, and you will not understand everything that follows."

"real or fake?"

"I'll go for it!"

Everyone became commotion!
Especially Yang Zhong and a group of physicists, their faces were even more shocked!They never thought that Fang Yi would not only prove the Big Bang to explain the "Tao", but also prove the existence of gravitons and help human physics "unify the four forces"?
Let’s not talk about proving the Big Bang Theory of Singularity. Just talk about the concept of unifying the four forces. Everyone knows it!
This means that humans have found the rules of the universe!

This means that humans can use the rules of the universe to do things that can only be done in fantasy.

Even Professor Lin, who didn't know much about physics, looked moved.

Professor Meng suddenly raised his head and looked at it with dumbfounded eyes.

He even had a feeling that he had heard wrongly, and even picked his ears, as if to make sure he heard correctly!
 The next chapter is the concluding chapter of this plot. It is not easy to write, and there is a lot of information to look up. Let me think about how to write it more excitingly. Today, this chapter will be more than 4000 words long.

(End of this chapter)

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