I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 337 The life of three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity passes

Chapter 337: Three Stars of Fortune, Life, and Longevity + Passage of Life (Two in One)

Look up at the sacred mountain.

I saw a huge palace suspended above.

With Fang Yi's level of cultivation, he could naturally see what this palace looked like at a glance.

As we all know, one inconceivable is equal to ten to the power of 56 billion.

The palace in front of me is incredibly large. It is mainly composed of three shrines as the main building, surrounded by halls, pavilions, and pavilions.

The palace faces south, with double eaves and octagonal eaves, and the pavilion is surrounded by red verandahs.

There are also several stone tablets engraved around it. On these stone tablets are written the words "blue sea and refreshing breeze", "sea is calm", "the mirror of the world is clear" and so on.

The most spectacular thing is that there are ten strange stones in front of the hall. These strange stones show "sunrise fusang", "late tide crescent moon", "thousands of dendrobium broken jade", "thousands of miles of clear waves", "immortal pavilion volleying in the sky", " Scenes like "the city appears on the sacred mountain", "smoke and clouds in the lion's cave", "singing fishing in the fishing beams", "golden waves in the copper well" and "moisture dripping from the sky" are like mirages.

Although it feels like a mirage, Fang Yi can feel that the sight of these strange rocks is not ordinary, and it is very likely to be a world of its own.

The temple is high in the sky, perched high on the top of the red cliff, with steep cliffs below it, hanging upside down on the blue waves. Occasionally, sea fog drifts in, wrapping around the mountainside layer by layer, with painted pillars and carved beams, as if they are ready to fly away in the wind.

Worthy of Penglai Wonderland!

Fang Yi felt relaxed and happy watching it.

Suddenly, Zhulong's face turned solemn, "They are coming!"

Fang Yi naturally understood who Zhulong was referring to by "them", and he must be referring to the three stars of happiness, wealth and longevity.

He quickly stopped admiring the scenery, and his spiritual power gradually accumulated.

Sure enough, in the next second, three rays of light rose up in the temple.

In the middle is a red light.

There are two rays of light on the left and right, orange and green respectively.

And among these three rays of light, three huge figures rose up.

Fang Yi looked anxiously and saw the kind and kind divine face in the middle, with a smile on his face and a big red bag in his hand. He didn't know what kind of happiness, good fortune and good luck was contained in it.

The one on the left is wearing a gorgeous official uniform and holding a golden sword. His face is solemn and majestic, giving people a sense of dignity and nobility.

On the right is an old man with no hair but a gray beard, holding a cane in one hand and holding a fairy peach in the other, with a kind face.

These three sacred figures are the legendary Three Stars of Fortune, Luxury and Longevity!

Although the three saints made people feel very comfortable, Fang Yi felt infinite pressure from these three people.

It was clear that he was in a spiritual state at this moment, but he felt like he was being out of breath.

This feeling was something he had never experienced even when he faced the Nine Heavens Xuannv Empress when he was still relatively weak!

"What a terrible power!"

Fang Yi's eyes became serious.

The same goes for Zhulong, "Every one of them is stronger than me!"

Fang Yi knew that a fierce battle was coming.

Therefore, before the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxu and Shou could launch their offensive, he waved the Immortal Gathering Flag in his hand.

The lotus blossoms rose up instantly, protecting him within them.

Just as he was getting ready, the crutch in the birthday girl's hand shook slightly.

The next moment, a terrifying scene unfolded!

Fang Yi only saw a wisp of fresh air rising from the cane.

This wisp of fresh air spread out as soon as it emerged.

It was earth-shatteringly different from the sacred magic that I had encountered before.

As soon as this wisp of fresh air spread out, it turned into a huge vortex like the solar system.

And the whirlpool is filled with endless thoughts.

These thoughts were all wrapped up in Qingguang, like an ancient general wearing armor.

In just the blink of an eye, the thoughts wrapped in clear light changed in vain, turning into figures sitting upright with beautiful hopes in their hearts.

These figures stood still and muttered words.

Unknown script-like symbols appeared in the fairyland.

The scriptures fluctuated, and the clear light in the entire space was like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, all rolling towards Fang Yi and Zhulong.

Fang Yigang wanted to mobilize Dafa to resist.

Suddenly, the entire space shattered and collapsed like a mirror.

Cracks capable of shattering everything cut through space on all sides!

Immediately, Fang Yi felt that this power ignored the protection of the Juxian Flag and pulled his soul directly into one of the cracks.

Consciousness also became blurred instantly.

Before his consciousness completely blurred, Zhulong shouted in his ears, "Follow your heart!"

Then, Fang Yi took one last look and saw the candle dragon transforming into tens of millions of feet in size and rushing towards the three stars of Fortune, Luxu and Shou.


Woke up in a daze.

Fang Yi felt like his whole body was exhausted.

The crow of the rooster downstairs still rings in my ears.

Very noisy.

Fang Yi struggled to get up, feeling that his head was not clear.

"I seemed to have some success in practicing "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy Technique" last night, and then suddenly I fainted?"

He recalled carefully that he seemed to have practiced the legendary "True Qi" last night.

Just as Fang Yi was a little confused.

Suddenly there was a noise downstairs.

He got up and went to the balcony in confusion.

Suddenly I saw my mother pushing an electric car parked on the field.

Fang Yi asked: "Mom, why are you going?"

"The old Miao is dead, I'll help." The mother pointed to the kitchen and said, "The meals are all in the cupboard, you can get them to eat by yourself, and you and your dad heated up the dishes to eat at night, I won't come back I ate."

Lao Miao passed away?
Fang Yi never expected that the only village guard in the village, the temple minister of the Red Pine and Wong Tai Sin Temple next to the Grand Canal in the south, would pass away.

Although he didn't have much contact with the other party, Lao Miao was always an acquaintance that he had seen since childhood.

Now that he heard that the other party had passed away, it inevitably made him a little sad.


Why does all this feel so familiar to me?
Fang Yi was a little confused and felt like he had experienced it before.

But unfortunately, he couldn't remember that he had experienced these things at all.

Yes, Fang Yi didn't realize at all that he was involved in a world somewhat similar to "distorted facts" by the birthday boy.

In this world, he has not received the "initiation", but has just cultivated his true energy.

Precisely because there was no "initiation", he naturally did not master the golden elixir, let alone obtain the function of a god.

None of this is critical.

The most critical thing is that if Fang Yi cannot break free from the birthday boy's "life passing" magical power, then he will age step by step until death comes, and then he will really die.

The magical power of the longevity star ignores all cause and effect, and even "Li Dai Tao Zhan" is useless.

Once Fang Yi dies in the world of "life passing", the soul will also dissipate.

Fang Yi did not realize the danger.

He was still immersed in the joy of cultivating "True Qi".

"In Taoist legends, true Qi can make people live forever. Now that I have practiced True Qi, I dare not say that I will live for one or two hundred years. As long as I maintain my health and practice Qigong, there should be no problem in living for 80 years."

He returned to the bedroom and took out the manuscript of "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy" and read it carefully, wanting to see how far he was from subduing the elixir.

Obviously there is no record in the manuscript of how much energy is required to lower the elixir.

Looking at Fang Yi, he didn't know why he couldn't help but sigh: "The energy required to lower the elixir is too majestic. Judging from the amount of true energy I have developed at this stage, I am afraid that I will not be able to save enough in a hundred lifetimes, unless there is some chance encounter." .”

Why do I know that a hundred lifetimes will not be enough?

Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback.

But then he was occupied by other thoughts, "Yes, adventure."

Fang Yi blinked his eyes.

He secretly wondered whether he could find the paradise recorded in mythology.

Then see if you can get some adventure to help you lower your elixir?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help himself.

I picked up my phone and checked the balance of my bank card.

There is still more than 500 yuan in the bank card.

"If you use it sparingly, it should be enough for yourself."

Fang Yi secretly made up his mind to go out for a walk tomorrow.

But before that, he felt that he should get familiar with the use of Zhen Qi.

Thinking about it, Fang Yi tried to mobilize Zhenqi.

But no matter how he used it, his true energy remained in his dantian.


Why can't it be used?

Fang Yi sat there and pondered for a long time, but still couldn't think of a way.

"Try to see if the state of practice can mobilize the power of the golden core."

Fang Yi really had no choice but to hold back his distracting thoughts and let himself enter the state of cultivation.

He recalled the content of the exercises: the sky is the real water, stored in the gallbladder, the yin and yang merge, and descend into a pill, shaped like a dewdrop, the mountains and rivers and the universe penetrate the spiritual body... The majestic energy fills the universe, and the bitter smoke curls up the ring tower... …

Fang Yi, who was immersed in the state of cultivation, felt a very weak heat swimming in his body.

"As expected, this heat is me mobilizing the true energy in my Dantian."

Fang Yi tried to gather this power into his palm, and then observed carefully and found that there was nothing strange about his hand.

But he could feel the powerful force in his palm, as if he could open mountains and crack rocks.

Not sure if it feels right.

Find something to experiment with.

Fang Yi looked left and right in the room.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the computer table not far away.

He stood up and walked to the computer desk, raised his hand and struck hard at the corner of the computer desk.



A scream resounded in the house!
Fang Yi looked at his swollen palms and felt like crying.

"Damn it, it's of no use at all. My hands are swollen."

He was really speechless about Zhen Qi.

How about splitting the mountain and cracking rocks with one palm like in the myths and legends?

Fang Yi was a little shaken.

However, the next moment, he suddenly noticed that the place on the computer table where he had chopped it seemed to show a little scorch mark.

"Huh? Is it my imagination?"

Fang Yi observed carefully for a while, but was still not sure whether it was an illusion.

He decided to try again.

Before trying it, Fang Yi also took photos with his mobile phone at the place where he was going to test for comparison.

Maybe it's because I used Zhenqi just once.This time, it was very difficult for Fang Yi to mobilize his true energy. It was as if he had no strength and could not mobilize it.

And there was hunger in my stomach.

It's just that he has a stubborn personality, but in the end he managed to condense a trace of his true energy into the palm of his hand.

Aim at the computer desk and strike again.



Another scream echoed in the room!

Fang Yi's right hand struck hard twice, and it was swollen like a steamed bun.

"Fuck, does it really hurt?"

He was about to burst into tears, but he still endured the pain and took out his mobile phone to carefully compare the area where the computer desk had just been hacked.

In the picture just taken, there is no trace on the computer table at all.

However, a very faint scorch mark is now visible on the computer table.

Fang Yi suddenly became excited, "The alchemy energy really works!"

But why is the lethality limited?
In other words, very weak.

He thought about it carefully and understood why, "It should be that my true energy is too little. If I could possess a huge amount of true energy, I might be able to burst out with earth-shattering power. It would even be possible to move mountains and seas, and call for wind and rain."

This thought made Fang Yi even more determined to find the fairy trail to see if he could get any adventure.

In the real world, he reached the sky in one step and directly cultivated the golden elixir. He never started from the basics, so naturally he couldn't understand how to use the true energy bit by bit.

Although my horizons later became higher and I was able to guide others in their use and even teach others how to practice their true energy, I still never experienced it personally and could not understand the sense of upgrading step by step from nothing to something in cultivation.

This time he was involved in the longevity star's "life passing" magical power, and Fang Yi realized it.

If he can cultivate the golden elixir in this "real world" and then return to reality, then his cultivation will definitely increase significantly, and his use of power will also reach a higher level.

It's a pity that Fang Yi still doesn't know that he is in a world created by the magical power of "life passing".

He couldn't help but be happy because he discovered the wonderful use of his true energy.

Perhaps it was because using Zhenqi twice in a row made my body feel a little empty.

Fang Yi was a little sleepy, so he fell into a drowsy sleep.

One hour.

Five hours.

I don't know how long I slept.

Fang Yi woke up groggy.

He felt extremely weak, as if he had been hungry for three days and three nights.

"How many hours did I sleep?"

He looked out the window at the gray sky, not knowing whether it was evening or early morning, so he picked up his phone to check the time.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you're shocked.

He actually slept for seventeen or eighteen hours.

It was already the next morning.

I am so hungry.

Fang Yi quickly got up and went downstairs to find something to eat.

When I came to the kitchen, my mother was serving porridge.

When she saw her son, she immediately asked with concern, "Xiaoyi, are you feeling unwell? I couldn't wake up from screaming last night."

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but be startled again.

Because this scene gave him a very similar feeling to yesterday when his mother said that Lao Miao had passed away, and he always felt as if he had experienced it before.

Fang Yi couldn't figure out why he felt like this one after another for a while, but he still responded casually: "Maybe I got up too early yesterday and was a little tired, so I slept a little longer."

"Well, let's have breakfast." His mother brought a bowl of porridge and handed it to him.

Fang Yi called his father, and the family of three had breakfast.

Parents each drank a bowl of porridge.

Most of the porridge in the iron pot was left, and he drank it all by himself.

Fang Yi felt better now.

Parents also saw some clues.

"Xiaoyi, is there something wrong with your health?" Father asked with concern.

Mother's eyes were also very worried, "Yeah, eating so much all at once?"

Fang Yi probably acted like this because he consumed too much Zhen Qi. He didn't want his parents to worry, so he said nonsense: "Maybe the food I ate at work a while ago was not very nutritious and I couldn't keep up, so I ate more when I went home."

"Oh, that's it, then I'll be relieved." Father smiled, "Can't you keep up with nutrition?"

As he said that, he looked to the side, "Hey, Cheng Lin, where did you put the ginseng my nephew gave me? Take it out and slice it for Xiaoyi to make soup."

"It's hidden in your closet." Mother pointed to the bedroom on the first floor.


Fang Yi suddenly remembered that it was introduced in "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy Jue" that after each practice, drink ginseng soup, and then go to sleep.

He didn't take this introduction too seriously before.

Hearing the conversation between his parents today, he thought about it secretly.

Ginseng is a great tonic.

Is it possible to replenish a lot of energy after eating by yourself?
Why does this scene feel so familiar to me?
Fang Yi was puzzled.

He thought about it for a long time but didn't understand it, so he simply didn't think about it again.

Wait until the parents go to work.

Fang Yi went to the east bedroom on the first floor and took out the ginseng from the closet.

It's the kind of ginseng in a hardcover box.

The packaging looks expensive.

Fang Yi opened it and took out one

He had an instinctive urge to take a bite directly.

But Fang Yi didn't do that in the end. Instead, he went back to the kitchen and cut a piece with a knife, then soaked it in hot water and waited until it was warm before picking it up and drinking it in one gulp.

I didn't feel anything at first.

But not long after, he felt a heat rising in his belly, slowly gathering in his Dantian.

This feeling is very similar to when practicing Qigong.

Fang Yi quickly sat down cross-legged to do his exercises.

About an hour later.

He opened his eyes in surprise, "Ginseng actually helps with cultivation?"

Fang Yi's eyes flickered, "It seems I have to find a way to make more money to buy good ginseng."

Not in a hurry.

Eat all the ginseng at home first and then go make money.


the next day.

Fang Yi practices diligently every day.

one day.

Three days.

Ten days.

Gradually a month passed.

He also ran out of ginseng at home because he cut it into slices and made tea after every practice.

The results of this month's practice have been remarkable.

Fang Yi felt that his true energy had reached a new peak.

Unlike the real world, the world created by the birthday boy using his "life passing" magical power does not seem to be bound by "shackles" rules.

Or maybe the "shackles" rule doesn't seem to work for Fang Yi in this world.

Anyway, Fang Yi felt that he had accumulated a lot of true energy.

Get ready to go out in search of adventure tomorrow.

Today, Fang Yi is ready to test his cultivation level.

As before, he sat in front of the computer desk, using his skills to gather his true energy in his palms, then raised his hand and slashed hard towards the corner of the computer desk.

A corner of the computer desk split open and fell to the floor!

Although Fang Yi felt a lot of exertion, there was no pain in his palm this time, as if his true energy protected his hand.

What frightened him the most was that the palm strike just now made Fang Yi feel that it would have the same effect if he faced fine steel.

Fang Yi first used his kung fu to recover his true energy, then squatted down and picked up the corner wood of the computer desk that had been chopped off the ground and examined it.

I found that it was neatly cut and there was burnt carbon ash on it.

It was as if the wooden board had not only been cut by an extremely sharp "knife", but had also been ravaged by endless high temperatures.

"Hiss, this is too scary, isn't it okay if I slash someone with a knife?"

At this moment, Fang Yi finally understood why ancient monks had so many earth-shattering legends passed down.

I only have accumulated such power for a month.

If the golden elixir is cultivated, how powerful can it be?
He really couldn't imagine it.

Although he could not imagine the power of the golden elixir, Fang Yi had a deep understanding of cultivation through hard work and accumulation bit by bit over the past month.


On the other side, in the Penglai Wonderland Divine Realm.

The candle dragon incarnates into a size of tens of millions of feet. When you open your eyes, it becomes day, and when you close your eyes, it becomes night. With every breath, it generates strong winds like hundreds of hurricanes.

However, even with such a fierce offensive, he still could not shake the divine light of the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxu and Shou.

Zhulong was secretly worried, his eyes penetrated a dimension, and he saw Fang Yi immersed in the joy of cultivating a small amount of true energy in the world of "life is passing".

My dear, please wake up quickly!
Zhulong was anxious inside.

But he understood one more thing.

It would be the best time if Fang Yi could reach the stage of cultivating the golden elixir in the world created by "life passing", and then wake up and break through the dimension.

Because the world created by "the passage of life" is not an "illusory world", but a relatively real world.

Any cultivation and insights Fang Yi gained inside will be brought back to the real world when he wakes up.

Therefore, once Fang Yi is able to cultivate the golden elixir in the world created by "life passing", his strength, cultivation, and perception will all increase tremendously after awakening.

The most important thing is that there is a huge gap between the time flow in the world created by "life flow" and the real world.

One second in the real world may be equal to one year in the dimensional space.

Zhulong felt that as long as he could hold on until Fang Yi woke up, then by combining Fang Yi's strength cultivated from the dimension with the real world, the possibility of defeating the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxu and Shou would be greatly increased.

On the contrary, if Fang Yi cannot break free and regain his sanity, he will most likely be lost in that real and illusory world forever, until the end of his life.

This is a huge challenge for Fang Yi, because he may die in that world.

At the same time, it is another excellent opportunity for Fang Yi. As long as he can wake up, he will be fully strengthened.

This thought flashed through Zhulong's mind.

He didn't have time to think about that now.

Zhulong knew that he had to support Fang Yi until he woke up under the siege of the Three Stars of Fortune, Luxu and Shou.

 Today is a two-in-one chapter. It is difficult to separate these two chapters, so I put them together.

(End of this chapter)

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