I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 339 Real people have no dreams

Chapter 339 Real people have no dreams
Among the black clouds, the sharp voice of the old demon macaque king came out.

Immediately, billowing black clouds spread in all directions, and blazing flames ignited inexplicably.

Surrounded by the black clouds of flying flames, a tall macaque wearing a golden crown and silver fur, wearing golden armor, seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He extended his paw and pointed, and the flames from the sky poured down like a sea of ​​fire, rolling down.

This shocking sea of ​​fire was like a large iron pot turned upside down, covering the huge Temple of Heaven Peak from top to bottom.

The surroundings suddenly burst into flames, and there was no other light. The heat was steaming, and the flowers, plants and trees on the mountain were burned instantly. The river in the distance was boiling. All the fish, shrimps, crabs and turtles turned white and turned upside down on the water.

When the Macaque King came up, he used his magic method to mobilize the true fire of Samadhi to cover the Temple of Heaven Peak.

Seeing the old demon flying thousands of miles from the west, Zhang Tianshi used the demon magic without giving him any time to breathe, mobilizing the true fire of Samadhi, trying to burn the entire Tiantan Peak together with him, Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng and Master Juncai. Ashes, with his ruthless methods, is worthy of the great sage of the demon clan.

"Macaque King, you are usually fierce and domineering in foreign countries, but you actually come to the blessed land of Wangwu Cave in the Central Plains to run wild? You really don't take the world of Buddhism and Taoism seriously!"

Master Juncai sensed that the surrounding heat was unbearable, and the rocks on the mountain were faintly melting into magma. He suddenly became furious, flicking the rosary beads in his hand, and suspended them above his head.

A huge river of water rushed out from the rosary, trying to extinguish the flames. At the same time, the Buddha's light above Master Juncai's head rippled, and a golden body of six feet appeared.

This gold statue is one foot six feet tall, is of true golden color, has four heads and twelve arms, and was transformed by Master Juncai using relics.

I saw Master Juncai's golden vajra hammering, and a bolt of Buddha's light was like lightning, roaring through the air, turning into a huge Skanda statue and smashing forward.

Although the statue of Wei Tuo was only a phantom, the power it erupted was terrifying, causing the situation to change color in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the Macaque King was not afraid, and he did not see any movement. The black cloud turned, and suddenly a silver light rushed out from it, and instantly bombarded Wei Tuo's shadow, bursting out with a strong explosion.

The smoke disappeared, and Skanda was destroyed!

"Even the old monk Huilong of White Horse Temple can't do anything to me, let alone you?" The Macaque King mocked in a sharp voice: "If you become an Arhat, I might still be afraid of you!" As he said, he looked towards He stood next to him and said, "Zhang Daojin, I heard that you have achieved great success in practicing the Dragon and Tiger Pill method, and you dare to help the old immortal Wangwu today. Let me see what magical powers you have!"

When Master Juncai saw that the old macaque demon could not be hurt even if he visualized Skanda, he became furious. The light of the Buddha in his golden body shone brightly and turned into a giant Buddha. There was a wheel of merit behind this giant Buddha.

In an instant, the wheels of merit exploded.

The Buddha's light struck violently in all directions.

The old macaque demon laughed heartily when he saw the Buddha's light exploding. He stretched out his hand and a black air appeared above him.

Once this black energy is revealed, it turns into a black lotus and absorbs all the Buddha's light into it.

Master Juncai seemed to have been hit hard, and his golden body suddenly dissipated. He stumbled back three or four steps, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with horror.

Master Zhang Tianshi saw that the old macaque demon defeated Master Juncai with one move, and knew that the opponent's demon skills were profound and worthy of being the great sage of the demon clan.

Although he was not sure of defeating the Macaque King, as one of the leaders of the Taoist sect, Zhang Tianshi was not afraid at all and said: "Old macaque demon! If you want to fight me, I will fight, so why be afraid!"

After saying this, Zhang Tianshi stood above the door and two air currents, one green and one white, rose up.

Green air goes upwards and white air goes downwards.

Transformed into the appearance of a blue dragon and a white tiger.

The green dragon was hundreds of feet long, with teeth and claws, and roaring roar.

The white tiger has two wings on its back, roars up to the sky, and roars in the mountains and forests!


White Tiger!

Surrounded the Macaque King.

The old macaque demon was so aggressive that Zhang Tianshi naturally did not dare to neglect him. When he came up, he used all his strength to release the two phases of dragon and tiger that he had cultivated with his soul, hoping to compete with the old demon.

This is a top-notch decisive battle. It is almost the strongest fighting force in the world of Buddhism, Taoism and Demon Realm. When they fight, the scene must be very magnificent.

Zhang Tianshi has been passed down for more than 60 generations, and the founder Zhang Daoling is even more powerful. Now that he meets the fierce and domineering old macaque demon, he naturally cannot weaken the reputation of Tianshi Mansion.

Qinglong boiled up in an instant, shook his head as big as a hill, opened his big mouth, and spit out a stream of Yimu Qi. Suddenly, cold light rolled in, the clear shadows swayed, the flames on all sides shrank, and the heat became weak.

The flowers, plants and trees that were originally burned to ashes on the mountain actually grew again under the influence of Yimu's energy!

The old macaque monster Jie Jie smiled strangely, and a huge macaque holding a stick appeared behind him.

This macaque was thousands of feet tall, and the golden stick in his hand shone brightly, and it hit Qinglong fiercely.

Golden light mixed with infinite flames crashed down!

Seeing that the enemy was strong, Qinglong chanted repeatedly, and more Yimu Qi erupted from his mouth, turning into clouds of dense flames that circled and rolled in the air, blocking the golden light of the macaque's shadow.

"This old demon is really powerful!"

Zhang Tianshi was secretly frightened that the Monkey King's demonic power was astonishing. Although he could barely resist it, he had no power to fight back. If he continued like this, he would probably fall on the spot today.

This time, Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng, and the injured Master Juncai no longer dared to hold anything back, and they all unleashed their powerful strength to fight the old demon.

Daochang Li raised the Zhenwudang Demonic Sword and swung a sword light hundreds of feet long.

Master Juncai raised his hands to the sky and shouted: "Seal of the Great Sun Tathagata!"

A large seal composed of Buddha's light appeared in the sky and smashed towards the old demon with a thunderous sound.

Zen Master Jiacheng chanted "Namo Amitabha", and the cassock on his body automatically detached and turned into an infinite size. Thousands of red and gold rays of light shot out from the cassock, bombarding continuously like a laser cannon.

The old macaque monster was one against many, and he was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

His giant macaque dharma image even resisted all attacks.

The five men are the top masters in the world, but the old macaque demon has profound magic skills. After fighting for a long time, the black cloud gradually became lower and lower. It was obvious that the old demon had the upper hand.

Suddenly, there was a loud click.

A strong wind blew, flying sand and rocks.

I saw that half of the cliff of Tiantan Peak broke off, left the mountain, and flew up out of thin air.

The boulder was probably weighing millions of tons. Not only was it floating in the air, it also hit the old demon like lightning and flint.

The momentum is fierce and urgent!
The old demon had amazing magic skills and was extremely strong physically. He was not afraid at all. He hit the boulder with his body, and the boulder broke into pieces, turning into countless rubbles and shooting in all directions.The two golden elixir realm real men and the two Buddhist monks were all hit by the rubble carried by the black cloud flames. Blood spurted out from their mouths and flew backwards, and they screamed in mid-air.

When Master Zhang Tianshi, Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng and Master Juncai saw how powerful the monster was, they knew that they could not fight head-on. They turned into streams of light and fell down, trying to find opportunities to defeat the old monster.

The old macaque demon became more arrogant, "You four, suffer death!"

After saying that, he took the macaque dharma image back into his body, and the golden armor he wore exploded, and the silver hairs all over his body stood up. In a ferocious macaque face, his two eyes glowed green.

An overwhelming murderous aura filled the air.

The world is full of chills!

Everything is quiet, and the old macaque demon is about to show his most terrifying power!
I saw red light surging all over the old demon's body, soaring into the sky, turning into a red beam of light and spreading in all directions. Wherever it went, the mountain peaks were instantly crushed to pieces, the earth was cracked, and the water in the river was swept away. When it reached the mid-air, it mixed with the mud and rocks and turned into hundreds of mud and water tornadoes, like a heavenly snake throwing itself on the ground, trying to destroy everything within the scope of Wangwu Mountain!
Zhang Tianshi looked desperate!
Daochang Li also let out a long sigh.

Zen Master Jiacheng and Master Juncai smiled bitterly.

The four peerless masters knew they were going to be killed today!

They are not afraid of death.

It's just that these four peerless masters felt bitter in their hearts. They came to Wangwushan to help out, but who would have thought that Fang Yi was hiding and not showing up, which made them feel extremely desolate.

The red light is still spreading rapidly.

More than half of Wangwu Mountain has been destroyed!

They were about to bombard Master Zhang Tianshi, Taoist Master Li, Zen Master Jie Cheng and others.

Suddenly, a powerful energy wave rippled.

The black clouds, flames, and red light all turned into little stars and fell when this wave of energy arose.

Immediately afterwards, a long sigh came from nowhere, "I will live forever in Antarctica, prove my magical power."

This voice was obviously very soft.

However, after it was born, it pulled up higher and higher, and was thrown straight into the sky for a long time.

Seeing that the evil spell was broken, the old macaque demon was horrified and hurriedly raised his head to look at the sky.

I saw a flash of golden light in the very high sky, and then a sound like thunder rolling down, as if the sky was falling!
"Longevity in Antarctica, prove my magical power!!!"

"Longevity in Antarctica, prove my magical power!!"

"Antarctic longevity..."

The entire earth seemed to be shaking from the sound.

The old macaque demon was shocked, groaned, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This is not over yet, the sound waves are rolling one after another, surging in all directions, breaking through gold and cracking rocks. Suddenly the whole world changes color, all the floating clouds in the sky are shaken away, and the earth is like a magnitude [-] earthquake. , the momentum was extremely fierce!

"How dare a mere macaque bloom like a grain of rice when it becomes a spirit?"

In the sigh, a saint appeared.

Master Zhang Tian, ​​Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng and Master Juncai looked over hurriedly.

I saw the golden light rising, and there emerged an extraordinary saintly man with a nine-palace white jade crown in his hair, a Bagua green silk robe, Tai Chi Lianyun boots, and a wide robe with two sleeves!
Zhang Tianshi lost his voice and said: "Are you Fang Yi? You actually cultivated the soul?"

Daozhang Li was even more shocked and said: "Which divine reincarnation are you? Are you actually gathering divine light?"

Zen Master Jiacheng and Master Juncai were also stunned. They couldn't believe that there were real people with such cultivation in the world.

In front of him, Fang Yi's body was covered with intense golden light, and a one-foot-long milky-white lifelike Yuanshen appeared. Anyone who was a cultivator would know how advanced his cultivation was, and it was infinitely close to the Yangshen realm!

To become the Yang God is to be a true immortal!
There are tens of thousands of cultivators in the world, and those with the highest level of cultivation are only in the same realm as the four of them, which is the realm of Jindan Zhenren, or the monk realm of Buddhism.

But now!
But now!

The Fang Yi in front of him has cultivated to the realm of Yuanshen and is infinitely close to Yangshen. How can he not shock everyone?
Not to mention these four giants of Buddhism and Taoism, even the arrogant, fierce and domineering old macaque demon showed fear at this moment. He shouted in horror: "Impossible! Impossible! How can you exist in the world? A real person from the Earthly Immortal Realm with this level of cultivation? I don’t believe you are so powerful!”

After saying that, the Macaque King burst out with endless light again and charged towards Fang Yi.

Master Zhang Tian, ​​Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng and Master Juncai were horrified and hurriedly shouted out warnings.

"Master Fang, be careful!"

"That old demon's magic is astonishing!"

But at this moment, Fang Yi was in a daze, suspended in the golden light and motionless.

The four peerless masters were extremely anxious.

The Macaque King was even more happy.

However, the next moment, the light that the Macaque King burst out actually dissipated out of thin air again!
The Macaque King was dumbfounded in horror, "What kind of magic are you doing? What kind of magic did you use?"

He was obviously a goblin, but he was so frightened that Fang Yi used a sorcerer's method. You can imagine how frightened he was!
Four people including Master Zhang Tian and Zen Master Jie Cheng couldn't help but swallow their saliva. They really couldn't believe that Fang Yi in the Yuanshen realm was so terrifying.

Fang Yi suddenly smiled, "I am the master of this world. You are just in my dream. However, real people have no dreams. I have broken through the first level of the fifth turn of "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy", "Wandering the World" "You know what you know when you sleep," so it's time to wake up from this absurd and unruly dream."

After saying this, the Macaque King exploded.

The whole world is also constantly collapsing.

Master Zhang Tianshi, Taoist Li, Zen Master Jiecheng and Master Juncai, as well as the billions of people in this world, all turned from agile to extremely sluggish in an instant, and disappeared as the world collapsed.

The scenery in front of me is also changing rapidly.

Soon the mountains, rivers and universe all cracked open like a mirror, and finally disappeared before Fang Yi's eyes.

The real people of ancient times sleep without dreams, feel without worries, eat without contentment, and breathe deeply.

Fang Yi cultivated the Immortal Golden Elixir in a world created by the magical power of the passage of life, regained his memory, and suddenly broke through the first level of the fifth turn of "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy Technique".

At this time, he has become a true immortal, holding heaven and earth, grasping Yin and Yang, mastering the supreme power, and is one step away from the Yang God!
Although his strength was greatly increased, Fang Yi's face became more solemn when he looked at the broken world, because there was still a fierce battle!
(End of this chapter)

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