I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 349: Attacking Yangshen

Chapter 349: Attacking Yangshen (5)

Thunderclouds and storms filled the sky.

However, people on the island of Java have become accustomed to it.

Some people didn't even take a look and kept on doing what they were supposed to do.

Not to mention that the locals were so indifferent, even the tourists who came here were too lazy to raise their heads and glance at it.

This situation has been going on for almost three months. From being curious and amazed at the beginning, to later learning that Sheng Sheng was "practicing" was a bit surprising. With the thunder and roar every day, everyone gradually became numb.

No matter how amazing things are, anyone will get tired of seeing them every day.

The surprising thing today is that according to past experience, the thunder in the sky will last between half an hour and an hour, but today's thunder ended in 10 minutes.

This can't help but make everyone a little curious.

"Well, why is the time so short?"

"It's a little different than usual."

"Did Master Fang cultivate the legendary Yang God?"

Many people were talking over there.

There were also people sent by various countries to keep an eye on Fang Zhenren's cultivation progress. When they saw this situation, they all couldn't help being shocked. They thought that Fang Zhenren had spent three months cultivating Yang Shen and was about to report to his superiors.

But at this moment, a slight sigh came from the sky: "Alas."

Although the voice was very soft, the people below could hear it clearly, as if the saint in the sky was telling everyone in this way that he had not yet cultivated the Yang Shen.

The golden light in the sky is so strong, has it not become the Yang God yet?

Everyone is getting more and more helpless.


Yes, it has been three months since Fang Yi came to Java Island to temper his soul with the help of thunder.

At the beginning, it was a little difficult to temper the soul with the help of thunder, and it often happened that the soul was "split apart" by the power of thunder.

But as the tempering continued, Fang Yi's soul became more and more solid, and Tianlei's tempering effect on the soul became worse and worse.

Especially at that moment, when the thunder struck Yuanshen, Fang Yi couldn't even feel the ripples.

He knew that the thunder tempering method basically had no effect.

"However, these three months of tempering have greatly increased the power of my soul."

Fang Yi looked at the faint golden light flowing all over his body and felt powerful as never before.

If before he had to rely on golden elixirs, magical powers, and magical weapons to explode with all his strength to destroy asteroids, now he can completely rely on the power of his soul to melt smaller asteroids instantly.

"The power of the Yuan Shen has exceeded that of the Golden Pill, or in other words, the part of the Golden Pill that can use power."

Fang Yi analyzed the growth of his own strength.

The power that the golden elixir can use is only one percent, but it can cause destruction for hundreds of kilometers in radius.

If the broken elixir explodes with all its power, Fang Yi's golden elixir should be able to destroy everything within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers at once. But if he does that, he will also lose the source of power, leaving only his soul.

The diameter of the earth is only 1 kilometers.

In other words, if Fang Yi desperately breaks out the broken pill, it is possible to destroy the earth.

"The earth immortal has the ability to destroy stars regardless of life and death. If he can really cultivate into the Yang God and become a god, how powerful can he explode?"

Fang Yi was full of anticipation.

Looking at the thunderclouds in the sky, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Although the cultivation speed of tempering the Yuanshen with the help of Tianlei is indeed very fast, the power of Tianlei is always too weak to help the Yuanshen become Yangshen.

"But it's not like I gained nothing except strength."

After three months of tempering by the Heavenly Thunder, Fang Yi understood a hint of the laws of destruction and creation.

Now he can easily summon thunder, and the power of the thunder he summons is not comparable to before.

Summoning the terrifying thunder is just one of the insights.

That is the power of destruction.

Fang Yi also realized the "way of life".

Using powerful power to destroy one thing, he can create another related thing.

For example, he can now turn the legendary mercury into gold.

"It's just that the energy required to turn mercury into gold is too huge. If we use money to describe it, I would have to invest about 1000 million to get more than a pound of gold. This energy consumption ratio is probably thirty to one."

Fang Yi knows that so many gains outweigh the losses, but having this ability and not having this ability are completely two different things.

Without this ability, you can only do it with the help of supernatural powers. It is just like trying to open a mountain with bare hands. It is an unrealistic thing. You can only use blasting and machinery. That is not your power. It is still "ordinary" in nature. .

It's different if you have this ability. You can completely climb mountains with your bare hands, which is truly extraordinary.

Because you yourself are the rule!
"Before I can cultivate Yang Shen, I already have a little power of rules. If I cultivate Yang Shen, I'm afraid I will have more rules."

Fang Yi is eager to cultivate Yang Shen quickly.

His eyes became firm and he no longer relied solely on Thunder.

It's time to go to space and temper with the power of stars!

"It's just that my soul is still relatively weak now. I can't use too big a star to temper my soul. Otherwise, I will be destroyed by powerful force before I can enter the star."

Fang Yi knew that he needed to find a star with relatively small mass and reaction.

He floated among the clouds, constantly communicating with his incarnations to see if those incarnations had found stars suitable for tempering the soul.

They communicated for a while.It's a pity that I didn't find the right one.

Fang Yi knew what kind of star he wanted. It couldn't be a normal yellow dwarf or red dwarf, let alone a red giant or blue giant with more violent energy fluctuations.

"Preferably stars like brown dwarfs and white dwarfs."

Fang Yi was thinking in his head.

Brown dwarfs, also known as brown dwarfs, are generally called brown dwarfs. They are celestial bodies between giant planets and stars, commonly known as "failed stars."The mass of a brown dwarf is between thirteen and eighty times that of Jupiter, that is, it is greater than thirteen times the mass of Jupiter and less than [-] times the mass of the sun. However, only greater than [-] times the mass of the sun can ignite hydrogen fusion. The gravity of the dwarf star is not enough to cause nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms.

However, brown dwarfs can generate light and heat through the conversion of gravitational potential energy, and can also trigger simple element fusion, which is the same principle as the hydrogen bomb made by humans, but the energy is extremely low.

This kind of star is one of the best objects for Fang Yi to temper his soul at this stage.

Another type of white dwarf is the remnant core of a star like the sun. Only with a mass greater than [-] times the sun can it enter the main sequence stage and eventually have the ability to collapse into a white dwarf.

White dwarfs are the stellar cores left behind after the death of a star of small or medium mass that has run out of "fuel". Because of its high temperature, it is called a white dwarf.

White dwarfs are also more suitable for Fang Yi's goal of tempering his soul, but they are not as suitable as brown dwarfs because white dwarfs are relatively hot.

Of course, temperature is only part of the story.

The main thing Fang Yi needs to rely on is the energy tempering produced during fusion.

"Looks like I have to go find a brown dwarf in the universe myself."

He slowly raised his head and looked at the universe. The vast and deserted universe was filled with countless stars, but it was not always easy to find a brown dwarf.

But Fang Yi knew that he didn’t need to look for it himself.

Humanity has been exploring the universe for countless years. With the development of science and technology, more stars have been explored.

He can completely find it from the information discovered by humans.

Fang Yi did not go to find anyone, but used his magical senses to cover the entire earth, constantly searching for star information in various countries' aerospace secrets.

one second.

three seconds.

Suddenly, Fang Yi was slightly happy, "Found it!"

He searched for information about a brown dwarf star.

This information comes from Chile.

The document shows that Chile used an astronomical telescope to capture a new star earlier. Since it is stuck on the defined boundary line, it can be understood as a planet or a star, that is, a brown dwarf.

There are four stars in that image, and none of them have any observed planets orbiting them.

Three of them are red dwarfs, yellow dwarfs and red dwarfs, and only the one with the smallest mass is a brown dwarf.

"The working Sagittarius lupus subgroup in the constellation Scorpius, Centauri."

Fang Yi calculated the distance and estimated that the brown dwarf is more than 470 light-years away from the sun, which is closer than the Daojun galaxy.

"Then let's go to this brown dwarf star to see the situation. If the tempering goes well, maybe I can use the nearby red dwarf star to directly temper the soul in one step."

Thinking about it, Fang Yi had an idea.

His spirit immediately dispersed.

When it condensed again, it had entered the endless starry sky.


the other side.

Lu Tingsong has been paying attention to Fang Yi's whereabouts.

When the people sent to Indonesia observed the situation, they immediately called and informed them of the situation.

Opposite was a young woman's voice, "Mr. Lu."

Lu Tingsong, who was sitting at the desk, asked nervously: "How's it going?"

The young woman said truthfully: "It seems that the real person has not yet cultivated into a Yang Shen."

Lu Tingsong said speechlessly: "Then why did you call me?"

"No, Mr. Lu." The young woman hurriedly explained: "Just now, the real person used the sky thunder to practice for a while, and suddenly stopped. We didn't know what happened at first, but after about two or three minutes of silence, the real person He disappeared suddenly, and I don’t know whether he went back to Huangshan Daojun Palace or where he went.”

Didn't cultivate to become a Yangshen, but suddenly disappeared?
Lu Tingsong couldn't help but wonder, what was the real person doing?
He immediately hung up the phone.

He sat in front of the desk in silence for a moment.

Lu Tingsong picked up the landline phone again and dialed the number of Daojun Palace.

Dudu, the call was quickly connected.

Zheng Xian's voice came from the other side, "Hello, Mr. Lu."

Although Zheng Xian was just an ordinary Taoist priest, he was actually the abbot of Huangshan Taojun Palace. Lu Tingsong still gave him the greatest respect, "Hello, Taoist Master Zheng."

Zheng Xiandao: "What can I do for you?"

Lu Tingsong asked out the doubts in his heart.

Zheng Xian seemed to have known for a long time that he had received the news from Fang Yi or Fang Yi's incarnation. As soon as he heard the question, he immediately said: "The real person's cultivation of Yangshen will last for a long time. Now he is looking for stars in the universe to help him cultivate." , and may not be back in a short time. If you have something that cannot be solved, the real person has asked, and he can send an avatar to help."

Of course, there was nothing that Lu Tingsong couldn't solve. He was just concerned about Zhenren Fang's whereabouts. After all, the Lu family and the Huangshan Daojun Palace were both suffering in this world.

After learning that Zhenren Fang had gone to the universe to find stars to help him practice, Lu Tingsong had a rough idea. He and Zheng Xian chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Lu Tingsong sat and thought for a long time. Finally, he let out a long sigh and said to himself: "I hope the real person will become a Yang Shen soon."

(End of this chapter)

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