I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 352: Attacking Yangshen

Chapter 352: Attacking Yangshen (8)

The depths of the star core continued to explode.

The powerful energy caused the space to distort, flickering and extinguishing.

Fang Yi's own soul was unable to sense the internal situation, and he could only roughly understand the situation with the help of the magical power of "Zhang Ling Bao".

It seems that it is a spiritual treasure related to space.

And this spiritual treasure contains terrifying power.

It's just that he has just adapted to the impact of the energy turbulence in the brown dwarf's atmosphere, which has swallowed up the will of some weak planets, and is not yet able to enter the core position.

If you want to break through to the core position, you must be ten times stronger.

And Fang Yi felt that every time particles collided to generate energy, in the huge space, from the edge to the center, the will of the planet was constantly dispersing and gathering.

Whenever the will of the planet disperses, he has the opportunity to absorb part of it when he is impacted by the turbulent energy flow. However, when the will of the planet gathers together, the power is beyond his ability to shake.

"It turns out the planet has a will!"

Only at this moment did Fang Yi understand that the planet was not "dead". The planet also had life, but the form of this life was different from all living things on the earth.

"I have to find a way to devour the will of these planets!"

Not only does he want to obtain the spiritual treasure deep in the star core, he also wants to "absorb" the entire brown dwarf star.

Thinking about it, Fang Yi broke into the atmosphere and went deeper.

Suddenly, it seemed as if some threat was sensed inside, as clusters of particles visible to the naked eye gathered together and collided continuously.

The will of the planet seems to be controlling these particles to release great power!

Violent energy waves rippled, and terrifying red and white light rose to high altitudes at the same time, forming a dazzling golden light.

This is the power of elemental fusion!

"Am I fighting against the will of the planet, or the will of a sub-star like a brown dwarf!"

Fang Yi felt huge pressure and couldn't help but get excited.

It has always been a pity that he has no opponent in the world. Now he has finally found an "opponent" that can compete with him or even be stronger than him. Although this opponent is not a living thing, Fang Yi is still full of fighting spirit!

His soul was shaken and he rushed directly into the energy flow.

Red light entangled with white light emerged, and Fang Yi's soul shone with golden light.

The two energies collided together and erupted with a deafening sound, shaking the entire brown dwarf!
As expected, Fang Yi's soul was shattered again.

Fortunately, the large solar shield protected the core of his soul, and once again devoured the planet's will and particles to restore his soul to its original state, while continuing to release more powerful energy and energy turbulence.

Boom boom boom!
Continuous explosions erupted in the brown dwarf.

If someone watches it from a distance, they will definitely find that this brown dwarf star seems to be erupting in a flare, with "pillars of fire" constantly emerging and sunspots blocking the light.

With every roar, Fang Yi's soul would be shattered.

But he was in pain and happy. While gritting his teeth, he insisted on bombarding himself with the power controlled by the will of the planet, and at the same time, he relied on devouring to strengthen his soul.


It took too long for Fang Yi to refine his soul with the help of the brown dwarf.

Perhaps because it took too long, the advanced civilized races in the universe gradually discovered the anomalies of brown dwarfs.

Since the Big Bang, countless creatures have been born in the universe.

Some creatures have not evolved intelligence and can only survive on instinct until they are eliminated by nature.

However, some life forms, like humans, gradually developed wisdom after experiencing the explosion of cognitive revolution.

For example, the Centaur Star Alliance is an alliance of thousands of intelligent life races.

These intelligent life races have produced advanced civilizations, and some have the ability to detonate stars with the help of technology.

It's just that no matter how advanced technology is, it can't change the fact that the physical bodies of various living creatures are weak.

For example, the carbon-based intelligent race of life produced in the bright star galaxy is called "light bug". Their bodies are like white silkworms, but their shells are very strong. They have two huge tentacles in front of their heads, and there are many small tentacles in the tentacles. It looks like They are more flexible than human palms, and their bodies are very huge, comparable to the dinosaurs that once dominated the earth. Logically speaking, such a huge body can be considered very powerful. Indeed, before developing into a galaxy-level civilization, the light bugs They are the creatures at the top of the food chain on their planet.

But after entering the galaxy, the huge improvement in technology made the bright bugs, a race of intelligent creatures, understand that the physical body is simply worthless in the face of technology.

This is not only true for the light bug race, but also for all the thousands of intelligent life races they have allied with.

The science and technology of the bright insect race is so advanced that it can jump through space, and a distance of hundreds of light years only takes one or two months.

About three years ago, the light bug race detectors used high-tech astronomical telescopes to observe a strange movement of a brown dwarf star more than 200 light-years away from their planet. At that time, they did not take it seriously. After all, the brown dwarf star was just normal. energy fluctuations.At least it seems normal to them.

But over the past three years, the brown dwarf has become increasingly abnormal.

Stellar flares often occur. You must know that these are brown dwarfs, not real stars. This kind of thing is not normal at all.

Especially three months ago, the light bug race observed that the brown dwarf erupted more than 100 stellar flares in one day.

This made the senior leaders of the Bright Bug race a little bit restless. After a high-level meeting, they decided to send combatants to drive space battleships to investigate.

Because of the fear of encountering unexpected situations, the space battleship dispatched this time can be regarded as high-tech among the bright insect species.

This space battleship has the ability to detonate planets.

Well, it's detonation, not the ability to directly destroy planets.

Arrudaba is the captain leading the team this time.

There were also hundreds of elite warriors going together.

A huge oval space battleship galloped rapidly in the starry sky.

The vice-captain squirmed to the front and said seriously: "Captain Arrudaba, could this abnormal situation in the brown dwarf be developed by a higher civilization?"

Arrudaba directly denied: "Impossible. If any advanced civilization wants to develop brown dwarfs, it will definitely report to the alliance and obtain permission before it can develop it. Unless it is a civilization outside our alliance, but if an alien civilization comes, Exploiting brown dwarf resources without reporting them is tantamount to declaring war, and I don’t think they can do such a thing.”

The vice-captain's two tentacles kept trembling, as if he was frowning, "What will happen? Could it be that this brown dwarf has come to an end?"

Arrudaba shook the tentacles on his head, like a human shaking his head, "We have detected before that this brown dwarf is still in its early stages. It obtains energy from the nuclear fusion reaction of deuterium and emits heat and light, just like a Like an ordinary star, however, the content of deuterium in the universe is limited, so the deuterium fuel of the brown dwarf is consumed very quickly. After that, all reactions stop, and the brown dwarf completely stops emitting light and heat. , begins to get darker and cooler, and looks more like a 'planet'. Even if it reaches the limit of the planet's lifespan, it will not be so abnormal."

Perhaps he heard the captain's analysis.

More than 100 light bug warriors in the space battleship started talking.

"Yes, brown dwarfs should turn into 'planets' if they reach the end of their lives."

"But it's not like there is a civilization exploiting resources, so what's going on?"

"Do you think a god has descended into our universe?"

"Hahaha, do you still believe in the existence of life? Our technological level has reached the galaxy level. We can freely explore large galaxies, and we have never found gods."

"That's weird, what happened to this brown dwarf?"

Everyone was very puzzled.

Captain Arrudaba and the deputy captain also looked very puzzled.

It’s just that there are too many conditions in the universe, and they felt that this brown dwarf might be different from other brown dwarfs, so they didn’t think much about it.

After some time sailing.

The space battleship has finally arrived tens of billions of kilometers away from the brown dwarf, and their advanced telescopes can roughly see the condition of the brown dwarf.

Arrudaba personally went into battle, adjusted the telescope observation distance, and then stared at the floating screen with everyone.

I wonder if they came by chance.

At this time, the light and heat on the brown dwarf continued to expand.

It expanded a lot in an instant!
You must know that this is a sub-star. What is the concept of expanding a circle?
Arrudaba was so frightened that he was almost ready to let someone control the space battleship to retreat hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

However, at this moment, a voice that resounded across the starry sky suddenly came from the brown dwarf, "Hahaha! Three years! Three whole years! I finally finished tempering my soul! I also obtained a spiritual treasure! Hahahaha!"

You must know that the universe cannot transmit sound at all.

Although Arrudaba and the more than 100 bright insect warriors in the battleship did not know what the sound meant, they all became a little awe-inspiring and knew that this was the sound transmitted by "creatures".

Just when Arrudaba and more than 100 soldiers didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, the brown dwarf exploded with a loud bang.

Countless rocks, flames and light spread violently in all directions, causing the surrounding star fields to shake.

And among the countless rocks, flames and light, a golden light jumped up. In the blink of an eye, the golden light shone brightly, instantly crushing all the rocks, flames and light, turning them into little bits of starlight and dissipating!

Arrudaba and more than 100 soldiers were all stunned.

When it gradually dissipated, they only saw a creature in front of them that was surging with golden light and looked like a real person.

Moreover, this "creature" is still using its strange ability to transmit sounds in the vacuum, "Finally, the tempering of the soul is completed! Now I can return to the earth to take back the physical body, and then merge the golden elixir with the soul to achieve the supreme goal." The sun god!"

(End of this chapter)

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