I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 356: Attacking Yangshen

Chapter 356: Attacking Yangshen (12)

Daojun Palace, in the Golden Tower.

Fang Yi is making the final impact of training Yang Shen.

As long as the golden elixir can be successfully integrated with the soul.

Then, he will become the Yang God!
According to the Taoist cultivation method, after completing ten months of Madhyamaka, all the points will be transformed into gods, and then the gods will be refined in Shangguan to return them to emptiness, and all the yin in the gods will be refined to achieve a pure yang without yin, which is the yang god. .

After practicing for the first time, Yang Shen can enter and exit through the "Heaven Gate" and completely get rid of the bondage and dependence of the physical body.

Yang Shen is a body outside the body, truly transcending life and death.

The Yang God is the sublimation after the fusion of spirit and energy. The imaginary spirit has no substance but has a body and is useful. It can "gather to form a shape, and disperse to form aura".

To use Taoist quotations, the Yang God is the one who picks up the universe, grasps Yin and Yang, and controls the heaven and earth. There is no end, and this is the birth of Tao.

This is the true enlightenment!

Because of this, the closer Fang Yi gets to achieving Yangshen, the more eager he is to reach that state as soon as possible.

"The fusion of the Yuan Shen and the Golden Pill will create a holy fetus. This holy fetus needs the Golden Pill to nurse and grow. Once it is strong enough to a certain level, it can escape from the body. It is called trance. Like the Yuan Shen and the Divine Soul, it can only be called a trance. It's completely different from being out of body."

Fang Yi was having his last memories before fusion.

Once the Yang God is in a trance, the elixir book says that snowflakes are flying in front of the body, flowers are falling from the sky, the gate of heaven opens by itself, and everything moves forward and backward.

In addition, whether it is the soul or the previous soul, when it leaves the body, it does not come out from the Tianmen. It usually comes from the eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. However, if it leaves the body through the mouth, it will be harmful to the soul and soul.

Only the Yang God can break through the Heavenly Gate and get out.

There is a big difference between the Yang Shen and the Yuan Shen and the Soul for the first time. You need to visualize fairyland, cranes, fire dragons, pavilions, etc. clearly, and then move upward with intention.

In Zhong Lu Dan Dao, he usually imagines that there are three floors of red buildings on the top, imagining himself going up the stairs one by one, and then jumping down, and then suddenly the Yang Shen escapes from his shell and jumps out of the top door.

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that when Yang Shen is in a trance for the first time, there will often be interference from illusions and demonic realms. If you are not careful, you will be doomed, so be very cautious.

"I get it roughly."

Fang Yi memorized this information so that he would not encounter any setbacks in practicing Yang Shen Trance.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time when he first started practicing, and his whole person had become extremely serious.

Fang Yi closed his eyes and concentrated, regulated his breathing evenly, and then got rid of all distracting thoughts in his mind.

The soul gradually immersed itself in the golden elixir.

The mantra of the technique flowed in his heart: "In the holy womb, the real person achieves success, enters and exits the top door... The fire-oriented method is practiced in the water, using water to seek fire, and using yin to sense yang. Water and fire are both harmonious, and yin and yang are harmonious, so it is called fire-oriented. Living in water..."

In an instant, Fang Yi felt that the golden elixir and the soul were shining together.

The soul is completely immersed in the golden elixir and is constantly blending with the golden elixir.

Two similar but different energies are entangled together, as if each one is a little dissatisfied with the other and insists on completely engulfing the other.

Fang Yi had never encountered this situation before, but he knew it was fusion.

"No wonder the Yuan Shen needs to be made so powerful before the Yuan Shen and the Golden elixir are fused. Otherwise, if the power of the Jin elixir is stronger than the Yuan Shen, it will devour the Yuan Shen. What I have to do now is Let the soul swallow up the power of the golden elixir and obtain the secret of the golden elixir."

The soul devoured the energy of thunder and the collision of brown dwarf particles, from which I gained insights into the world.

Fang Yi knew that this was the unique magical ability of "divinity".

Therefore, if the soul can completely swallow and fuse the golden elixir, it will have the properties of the golden elixir and all its functions.

For example, the Yuan Shen is an electrical appliance and the golden elixir is a generator. After the fusion, the Yuan Shen is an electrical appliance and has its own power generation function. On the premise that the power is greatly improved, it will become endless.

Powerful energy surges.

Fang Yi felt that the soul easily swallowed up some of the energy of the golden elixir.

"Eh, so easy?"

He felt a little too relaxed.

As long as he can achieve Yangshen, he doesn't care whether it is easy or not.

Although it is easy to swallow and fuse, it is not fast.

Time passed by minute by minute.As time went by, a hint of fish belly white gradually emerged outside.

One night passed quietly.

However, Fang Yi, who had worked hard all night, suddenly stopped merging, and sitting on the green lotus, he frowned, "It took one night to fuse a trace of the power of the golden elixir?"

If you look at the current progress, if you want to use your soul to completely devour and fuse the golden elixir, it will take hundreds of years?
Hundreds of years is still a conservative estimate.

If things don't go well later, it will most likely take hundreds or thousands of years.

"This speed is too slow. There is a way to quickly fuse Yang Shen and Jin Dan in "Laojun Wan Qiu Yuan Ning", but that method is too dangerous. Unless it is a last resort, I would rather not use that method. good."

Fang Yi remembered the secret method in "Laojun Wanqiu Yuan Ning" and asked himself to use the power of stars to help the Yuan Shen and the golden elixir merge.

Although his power is unprecedentedly powerful and has reached the level of a brown dwarf, it can be said to be nothing compared to a real star.

Even the smallest star contains [-]% of the energy of the sun.

What about brown dwarfs?

Its energy may not even be [-] times that of the sun.

The most important point is that real stars are constantly undergoing nuclear fusion, and the energy released is too huge.

Fang Yi knew that he might be able to resist the huge energy released by the star, but he might not be able to last long. If the integration of soul and finance goes smoothly with the help of this secret method, it would be fine. If not, he would most likely die. Tao disappears.

"This is a last resort. There is really no other way to do it. It should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary."

Fang Yi suppressed the idea of ​​​​wanting to use the stars to fuse the Jindan Yuanshen.

Clear your mind of distracting thoughts again.

He once again concentrated on merging Yuanshen and Jindan.

The soul keeps devouring the energy of the golden elixir.

a trace.

Two wires.

Gradually, as time goes by, more and more are devoured.

Time passed quickly.

one day.

Ten days.

Three months.

Soon another year passed quietly.

On this day, Fang Yi opened his eyes again.

He looked inside at the golden elixir in his body that seemed to be unaffected and was speechless for a while.

After spending a year, his soul has only integrated less than one thousandth of the energy of the golden elixir?
"No! We can't waste time like this, otherwise it will really take a thousand years."

1000 years may not be a long time for Fang Yi, because his lifespan is extremely long now, but since he discovered that there are many advanced civilizations in the universe, he has been eager to become stronger as soon as possible.

Fang Yi had a premonition that if he could not become stronger as soon as possible, the encounter between human beings and advanced civilizations would most likely lead to catastrophe.

Although he didn't use the inverse future deduction process, this feeling is not wrong.

And from the perspective of human history, when a higher civilization encounters a lower civilization, it is a bloody lesson.

For example, the Indians thought they were carefree in the American continent, but they met a group of Europeans, and then...

Well, there is no more.

Fang Yi has reason to believe that if a higher civilization encounters earth civilization, this kind of thing may happen.

Let's fight for the sake of mankind.

Fang Yi finally made up his mind and prepared to follow the secret method recorded in "Laojun Wanqiu Yuan Ning" and use the stars to help him fuse the Yuan Shen with the golden elixir.

Find a weaker star, it will be safer.

(End of this chapter)

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