Chapter 361 Global Panic
Endless haze fills the sky above the Earth.

It was already dark, and now it was blocked by more than 100 huge steel beasts.

Suddenly, the entire northern hemisphere seemed to be plunged into endless darkness.

Even though there is no official announcement about what aliens are doing in the Sahara Desert, people are still panicking.

Because the steel giant in the sky cannot be concealed by the officials of various countries.

In an apartment in Haitong.

Due to a sudden power outage today, the nearby area was extremely dark.

A little boy of four or five years old nestled in his arms and said timidly: "Mom, I'm so afraid of the dark."

Ms. Li, a divorced single mother, gently patted her son on the back and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, Xiaochen. Mom is here and she will call soon."

The little boy tilted his head and said, "Why is there no moon today?"

Ms. Li pretended to be relaxed and coaxed the child to sleep and said: "Because Xiao Chen doesn't sleep well, Sister Yue is hiding. As long as Xiao Chen sleeps well, we can see Sister Yue tomorrow night."

"Really?" The little boy's eyes lit up and he said in a milky voice, "Xiao Chen will go to bed now."

After saying that, he quickly closed his eyes.

She really couldn't see her fingers, and Ms. Li didn't know whether her son had fallen asleep, but what she was more concerned about now was not whether her son was sleeping or not.

Ms. Li looked towards the window. In the past, she would close the curtains when sleeping, in order to prevent the moonlight or other lights from outside from affecting the quality of her sleep.

However, the curtains were not closed today.

It's just that there's no light coming in from the outside.

Ms. Li, who used to not want light to affect her sleep, now wishes that the moon would come out immediately and shed its pure white light to illuminate the world.

She knew this was a luxury.

Because Ms. Li knows why there is no light to see today.

That's because there are huge space battleships as big as small cities suspended in the sky.

It is a space battleship from alien invaders that is very likely to exterminate mankind.

Ms. Li couldn't help but shed a tear from the corner of her eye, "I'm not afraid of death. Being a father and a mother by myself, I've long had enough of the suffering in the world. Death may be a relief, but Xiaochen is still so young. I just want him to be peaceful, but why are aliens..."

She couldn't help but sob.

At this moment, Ms. Li is extremely eager for the coming of the savior.

You must know that before today, she had never believed in God.

However, she hopes that her son can grow up safely. She is praying extremely devoutly at this moment.

Pray that there is a god in this world to save mankind on earth.

But is there really a God in this world?

It was different from the darkness near Ms. Li's house.

In a street far away in Seoul, South Korea, a large group of people wearing suits and holding baseball bats looked crazy, and they were smashing the supermarket door.

Bang bang bang!
The loud sound of baseball bats smashing against rolling shutter doors echoed in the night sky.

The security personnel on duty at the two shopping malls not only did not stop it, but also looked at it with blank faces, as if someone was not smashing the door of the supermarket in front of them, but nothing happened.

The security personnel were already devastated.

Those giant steel beasts in the sky are a reminder to all mankind.

Everyone knows that if all countries had the ability to repel those aliens, they might have sent out their troops long ago.

But so far, no country has sent any troops to fight against the space battleships in the sky.

Moreover, according to rumors, the reason why countries did not send troops to fight aliens was entirely because aliens did a horrific thing that shocked all countries around the world. No one knows what it was, but everyone knows that countries have no ability to stop it. alien.

Therefore, once aliens really launch a campaign of extermination against humans, humans, an intelligent race that has existed on earth for millions of years, will truly disappear from this world.

Just knowing that the end of the world was coming, the two security guards became numb.

On the contrary are the group of young people who are smashing the door of the supermarket. They also know that the end of the world is coming, and they also know that they will inevitably die. Therefore, these young people want to enjoy themselves before the end of the world, such as eating some ordinary food. I was reluctant to give up food and wore some brand-name clothes that I couldn’t usually afford.

The supermarket may not have all the materials these young people need, but it can at least satisfy some of them, so they use baseball bats to smash them open and get what they want from inside.

Finally, the rolling shutter door of the supermarket failed after holding on for a few minutes, and a large hole was opened.

In an instant, the group of young people burst into loud cheers.

"It's about to break open!"

"I want a steak!"

"Hahaha, it would be nice to have a good meal before you die!"

This group of young people cheered and looked very crazy.

On one side is the numbness of the security personnel, on the other side is the madness of young people. The two are in sharp contrast, and at the same time they reflect the depth of despair that the alien space battleships suspended in the sky have brought to mankind on earth. .

Whether it was Ms. Li's sadness, the security personnel's numbness, or the madness of these young people, they were all desperate to the extreme.


Similar things are happening all over the world.

The whole world is in chaos due to the alien attack. "Haha, the end of the world is coming anyway. If I can't live, you can't live either."

"You idiot, you used to scold me every day as a manager in the company, but now that the world is coming to an end, I'll scold you as my grandson first!"

"Oh, the end of the world is coming, let's have a good meal at last."

"Mom, I don't want to die."

"God, please save us."

There are riots and prayers happening around the world.

Some people are furious, venting the anger they have suppressed for a long time. In their view, the end of the world is coming anyway, is it possible that they can survive until the day of judgment?

And even if you are judged, isn’t it death?

The end of the world is death, and the judgment is also death.

It is precisely because of this that many people who were originally overwhelmed by social rules went completely crazy at this moment!

Of course, more people still beg the gods they believe in to save the world.

“O God, save your believers.”

"Almighty Allah, your faithful believers ask you to take action to repel the aliens."

"Buddha bless us, humans on earth, for peace."

"God Brahma..."

"The Taoist Lord of Huangshan Mountain, the Taoist Lord of Hunyuan Taichu, please show me your spirit."

Believers of all religions are praying for the coming of gods.

It's just that these prayers are like falling into the sea and getting no feedback at all.


The center of the densely packed space battleships in the sky.

There is a particularly huge space battleship here, which is estimated to be the size of the entire Tranquility Sea.

In this space battleship, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of fully armed psionic warriors, there are also powerful figures from the psionic clan.

These psionic tribes look very similar to humans, with heads, faces, hands and legs.

Of course, there are also differences.

Every forehead of the psionic tribe is covered with eyes, ranging from seven or eight eyes to as many as a dozen.

It seems that the more eyes, the higher the status.

One of them was a tall and thin old man from the psychic race who looked a little old, and he even had 21 eyes on his forehead.

It is Alsado, the high priest of the Psychic Tribe, second only to the Psychic King.

Next to Alsado were Marshal Carona, three generals and ten lieutenant generals.

As for the major general level, they are not qualified to come here to participate in the meeting.

Well, those major generals are all maintaining order in the space battleship.

A very long metal conference table, with the high priest Alsado sitting in the middle.

It looked around at the admirals and lieutenant generals on both sides, and said slowly: "The environment of this aqua star is almost exactly the same as that of our psychic star. Except that the gravity may be a bit small, and we need to find ways to change the gravity, other aspects can be said to be better. It is perfect for our psychic race to live in, so when I came here this time, the king gave me an order to control this planet. In addition, Aquamarine Planet has intelligent creatures. Although the civilization developed by these intelligent creatures is not very good, But if we can enslave, there will be a lot of labor, so destroy as little as possible."

Marshal Carona said: "What if the intelligent creatures on Aqua Blue Star resist stubbornly?"

"Resistance?" High Priest Alsado sneered, "Then let them see the power of the giant cannon again. Last time we bombarded the desert, this time... we destroyed a country!"

The method of killing chickens to scare monkeys is not only popular on earth.

As a highly civilized and intelligent race, the psychic race can also do this.

As long as you show enough strength and show enough bloodshed, you won't be afraid of the people from the Aqua Blue Star not surrendering.

This is the inner thought of High Priest Alsado.

Admiral Kalish, who was headed on the right side of the conference table, squinted his eyes and said: "If they don't agree to our request to cede territory and compensate us, then we will attack the most powerful country on the planet and let the giant cannon directly destroy it. In this country, I believe that the Aquamarine people will surrender.”

"Yes." Alsado waved his palm, and maps of all countries on the earth immediately appeared on the conference table. He pointed to the position of the rooster-like map of China and said: "As far as I know, the most powerful person on Aquamarine is currently The country is this country called China, if they don’t agree to the conditions, then they will aim their giant cannon at this country!”


"We know what to do."

"Tomorrow, if they don't give an answer tomorrow, I will use a giant cannon to destroy the country of China. If they don't agree the day after tomorrow, then I will destroy another country!"

The eyes of the senior leaders of this group of psionic tribes showed bloodthirsty.

Although there are intelligent creatures on the earth, in the eyes of these high-level psychic tribes, they are just "beasts" that have just become intelligent, so even if they kill hundreds of millions of people on earth, they don't think there is anything wrong with it. place.

As for the question of whether humans on earth will resist, to be honest, the senior leaders of the Psychic Tribe have really not considered it.

Isn't this a joke.

How could a planet with such a weak civilization compete with them?

Unless there is really divine help.

(End of this chapter)

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