I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 366 The aliens were shocked

Chapter 366 The aliens were shocked

In the end, the space battleship was let go by Fang Yi.

He also took advantage of the situation and put away his magical powers and once again hid in the city.

People all over the earth are cheering and cheering.

Everyone knows that with the protection of Zhenren Fang, the only true immortal living in the world, the earth will not only not be doomed, but will also usher in a new chapter.

This incident seems to be a collision between earth civilization and psychic civilization.

However, it is not only the earth and the psychic star that are actually concerned about this matter.

There are also the endless member planets of the Centaur Star Alliance and the Orion Star Alliance.

Many space monitors suspended outside the earth's atmosphere all captured the scene just now, and then transmitted it back to the smart terminals belonging to their respective planets.


The sky is so clear and blue.

The air seems to be reshaping along with the atmosphere, becoming extremely fresh and pleasant.

Lying in the hospital bed, Chu Qing witnessed with her own eyes the spectacular scene in which the unparalleled hero in her mind showed his power to save the world.

Maybe it's because life is coming to an end and my mind is completely empty.

Chu Qing was not as excited, cheering, etc. as everyone else.

Her heart was unusually calm.

If I had to say there was some emotion, it would just be a touch of happiness.

I'm glad that humans on earth are saved.

Relatives and friends who are happy to be alive no longer have to endure endless suffering.

Of course, Fang Yi was willing to fulfill her last wish before her death, which made her feel a little bit sweet.

But as the vitality passes, the emotions gradually dissipate.

Chu Qing's consciousness became blurred, and she really wanted to fall asleep.

Suddenly, a red light illuminated before his eyes.

I don’t know if it was in a dream, but a tall and majestic figure appeared.

This figure gave Chu Qing the feeling of being noble and inviolable.

No, more than inviolability.

She had an instinctive awe, just like the beggar on the street in ancient times who suddenly saw the emperor in dragon robes coming.

It's just that the beggar's fear of the emperor comes from the evil class.

And Chu Qing felt that her awe for the figure in front of her came from the instinctive behavior of lower creatures towards higher creatures deep in their souls. It was the awe that was imprinted in genes and would be indelible forever.

As the red light condensed, Chu Qing gradually saw the face of the person coming.

It was the unparalleled hero she had been thinking about for the past 30 or [-] years and who had just fulfilled her last wish.

"Fang Yi, why are you here?"

Chu Qing opened her mouth to speak, but her life force had long been exhausted and she couldn't make any sound at all.

But Fang Yi in the red light seemed to hear her words, and said with a smile: "Let me see you."

It's so nice to see your loved one for the last time before he or she is alive.

Sweetness grew in Chu Qing's heart, and she hummed softly instinctively.

Fang Yi took the initiative and asked: "Do you still insist on your idea of ​​dying naturally? If you want to live, I can let you continue to live, even to the age of [-]."

Although she knew she was about to die, Chu Qing was not afraid at all. She just shook her head in her heart and said without making a sound like before, "I have lived a lifetime, that's enough."

When she said this, she was filled with regret.

Perhaps it is a pity that the one you love is right in front of you, but it will never bear fruit.

Fang Yi never showed any expression, "I respect your choice."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Qing finally lost her breath on the hospital bed.

But Chu Qing's consciousness hadn't dissipated yet. She could clearly see herself "floating" outside her body, and the cries of her family, relatives and friends who were guarding the hospital bed could be heard in her ears.

At this time, Chu Qing was a little confused. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

At this magical moment, Chu Qing saw Fang Yi suspended in mid-air with no expression on her face, but her family, relatives and friends nearby did not notice her.

Fang Yi asked again, "Chu Qing, it's too late for you to regret now. I still have the ability to save you. If your 'soul' dissipates after 5 minutes, even if I have the power to save you, I won't be able to save you." "

Chu Qing still said firmly: "Thank you for your concern and kindness. After this life, I am very satisfied."

Fang Yi hummed lightly and said nothing.

Chu Qing seemed to have thought of something, "The diary on the bedside table contains everything I want to say to you. Farewell, Fang Yi."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Chu Qing's biological energy field was also erased by time and disappeared.

Fang Yi has been staring at her Tianhun.

The next second, he suddenly raised his head and looked upward, and the Yang God surged with endless red light!
At the same time, Chu Qing's family, relatives and friends, who were in mourning, did not notice that the diary placed on the bedside table suddenly disappeared from the space.


The grassy area south of the hospital building.

This is where many patients come down to walk and take a walk.

Although it was early morning, there were still many people gathered.

For example, there is a young man walking slowly on the grass supporting his sick girlfriend, and an elderly couple is sitting on a long wooden chair, etc.

None of them had gotten over the excitement of Master Fang repelling the aliens and declaring war on the Psychic King.

But they didn't notice that on the rockery not far away, Fang Zhenren, who had shown great power before, was sitting upright.

Fang Yi sat casually on the stone, holding a notebook in his hand.

He, who had been emotionless all this time, suddenly sighed.


This sigh contained so many emotions.

The beloved has passed away, but the living remains like this.

It stands to reason that when someone reaches Fang Yi's level of cultivation, he will not be emotionally disturbed by the loss of a life.

But he still couldn't feel calm for a long time.

After all, the woman who passed away just now was the object of my crush in my life.

After all, this woman who has completely disappeared has been delayed by herself for a lifetime after experiencing a lifetime in distorted reality.

These are the reasons for Fang Yi's mood swings.

But the main reason is not.

Just now, when he saw Chu Qing's biological energy field completely dissipated, Tianhun actually penetrated through the layers of dimensions.

Fang Yi followed it without hesitation.

What surprised him was that Chu Qing's Heavenly Soul Particles penetrated the earth's dimension so high that even he who had cultivated Yang Shen could not continue to track it.

Only then did Fang Yi understand that people do not return to the universe after death.

And what puzzled him the most was that Chu Qing's heavenly soul seemed to have penetrated the thirteenth dimension and headed to an unknown place.

Of course, this is Fang Yi's feeling.

He did not follow Chu Qingtian's soul all the way through the thirteenth dimension.

Even if he cultivated Yang Shen, he could only trace the time dimension and was unable to move forward.

It's just that Fang Yi has vast magical powers and the magical power of "knowing the future against the odds". He knows that his premonition is not wrong. "Where did Chu Qing's Heavenly Soul go?"

Fang Yi looked up at the sky and couldn't help mumbling to himself.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Chu Qing's heavenly soul completely disappeared, he felt that there seemed to be a slight change in other worlds except this world.

He still couldn't figure out whether there was a specific change. He just noticed it occasionally when he returned his "eyes" after losing the tracking target just now.

"Did I understand the so-called 'Tao' wrong from the beginning?"

Fang Yi kept thinking.

The passing of Chu Qing's life today taught Fang Yi a good lesson.

This was something he hadn't noticed before, or in other words, he hadn't cultivated enough before to notice where the Heavenly Soul went after death, nor could he feel the impact it would have on the endless world after the Heavenly Soul returned to that unknown place.

Fang Yi had a premonition that his previous understanding that the so-called "Tao" was nothingness was wrong.

It seems that above the thirteen dimensions, outside of the countless thousand-frequency Polo world, there is an irresistible will in the dark.

This will affects the operation and changes of the Qian frequency Polo world.

And every time a living thing dies, this will becomes stronger and gives birth to more worlds.

This is still Fang Yi's feeling, and he doesn't know if it is.

"It seems that my understanding of Tao is far from enough."

Fang Yi, who cultivated the Yang Shen, not only had his strength greatly increased, but also had a clearer understanding of the entire world, even dimensions, and the operations outside dimensions.

But the more he knew, the smaller he felt.

In front of that will that can affect thousands of different worlds, he is not even a drop in the ocean.

Perhaps, when I reach the "ascension" stage of the ninth turn of "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy", I will be able to fully understand the operation of "Tao".

Fang Yi thought secretly in his heart.

I sat and meditated for a while.

The sun gradually stood in the sky, and it was already noon.

Fang Yi slowly woke up from his meditation.

He looked towards the diary in his hand.

Out of respect for Chu Qing, Fang Yi never used his spiritual consciousness or magical sense to read the content.

As for why he knew Chu Qing's last request, it was entirely because when he cultivated Yang Shen and rushed back to the earth, he suddenly felt that Chu Qing's life was about to completely disappear. He rushed over to prepare to save people, and happened to see the other party writing his last wish.

Yes, he had not been silently guarding the other party as Chu Qing imagined.

That was just a wrong but beautiful idea of ​​Chu Qing.

"Would you like to read the diary she wrote?"

Fang Yi hesitated.

It's not that I'm afraid of being offended.

But he was afraid that seeing something would affect his Taoist mind.

Although he became a god after cultivating Yang Shen, Fang Yi did not lose his emotions, and there were still things that affected his mood.

It's just that he changed from having a small love in his heart to having a big love in his heart.

It was precisely because of the great love in his heart that he did not rush through the layers of space to the psychic star.

Fang Yi knows how difficult it is to give birth to an intelligent race. This is the vast and majestic will born from the infinite power of Qianpin Boluo worlds. Any intelligent life has the potential to change the entire world, and there are also Perhaps this will allow the will of "Tao" to give birth to more worlds.

So he told Alsado, the high priest of the Psychic Tribe, to deliver the message back to the Psychic Star, giving the ordinary people of the Psychic Tribe enough time to escape, killing only the culprit, the Psychic King, and destroying the star system where the Psychic Star is located. , intimidating other cosmic races and allowing earth civilization to develop steadily.

If possible, Fang Yi hopes that the trillions of different intelligent life races in the entire universe will develop vigorously, allowing him to observe more things related to the true "Tao".

"Let's take a look. Maybe this is also a test for my state of mind."

Fang Yi made up his mind and prepared to read the diary.


At the same time, the cosmic monitor transmits information back to its home planet.

Planet Centaur, headquarters of the Centaur Star Alliance.

Asa and dozens of leaders of the Deacon Planet are waiting, waiting for the cosmic monitor to transmit the information that the psionic tribe has wiped out the earth's civilization, and then further monitor the psionic tribe's next movements to determine whether to defend or carry out Other Countermeasures.

"It's almost time to count."

"Well, if the psionic tribe took action against that lower civilization, the cosmic monitor should have transmitted the footage back."

"Hasn't it been passed back yet?"

"It should be a little while longer."

A group of leaders from the Deacon Planet discussed while they were free.

Although everyone is a projection, these cosmic races are highly civilized and the projections are like real people. Except that they have no entity, they are almost the same as real people. They can naturally chat across countless planets as if they were face to face.

Suddenly, Hei Buliu Qiuyuanqiu raised a question, "How long do you think it will take for the psionic tribe to eliminate that lower civilization?"

The leader of the Purple Sweet Potato Titan clan chuckled, "Why do you ask such a boring question?"

The leader of the intelligent race of the Silver Tree also said: "Yes, that lower civilization is not even a planetary civilization. The psionic tribe is also considered powerful among star civilizations. If the psionic tribe really wants to destroy that lower civilization, Race, maybe if it launches a star cannon, the planet will be completely destroyed.”

Another cosmic race leader who looked like a metal rooster said: "As far as I know, the more than 100 space battleships dispatched by the Psychic Race this time did not carry planetary cannons. The strongest weapons are giant cannons, and that lower civilized race According to measurements, it would take five volleys of giant cannons to destroy the planet we live on, so I guess it would take at least one gult for the psionic race to destroy that low-level civilized race."

Gurt is the unified unit of time of the Centauri Interstellar Alliance, which is approximately equivalent to 3 minutes on Earth.

"Well, it takes time for the giant cannon to charge up."

"One Gurt should be enough for the psionic race to destroy that low-level civilized race."

"Just one gurt, I guess."

Everyone agrees with the words of the leader of the metal rooster race and the universe race.

Everyone was having a lively chat.

Only Asa, the supreme leader of the Centaur Star Alliance, sat there and remained silent.

For some reason, Asa had a strong hunch that that low-level civilized race was not as easy to mess with as he imagined.

Obviously the psionic race has a developed civilization, but the lower civilization is very backward. As everyone said, one star cannon or five giant cannons can completely destroy the planet inhabited by that civilization.

But Asa just had this "illusion".

Moreover, he couldn't help but recall the special intelligent creature that could travel across the universe more than 20 Earth years ago.

Based on the information passed back, Asa discovered that the mysterious and powerful cosmic creature he had observed before seemed to be very similar to the lower civilization race that was attacked by the psionic race. The only difference was that the cosmic creature looked more like " "Energy body", while the lower civilized races attacked by the psychic race are "entities".

Hope it's an illusion.

Asa thought in his heart.

Because the power displayed by that mysterious and powerful cosmic creature is really terrifying.

If the Psychic Tribe really got into trouble with that terrifying cosmic creature, Asa was afraid that not only the Psychic Tribe and the Orion Star Alliance would suffer, but he was also afraid that if the cosmic creature became violent, the Centaur Star Alliance would also be implicated.

While the leaders of the various races of intelligent creatures in the universe were chatting incessantly and Asa was immersed in contemplation, a centaur wearing a golden armor and a red cloak walked in from outside.

Everyone immediately stopped talking.

Asa also looked at the centaur and asked with concern: "High Priest Genin, has the message returned from the Universe Monitor?"

The person who was called Genin was the high priest of the Centaur planet whose status was second only to Asa.

Gening's face looked a little heavy at this moment, "Wang, I just watched the footage transmitted back by the universe monitor. You and the leaders of the planets had better... be mentally prepared!"

Are we mentally prepared?

Could it be that the psionic tribe used the latest and more powerful super-terrorist weapons to attack that lower-level civilized race this time?
Everyone was a little confused and wondered why Genin said this.

Everyone was shocked on the spot until the scene that Genin transmitted back from the universe monitor was played!

(End of this chapter)

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