I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 368: How can karma mess up my mind

Chapter 368: How can karma mess up my mind (this chapter can be skipped)

Orion Interstellar Alliance Headquarters, Night Cloud Star.

In the conference room, more than 100 star owners of the Deacon Planets, who were in charge of the life and death of countless planets in Orion, were silent.

The picture captured by the space monitor just now is truly shocking.

No one thought that there was a single creature in the universe that could release such terrifying power.

Destroyed more than 100 space battleships of the psionic race by oneself.

The energy waves released shook the entire star system.

There is also the incredible ability to repair the atmosphere.

This strange creature, whether it showed strength or ability, frightened more than 100 star owners on the Deacon Planet of the Orion Star Alliance.

This is definitely not a power and ability that normal creatures can possess!
Alliance leader Barabamo was silent.

The other star masters were also silent.

They were just silent.

One person's face was ashen as death.

That's right, it's the Psychic King!

In the impression of the Psychic King, the Psychic Race has a stellar civilization. It is absolutely easy to deal with a low-level civilized race. Basically, it is enough to send out a group of space battleships carrying giant cannons.

However, because he learned that the planet of a lower-level civilization was similar in shape to a psychic star, he wanted to occupy it, so he specially dispatched more than 100 space battleships carrying ten giant cannons.

Logically speaking, with such a powerful true appearance and such terrifying firepower, if used against an inferior civilized race, it would be able to wipe out the entire race in an instant.

The psychic king never expected to mention the iron plate!

The technology of that lower civilization race is not very advanced, and it is indeed helpless against the giant cannon.

But no one expected that the planet where the low-level civilized race is located actually has such a powerful single creature!

It is extremely possible for a creature to possess stellar power!
Although stellar civilizations are also star-level, they are civilizations after all, and they are supported by technology.

And stellar power is much more terrifying. People have wisdom and gather the power of stars for their own use. If they really get ruthless, destroying a stellar civilization is as easy as eating and drinking water!

This time the psychic race is finished!

The Psionic King felt desolate in his heart, but he was not prepared to sit still and wait for death.

Thinking of this, the Psychic King took a deep breath and said to the more than 100 allied star masters on the projection: "My Psychic Star is currently encountering the most terrifying powerful enemy in history. If we don't handle it well, it is very likely that it will really happen." Will be exterminated. My Psychic Race has been a member of the Orion Star Alliance for almost 100 million years. I dare not say how much credit I have. At least it is a lot of hard work. Therefore, when the Psychic Star is about to live and die, I would like to express my gratitude to all of our allies. I’m sending out a call for help, asking you to help the psionic tribe get through this difficult time!”

With that said, he stood up from the throne and bowed to the more than 100 Star Lords in the projection.

You must know that the Psychic King is usually arrogant and domineering because of his high civilization level. Except for leaders such as Barabamo and Night Eleven whose civilization is higher than that of the Psychic Tribe, others are almost dismissive of him.

But now, the psychic king actually lowered his posture and bowed to everyone for help. It can be said that if it were any other moment, these star masters would definitely feel so happy.

But now, these more than 100 star owners don't have this "cool" feeling.

On the contrary, their expressions became even more gloomy.

Because the psychic race is a member of the Orion Interstellar Alliance, according to the rules established when the alliance was founded, if any member race encounters a catastrophic disaster and asks for help from the alliance, the alliance must help unconditionally.

If it were any other time, these Star Lords would immediately offer to help you even if they didn't like the Psionic King. If you don't follow the rules, if you encounter difficulties in the future, do you still expect other Star Lords to follow the rules and help you?
But now none of the more than 100 star owners, including Barabamo, can make up their mind to help.

The power displayed by that strange cosmic creature is so terrifying!

If they really help the psionic race, they are really a little afraid that the strange creature will fulfill its promise and wipe out the race they went to help and the star system they live in together!
It is related to the life and death of the race. Who dares to agree?

For a moment, no one answered the Psionic King's words.

The psychic king was so angry that his whole body was shaking. He loudly asked the star leaders: "What was our original intention when the Orion Star Alliance was founded? Have you all forgotten it?"

Seeing that the psychic king had said this, it seemed a bit unreasonable for Barabamo, as the leader of the alliance, to remain silent.

Although Barabamo was scared to death of that strange creature, he didn't show any expression on his face. He just said calmly: "What the Psychic King said makes sense, let's talk about what to do."


On Earth, in the hospital.

Fang Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to open the notebook left by Chu Qing and take a look.

He wanted to see what Chu Qing wrote and whether it could sharpen his Taoist heart.

Thinking about it, he did not use any assistance such as spiritual consciousness or magical perception. He just opened the first page of the diary gently like an ordinary person who did not know any magic or magical powers.

The first sentence that caught my eye was "Fang Yi, don't save me, I just want to live my ordinary life quietly."

What follows is the normal diary content.

Fang Yi looked down without any hesitation in his heart.


March thirteenth.

I had just been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. The doctor said that the five-year survival rate after surgery was less than 5.00%, which basically announced that my life was coming to an end.

To be honest, I am not surprised at all that I was diagnosed with this disease.

Ever since I lived a dreamy and absurd life with Mr. Fang in that world more than 20 years ago, I have been filled with the image of Mr. Fang, depressed and addicted to tobacco and alcohol.

For more than 20 years, my lungs have been damaged by myself, and I agree with this result.

It's just that sometimes I'm confused. If Mr. Fang hadn't become a man of immortality, would the development between him and me really be as sad as in that world?
Not sure, but I'm glad Mr. Fang is alive and well.

March fourteenth.

My old classmates heard that I was hospitalized and came to visit one after another.

During this period, someone told me about you, Mr. Fang, and I couldn't help but recall some of the interactions I had with you...

March [-]th.

I coughed up blood again today, Mr. Fang...

March [-]th...

March nineteenth...

April [-]st...

As the days went by, perhaps because Chu Qing's condition gradually worsened, the contents of the diary were quite full from the beginning, and gradually became fewer and fewer words, while the handwriting also became sloppy.

The diary entry soon came to an end.

That is July [-]st.

Fang Yi, after spending my whole life in that illusory and real world, my heart is full of you... I dare not ask for anything else, but that my parents who gave birth to me are still alive, and my relatives and friends are all here, so I want to ask you finally. One thing, don't let aliens destroy our human home, okay?


Fang Yi had already read the last paragraph.

But he still read it carefully word for word.

After all, these were the last words of the woman he had a crush on in his life.

Fortunately, the wish has been fulfilled.

Despite this, Fang Yi still felt heavy with such a Taoist heart.

Because every page in Chu Qing's diary is about herself, and she is also addressed as Mr. Fang.

This feeling is like the dialogue between literati couples in the 50s and [-]s.

Fang Yi saw a letter mixed with the diary.

The title is written on it: "Letter to Mr. Fang".

He slowly opened it and watched:

"It can be regarded as the only love letter I have given you. I just owe you the words 'I love you'. It seems that I have never said these three words to you, so I treat it as a love letter.

I remember when I was in college, I heard people say that you had a crush on me, but unfortunately I never responded directly.

Today, when you read this letter, I want to tell you: I love you, Mr. Fang.

I still remember that many years ago, when I met you again, you were already a high-altitude immortal, but I was still an ordinary member of all living beings. That kind of brilliance made me unable to see the real you in the light even if I tried to open my eyes. .

However, that meeting once again gently tickled my heart that had been locked away for many years. You dropped a small stone on the calm lake, causing ripples.

I don’t have many memories of you.

To be precise, it was limited to the university years and two or three occasional meetings after that.

However, even after 30 or [-] years, I still remember the first time I met you, Mr. Fang. It was a sunny and sunny early autumn day filled with gardenias. My luggage was scattered on the floor, and you bent down to pick it up for me. , when I raised my head and looked up, a seed was planted in my heart inexplicably.

I'm not a casual woman, and I didn't expect to have a crush on you.

Maybe it was because the weather was nice that day and you wore a plaid shirt that I liked very much.

It's just that you know, I'm not good at expressing my emotions, so even though I heard someone say that you had a crush on me in college, I still liked you in my heart, but I didn't take the initiative to express anything.However, at the end of my life, I knew that if I didn’t express myself, I would have no chance.

I often look for you in the crowd with my graduation photo.

So much so that the bottom two corners of the graduation photo were blurred by my touch.

I would like to find some other "plates".

It's a pity that apart from this graduation photo, there seems to be nothing else related between you and me.

I thought that a chance encounter would be an opportunity for us to renew our relationship.

I just said goodbye on the birthday of Lord Dao Dao at the beginning of the Hunyuan Dynasty. For the rest of my life, I never saw you again, and even wanting to see your expressionless face became a luxury.

I don’t know how much time I have left. I just want to say to you, if one day you really fail to see me for the last time, don’t be sad or sigh, because the world will eventually end. I am lucky to be born in this world. Maybe I am the happiest person in the world to meet you.

In this case, I will live in heaven to the fullest and wait for you in the place closest to you.

To digress, let’s talk about the graduation photo that is the only thing that has anything to do with you.

Not long ago, I finally broke it.

That day, I cried for a long time. My mother saw me and laughed at me, saying that I cried like a child despite my age.

Today, I have a premonition that my time is numbered.

As usual, I struggled to climb up the window sill and looked at the forest path downstairs. I no longer expected you to appear, because my eyes were overflowing with memories of you.

Duras's lover said to her: You are not in love with me, you are in love with love.

You inadvertently opened the door to my heart, but forgot to close it.

Especially after experiencing my marriage with you in that world, I will never forget you.

So I often cry inexplicably and feel that I miss you very much.

In many novels, women will fall [-]% in love with a man. I think it is very fake. How can a person miss another person for a lifetime?
Time will erase all this.

However, when I met you, when I met you for the first time more than 30 years ago, and when we parted for the last time, I knew that I had completely fallen.

In the past, it wasn't that I was ashamed to talk about love, but I was unwilling to admit it.

Because I persistently believe that one day time will erase everything.

So I put love in my heart, hold it in my mouth, look forward to it in my eyes, and don't want to talk about it in my mouth.

But now, many times I think, maybe it would be better to say something.

I think life is like a flower that blooms and then withers.

Then, true love will be like the Sui Ren who drilled wood to make fire in the myth and legend, from sparks to small flames, and then to endless life, becoming something that everyone can't live without.

Mr. Fang, I love you lightly, that’s good.

Even though it hurts a little not to see you again for decades for the rest of my life. "

The letter ends here.

Just like Chu Qing's life, she finally reached the last step.

Fang Yi felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. This girl had been waiting for her all her life and was alone until her death.

Such pure and sincere feelings made Fang Yi have mixed feelings.

It's as if something has been lost in life and can never come back.

It is precisely because of the change in Taoist heart.

The scenery in front of us is constantly changing.

Fang Yi saw the sunlight drawing an infinite arc from the extremely distant sky, all falling into his body, entering inch by inch from the top of his head.

When these rays of light enter the body, they instantly merge into the Yangshen.

Fang Yi suddenly felt warm all over his body, as if he had entered a sauna in the middle of winter. The pores all over his body were breathing fresh air, and he had the illusion that he wanted to soar in the daytime.

"Huh? Why do you feel like this?"

Fang Yi was confused for a moment. Now that he has become a Yang God, with power comparable to that of a star, how could he feel so refreshed that he could soar in the day just because of a beam of sunlight?
It was not his first day practicing, so he naturally had a premonition.

It's just that Fang Yi, with his level of cultivation, didn't know why it happened suddenly, so he had to calm down and watch the changes.

As soon as Dao's mind stabilized, the beam of sunshine disappeared out of thin air.

However, before Fang Yi had time to rejoice, his whole body felt like thousands of needles were pricking him, and there was an extremely painful feeling in his Yangshen, which made him feel as if his Yangshen was about to burst.

"Is it...a demonic realm?"

Fang Yi suddenly recalled that after cultivating to become a Yang Shen, there would often be illusions and demonic realms to confuse him. If he could not hold on to his heart, thousands of years of hard work would be reduced to nothing, or both body and soul would be destroyed.

Originally, when he cultivated the Yang Shen, he did not encounter the intrusion of the fantasy world. He thought that the Yang Shen cultivated in "Mr. Chen's Inner Alchemy" was different and would not encounter such forms.

I never thought that the illusory and demonic realm would actually appear when my Taoist mind was loosened.

Fang Yi became extremely serious. It was better to come early than late, because the illusion and demon realm were closely related to his own cultivation. The stronger his personal strength, the more powerful the illusion demon realm he was born. Now, he encountered something not long after he cultivated Yang Shen. Illusion Demon Realm, for example, is actually relatively weak.

He had a vague hunch that if he hadn't read Chu Qing's diary and last love letter, perhaps the Phantom Demonic Realm would not have been born in a short time. If it were to be born in the future, it would be ten or even a hundred times more dangerous than now.

Fortunately, after reading Chu Qing's diary and last love letter, my heart was relaxed, and I immediately activated the fantasy world.

It's one thing if it comes early and is weak, but it's another thing whether it can survive it safely.

Fang Yi didn't dare to be careless at all. He kept his mind and allowed the pain of thousands of needles to be born in Yangshen without being moved.

Then, the illusion changed again, and all kinds of sweet, sour, and bitter tastes came to my heart.

Fang Yi seemed to hear Chu Qing's voice in his ear, "Mr. Fang? Mr. Fang?"

At this moment, he was startled, and he felt inexplicably like he was back in college when he heard Chu Qing's call.


Fang Yi narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "How can karma mess up my Taoist mind!"

He clung to his Taoist heart.

Suddenly, there was another feeling. The hospital building in front of me collapsed suddenly, and the huge waves came from nowhere. The ground also shook violently, and there was a continuous "praise, praise, praise" from the sky. The roar.

It's like the end of the world!
This feeling is very real. Even if Fang Yi's heart is stable, he still has a feeling that the earth is about to be detonated.

"This illusory and demonic realm is becoming more and more fierce with each wave, but no one in the world can shake my Taoist heart, even if I can bear the weight of Mount Tai, I can remain calm!"

Fang Yi allowed those huge waves to hit him, let the magma spurt from the ground, and let the thunder in the illusion bombard him!
He was unmoved. In an instant, he understood clearly what the impermanence of life and death meant, and the shock in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Despite the ever-changing phantom world, his Yang Shen, who was like a boat in the stormy sea, stood there, watching with cold eyes, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

All of a sudden!
All the scenery disappeared, and it returned to the usual scenery again, with his own body in front of him with his eyes tightly closed.

There was a faint fairy sound in the sky, and a burst of dazzling colorful lotus floated from the sky, surrounded by several extremely beautiful fairies in white.

"Congratulations to Master Fang for attaining enlightenment!"

"Xiaju's ascension is now!"

The fairies cried softly.

Fang Yi felt an irresistible force coming from the void in the sky, pulling his Yang Shen to climb onto the lotus platform and ascend!

This feeling is very real and wonderful, as if after going through all kinds of hardships and solving millions of problems, I am finally going to become an immortal!

Fang Yi's Yang Shen couldn't help but want to fly to the lotus platform with this force.

Right at this juncture.

Fang Yi suddenly thought that he had observed the "Wonderland" and knew that the sacred was long gone.

"Karma! It's still messing with my mind!"

Fang Yi's Yangshen eyes burst out with a strange light.

With a rumble, a god-man in golden armor and red robes appeared above his head.

It was the golden hammer, dagger and sword holy elephant that Fang Yi cultivated using the "Nine Immortals Sutra of True Dragon and Tiger"!
When the golden hammer, dagger, and sword icon was visualized, its divine power was so great that it wiped out all illusions and demonic realms at once. Where could there be any fairies on the lotus platform?
The scenery in front of me returned to the real stage.

Fang Yiruo had some realization, "It turns out that the illusory demonic realm that just broke through to the Yangshen realm is so terrifying! It's ever-changing, and in the end, it tempted me with Xia Ju's ascension. I'm afraid it would be impossible for anyone else to control it. Fortunately, I have an incomparable Taoist heart." Only through perseverance can one survive a calamity.”

The benefits after the breakthrough are also very obvious.

He found that his Yang Shen had grown a lot, and there seemed to be a vague feeling that it was about to split into two and give birth to a clone.

 The writing of this chapter may be a bit messy, but I feel that when a character dies, something should be left behind. Chu Qing’s death cannot be without any value, so I wrote about her emotions towards the protagonist in a thick and colorful way, and then led to the fantasy world. Of course, Maybe some fellow Taoists don’t like to read this aspect of the content, and Xiaoxiao also took this into consideration, so I wrote in the title that you can jump to order.

  Well, next we will enter the space chapter, and I hope it will be wonderfully written so that everyone will like it.

  Thank you for your continued support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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