I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 372: Psionic King, come out and die!

Chapter 372: Psionic King, come out and die!

On this day, TV stations from all over the world tacitly broadcast a scene.

There seems to be a star field in the picture.

The star in this star field is a red dwarf star, surrounded by five planets.

Because the star field changes very slightly, some people didn't react at all when they first saw this scene.

In the Magic City, the big screen of a large shopping mall was uncharacteristically not showing advertisements, but instead broadcasting scenes from that star field.

Chen Xiaoqing, who just turned 50, came here to shop with her husband and children.

Because it is her birthday today and she will celebrate her birthday tonight at a high-end hotel in Shanghai, so she came all the way from Haitong.

Chen Xiaoqing has long lost the youthful exuberance she had when she was a little girl, and her temperament is relatively stable.

She was chatting about the company with her husband, who was her son-in-law.

Suddenly, she was startled when she saw the big screen.

Her husband, Liu Chuncheng, was naturally very observant to be the son-in-law. When he saw his wife staring at the big screen, he blinked and asked, "Xiaoqing, I've been with you for so many years, but I haven't noticed that you like aerospace."

Chen Xiaoqing shook her head, "No, I don't like aerospace."

Liu Chuncheng was surprised, "Then just stare at the big screen..."

Chen Xiaoqing's face was both nervous and inexplicably smiling, "Think about what day it is today."

Her son Chen Yiyun answered: "Mom, today is your birthday."

Daughter Liu Zixin said: "Yes, today is your birthday, Mom."

Liu Chuncheng thought his wife was reminding him to give him a better birthday gift, so he smiled and said, "Xiaoqing, don't worry, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiaoqing's eyes were full of memories: "Today is the tenth day that Master Fang fought off the aliens."

Today is Zhenren Fang’s tenth day to fight off aliens?
Doesn't that mean...

As soon as these words came out, Liu Chuncheng suddenly woke up.

Chen Yiyun and Liu Zixin also looked at the big screen.

At this moment, they finally understood why a star field was playing on the big screen in the mall.

Not surprisingly, this star field is most likely the star field where the psychic race that invaded the earth is located.

If nothing unexpected happens next, the screen will probably show the sensational scene of Zhenren Fang annihilating the psionic tribe!
Liu Chuncheng, who originally wanted to continue shopping with his wife, suddenly stopped and stared at the unchanged big screen with excitement and curiosity.

The same is true for the brother and sister duo Chen Yiyun and Liu Zixin.

Not just them.

Gradually, many people gathered around.

"Is the time limit up today?"

"Well, here we are, Zhenren Fang said that today he will destroy the Psychic King and destroy the star field where the Psychic Race is located."

"Finally waited until this day!"

"I really look forward to how Master Fang will destroy the stellar field."

"The scene must be very spectacular, right?"

"I don't care whether it's magnificent or not. I only know that the psychic tribe deserves to die. I hope Master Fang will completely wipe out the psychic tribe at once!"

Dozens of people were pointing and chatting at the big screen.

Everyone sounded very indignant.

There was no way, just ten days ago, the cosmic gangsters of the Psychic Tribe attacked the earth and almost committed evil acts that wiped out the human race.

People on Earth have long hated the psychic race.

It can be said that the hatred of human beings on the earth towards the psionic tribe today is far more profound than the hatred that China had for their small lives in the past.

Naturally, when they learned that today was the day when Master Fang gave the Psychic Tribe the last deadline to escape from the Psychic Planet, everyone brought out the fear and anger in their hearts ten days ago and wanted to see the Psychic Tribe being destroyed immediately!


Beijing, Lu Family Courtyard.

Lu Tingsong, who is already over 90 years old, is lying on a deck chair and basking in the sun.

His grandson Lu Zhiguo hurried in from outside, "Grandpa."

Lu Tingsong turned his head slightly and looked over, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Lu Zhiguo said softly: "It's almost time."

Lu Tingsong didn't react for a moment, "When is it almost time?"

Lu Zhiguo explained respectfully: "The time limit given by Zhenren Fang for the psionic tribe to evacuate the psionic planet has come up. Now the TV station is broadcasting the footage of the psionic star area through the alien universe monitor, so I came over and called you over to watch this excitement together." A heart-warming moment.”

Lu Tingsong suddenly remembered, "Yes, yes, it's almost time."

He struggled to get up from the chair.

Lu Zhiguo quickly stepped forward to help.

Lu Tingsong just stood up and said with emotion: "I remember when our Lu family decided to make friends with Zhenren Fang, we never thought that one day he would become the patron saint of our humanity. Time flies so fast. Twenty and thirty years have passed in a flash."

Lu Zhiguo sighed rather sadly: "Yes, Master Fang still looks like a young man in his 20s, in his prime. I am about the same age as him, but I already have gray hair on my temples and wrinkles all over my face."

"Haha, we are all mortals, how can we be compared with a saint like Zhenren Fang?"

"Grandpa, that's what you said."

The grandfather and grandson came to the inner courtyard while chatting.

As soon as he stepped into the lobby, Lu Tingsong saw dozens of members of his family rushing back from various places, and everyone was wearing a pair of "glasses" on their faces.

Everyone saw him coming and quickly stood up to say hello.

Lu Tingsong responded to everyone, and then sat down with the help of his grandson.

Lu Zhiguo handed over a pair of glasses and said, "Grandpa, this is the latest holographic viewing device on the market. You can wear it like glasses and you can see everything playing on the screen as if you are actually there."

"I remember that in the past, you had to have a special holographic theater to watch holographic movies, but now you can do it with just a pair of glasses?" Lu Tingsong said with emotion, "Since the real person Fang brought us a space battleship more than 20 years ago, , the technology on earth is developing particularly rapidly, so I’ll put it on and see how Master Fang can eliminate the psionic tribe."

With that said, Lu Tingsong put the holographic viewing glasses on his ears.

A magical feeling came through, and he was immediately "suspended" in the star field as if he was immersed in the scene.

It seems to have become a cosmic detector!

The only regrettable thing is that Lu Tingsong couldn't hear a single sound from the holographic viewing glasses.

He didn't know whether this pair of glasses didn't have the function of transmitting sound, or whether it was because the star field was a vacuum and there couldn't be any sound.

Just after he put on the holographic viewing glasses, Lu Zhiguo explained, "The aliens said that the picture we saw was from three hours ago. We may have to wait here for a long time before we can see Zhenren Fang show off his power." .”

"Well, no matter how long I wait, I have to see this historic scene!"

Lu Tingsong said firmly.

The dozens of Lu family disciples beside him all thought so.

The psionic tribe has gone too far to deceive others. Not only did they attack the earth, they even planned to wipe out all humans.

Now that the patron saint of mankind, Zhenren Fang, has taken action, the children of the Lu family naturally want to witness the destruction of the psionic race, the most powerful enemy in the history of mankind!

The same scene happens all over the world.

In particular, several large video websites immediately organized resources and put the scenes broadcast from national television stations in various countries directly on the homepage of the official website, so that people who clicked in could see Fang Zhenren's spirit-killing power at first glance. clan.

Netizens from all over the world, who have been aggrieved, angry, and have been looking forward to it for ten days, have also flocked to major video websites, live broadcast rooms, and other pages where the pictures can be seen.

Some people even stayed in front of the screen just after twelve o'clock in the morning.

As one of the largest video websites in the world, YouTube is almost flooded with netizens from all over the world.

No, the chat area and barrage at the bottom of the screen of the live broadcaster's real-person Soul-Destroying Star are already flowing like a fountain. "Shet, it's finally time for revenge!"

"Come on, Master Fang, beat up the cosmic gangster!"

"Yes, completely wipe out the psychic race from the universe!"

"I'm here, I'm here. I worked the whole night shift. I'm really afraid of missing this sensational scene. Did Master Fang take action against the psionic tribe?"

"It hasn't started yet, don't worry."

Many netizens who came later asked if it had started.

These people were all "begging" for life before, but now they have finally finished their work. Of course, they are afraid of missing the first scene of Human Star Wars, so they all ask other netizens about their situation.

After hearing this, everyone was relieved and stared at the changes on the big screen while chatting.

An hour passed, and nothing changed in the picture.

Two hours have passed, and there is still nothing on the screen.

Despite the long wait, no one quit watching the live broadcast.

Some people even hold their phones to watch even when they go to squat.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, around twelve o'clock in the middle of the day on Earth, a blazing glow like a red dwarf star suddenly appeared on the screen!


"Zhenren Fang has arrived at the Psychic Star!"

"Quick! Everyone, come and see! Master Fang is going to destroy the psionic tribe!"

"It's time, it's finally time!"

"Master Fang is mighty!"

Netizens screamed and stared at the screen with their eyes wide open, for fear of missing this spectacular picture.


Orion Star Alliance!
Centaur Interstellar Alliance!
Even the other two spiral arm interstellar alliances of the Milky Way, which have sensed the recent changes in the Orion Star Alliance, are staring at the changes in the psionic star field.

The star masters of the nine high-civilization deacon planets of the Perseus Spiral Arm Interstellar Alliance 190 are currently staring at the images transmitted back from the universe monitor with their mouths open.

"My Lord Seven Kings, the Supreme God of the Universe!"

"There are actually creatures in the universe that are as bright as stars?"

"Hey, what is this cosmic creature that is as bright as a star planning to do when it rushes to the psychic star field?"

"Everyone, be quiet and watch quietly!"

The race leaders of the six steward planets in Cygnus Interstellar Alliance 170, another spiral arm of the Milky Way, are also watching.

They, like the Perseus Star Alliance, were all in for a surprise.

"What kind of cosmic creature is this?"

"The light radiating from his body is as bright as a star!"

"There are such terrifying and powerful creatures in the universe?"

"Is he a Tieji being?"

"No, Tie Ji's life cannot be as bright as a star. Could he be a real god that only existed in ancient mythology?"

The Cygnus Star Alliance Deacon Planet race leader was in an uproar.

Although they don't know what the grievances and grudges between this powerful cosmic creature and the psionic race in front of them, who are as bright as stars, are.

But when they saw a "star"-like creature coming into the psychic star field, they were all shocked.

As the overlords of the four major spiral arms of the Milky Way, these leaders, chiefs and star masters of advanced civilizations have seen too many strange cosmic creatures, but they have never seen any cosmic creatures that are like stars. How dazzling!

It is precisely because of this that the members of the Interstellar Alliance, who had just witnessed the boundless power of Zhenren Fang in the remaining two of the four major spiral arms of the Milky Way, were extremely shocked at this moment.

At the same time, the leaders and star owners of the Perseus Star Alliance and Cygnus Star Alliance felt the same sense of crisis as many leaders of the Centauri Star Alliance.

They all knew at a glance that this was an unbelievably powerful cosmic creature.

If it cannot be handled properly, it is very likely that their respective interstellar alliances will suffer a devastating blow!
At this moment, the race leaders and star owners of the Perseus Interstellar Alliance and the Cygnus Interstellar Alliance all sat upright, not daring to blink an eye.

They wanted to see what this cosmic creature, which looked extremely powerful at first glance, was going to do.

The Orion Star Alliance is paying attention!

The Centauri Star Alliance is paying attention!
The Perseus Interstellar Alliance is also paying attention!
The Cygnus Interstellar Alliance is also paying attention!

It can be said that at this moment, all advanced civilizations in the entire galaxy are staring at the psychic star system.

Some people understand what's going on.

Some people don't know what's going on.

But without exception, today, psychic stars receive much more attention than the 110 billion Earth years since their stars were born!

The entire galaxy is paying attention, so you can imagine how sensational it is.


Most people on the psychic planet are unaware of the amount of attention their sector has received.

And the people of the psychic tribe don't have time to think about this.

Since the entire psionic planet received their great psionic king's "Holy War Order" a few days ago, all the psionic tribesmen have been busy.

Heavy firepower laser energy cannons were installed above the metal-like houses.

The 30 billion laser energy cannons on the psychic planet all have their barrels pointed at the sky. Just waiting for their king's order, these laser energy cannons will fire in unison, completely blasting the powerful cosmic creature that is preparing to invade into pieces. Scum!
"The time limit is up, hasn't that cosmic creature come yet?"

"No trace has been found yet."

"Huh, I don't even dare to come here even if I try him!"

"Haha, that cosmic creature is probably just saying that. How can a single soldier be the opponent of our entire race?"

"Yes, he doesn't dare to come over!"

Psychic Planet Almost the same topics are being discussed all over the world.

That is, the ten Earth days are up, and the arrogant cosmic creature has not come yet. The tens of billions of psionic tribesmen all think that Fang Yi is afraid and does not dare to invade the psionic planet.

It's not just the psionic people who think so.

The Psychic King of Exia Holy Land thought so too.

in the temple.

The Psionic King frowned slightly and looked to the side, "High Priest, didn't you say that the guardian deity of that planet came back to destroy our clan? Why has he disappeared until now?"

High Priest Alsado said in fear: "Great King, the patron saint of that planet said he was coming. As for why he hasn't appeared yet, I really don't know what's going on."

Marshal Carona was also on the side. When he recalled the powerful power of the planet guardian of the lower civilization race, his heart trembled. "King, maybe the earth is far away from our psychic star. He is ten earths away." It's too late to come here. Since he hasn't appeared by the deadline, do you think we should retreat from the psychic planet? In case he really comes here..."

Before he finished speaking, the Psychic King, who had been frightened for ten Earth days, suddenly became arrogant, "What are you afraid of? He doesn't even dare to come over, why should we evacuate the Psychic Star?"

Yes, the Psychic King thought that the planet guardian of the lower civilization race did not have the ability to travel across the universe and could not resist the psionic planet.

He suddenly became extremely arrogant, and his tone was full of disdain, "If he really has the ability to come here, as the king of the psychic tribe, I am willing to lead him to death!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, a shocking scene occurred spontaneously!

I saw the spiritual planet that was originally in the evening and the light was a little dim.

Suddenly, a light so strong that it seemed to illuminate the entire planet was projected down!
Immediately, a strange voice rolled down from the sky of the Psychic Star like thunder, "Psionic King, come out and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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