I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 376 Shocking the Milky Way

Chapter 376 Shocking the Milky Way

Endless silence spread in the conference room.

If everyone didn't know the reason for the silence, they might think that the projection was "disconnected".

But everyone who knew the reason felt huge waves in their hearts.

Centaur destroyed an entire star system in less than 3 minutes?
Such terrifying power makes people feel dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Yes, neither the leader of the alliance, Asa, nor the leaders of the Deacon Planet such as the Purple Sweet Potato Titan Clan, the Silver Tree Intelligent Race, or the Black Bully Autumn Ball, could not believe that this was true.

Everyone was silent, no one said a word.

until three hours later.

The impact of the destruction of the psychic planet was relayed back to Centauri Star Alliance headquarters.

Asa and the leader of the Deacon Planet saw the entire process of the destruction of the Psychic Star.

In the image, Earth's planetary guardian angel fell into the psychic planet like a star.

Not long after that, the bright "star" flew out from the psychic planet again.

Then...a terrifying scene happened!

As soon as Earth's planetary guardian left the psychic planet, the planet erupted in an intense red light.

Immediately afterwards, the red light continued to expand and spread outward at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, it swallowed up the entire surrounding satellites of the psychic planet star field.

In the blink of an eye, the closest gas planet was also swallowed up by red light.

The entire star field shook violently.

The red light swept out like a gamma ray burst!

The red light flooded the entire star field where the psychic star was located!

The psychic planets, satellites, four surrounding planets, and psychic stars were all impacted and exploded by red light!
Next, because the space monitor was destroyed, everyone could not see anything.

However, the impact of these short 30 seconds shocked the more than 60 leaders of the Deacon Planet of the Centauri Star Alliance at the scene!
The leader of the Purple Sweet Potato Titan clan's eyes suddenly widened like bells, "This..."

Hei Buliu Qiuyuanqiu even gasped, "Destroy the star system almost instantly!"

The leader of the wise race of the Silver Tree was also shocked and trembling all over, so the silver shavings kept falling.

He pointed at the influence that had finished playing, and his tone of voice was trembling as he spoke, "Olasman the Great God of the Ancestral Tree! Is this... is this the true power of the god?"

The other leaders of the Deacon Planets were silent for a while.

Then, with a crash, the entire conference room exploded!
"What a terrifying power!"

“It’s so shocking and terrifying!”

"It destroyed a star system in the blink of an eye. If such power were spread, it would probably shock the entire universe!"

"My great God Baka, is the planet guardian of the earth much more powerful than you in the mythical records?"

"This is definitely not a force that any technology can resist!"

"Faster than the speed of light, the burst of power can easily destroy star systems. Is this a god?"

A group of people were all blown away!

At first they couldn't believe Asa's statement that Earth's planetary guardian had destroyed the psychic star system.

However, after seeing with their own eyes the entire process of the Earth's Planet Guardian destroying the psychic star system, they knew what true disbelief meant!

Because what you see is far more shocking than what you hear!

What did they hear first?
Earth's Planet Patron destroyed the psychic star system in less than 3 minutes on Centaur.

But actually?
From the time it left until the red light rose and flooded the entire psychic star system, it only took a few dozen seconds!
What does this mean?
This means that if the Earth’s planet guardian wants to destroy the Milky Way, it is only a matter of time!
Just imagine how terrifying it would be to be an enemy of a god who can easily destroy star systems and fly faster than any technological product!

The more than 60 leaders of the Deacon Planet in the Centaur Star Alliance were all frightened to death by the powerful and terrifying power of the Earth's Planet Guardian!
There was even an intelligent race leader who looked like a duck and couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. One can imagine how frightened he was.

Not to mention this intelligent race leader who looks like a duck.

Asa, the supreme leader of the Centaur Star Alliance, was so shocked that his body and mind were trembling.

After a brief commotion.

The leaders of these steward planets became silent again.

At first, they wanted to help the earth's technological civilization improve in exchange for the planet's patron saint to join their interstellar alliance, and then use it as a gun to deal with enemies that the alliance could not deal with.

And now I see such a shocking scene.

The leaders of these interstellar alliance steward planets all want to say in their hearts: Is this power really something we can control?

Asa's face changed drastically, and he immediately said loudly: "We must re-examine our attitude towards the earth and Fang Shen! I propose that the earth be made one of the steward planets of our alliance, provided that the leader must be Fang Shen!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"The earth can become one of our steward planets, but Fang Shen must become the leader!"

These leaders of the Deacon Planet rushed to respond to Asa, and everyone agreed!
They are not fools. After seeing Fang Yi's power that shocked the world, they all know that simply pulling the earth's civilization into the Centauri Interstellar Alliance camp is no longer qualified to cooperate with the other party, because the other party has the ability to destroy the star system instantly. The God of Power, so if you want to firmly bind the earth's civilization to the Centaur Interstellar Alliance, the only way is to make the earth's civilization one of the alliance's steward planets!

...On the other side, the Orion Interstellar Alliance also received the image.

Balabamo, the leader of the alliance and the supreme king of the Yeyun tribe, was not only dumbfounded after reading the impact, but was also so frightened that he broke out in black and oily "cold sweat".

Lord Kara was shocked.

Lord Noel was shocked.

Lord Parlu was shocked.

Noah Star Lord was shocked.

The remaining star owners of the more than 100 Deacon Planets were all shocked beyond measure!
These more than 100 civilizations cannot be said to have complete control over the 300 billion stars in the Orion spiral arm. At least 100 billion stars are truly under control. They can be said to be well-informed.

But even the star owners who have seen more than 100 steward planets for a long time have never seen any creature in the universe that can possess such terrifying single power!
The star system was destroyed instantly!
Ganesh Star Lord chanted with horror on his face: "How is it possible? How is it possible? How can there be such a powerful creature in the universe?"

The Baba Claw Star Lord projected next to him also had a look of disbelief, but he still swallowed his saliva and said: "No matter how... it is impossible, he... he also destroyed the psychic star system in an instant!"


It is no longer possible that the planet guardian of this low-level civilized race also destroyed the psychic star system in an instant!
See it with your own eyes, you can’t fake it!

It is precisely because they know that the scenes played in the video are real, which makes the star owners of more than 100 Deacon Planets in the Orion Interstellar Alliance feel bitter.

They never expected that the guardian deity of the planet of that lower civilization race would be so powerful.

In fact, it doesn't matter to them whether the other party is strong or not.

The important thing is that, except for one of the Deacon Planets, all of them have privately sent combat supplies to the Psychic Tribe!
If the planet guardian of that lower civilization race uses this to launch an attack on the Orion Interstellar Alliance.

I would like to ask, can these deacon planets really be able to resist it if they are all united together?
the answer is negative!

No technological civilization can defeat a demon that moves faster than light and is so powerful that it can destroy star systems in an instant!
Barabamo was even more frightened and was trembling all over. As the king of the Yeyun tribe, he sent a stellar cannon to the Psychic tribe. If this matter was known to the guardian of the planet of the lower civilized race, Shouldn't their Yeyun clan be like the Psychic clan and have their star systems destroyed?
How to do?
What should I do?
Barabamo was panicked for a moment!
Not only was he panicked, but the remaining star owners of the more than 100 Deacon Planets were all the same as him. They were so scared that they didn't know what to do. They were all scared to the point of losing their courage by the planet's patron saint of a lower-level civilized race. It's going to break!

The star owners of the nine high-civilization steward planets of the Perseus Spiral Arm Interstellar Alliance 190 have also just watched the video.

Unlike the Centaur Star Alliance and the Orion Star Alliance, the Perseus Star Alliance saw Fang Yi's power for the first time. The leaders of these 190 nine advanced civilization deacon planets were even more shocked!

The face of the leader of the Perseus Interstellar Alliance and the leader of the Perseus Clan, Ms. Camoo, who is as unique as a human being, has already become a little distorted in shock after seeing the impact!
She stared at the end of the video with dumbfounded eyes and said in a tone of disbelief: "This... what kind of monster is this?"


Although there are 190 star owners from eight other steward planets sitting below, none of them can answer the question of Queen Camus!

What kind of monster is this?
The power is so terrifying that it shocks the world?

The Star Masters of the Deacon Planet of the Perseus Interstellar Alliance, like the Orion Interstellar Alliance, were silent for a long, long time.

It’s just that everyone knows that silence is not the answer. If this cosmic creature is as powerful as a god, if they cannot reach a peace agreement with it, sooner or later it will bring a huge threat to the Spiral Arm Interstellar Alliance where they belong.

So, the Fairy Queen said in a difficult tone: "Tell me, how can we live in peace with him in the true sense?"


The race leaders of the six steward planets in Cygnus Interstellar Alliance 170, another spiral arm of the Milky Way, are also watching.

Their reaction was much stronger than that of Perseus.

"What kind of cosmic creature is this!"

"When I first saw him, I just thought that the light radiating from his body was as blazing as a star. I didn't expect that his power was even more terrifying than the explosion of a star!"

"There are such terrifying and powerful creatures in the universe!"

"I'm sure that if he is not an iron-based being, then he must be a real god, a god only recorded in ancient mythology!"

"It absolutely cannot be an iron-based life. No matter how powerful the iron-based life is, it is impossible for him to destroy a star system in an instant with such ease!"

The Cygnus Star Alliance Deacon Planet race leader was in an uproar.

Although they still don't know why this incomparably powerful cosmic creature traveled thousands of miles to the psionic planet to destroy the psionic race and the star system together.

But after seeing the terrifying power that this cosmic creature truly unleashed, everyone was so shocked that they no longer knew what to say.

As the overlords of the four major spiral arms of the Milky Way, these leaders, leaders and star masters of advanced civilizations have seen too many strange cosmic creatures, but they have never dared to imagine that there are really things in the universe that can destroy star systems in an instant. Terrible creatures exist!
It is precisely because of this that the leaders of the Deacon Planet of the Cygnus Interstellar Alliance, after witnessing the boundless power of that strange creature, at this moment, their souls were all so shocked that they almost came out of their bodies!

At this time, whether it was the Perseus Interstellar Alliance or the Cygnus Interstellar Alliance leaders and star owners, they no longer felt that there was a crisis, but they all instinctively believed that if they could not understand what happened to that strange creature as soon as possible, thing, the star system they are in is very likely to encounter the same tragic fate as the psychic star.

The most important thing is that until now, they still don't know where the limit of the power of this cosmic creature that can instantly destroy a star system is.

It can destroy an entire star system in an instant, and its true strength must be countless times more powerful than this!
This is an incredibly powerful cosmic creature.

If it cannot be handled properly, it is very likely that their respective interstellar alliances will suffer a devastating blow!
At this moment, the race leaders and star owners of the Perseus Interstellar Alliance and the Cygnus Interstellar Alliance quickly held an emergency meeting. They started discussions one by one, discussing how to learn the specific information about this cosmic creature, and how to interact with such a cosmic creature. Unmatched and powerful cosmic creatures coexist peacefully.

No one wants to make the same mistakes as the psionic tribe!

Orion Star Alliance!
Centauri Interstellar Alliance!

Perseus Star Alliance!
Cygnus Interstellar Alliance!
It can be said that at this moment, all advanced civilizations in the entire galaxy were shocked by Fang Yi's powerful power.

The advanced civilization leaders or star masters of each alliance were so shocked that cold sweat broke out on their backs. They just wanted to quickly reach a peace agreement with that "monster" who had the ability to destroy star systems at will.

The four major spiral arm advanced civilization races were all shocked.

This is almost all the advanced civilizations in the entire galaxy.

Fang Yi's destruction of the psychic star system this time can be said to have shocked the entire galaxy!
Only then did these advanced civilized races realize how vast the universe was, and it turned out that there were powerful cosmic creatures like Fang Yi that could destroy star systems in an instant!

Only then did they realize that technology was not worth mentioning at all in the face of real power!
(End of this chapter)

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