I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 384: Fang Zhenren’s strength is not only reflected in strength

Chapter 384: Fang Zhenren’s strength is not only reflected in strength

No one expected that Li Shiyuan's seemingly weak body could explode with such shocking power!

The most important thing is that an earthling can survive in space without wearing any protective clothing?

Mo's eyes widened.

Pan Shi was also shocked.

Holy Yinhui and the remaining more than 100 staff members of the three races in the spaceship are incredible.

Master Fang didn't deal with us?
He did send a super soldier to help?

Mo and Panshi looked at each other.

At this moment, they finally understood why Fang Zhenren sent Li Shiyuan to participate in the galaxy-level war!
It turns out that even Master Fang, the disciple with the shortest introduction time, still possesses unimaginable terrifying individual combat capabilities!
Just imagine, with such a super soldier with high mobility and terrifying explosive power, as long as he can detect the hiding place of the opponent's space battleship, wouldn't he be able to kill at will?
Found a treasure!

I found a treasure this time!

Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui were ecstatic. Although Master Fang was not invited to come forward this time, and Li Shiyuan's power was far less than that of Master Fang, Li Shiyuan was still a transcendent figure for ordinary cosmic creatures. It exists, but it's just not like Fang Zhenren who has the ability to end the battle immediately.

At the same time, Li Shiyuan seemed to have done a trivial thing by destroying a small space battleship, and instantly returned to the spaceship with a flash of red light.

The way Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui looked at him completely changed. They were no longer helpless and contemptuous at the beginning. On the contrary, their eyes were filled with hot aura!

"Mr. Li." Mo first stepped forward to express his thanks in a friendly tone, "Thank you for saving everyone in our spaceship."

"You're welcome." Li Shiyuan remained calm and pointed at Captain Chris, who was suspended outside the spaceship. "Aren't you going to let him into the spaceship?"

"The staff will let him in." Panshi responded and asked with twinkling eyes: "That move you just made was really powerful. What was it?"

Li Shiyuan said in a calm tone: "Oh, this is our Fangxian Sect's unique Taiyi Thunder Technique. It was created by my mentor."

Well, it was not created by Fang Yi, but by his sacrificial incarnation. In fact, it is no different from his own creation. Its principle evolved from the "Zhengyi Lei Method".

He said and shook his head, "This spell is not very powerful in the universe. I can only rely on my own burst of power to transform into thunder bombardment. If I can be in a planet with yin and yang, Taiyi Bang The power of the thunder will be even stronger."

"Ah?" Mo was shocked, "What kind of sky-shattering thunder method is more powerful on the planet?"

Li Shiyuan nodded slightly, "Yes."

Holy Yinhui took a breath and said, "If that's the case, doesn't it mean that as long as we find a suitable battlefield for you, you can easily destroy large space battleships?"

"It depends on how big it is." Li Shiyuan said very honestly: "If it is a space battleship like the one just now, I can destroy it in an instant, but if it is a super starship like the psionic race invading the earth, unless I use the magic weapon given by my mentor , otherwise there is absolutely no ability to destroy it in one fell swoop. Well, in my Huangshan Daojun Palace, apart from my mentor and several of his incarnations, I am afraid that the only people who have the ability to destroy starships of that level are those who joined me more than ten years ago. It is only possible for Senior Brother Lu Shisheng, who is a disciple of his mentor and is preaching on another planet. I am not sure whether he can do it for the time being, but my Senior Brother Xu Xiaoli, the headmaster of Huangshan Daojun Palace, said that Senior Brother Lu Shisheng has amazing talents. In just a few years, he has become Obtained the true teachings from my mentor and mastered the supreme method of Fangxian Sect."

The three of them were shocked again when they heard that Li Shiyuan might have a more powerful senior brother.

But then the holy Yinhui, who was full of wisdom, heard the mystery from Li Shiyuan's words. He blinked and asked: "Mr. Li, what do you mean, whether it is you or the master of Huangshan Daojun Palace, Xu Sir, or Mr. Lu who is preaching on another planet, do they all have such powerful power through their own cultivation? Rather than having it innately?"

Mo He Panshi also looked at Li Shiyuan suddenly.

This information is too important.


Because if Li Shiyuan's terrifying power comes from training, doesn't it mean that people in the Centaur Star Alliance have a chance to become so powerful as long as they can become disciples of Zhenren Fang?
Of course, they don't know yet whether this is the case.

After all, the structure of people on Earth is very different from the structure of races in the universe like them.

But at least there is a glimmer of hope.

That's why the three kings of the cosmic races are so concerned about this issue.

Li Shiyuan nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I, Senior Brother Xu, Senior Brother Lu, have cultivated such a great method because I became a disciple of my mentor."


The eyes of Mo, Panshi and Sacred Yinhui were full of shock.

They never imagined that Fang Yi was not only so powerful that he could destroy star systems in an instant, but he could also train normal earthlings to have the ability to surpass biological limits.

To be sure, Holy Yinhui asked again: "Mr. Li, how strong was your power before you became a disciple of Master Fang?"

Li Shiyuan said honestly: "It's not much different from other people on earth."

Mo: "..."

Rock: "..."

Holy Silver Glory: "..."

They have seen as many as eight hundred people on earth, from a thousand to eight hundred. How could they not know that this is a cosmic race with an extremely weak body?

It can be said that if everyone does not use any weapons to fight with bare hands, Mo, as the king of the Purple Potato Titans, has the confidence to single-handedly defeat a large group of earthlings. After all, he is more than ten meters tall and his body is far stronger than that of earthlings. It couldn't be easier to punch an Earthling to death.But does Mo have the confidence to challenge Li Siyuan alone?

the answer is negative.

Although Li Shiyuan is also from Earth, his powerful burst of power can easily destroy small space battleships.

Such a weak race could become so powerful after being trained by Master Fang.

What if the more powerful Purple Potato Titans were trained by Fang Zhenren?
That would go to heaven!
Thinking of this, Mo, Panshi and Sacred Yinhui all felt excited.

They thought that if they could curry favor with Master Fang and then send some of their tribesmen to Huangshan Daojun Palace to practice, then their own race's army would have a hundred... no, ten single-body super warriors as powerful as Li Shiyuan, and they would be equipped with All kinds of high-tech equipment are absolutely invincible!
In order to verify whether non-Earthlings could become so powerful, Panshi asked cautiously: "Mr. Li, tell me, if non-Earthlings were lucky enough to practice with Master Fang, could they become as powerful as you?"

Mo Hesheng Yinhui looked towards Li Shiyuan nervously.

Li Shiyuan said matter-of-factly: "Although most of the exercises in our Huangshan Daojun Palace are only suitable for people on earth to practice, my teacher once said that all living beings in the world can cultivate to become immortals. They can move mountains and seas with hands and feet, and move stars. The power of fighting, and the teacher also talked about non-human cultivation. He said that in ancient times on our earth, not only various animals could cultivate fairies, but also stones and river water. If there were enough blessings, there would also be demons. If you have the opportunity to become a spirit, you may even become an immortal in the end, possessing extraordinary power that is as powerful as your mentor."

Mo's eyes widened, "How can a lifeless substance like stone have the same extraordinary power as Zhenren Fang?"

Holy Yinhui was even more surprised and said: "Can inanimate matter gain life and wisdom from this?"

Li Shiyuan nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that's what my mentor said."

This time, Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui have no doubts at all. Even stones can be cultivated into "immortals". Although these intelligent races are not people on earth, from this point of view, as long as Zhenren Fang is willing to teach Dafa, There is also the opportunity to gain immense power beyond nature.

At this time, Li Shiyuan was still talking, "In addition, cultivation not only makes one's own power stronger, but if one has an understanding of heaven and earth, he can also use his own power to inspire the power of heaven and earth, bursting out several times or dozens of times his own power. "

Mo, Panshi and Sacred Yinhui were shocked again.

Li Shiyuan continued, "Of course, no matter what kind of power it is, it is not the real goal of us cultivators. The real goal of cultivators is to break through the lifespan limit. For example, for us people on earth, the normal life span is about eighty About Earth years, but because I, Senior Brother Xu, and Senior Brother Lu have become disciples of our mentor, our lifespans can reach hundreds of years at least, and thousands of years at most. If our mentor can give us the elixir of death, we can even live Has a lifespan of 800 years."

Well, these were all taught by Fang Yi before he came, otherwise Li Shiyuan would not have revealed the elixir, the ultimate secret of the Dao Lord Palace.

Hearing this, Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui were no longer shocked or shocked, but each one was shocked and breathless.

Why are they so shocked?
Because what Li Shiyuan just said was very clear, the life span of a normal human on earth is about eighty earth years.

However, after becoming a disciple of Master Fang and cultivating, your lifespan may increase dozens or hundreds of times!

The average lifespan of the Purple Potato Titans is five hundred Earth years. What would it be if it could be doubled a hundred times?That’s 5 years!

The Panshi tribe has an innate lifespan advantage, because their race is a bit like rocks. In addition to extremely difficult breeding, as long as they do not deliberately seek death, basically the lifespan of the tribe can reach more than 1 earth years. If it can be increased by a hundred times With longevity, wouldn’t it be possible to live for millions of years?

The Silver Tree race is in a similar situation. It is also difficult for them to reproduce, but they have a long lifespan. The average lifespan is about 3000 years. A hundred times that is 30 years!

This time, Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui were simply envious of Li Shiyuan's powerful power. Instead, they all wished they could join Master Fang's disciples and gain an almost endless lifespan.

A lifespan of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years will definitely help their race become the most powerful creature in the universe!
It turns out that the power of Zhenren Fang is not only reflected by his strength!

Only then did Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui realize where the real power of Zhenren Fang lay.

Thinking of this, Holy Yinhui couldn't help but asked: "Mr. Li, do you think I have a chance to become a disciple of Zhenren Fang?"

Li Shiyuan smiled and said: "My teacher said that everything depends on fate. If the fate comes, you will naturally worship. If the fate does not come, it is hard to say. However, our Huangshan Daojun Palace has selected many devout believers over the years. Disciples, Senior Brother Xu has now accepted more than 20 disciples, and I have also accepted three or four disciples. If you can devoutly believe in your mentor, and the Huangshan Taojun and Hunyuan Taichu Daojun enshrined in my Huangshan Daojun Palace, you will also It’s not that you don’t have the opportunity to become a mentor. Of course, if you can spread the teachings of our Immortal Sect on your respective planets and colonial planets, maybe your mentor will be gracious and let you learn Dafa.”

This time Mo, Panshi and Sheng Yinhui understood clearly. Li Shiyuan meant that if you want to learn the art of longevity, you must make sacrifices. This sacrifice does not require them to devote much resources and finances, as long as they can provide faith.

Faith is sometimes a very precious thing.

But for the three kings Mo, Panshi, and Holy Yinhui, who each control hundreds of tribesmen on the planet, faith is not a particularly precious thing, because as long as they are willing, they can issue orders at any time to force countless tribesmen to believe.

Although faith comes from the heart, it has been cultivated subtly for a long time. Even creatures without faith will more or less develop true faith over time.

Mo, Panshi and Sacred Yinhui haven't completely made up their minds yet.

In other words, they are still thinking about how to use their faith resources to exchange for more benefits from Zhenren Fang.

Therefore, they temporarily avoided the issue and did not continue chatting with Li Shiyuan.

Holy Yinhui changed the subject and said: "Mr. Li, since you have such a powerful individual combat capability, we can formulate an exclusive combat plan for you. As long as you can execute it well, I think it will only take a long time to end this galaxy war." It can be done in three to five Earth years.”

Mo Shen nodded in agreement, "Yes, as long as Mr. Li executes the battle plan we formulated and destroys enough space battleships on Baba Claw and their Southwest Galaxy Theater Alliance, then we can win the war."

Panshi said excitedly: "I believe that with Mr. Li's power, as long as we can find traces of the opponent's space battleship, you can easily destroy it. We will win this war!"

Just when the three of them were rejoicing, Li Shiyuan said something that completely confused the three of them.

He shook his head and said: "When I came out, my mentor told me to end your local war within the Tian'an [-] star field in a short time, and then go back to resume my life. Therefore, you think of a way to lure all the other's space battleships." Come out, I will use the magic weapon given by my teacher to destroy all those space battleships at once!"

Do you have the ability to destroy hundreds of space battleships at once?
Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui were all full of doubts. They knew that Li Shiyuan had terrifying individual combat capabilities, but they really didn't believe that the other party could destroy hundreds of space battleships at once.

(End of this chapter)

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