Chapter 388 Although there are thousands of people, I will go

The vast universe.

Space battleships lurk in the darkness.

Among them, near the small space battleship, Li Shiyuan was sitting inside, closing his eyes and relaxing.

In his hands, there were two magic weapons, the Immortal Gathering Flag and the Small Bronze Bell, given by his mentor.

Although Li Shiyuan had not tested the power of these two magic weapons, he knew that his mentor would not target them unprovoked. His mentor said that if he could destroy the star system, he would definitely be able to destroy it.

Moreover, he also knew that today's so-called "ambush" was actually a trap.

It's just that his mentor told him not to reveal anything, so Li Shiyuan naturally had to follow his teacher's instructions.

At this time, bright rays of light came from the depths of the distant starry sky. These rays of light were like the lights of a giant ship traveling in the sea in the dark night, illuminating the edge of the Tianyao [-] star system.

Obviously, this is not the light of stars, but the detection light of some kind of spacecraft or battleship.

Sure enough, the next moment, space transport ships that looked like giant steel dragons emerged.

At a glance, there are probably more than 100 space transport ships. The leading space transport ship can be seen through the transparent window. There are many strategic materials stacked inside, such as fist-sized and shiny "energy sources." .

Although these "energy sources" are small individually, they actually contain huge energy. As long as they are installed on the giant cannon, one can charge the giant cannon by [-]%.

In other words, as long as ten pieces of "energy source" are needed, the giant cannon can explode with powerful power that destroys the world.

In addition, there are other space transport ships carrying various kinds of food. Some foods are strangely shaped like steel, and some foods are as smooth as butter. Because the food of different universe races is different, they must be distinguished. .

In other words, this batch of supplies is very important to the Orion Star Alliance Southwest Galaxy Theater.

If the Centauri Interstellar Alliance's southeast theater can intercept it, it will cause a huge blow to the Orion Interstellar Alliance's southwest galaxy theater headed by Baba Claw, and may even lead to victory without a fight.


"The news is indeed correct."

"Everyone is ready, start at any time."

Orders sounded in the space battleship.

Although the space transport ship has been discovered, the more than 100 space battleship battle groups lurking here have still not emerged to take action, because they are waiting for the appearance of the Baba Claw Star Lord, and then catch them all!

On the other side, Purple Potato Titan.

The kings of Mo, Panshi, Holy Silver and other tribes will definitely not go to the battlefield in person.

A large group of commanders of various theater sizes were all sitting in the conference room, staring at the virtual screen.

Everyone looked nervous.

As long as they can capture or behead the Lord Baba Claw, they will win this battle!
"Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

"Is it possible that the Baba Claw planet has learned of our actions?"

"Probably not. We are acting very cautiously this time and there is no way we will be discovered."

"It may not be time to respond yet."

Everyone chatted softly.

At this moment, Mo suddenly raised his head and said, "Here we come!"

Hearing the sound, a large group of kings and war zone commanders from various tribes all looked up.

A huge space battleship appeared on the virtual screen, and the logo on it showed that it was the "Star Master" space battle mothership exclusive to the Baba Claw Star Master!
Holy Yinhui was overjoyed and hurriedly picked up the communicator and commanded: "Do it!"

After a while, a female voice from the silver tree race came through the communicator, "Yes, the great king."

After finishing speaking, the virtual screen suddenly became translucent.

Countless space battleship groups surrounded those space transport ships from all directions!
Suddenly, the originally vast star field became crowded in an instant, with bright lights everywhere, densely packed space battleships of different sizes, and even many elite warriors wearing space battle suits surrounding it!
Mo, Panshi, and Holy Yinhui all showed inexplicable smiles.

The lower-level commanders such as Holy Fire, Sword of Victory, and Peng Tian also had their hands trembling with excitement.

Because they are about to see the victory of the battle, as long as they can intercept those space transport ships and capture the Star Lord Baba Claw.

As for how to capture the Star Lord Baba Claw, no one was worried at all.

Everyone knows that Li Shiyuan, a disciple of Zhenren Fang, has super terrifying single-target combat capabilities. As long as Li Shiyuan can take action, it will be easy to capture the Star Lord Baba Claw.


Everyone thinks so.

What confused Sheng Yinhui and others was that according to the plan, Li Shiyuan should have been dispatched by this time, but their monitor showed that Li Shiyuan was still motionless in the spacecraft.

what happened?

Is it possible that Li Shiyuan is unwilling to take action?
Just when everyone was puzzled.


The shocking reversal is here!

I saw those space transport ships suddenly opening their hatches, and giant space battleships rushed out of them one after another.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of giant space battleships appeared. In addition, densely packed frigates, destroyers and other small and medium-sized space battleships continued to pour out of the space transport ship like a tide.

"What...what!" Holy Yinhui was shocked.

Mo's face turned purple all of a sudden!

The rock suddenly jumped up and roared: "We fell into the trap! We fell into the trap this time!"

Before anyone else had time to speak, a more terrifying picture came from another virtual screen.

In addition to the hundreds of space battleship battle groups they arranged, one or two hundred space battleship battle groups appeared at some point.

At a glance, three forces appeared.

The first is the outermost battle group of about two hundred space battleships.

The second channel is the battle group of more than a hundred space battleships in the southeastern galaxy theater of the Centauri Interstellar Alliance.

The third channel is the innermost Orion Interstellar Alliance Southwest Theater Battle Group with hundreds of space battleships!

If you zoom out, the scene at this time is like a sandwich of a space battleship battle group. The space battleships in the southeastern galaxy theater of the Centauri Interstellar Alliance are surrounded by a group of people. They can't reach the sky or the earth, and there is nowhere to escape!

This time it's really over!

Mo slumped down in his chair in despair.Pan Shi was also trembling and didn't know what to say.

Holy Yinhui and dozens of other commanders all looked dull.

Of course they know what it means to lose hundreds of space battleships.

It means they will suffer a huge blow!
This is not the most important thing. After all, the Psychic Race could easily dispatch hundreds of space battleship battle groups to the earth. As the Southeast Galaxy War Zone of the Centauri Interstellar Alliance, they would be a little distressed to lose hundreds of space battleship battle groups. , but still affordable.

What they can't bear is that if the Tian'an [-] star system area is completely occupied by the Orion Interstellar Alliance's southwest theater, then they will be cut off from the offensive route, and they can only passively defend!
This means that in this battle, they have completely fallen from initiative to passivity, and even...failed!
Once it fails, there are only two possibilities. One is the outbreak of a holy war, and the two spiral arm interstellar alliances will usher in the most terrifying war in history, hurting the lives of thousands of planets.

Secondly, if they voluntarily surrender, they may face huge compensation, or even an unknown amount of star fields.

No matter which situation it is, it is not what commanders such as Mo, Panshi and Holy Yinhui want to see.

No matter how much they don't want to see it, now that the situation has reached this point, it seems that they have no choice.

Unless...a miracle happens.

But will a miracle happen?


On the other side, Baba Claw.

The star master of Baba Claw was also staring at the virtual screen with a large group of theater commanders.

When they saw the appearance of the space battleship battle group in the southeastern theater of the Centauri Star Alliance, everyone burst into loud cheers.


"Fooled! They were fooled!"

"Haha, this time we can wipe out all the space battleship battle groups deployed in the Tian'an II star system in the Centauri Interstellar Alliance's Southeast Galaxy War Zone!"

"The one who has the last laugh in this battle is our Orion Interstellar Alliance Southwest Galaxy Theater!"

"I want to see how the Purple Sweet Potato Titan Tribe, the Rock Tribe and the Silver Tree Tribe can come back from this situation."

"Comeback? You're overthinking!"

"That is, we have three hundred space battleship battle groups inside and outside, and we have formed a siege. Not to mention they only have a hundred space battleship battle groups. Even if another hundred space battleship battle groups come, in such a situation It’s impossible to reverse it unless Master Fang comes to the scene in person!”

"I have received the news a long time ago. Master Fang did not go there in person. It is said that he only sent one disciple to go."

"Hey, I admit that Master Fang is very powerful, but can his disciples be as powerful as him? Impossible!"

A group of Star Masters from the Southwest Galaxy War Zone of the Orion Star Alliance chatted happily.

It's not like everyone didn't know that Fang Yi sent a disciple to the war zone to participate in the war, but it was said that this disciple represented the earth, not the Huangshan Daojun Palace, so they were not worried that killing Li Shiyuan would anger the Huangshan Daojun Palace.

After all, swords have no eyes on the battlefield. You, Li Shiyuan, participated in the war and was killed on behalf of the earth. Who can you blame?
As for whether Li Shiyuan can have the ability to reverse the situation of the war like Zhenren Fang, this is something that Baba Claw Star Master and other Star Masters have not considered at all.

Isn't this nonsense!

As far as they knew, Li Shiyuan was an Earthling who had only practiced with Zhenren Fang.

So what if an Earthling becomes 300 times more powerful than other ordinary Earthlings after training?So what if you can blow up an asteroid?How can you make waves in the face of more than [-] space battleship battle groups?
Yes, whether it is the Baba Claw Star Master or other Star Masters, they all believe that Fang Yi is "innately sacred" and an existence that cannot be copied.

Therefore, they did not think that Li Shiyuan would have much power by practicing with Fang Yi.

If Li Shiyuan can become extremely powerful by practicing with Fang Yi, then what's the point of developing technology? They can all just practice under Fang Yi.

Everyone thinks so.

It is precisely because they know this that the Baba Claw Star Master and dozens of other Star Masters are not afraid that there will be any problems with this counter-ambush.

However, at this moment, at the moment when the counter-encirclement trend had been completely formed.

A strange scene came from the virtual screen!
I saw a red light suddenly flying out of a certain spaceship.

At first, because this red light was relatively dim compared to the giant beams of other space battleships, no one noticed it immediately.

Star Master Baba Claw has better eyesight and noticed it immediately, "What's going on with that red light? Zoom in and let me take a closer look."

The staff on the side looked in the direction he pointed, and then discovered that there was indeed a little red light, "Yes, the great king."

After saying that, the staff member quickly enlarged the image in the red light.

Dozens of other Star Lords also looked carefully at the virtual screen.

It doesn't look good.

When they saw it, everyone was stunned!
Because they saw an Earthling figure in the red light. Not surprisingly, it must be Li Shiyuan.

The star master of Karaka was stunned for a moment, "Why is he running outside the spaceship alone?"

"Tsk, it's interesting to be able to survive physically in the universe. The apprentice trained by Master Fang seems to be a bit powerful." The star master of Pola Planet was amazed at the same time, "But does he want to turn the tide of the war on his own? And Or want to escape?"

"Definitely trying to escape."

"What if he really wants to escape?"

"He is Master Fang's disciple. For the sake of Master Fang's face, we should let him go."

"Why don't you save face? This is a battlefield. He is participating in the war on behalf of the earth. He will be blasted to death!"

They could say anything, but without exception, these star owners all thought that Li Shiyuan was dead this time!

Purple Sweet Potato Titan.

Dozens of commanders including Mo, Panshi, and Holy Yinhui all saw it.

They were all stunned.

What was Li Shiyuan doing running out of the spaceship at this time?
Hiding in the spaceship, if everyone surrenders, you can still save one life. If you run out now, aren't you undoubtedly sending yourself to death?
Mo's face became even more ugly, "If Li Shiyuan dies, I'm afraid Master Fang will blame us."

Panshi gritted his teeth and said: "What on earth is he doing? If he is captured, we can still find a way to get him out. If we run out in this situation, aren't we looking for death?"

Although Holy Yinhui didn't speak, his heart felt cold. Originally, the most they could lose was two star systems in Tian'an, but now if Li Shiyuan died, they might still have to face the wrath of Master Fang!

It is precisely because of this aspect that the commanders present wanted to die!
But just when everyone was angry, helpless, and desperate.

Suddenly, Li Shiyuan moved.

I saw him gently waving the small flag in his hand.

Then all the leaders of the Centauri Interstellar Alliance's southeastern theater and all the star masters of the Orion Interstellar Alliance's southwest galaxy theater all saw a horrific scene that shocked the world!
 I feel a little better after taking medicine. I got up in the morning and wrote a chapter. I can't continue to interrupt today. My head is very dizzy now, so I went to sleep. I don't know if I can get up again at night and write more. You don't have to wait deliberately. Anyway, tomorrow Will definitely update anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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