I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 405: A real person teaching disciples shocked the whole world, and the planet was completely

Chapter 405: A real person teaching disciples shocked the world, and the planet became silent

The huge body of the steel behemoth that can easily destroy star systems is frozen in the endless starry sky.

Everyone knows how powerful the body of this steel beast is, and everyone knows that all the civilizations in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are helpless.

But now, Master Fang came and spent almost no power. He just pointed at it far away, and then softly shouted the word "fix". He was able to immobilize such an extremely ferocious monster in a short time?

Everyone wants to know how Master Fang did it.

At the same time, they were full of interest and curiosity about the lessons that Master Fang was about to teach the two apprentices.

For a time, intelligent creatures from thousands of planets in three galaxies were looking at the clone of Fang Zhenren in the glow.

When Lu Shisheng and Li Shiyuan heard that their master was about to preach, they quickly knelt down to listen.

"Please give me a clear explanation from my mentor." Lu Shisheng said with a pious expression.

Li Shiyuan also pricked up his ears, fearing that he would miss every word.

Fang Yi sat in the Pilgrimage Pavilion and said in a calm tone: "What we monks master is great power. The power of heaven and earth is gathered in our own body. We have the ability to become a saint. I am a teacher like Kaoer and others." , did you have any special insights when you entered into cultivation and refined your true Qi?"

Li Shiyuan recalled a little bit: "Reporting to my teacher, the disciple had no special feeling when he refined Zhenqi. He only felt that he was no different from ordinary people, except that his body was better and he was less prone to illness and health."

Hearing this, the group of ascetics on earth all nodded slightly.

Indeed, after refining the true energy, all the meridians in the body will be open, and basically no more diseases will occur.

Fang Yi looked to the left, "Shisheng, you have stayed in the realm where you have just refined your true energy for a long time, and your insights should be more profound. Tell me, what special insights do you have?"

Lu Shisheng said: "The disciple refined the True Qi when he was young, and until he met his mentor at the age of 28, he stayed at the stage of just refining the True Qi. Precisely because he stayed at this stage for a long time, I have a particularly deep understanding of the True Qi. Profound Qi is the product of the fusion of human essence, Qi and spirit. If it is described in Taoist terms, this is the innate Qi related to life and life. As long as a person has a mouthful of Zhenqi, he will not only be strong and healthy, but also be able to experience some Delicate changes that ordinary people cannot experience, and more importantly, it can delay the aging of human functions. I don’t know about other races, but humans on Earth have a common life span of seven to eighty years. In ancient times, the average life span was only three to forty years. Five to sixty years old. However, people who practice Zhenqi can easily live to be more than a hundred years old. Some people who have attained the Tao can even live to be two to three hundred years old, or seven or eight hundred years old. As for those who live as long as the heavens , the disciple has only met his mentor so far."

The monks on Earth are okay.

When other intelligent biological races heard this, they were all shocked.

The human lifespan of seven to 80 years on earth is very short, and cannot be compared with many long-lived intelligent biological races.

But it is precisely because of this that these long-lived intelligent creatures heard the important points from Lu Shisheng's words.

When people on Earth cultivate True Qi, their lifespans can increase by 50.00%, or even increase several times. If their long-lived intelligent creatures can refine True Qi, for example, silicon-based life forms that can live for 1000 years, how many years can they live? millennium?
The most important thing is that what Master Fang and his disciples are currently describing is the state of their true energy that they have just cultivated.

What if it's high and deep?
It is precisely because of knowing the magic of Zhen Qi that Zhenren Fang is now "starting classes" again. In an instant, the entire Milky Way and the three galaxy clusters of the Large and Small Magellanics, and thousands of planets, unexpectedly became silent at the same time in tacit agreement.

It seems that the entire universe has become silent because of Zhenren Fang's preaching, karma and doubts.

Fang Yi nodded slightly and said: "I have no one to guide me when I first started practicing cultivation. I have to explore everything on my own. After I attained Taoism and became an immortal, I gradually understood that whether it is true energy or golden elixir, it is the unity of human body's essence, energy and spirit." The product, in fact, whether it is human beings on earth or thousands of different creatures in the sub-dimensional universe, all contain the three elements of essence, energy and spirit in their bodies."

Li Shiyuan listened carefully.

Lu Shisheng seemed to have some understanding.

The ascetics on earth also vaguely understood something.

But only these people understood, and the others were all confused. They didn't understand that Master Fang was clearly teaching Li Shiyuan and Lu Shisheng how to subdue the steel giant beast, but why the three things of spirit, energy, and spirit were involved.

Fang Yi explained in a leisurely manner, "In the human body, essence refers to the tangible elements at all levels that constitute the human body's life activities. They are often in a solid or liquid state. The same is true for other living things. I will use humans instead throughout the entire process."

Li Shiyuan nodded slightly.

Lu Shisheng still listened very seriously.

Thousands of creatures also listened to the sermon with great curiosity.

Fang Yidao: "Everything in the world, from a microscopic perspective, is composed of subtle matter, such as elementary particles. Essence generally refers to subtle matter in a tangible state, such as elementary particles in a particle state. In humans, it refers to the composition of Tangible elements at all levels of the human body's life activities are often in a solid or liquid state. Qi generally refers to subtle substances in an invisible state. In humans, it refers to the basic invisible elements that constitute the human body's life activities, often in a gaseous state. Only God, It is invisible, it is the invisible and immaterial foundation that governs human behavior and survival, but it is a real thing, and thousands of creatures call it 'soul'."

"Is the soul real?"

"real or fake?"

"Does any living thing have a soul?"

Thousands of planets are in an uproar. The technology of these intelligent biological races is very advanced, but the concept of the soul is a mysterious realm that cannot be touched by technology. It is precisely because of the advanced technology that the realm of the soul cannot be touched. Therefore, many people Level [-] and level [-] civilizations have long characterized the soul as a "mythical product" and do not believe in its real existence at all.

Fang Yi sensed the doubts of thousands of living beings and laughed: "I don't care whether I believe in the soul or not. I will show you this once. Although I am a clone at this time, I can still simulate the Yang God."

After saying this, everyone saw a burst of bright light like the sun suddenly rising up in the radiant Pilgrimage Pavilion.

This bright light almost blinded everyone.

As bright as a star!
Yes, it’s as bright as a star when you see it up close!
Just when everyone was unable to open their eyes due to the dazzling brilliance, Fang Yi's voice sounded in everyone's mind again: "I restrain my power, please observe carefully."

Only then did everyone look up.

It doesn't look good.

At first glance, all the intelligent creatures on the planet were dumbfounded!
At this time, Fang Yi's cloned body was still sitting in the Pilgrimage Pavilion, but above his cloned body, there was a group of "gods" suspended like a real person, with bright red light and a hint of golden light!
Everyone can understand it, this is clearly the "soul" that only exists in myths and legends!

Suddenly, thousands of creatures screamed.

"My God!"

"The soul actually exists!"

"I can't believe it! I can't believe it!"

"So, before Master Fang attained enlightenment and became an immortal, was he an ordinary intelligent creature like us?" "Hiss, there really is a civilization that transcends science in the world! There is actually a civilization that relies on its own cultivation to conquer the world. The great method of gathering great power into one’s body?”

Thousands of planets looked at the Yang Shen simulated by Fang Yi's clone in shock. Everyone was completely shocked.

Fang Yi explained casually, "Because I have already attained Taoism and become an immortal, and shattered the void, my 'soul' of pure Yang is far more powerful than any creature in the world. The 'soul' of an ordinary monk is not so powerful. Shi Sheng, you are here." With the blessing of my power, I have cultivated the soul, let everyone take a look."

"Follow the teacher's decree."

Lu Shisheng said and sat cross-legged on the ground. Immediately, auspicious light shone above his head, and a figure composed of golden light with eyebrows and eyes slowly broke away from his body. After a moment, it was suspended three inches above his head.

This figure made of golden light is only three feet long, but it is lifelike, just like Lu Shisheng himself.

Fang Yi pointed to Lu Shisheng's Yuan Shen and said: "This is the Yuan Shen of a monk who has reached a certain level of cultivation. When Shi Sheng's Yuan Shen left the body just now, you should have seen clearly how the soul broke away from the body."

"Not only Master Fang can make the soul leave the body!"

"Master Shisheng can do it too!"

"According to this, as long as anyone practices Master Fang's Dafa, it is possible for anyone's soul to leave the body?"

The immeasurable intelligent creatures in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds were all shocked and moved.

At this point, they still don't understand why Fang Zhenren wants to talk about energy and spirit. These don't seem to have much to do with the steel behemoth.

Next thing they knew it!
After Fang Yi's simulated Yang Shen returned to his body, and Lu Shisheng's soul returned to his body, he slowly said: "We cultivators can easily let the 'soul' leave the body, but ordinary people or ordinary creatures , No matter how powerful the body is, the 'soul' is always bound to the body, and because it has not been practiced, the 'soul' is far less powerful than monks like us."

At this point, he changed the topic and pointed at the frozen steel beast in front of him and said: "This iron-based life is a strange creature born from the creation of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon. Its body is so powerful that it cannot be broken by all the forces in the world. , described in physics, its body density is too high, 100 trillion times denser than nuclear pasta, and the density of nuclear pasta is 100 trillion times that of steel. In addition, it is iron-based, water and fire. Without invasion, all kinds of energy cannot harm its body, so it is almost impossible to destroy it from the outside. Of course, I can easily destroy its so-called powerful body, but you can't."

At this point, many people have vaguely understood what Master Fang is talking about!

As long as they are not fools, almost everyone knows that Zhenren Fang has pointed out the weakness of the steel behemoth!

That’s right, it’s the “soul”!
The body of the steel behemoth is extremely powerful and indestructible, but its soul has not been cultivated and is actually very weak.

Ordinary people will definitely not be able to detect the soul of the steel behemoth.

However, Li Shiyuan and Lu Shisheng were cultivators. Both of them were able to leave their bodies, so it was impossible for them not to notice where the soul of the steel behemoth was.

In other words, if Li Shiyuan and Lu Shisheng are sharp enough, they can directly destroy the "soul" of the steel behemoth with their powerful souls.

When the powerful physical body loses the control of the soul, it will naturally become self-defeating.

Just when everyone had a little understanding, Fang Yi continued to explain, "As you may have thought, the fatal weakness of this iron-based life is its soul. Its body looks very powerful, but in fact its soul is extremely weak. Explain in words. You may not understand, but that’s fine, I will pull its soul out of its body and let you see what happens.”

As soon as this statement came out, it instantly aroused the curiosity of countless people.

The steel behemoth's body is so powerful, what will its soul be like?
Therefore, the intelligent creatures on thousands of planets did not dare to blink and stared at the image, wanting to see the soul of the steel behemoth.

Fang Yi stretched out his hand.

The body of the frozen steel beast trembled, as if it was experiencing some pain.

This situation did not last long.

About two or three seconds later, everyone was surprised to find that a "white light" that was so dim that it was almost impossible to detect slowly rose from the head of the steel giant.

Once this ball of white light separated from the body of the giant beast, it formed a shapeless "qi" the size of a palm.

Fang Yi smiled and said: "This is the soul of this iron-based life. Its soul is really weak. If it were to leave the body under normal circumstances, it would be instantly destroyed by the light of the star. I specially used my divine power to protect it. I haven’t let its soul dissipate, so you can take a closer look.”

Everyone watched carefully.

These are the reactions of ordinary intelligent creatures.

Pandora, Asa, Barabamo and other supreme leaders of the Interstellar Alliance were all shocked. They quickly called the scientific researchers one by one to record this precious scene for further study.

After watching for a while, thousands of creatures vaguely understood the meaning of what Master Fang just said.

Indeed, the soul of the steel behemoth is very weak, and it can be said that it will dissipate when the wind blows.

And what about Master Shisheng’s “soul leaving the body” just now?

It was radiant and lifelike, and it was obvious that the "soul" was very powerful.

In other words, if Master Shisheng and Li Shiyuan had thought of this level before, they would have been able to use their superiority to defeat the weak, and use their souls to easily break up the soul of the steel behemoth without having to ask Master Fang to come down to earth.

Lu Shisheng and Li Shiyuan also thought about this, and couldn't help but feel secretly ashamed in their hearts. They had practiced Taoism for nearly a hundred years, and their teacher had to come down to earth to remind them of such a thing. They really felt ashamed that they had practiced Taoism for so long.

"Teacher." Lu Shisheng knelt on the ground again, "This disciple is too stupid to think of this level. After returning this time, the disciple will definitely think about his mistakes and understand his teacher's gurgling teachings."

Li Shiyuan also kowtowed and said: "My mentor not only has earth-shattering magical powers, but also has erudition throughout ancient and modern times. This disciple can only rely on brute force to fight against the enemy. He has really fallen into an inferior situation. I am grateful to my mentor for his guidance."

Fang Yi did not blame the two of them at all, but said with a smile: "When you are weak, you have to think about how to use your strengths, but when your strength reaches a certain level, you don't need to think so much. You two want to defeat this iron base with the way of a king." There is nothing wrong with life, the only fault is that the strength is not strong enough. In this way, I will show you how you should respond if you are strong enough in the future and encounter such an iron-based life again."

Listening to what Master Fang meant, could it be that he wanted to destroy the steel behemoth with force?

Until now, no one has seen Zhenren Fang display earth-shattering power. They have only seen conceptual abilities, so naturally everyone feels regretful in their hearts.

Now that they heard that Master Fang was willing to show great power in order to teach his two disciples, everyone's eyes lit up and they were filled with curiosity, wanting to see how terrifying power Master Fang would unleash to destroy this giant steel beast.

Everyone thinks that if Master Fang takes action, it must be very spectacular, right?

(End of this chapter)

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