I am the only real fairy in the world

Chapter 409 A day of admiration

Chapter 409 A day of admiration

In Huangshan Taoist Palace.

Next, we have to go to the other side of the starry sky to find the true opportunity to unite with Tao.

Fang Yi couldn't think about the consequences. After thinking about it, he decided to spend some time with his disciples and family.

In the restaurant, the Taoist priests and Fang Yi's family were having breakfast.

Fang Yi was also there, sitting at the same table with his parents, younger brother, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, grandnephews and other family members.

Xu Xiaoli, as the second palace master of Huangshan Daojun Palace, sat at the same table as Li Shiyuan, Master Zheng Xian, Zhang Taigong and two high-level masters who were subsequently trained.

The rest were dozens of young Taoist priests, disciples of Xu Xiaoli, disciples of Li Shiyuan and others sitting at the same table.

At first everyone saw Fang Yi coming. Except for his parents, everyone else stood stiffly and did not dare to sit down.

Fang Yi smiled and pressed his hands on everyone, letting everyone relax as usual.

At this moment, everyone was eating breakfast, and from time to time they secretly glanced at the living immortal sitting not far away.

Fang Yi drank the porridge, "Well, this oatmeal porridge tastes good. Where did you buy it? I'll buy some later."

Cheng Lin looked at him and said with a smile: "Is it delicious? Mom will go to the supermarket to buy some later, and then cook it for you."

Fang Aiguo sighed and said, "I haven't seen you for decades, Xiaoyi. When you come back this time, are you going to be gone for a long time?"

As the saying goes, a child is better than his father, so Lao Fang immediately noticed that something was wrong with his son's sudden return.

Although Fang Yi has attained enlightenment and become an immortal, getting along with his parents is still the same as before.

He smiled and said, "Dad, this time, I will stay in Daojun Palace for a whole year, and then go to Fairyland later."

Well, he didn't say that he was going to the other side of the starry sky to meet Dao Hezhen, because he was afraid that his family would be worried.

When Fang Aiguo heard that his son was going to stay for so long, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Will he stay for so long this time? Okay, okay, I'll kill a chicken I raised and make some soup later."

The younger brother Fang Yuan teased from the side: "Brother, let me tell you, dad is too petty now. Last time I wanted to get a native chicken to try it, but he just scolded me, saying that raising chickens is for survival. The eggs were not raised for me to eat, but as soon as Zihan and Yunyun came, Dad immediately killed the chickens and sheep, and he didn't want to deal with me?"

Zi Han and Yunyun are Fang Yi's nephews and nieces. Fang Yun is Fang Yuan's eldest daughter, 20 years older than Zi Han. Zi Han was born because Fang Yuan later started practicing and he and his wife took the elixir. And the son who was reborn in his 50s after bathing in Yaochi water to regain his youth.

Fang Aiguo glared and said, "Don't you like to be a Taoist priest? Look at Abbot Zheng and the others, they are all vegetarians. Why do you eat meat?"

Fang Yuan was left speechless by the spray.

Fang Yi snickered secretly from the side. His father was quite vindictive. He did not allow his younger brother to practice Taoism decades ago, but he finally convinced his parents. However, his younger brother made his father unhappy and he has not had a good look for decades.

Fang Yuan said "Oops": "Master Zheng was originally a Quanzhen Taoist priest, and we Taoist priests in the Huangshan Taojun Palace can't help but be greedy. Dad, don't target me."

Lao Fang hummed: "If you want to eat chickens, raise them yourself or buy them. The chickens I raise are only for Xiaoyi, Zihan and Yunyun."

Fang Yi watched his brother bickering with his father, and suddenly felt "angry", as if he had transformed from a true immortal to an ordinary person.

Not to mention he felt like he was back to being an ordinary person.

Not far away, the young Taoist priests and disciples who later entered the palace also looked at him in confusion, thinking to themselves, is this patriarch who looks no different from an ordinary young man really a divine being who exerts great power in the universe?
"Our ancestor is so kind."

"You don't understand this. I heard Master say that Grandmaster has always had a good temper and doesn't put on any airs at all."

"I have something I don't understand about cultivation. Can I ask the Patriarch for advice?"

"Don't you have good eyesight? It's obvious that the Patriarch came back to spend time with his family. Why do you bother him when you have nothing to do?"

Several disciples were whispering.

Fang Yi didn't care what happened to them. He definitely wanted to find an opportunity to teach his apprentices and disciples when he came back this time, but not now.

Soon, the meal is over.

Fang Yi accompanied his mother to the supermarket.

The youngest grandniece, Jiaojiao, was only five or six years old. She had a babyish voice when she spoke, so she insisted on going with her.

in the car.

Fang Yi touched the steering wheel and said, "I haven't driven in the past few decades, and I'm a bit incapable of driving anymore."

Cheng Lin hugged Jiaojiao and said, "This is the new nuclear suspension car. I heard it uses nuclear fusion power. I can't get used to driving it. If it doesn't work, can I call Xiaoyuan?"

"No, I'll figure it out after a little trial and error."

Fang Yi let go of his consciousness and looked at how others drove this nuclear-powered hover vehicle.

After a while, he understood how to drive this kind of car, "Mom, sit tight, I'll start it."

As he spoke, he pressed a few buttons in the car, and the car gradually levitated.

Cheng Lin took the opportunity to say: "It's air traffic control time, don't drive too fast, otherwise you will be caught by the traffic police and will be issued a ticket. Also, follow the air route and be sure not to go off the track, otherwise you will also be fined." point."

There is nothing wrong with fines.

It's just that I haven't driven for decades, so my driver's license has expired long ago, and there are no points deducted from my driver's license.

Fang Yi didn't take these words at heart and started "driving without a license" for the first time in decades.


Well, when he was approaching the city, he was stopped by the traffic police in mid-air.

This was a female traffic police officer wearing a flight suit. She flew over and knocked on the car window.

Fang Yi had no choice but to lower the car window.

Cheng Lin scolded from the side, "I just told you that the air traffic control time is telling you to drive slower. You have to drive so fast."

The traffic policeman lowered his head while writing the ticket. He didn't even look at the situation in the car. He just said, "You were speeding over [-] an hour just now. Do you know that it is very dangerous? Driver's license."

Fang Yi sweated, "What, I don't have a driver's license."

The traffic policeman who was issuing a ticket suddenly raised her head. She laughed angrily and said, "You are driving without a license... uh, Fang... are you Zhenren Fang from Daojun Palace?"

Fang Yi smiled at her and winked: "Hello, this driver's license..."

The female traffic policeman immediately opened her eyes and said: "Master, my whole family believes in you. I didn't expect to be so lucky to see you today. Can... can you sign your name for me?"

Fang Yi smiled slightly, "Of course, give me the pen."

The female traffic policeman immediately handed over the pen, took out the notebook, and said with admiration: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, thank you."

Fang Yi signed her name and then bargained: "Is this ticket..."

The female traffic policeman was a little confused: "Real person, I remember that the alliance renews your global driver's license every year. You are not driving without a license, but you are just getting a ticket...I...I have no right not to drive. Otherwise, I can call you." Ask the leader?"

It is also difficult for grassroots staff to get things done.

Besides, Fang Yi knew that he was not driving without a license and was too lazy to say anything. "It's okay. You can just issue a ticket. If you need to, you'll be fined and deducted points. Don't worry about it."

The female traffic policeman smiled sweetly and said, "You are so kind, Zhenmao."

She quickly handed over the ticket and asked Fang Yi to sign his name.

In the end, six points were deducted and a penalty of two hundred was imposed.

Fang Yi had no money, so his mother paid a fine of two hundred...

After he drove away, the female traffic police officer immediately became excited and said into the intercom: "You must not know who I just saw. I saw Zhenren Fang!"

The next second, the high-tech intercom started buzzing. "I go!"

"real or fake?"

"Have you met Zhenren Fang?"

"Where is it? Where is it? I also went over to admire the real person below."

"Nima, you won't go to work? You're a bunch of irresponsible guys, Xiaoqin, don't tell them, just tell me secretly..."


Just got off the parking lot.

The parking lot security guard stared at Fang Yi, who was holding his grandniece, and said in surprise, "Sir, you look familiar. I think I've seen him somewhere before?"

Fang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Maybe I look like an old friend of yours."

The security guard thought the same thing and did not continue to delve deeper.

"It's really inconvenient to go shopping with you." Cheng Lin rolled her eyes and said, "Everyone recognizes me when I go there."

Jiaojiao tilted her head and said in a sweet voice, "Grandpa, you are so majestic. When Jiaojiao grows up, she will be as majestic as you."

As she said that, she squeezed her chubby little pink fist tightly and waved it in a very cute way.

Fang Yi and Cheng Lin were both amused.

But having said that, my current status on the earth, or in the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clusters, is the absolute supreme existence, and it is normal for people to recognize and respect me.

As for the security guard not recognizing him immediately, it was entirely because the lights in the underground parking lot were dim.

Fang Yi did not deliberately use the art of transformation to hide his true appearance. It was not that he enjoyed being admired by the world, but that he had to be sneaky when going out to the supermarket. Isn't it a bit too much?

Take the elevator to the supermarket upstairs.

Maybe it's because there aren't many people coming to the supermarket this morning. Except for Fang Yi, Cheng Lin and Jiaojiao, there's not even a single person in the elevator.

But once we got upstairs, the situation immediately changed.

At that time, Fang Yi was holding Jiaojiao and his mother walking through the door of each shop.

Two female shopping guides in an unknown brand of clothing store were having a boring chat.

Suddenly, the tall and thin young female shopping guide on the left looked stunned and pointed at Fang Yi in disbelief, "Lingling, I... I read it correctly, right?"

Lingling hadn't noticed yet, "You didn't read anything wrong?"

The tall and thin young woman took a breath and said, "Look, he...is he Zhenren Fang?"

"You're not awake, are you? How could Zhenren Fang come to our mall?" Lingling sneered and looked in the direction pointed by her colleague. Then, she suddenly became shocked and said: "Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s Zhenren Fang! It’s really Zhenren Fang! Oh my God! It’s really Zhenren Fang!”

They were outraged.

All the staff in the stores in the mall noticed!

Now it's better, the whole shopping mall is in a sensation!

"Master Fang is coming to our mall!"

"Old Ding, what are you doing? You skip work so early, aren't you afraid of being fired by your boss?"

"If he wants to fire me, he will fire me. I'll go see Master Fang. Master Fang has come to our mall!"

"Ah? Master Fang came to our mall? Damn it, I don't want to look after the store anymore!"

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

The staff in those shops didn't even look at the shops, and frantically followed Fang Zhenren's footsteps to admire his spirit.

At first, it was just the shopping mall staff who were "star chasing" with great excitement.

Then I don’t know who provided this tip to the TV station.

It turned out that the reporter arrived at the TV station half an hour away from here in only 10 minutes.

The cameraman rushed to the supermarket with a high-definition camera and took pictures of Fang Yi, who was shopping with his mother.

The big wave female reporter even said to the camera with excitement: "Dear audience friends, you must not believe what happened today. Master Fang actually came to the supermarket to shop. Huangshan TV Station will broadcast the whole process for you! "

Originally, Huangshan TV's ratings had always been average.

As a result, I saw on the Internet that someone from a TV station was actually shopping in person during the live broadcast. In an instant, countless viewers poured into the live broadcast room.

"Oh my God! Master Fang is still out shopping?"

"Which supermarket is this?"

"I heard it's RT-Mart."

"RT-Mart? I'm right next to you, hahaha, I'm going to see Mr. Fang's true appearance right now!"

"Brother, help me get an autograph for Zhenren Fang!"

"Damn! Is this your ambition? Can a signature be enough? Brother, please ask Master Fang for a talisman for me!"

It's hot!
Huangshan TV Station became extremely popular because of its live broadcast of real-person shopping!
The ratings were soaring all of a sudden. In just a short period of time, the number of people searching for Huangshan TV on the Internet exceeded 1000 million!

You must know that it is the time to prepare for work in the morning. Most people are busy with work and have no time to look at their mobile phones. However, during this tense and busy time, the number of viewers on the Huangshan TV network suddenly reached With more than 1000 million visitors, you can imagine how popular it is!
Not only the Huangshan TV station was popular, but also the RT-Mart supermarket where Fang Yi came to shop.

Countless people came after hearing the news. In just ten minutes, densely packed high-tech vehicles gathered on the ground and in the air. Many people couldn't even find a parking space.

The people on the ground are pretty nice and would rather risk a ticket than park on the road.

But those hover cars in mid-air are in trouble. They have no place to park, so how can they get down?
The shopping mall building where the supermarket is located was filled with countless people in an instant.

"Where is Zhenren Fang?"

"I heard it's in the grain and oil section of the supermarket."

"Quick! Go to the grain and oil area!"

"Oh my god, I've only seen Fang Zhenren in the video before. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes. I...I'm so excited!"

"It makes no one look good."

"Wow, is this Zhenren Fang? Look at the jacket he is wearing, which makes me feel like a fairy."

A group of people ran frantically towards the grain and oil section of the supermarket.

But they didn't dare to really disturb Fang Zhenren's shopping, so they all stood there and took pictures.

Cheng Lin was left speechless and said angrily: "I won't go shopping with you anymore. Look, it's all water."

Fang Yi was also dumbfounded. He originally thought it would cause some big commotion, but he didn't expect such a big commotion.

Come on, if I don’t use the transformation technique in the future, I really won’t be able to go shopping anymore.

Fang Yi shook his head helplessly and went out to buy some things with his mother. It turned out to be a day of admiration. He didn't know what to say.

But having said that, the reason why everyone is so sensational and admired is entirely because he has repeatedly saved the world. Everyone admires him from the bottom of his heart, not just blindly chasing his favorite star.

Fang Yi enjoys this feeling very much. This is the result of his own salvation!
(End of this chapter)

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