I am the only real fairy in the world

420. Finish this testimonial

Finish this testimonial
  When the postscript is updated, the book is completely over.

To be honest, the moment I finished writing the postscript, I felt empty and relaxed at the same time.

The empty thing is that this book is the one that helped me regain my confidence. I used to write one high-quality book after another, and I always felt that I could write high-quality products no matter what I wrote. Who knew that after two years, I came back and read several books in a row? Book.

I counted carefully and read three books in a row.

A copy of "My World of Cultivation Realm" has [-] million words and [-] copies each.

A copy of "I Watched My Father Jackie Chan in 1988" has [-] million words and [-] copies are ordered.

Another book, "American Gold Farm", failed even more miserably. It was cut even before it met the requirements for testing.

At that time, I thought that I was completely eliminated by the online writing industry, and I was really frustrated.

However, since I love writing, I still firmly opened this book.

The first order was [-], and the final order was [-]. To be honest, for someone who has been working on it for so long, this result is really satisfying.

Of course, we are able to achieve this good result because of the support of readers like you and my editor Wu Tongda.

The easy thing is that I was torturing myself until the end of writing this book, and it finally came to an end.

how to say.

My original conception of this book may be different from what you see now.

I originally wanted to write about adventure and cultivation, and occasionally act cool.

It is true that before it was put on the shelf, I had been writing according to the preset outline. However, once it was put on the shelf, the constant burst of updates left me no time to think about whether it had deviated from the original track, which led to the book being somewhat unsatisfactory. And it completely deviates from the outline.

I can only say that it is a pity that I was not able to fully write the story I wanted to present. It is indeed a pity for me personally.

But the book is finished, so there is no use talking about it.

If I have the chance, I think I might rewrite a relaxing urban fairy tale that combines cultivation with adventure and occasionally showing off.

Look, let’s wait until the Xianxia book is finished. Although the performance of that book is not as good as this one, a person must have a beginning and an end. Since I wrote that story, I naturally have to concentrate on finishing the complete story.

Well, regarding the new story I just mentioned, I have an idea in my head. I’m currently writing the book Xianxia, ​​and I’m making an outline along the way, hoping to open a new book next year. By then, I want to follow my own pace and not update. Write slowly and bring you more exciting stories.

Well, that’s about it.

Although there is still a lot of reluctance to say goodbye, the story is over and I will not say any more words about those reluctances.

Finally, thank you all again for your continued support and love for this book. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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