Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 105 Interrogation

Chapter 105 Interrogation
After experiencing last year's flood and plague, this year's weather is rare.

After a few days of confrontation, it is the autumn harvest season.

The heavy corn makes the banks of the Sishui a golden color. To a certain extent, food is the gold of this world.

Zhou Qian led the old and weak women and children on the mountain to start harvesting.

At the same time, Zhang Yu tried to cross the river again, but it still ended in failure.

Since then, the banks of the Weishui River have been quiet.

Everything is developing according to Li Yue's idea.

After the harvested grain was sent up the mountain, people in the army felt at ease.

The bumper harvest was not only in Heiyun Mountain, but also in the surrounding counties. The Zheng family sent more than 3000 shi of grain, more than 100 pigs, dozens of wild deer, and more than 300 sheep.

Goushi and Jing counties rewarded more than [-] head of livestock.

Li Yue ordered that all be slaughtered. There were nearly 6000 people in the Weishui defense line, and each of them could get seven or eight catties of meat.

That night, the soldiers were divided into three groups, one group was resting, the other group was on guard, and the other group lit a bonfire on the bank, roasted and stewed meat, and yelled at the opposite bank while eating.

Three nights in a row.

No matter how ugly the scolding was, there was no movement on the other side.

The grain harvest is complete. For Heiyun Mountain, half of the battle has been won.

It doesn't make much sense to continue the fight. Li Yue can't annex Xuchang, and Zhang Yu can't break Heiyun Mountain.

While thinking about how to end it, some people lost their temper.

Xi Yizhi came from Jingxiang with the edict of the Jiangdong court's appointment as a general, "Duke Huan tried his best to obtain a reward for the general, and the village owner must not disappoint Duke Huan's heart."

He was holding the imperial edict in his hand, but he didn't intend to announce it, his condescending eyes flickered on Li Yue's face.

Li Yue said: "I don't know what Duke Huan wants to do?"

Xi Yizhi said: "Zhang Yu has been defeated by the village master, and his morale is gone now. Why don't you make a big effort to defeat him?"

"Although Zhang Yu was defeated a few times, the main force was not damaged, and the superiority of troops was still there. The deep trenches and high fortifications made it difficult to break through." Li Yue told the truth.

Unexpectedly, Xi Yizhi's face darkened, "Is the village master trying to fool Duke Huan?"

A Xi Yizhi and Li Yue are naturally not in his eyes, but Huan Wen behind him has to weigh it.

"It's not to prevaricate, but the situation is like this. Zhang Yu used his troops cautiously. Although he lost more than a thousand troops, he still had [-] men in his hands. Our army only has more than [-] men. It is not easy to hold Weishui. How can we talk about attacking? The defeat of Yuebing is a small matter, and it is a serious crime to delay the affairs of Duke Huan. If Jing Xiang is willing to support thousands of troops, I will definitely go through fire and water and die!"

Li Yueke politely kicked the ball back.

5000 people took the initiative to attack the [-] troops in deep ditches and high fortifications. Wherever this matter is placed, it is up to them.

But Xi Yizhi was not an understanding person, so he pressed on every step of the way, "There are [-] people in Heiyun Mountain and Xuanyuan Mountain, which is enough to fight Zhang Yu!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the generals in the tent stared angrily.

Being able to say such things has already exposed how the Jiangdong court views Beiren, and clearly does not regard Heiyun Mountain as a human being.

It is true that there are 4 people in Heiyun Mountain, but more than half of them are old and weak, women and children. These people were all pushed into the battlefield because of Xi Yizhi's words?
This is to send them to die!

It seemed that he also felt that he had said the wrong thing, and changed his words: "Choose the young and old soldiers on the mountain, and gather 2 horses, which is enough for a battle."

Li Yue's heart skipped a beat. Huan Wen's letter was not so aggressive.

At any rate, Huan Wen had led soldiers on the battlefield before, so he wouldn't be so stupid. The value of Heiyun Mountain was to echo his future Northern Expedition, rather than fall into Jiangdong's internal friction and put all his eggs in one basket.

So what if we win?
Apart from making Heiyun Mountain a target of public criticism, Li Yue sees no benefit.

"Is this your Excellency's intention, or Duke Huan's intention?" Li Yue stared into his eyes, no longer hiding his aura.

Every person who rolled out of the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​blood would be stained with evil spirits.

As soon as his eyes met, Xi Yizhi took the initiative to avoid, "Duke Huan has entrusted the affairs of the Central Plains to someone!"

Huan Wen holds half of the south of the Yangtze River in his hands. He has to stare not only at the newly pacified central Sichuan, but also at the Jiankang court.

"Your Excellency, please go back. Without Duke Huanjun's order, I'm sorry!" Li Yue was too lazy to talk to him, let alone Xi Yizhi today, even if Huan Wen came, it would be impossible for Heiyun Mountain to completely press down.

The Ze of Gentlemen, he will be executed in the fifth generation.

Xi Jian is a man of high morals and integrity, and has made great contributions to helping the country. He did not expect his descendants to be reduced to such a state, forgetting that they were originally from the north.

"You..." Xi Yizhi's face turned red.

"Weishuibao's soldiers are fierce and dangerous. Your Excellency is a nobleman from the south of the Yangtze River. It is not suitable for you to stand under the dangerous wall and see off guests."

"Hmph!" Xi Yizhi walked away with a flick of his sleeves, taking the imperial edict with him...

At the same time, Zhang Yu was also questioned by the Xie family.

"A mere Heiyun Mountain, thousands of rebels, Zhang Inspector Zhang's [-] troops, were blocked in the south of Weishui and could not advance an inch, losing soldiers and generals, and losing all face." Xie Su smiled half-smile, gently waving the tail of the stag with a jade handle.

Zhang Yu said in a deep voice: "Heiyun Mountain is not an ordinary bandit..."

Xie Su swept his tail away and interrupted: "The defeat of Inspector Zhang has made my Xie family lose face in Jiankang, and my uncle is very dissatisfied."

Blue veins popped up on Zhang Yu's forehead. Several small defeats had already made him furious. A junior from the Xie family dared to accuse him face to face.

After taking a long breath, he still calmed down, "Don't forget, it was your Xie family who fled first, which damaged the morale of our army, and the subsequent battles will be unfavorable. If you don't kill your Xie family, it is beyond the calculation show mercy!"

Xie Su was dumbfounded. In fact, it was his little uncle Xie Wan's fault.

If he insisted on this matter and Zhang Yu killed Xie Wan, Jiang Dong would not be able to find fault.

"Also, I and your Xie family are just cooperating, not your Xie family's subordinates." Zhang Yu's tone was calm, but there was an air of majesty.

If Xie Wan hadn't fled the battle at a critical moment, his army would have reached the north bank in one go.

Such is the case with war, the first battle breaks the spirit, and it will be more difficult to fight later.

Moreover, Zhang Yu was helpless to defend the camp on the opposite side.

If he really ruined his family here, he, the governor of Yuzhou, will be the end.

"The boy made a slip of the tongue, Zhang Shijun forgives the crime." Xie Su bowed his head in time, covering his face with his tail.

Zhang Yu's expression softened a little, "To break the Heiyun Mountain thieves, we need the joint efforts of our two families. We only need to defeat them once, and Heiyun Mountain will collapse!"

"What the envoy said is true. Now the thieves are guarding Weishui to death. What can we do?"

"Can you hold the south, can you hold the north? I have written to Liu Guo, the governor of Luozhou, and asked him to go south to wipe out Heiyun Mountain together." Zhang Yu has been in the Central Plains for decades, and he still has some contacts.

And so far, he is Jie Zhao's governor of Yuzhou, not Jiangdong.

The rise of Heiyun Mountain poses a greater threat to Luoyang than Yuzhou. One step to the north is Chenggao, and one step to the west is Luoyang.

Now that the forces of Heiyun Mountain are concentrated in Weishui, the north must be empty.

Xie Su's right hand jade handle and tail shook happily again, and the left sleeve stretched out, gathered behind his waist, and straightened his chest, showing the demeanor of a celebrity, "Heiyun Mountain dared to reject my uncle that day. If you don't wipe out this thief, it will be hard to get rid of it." The hatred in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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