Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 121 Unfavorable

Chapter 121 Unfavorable
Li Yue was awakened by the sound of war drums and fighting.

The two maids huddled in a corner, hugging each other, their eyes dull and trembling.

Liang Du attacked all the way, not a single blade of grass grew along the way, he burned, killed, raped, and committed all kinds of crimes. The two sixteen or seventeen-year-olds fell into their hands, and the fate can be imagined.

Moreover, Liang Du's army happened to be short of food.

However, I only had a little pity in my heart, and then I recovered, and I couldn't let my emotions affect my state of mind.

As long as I keep moving forward, one day, there will be no such fear in their eyes...

Wiped a handful of ice water on his face, greeted everyone, and rushed to close it.

On the rugged and steep mountain road in Guanxia, ​​the Gaoli Imperial Guards came densely, although they were short of food, but judging from their appearance, they did not show the slightest sign of hunger.

"Kill back to Yedu!"

The rebels were red-eyed, shouting one after another like raging waves.

Dozens of armored soldiers with axes are in front, with bows and arrows hanging from their waists.

At the sight of the giant axe, all the defenders looked terrified.

Standing beside Li Nong are a group of generals, including Jie people and Central Plains people. One of them is tall and burly, standing out from the crowd. He is young, looks less than 30 years old, and is heroic and majestic.

The black armor on his body was also extremely hideous, with a layer of dark red faintly stained on it.

No matter the Jie people or beggars around, they kept their distance intentionally or unintentionally, as if they were extremely afraid of this person, and bowed their heads in front of him.

The only person who can have this kind of momentum can only be Ran Min.

Li Yue had just arrived and had no official position, so he was naturally not qualified to stand beside Li Nong. He couldn't help looking at Ran Min curiously, but unexpectedly he noticed him and looked over.

The eyes crossed, and the other party didn't pay much attention.

Li Yue quickly looked away, if Ran Min said "what are you looking at", it would be a little troublesome.

These days, people's tempers are not very good. They can use knives, but they will never use their mouths.

Fighting with Ran Min... Li Yue has to weigh it carefully...

The rugged and steep mountain road did not stop Gao Li's guards from attacking. On the contrary, the opponent's bow and arrow were extremely accurate, and they shot from bottom to top after more than 100 steps.

In just half a stick of incense, more than a dozen defenders were shot in the face.

This level of casualties is still within the acceptable range, but the screams of those shot by the arrows have dealt a great blow to morale.

The defenders cowered behind the young battlements, not daring to probe, they just shot a few arrows indiscriminately, and then threw down rolling stones and raging trees to fight back.

The guards of Gaoli attacked the city all the way, with rich experience, they used the rocks on the side of the mountain road to avoid the arrows and stones above their heads. Then point to close and curse.

Obscenities poured in, but Zhao Jun still didn't dare to show his face.

Li Yue could tell that his morale was completely underfoot.

Gao Li's imperial guards didn't really want to attack the city, they seemed to be figuring out the terrain, and after showing off their power for a while, they turned around and went down the mountain.

"Where is King Yan?" Li Nong's vicissitudes and tired voice sounded.

People around him replied: "Yan Wang's army has been stationed in Liyang for many days."

Liyang is located on the north bank of the Yellow River, overlooking Henan.

Shi Bin's stationing troops here clearly meant to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight...

Li Nong didn't say much, and turned back to the tower.

Soon it was dark again, the cold wind was howling, and Haruyuki just slightly wet the ground before disappearing.

After patrolling the gate for a while, someone came to find him, "Leader Li, Sikong summoned you."

Li Yue cupped his hands and followed the officials into the tower.

The begging generals in the hall are all together, Bo Wu and Chen Duan are on the right, and Zhang Liang, Ran Min, Dong Run and others are on the left.

There was not a single person in the hall.

Li Yue is the lowest in seniority, standing at the end on the right.

Li Nong's face was pale, "Everyone, just now King Yan has an urgent order to send away [-] troops of General Wei."

Shi Bin supervised all military forces at home and abroad, and even Li Nong was subject to his restraint.

Suddenly, everyone in the hall looked ugly.

There weren't many defenders in the gate, but Shi Bin dispatched [-] Jie people from Zhang Hedu, making Hulao Pass even weaker.

And Shi Bin's meaning is already very obvious, let Li Nong stand in front, try to consume Gao Li's guards as much as possible, and at the same time consume Li Nong's begging army.

When the two sides are almost done, he can calmly pick peaches.

Jie Zhao pursued the strategy of using Hu to control the Han people. Shi Hu and other scholars have always tried every means to harm the Han people. They may favor Li Nong and let Li Nong enjoy the glory and wealth, but they will never give up the opportunity to suppress and weaken the Han people.

On this point, Shihu and his son have a very tacit understanding.

Gao Li's imperial guards and the begging army were both wounded, which was exactly what they wanted.

No.1 Zhang Liang on the left clasped his hands and said: "We have less than 2 troops and our morale is low. How can we fight against the Gaoli guards? Why don't we retreat to Chenliu!"

Li Nong shook his head and said: "Your Majesty entrusted me with an army of [-], but he was defeated twice by the bandit army. If you abandon Cheng Gao, what face will you have to see Your Majesty again?"

As soon as Shihu was mentioned, everyone fell silent again.

Although Li Nong's face was dull in this defeat, other people could not escape the blame.

At this time, Ran Min came out, his voice was so loud that the spirits of the generals in the hall were shocked, "Dare to ask Sikong, can our army defeat one hundred thousand bandits?"

Li Nong's eyes were complicated and he said: "No."

Ran Min asked again, "Can our army defend Cheng Gao?"

Hulao Pass is a natural danger, and the chances of defending it are extremely high, but Zhang Hedu was transferred away, which made the morale that was not much drop to the bottom.

No matter how dangerous the Hulao Pass is, it still needs to be guarded by people. If the hearts of the people are scattered, what should be used to guard it?

Li Yue's heart skipped a beat, if the Heiyun Mountain tribe came instead, the logistics supplies would be sufficient, and the reinforcements would be strong, and they would be [-]% sure to defend.

But it is obviously unwise to stand out at this time. Facing Liangdu's [-] tigers and wolves, Heiyunshan will definitely have to pay a heavy price. Even if Chenggao is defended, it will be Shi Bin's wedding dress, which is thankless.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Nong finally shook his head, "No."

"Can't fight, can't defend, let's go!" Ran Min is the most special existence in the hall, he can be regarded as half of the Jie Zhao clan, no one thinks it is inappropriate to talk to Li Nong in this tone, but because he conforms to people's hearts, And got the approval of many people.

Li Nong is still hesitating.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout of killing.

The official was terrified and reported outside the door: "Sikong, the bandit army is attacking at night!"

It's time to come.

The attack during the day was obviously to explore the way, and the morale was so low after closing the door, it was strange that the bandits didn't come to attack.

The house leak coincided with the continuous night rain, Zhang Hedu's men and horses walked forward, and the bandit army came to attack at night, the timing was too good...

"Kill back to Yedu!" The bandits shouted excitedly all over the mountains and plains.

The faces of all the generals changed drastically, the voices were so close, it is very likely that they have already succeeded in a sneak attack and attacked Hulao Pass.

There was a burst of confusion when it was closed, accompanied by bursts of screams.

"Breakthrough!" A hysterical shout broke through the night, followed by palpitating laughter everywhere.

Li Nong closed his eyes, "Retreat, retreat to Xingyang!"

(End of this chapter)

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