Chapter 16
Heiyun Mountain, at the foot of the mountain on the east side, a large flag with the word "Zhao" shaking rustlingly.

A cavalry of about [-] people waited for a long time, all of them were wearing armor, tall and big, there were Jie people with deep eyes and high nose, and Han people with full cheeks, all of them were majestic and majestic, standing in the cold wind.

The black armor gave them a vicious aura invisibly, like a group of beasts eager to fight and thirst for flesh and blood.

On the side of the cavalry, there are six or seven hundred infantrymen.

A few vultures in the sky seemed to smell blood, and kept hovering.

A Capricorn general in his 50s looked up at the sky. The battle ahead made him feel very irritated. He bent his bow and set his arrows, aiming at the sky. With a sound of "咻", the feathered arrow pierced the gloomy sky.

But it didn't hit.

As if feeling the hostility from the ground, the vultures lowered their wings, swooped down, and rose up mockingly, leaving behind a burst of chirping.

"Flat-haired bastard!" Jie Jiang blushed and cursed angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

With a sound of "咻", an arrow shot out from beside him, hitting one of the largest vultures.

The black body fell from the sky whining.

Zhao Jun around looked at the man holding the bow reverently. This man was short in stature, but he was extremely strong, and his muscles seemed to burst into armor.

"Liang Du, you lost again. It seems that you Han people are not good enough. The position of Gao Lidu is not suitable for you." Jie Jiang sneered, his bearded face bared his teeth and claws with the laughter.

It was originally planned that three thousand high-powered guards would attack from the west, and the cavalry would lie in ambush at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the fish that slipped through the net.

The crown prince has already issued a strict order to wipe out the bandits of Heiyun Mountain without leaving any behind, so as to deter all forces, large and small, on the ground in Yuzhou.

For this reason, General Longxiang Sun Fudu and his five hundred Longteng Zhonglang were also invited.

In fact, it is also supervision, and Han generals cannot lead troops alone.

But the thieves on the mountain were very cunning, and they used the mountain road to resist desperately, and the three thousand elites were blocked just like this.

Sun Fudu's Longxiang Zhonglang is useless.

The Han general next to him looked livid, "I haven't lost yet! I still have a chance."

"Bah, sophistry!" Sun Fudu picked up the horsewhip and slapped Liang Du's face hard, leaving a bloodstain immediately.

Liang Du lowered his head to hide the anger in his eyes.

No way, it depends on the owner to beat the dog.

Sun Fudu's master is Jie Zhao Tianwang Shi Hu, while Liang Du's master is Prince Shi Xuan.

The key point is that Sun Fu is a veteran who followed Shi Le to raise troops, and he is still from Jie, while Liang Du is a Han Chinese even though he is Gao Lidu.

At the beginning of the founding of Zhao, Shi Le regarded the Jie people as "people of the country". The status of the Jie people who had been slaves and handmaids under the powerful hands of the Han people was suddenly elevated, and they began to oppress the Han people even more.

The Jie people can rob the Han people of property, fields, wives and daughters, but Shi Le only compensates the Han people for their losses, but does not punish the Jie people who robbed them, which is tantamount to open connivance.

When Shi Le was alive, Shi Hu dared to openly treat others and rushed into Cheng Xia's mansion, insulted his wife and daughter, looted the gold, silver and jewels in the mansion, and then returned home in a big way.

Cheng Xia is not an ordinary Han, but after Zhang Bin, Shi Le's most important Han minister. After many years in charge of the Zhao Dynasty, he was still inevitably bullied and humiliated, and dared not speak out, let alone other Han people.

Under the horse's hooves, a bandit in ragged clothes was kneeling, flatteringly said: "General Sun, there is more than one way to go up the mountain, and you can also go around from the south."

"What are you waiting for?" Sun Fu stared at Liang Du.


It was like a confrontation between two wild beasts.

But in the end, the momentum accumulated on Liang Du's body collapsed, and he said in a muffled voice, "This subordinate obeys the order."

The respect in the soldiers' eyes gradually turned into contempt.

Sun Fu was very satisfied with his means, and chuckled twice.

On the mountain.

The Jie people attacked three times in a row, but they were all driven back.

Thick armor can't give full play to its advantages here.

As if to vent their anger, the captured old and weak women and children were rushed to the front and beheaded one by one, and the muddy mountain road was dyed blood red.

Someone was still shouting in pain before dying: "Revenge!"

But in this way, the people on the mountain became united.

"Father and mother, children are not filial, so I can only kill more Jie slaves to avenge you!"

"My child... Father is incompetent! In this life, I can only fight with Jie Nu."

Looking at the gloomy sky, Li Yue felt desolate, but it was a pity that his own strength was too weak, not only could he not save more people, he even didn't know how long he would live.

However, as long as you are alive, you must walk along this bloody path...

"Jie Nu's attack is unfavorable, and if he doesn't retreat, there must be other plans. Leader Li must be careful." Zhou Qian, the leader of the refugees, reminded.

This person is slightly proficient in writing and ink, and has always kept a low profile on the mountain.

People who know how to keep a low profile and endure are often very knowledgeable.

His words reminded Li Yue that judging from the various behaviors of the Jie people, the opponent was not an idiot, unable to attack by force, and instead drove the captives to pave the mountain road and hit the morale on the mountain.

After the attack was unfavorable, the opponent did not rush forward all at once, but rested on the spot.

The art of war pays attention to one enemy's victory.

"What does Chief Zhou think Jie Nu can do?"

"Since ancient times, there are only three ways to break down a strong city. Heap human lives, cooperate with the inside and outside, keep them trapped for a long time, and wait for the food on the mountain to run out." Zhou Qian thought for a while and then said.

Heiyun Mountain is not much different from Jiancheng.

Zhou Qian was logical, he was a talent, and he was able to lead the refugees from Yongzhou to Xingyang, which is really impossible without a little brain.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, with the rise of Qiang and Di, the power of the Han people was shrinking.

Cao Wei also migrated a large number of Qiang lands from Hanzhong to fill Guanzhong, coupled with the eastward migration of Liangzhou Qianghu, the living area of ​​the Han people became smaller and smaller.

During the Sima Yan era, there were successive rebellions in the Yongliang area, first by the Qiang people, then by the Di people, and then by the Xianbei people...

Shi Le and Shi Hu intend to move the population of Yongliang to Hebei. Firstly, they put them under their noses, so that they can be easily controlled and prevent them from separatist Guanzhong. .

Now Guanzhong is full of Hu people, and the Han people are huddled in Wubao.

As for ordinary people, some of them took advantage of the chaos and followed the Li Te brothers from Di people to the south of Shuzhong to establish the Han Kingdom.

Li Yue thought about it for a while, and the Jie people would definitely not be able to pile up with their lives. The mountain road is more dangerous than the city, and the road is muddy, making it more difficult to walk.

Zhao Guang is dead, and it is impossible to cooperate with the outside. The people on the mountain already know that the Jie people are here to kill them all, and surrendering is also a death.

The rest is under siege.

This seems to be the only way.

But Jie people may not have this kind of patience. When they are really at the end of their ropes, they can eat whatever they have!
Do as the Romans do, Li Yue is determined.

"No, there is a fourth way for Jienu." Looking at the vast mountains, Li Yue's mind flashed.

Heiyun Mountain is not a city after all, there are many hidden paths.

Before the war came, many people were preparing to escape from the path to the south.

If a group of people came up from the mountain road in the south at this time, wouldn't they be flanked by two roads?
Zhou Qian had a look of admiration on his face, "Leader Li is so smart, I admire you."

In fact, it's not how smart Li Yue is, it's just a simple method of elimination. A surgical student cultivates a careful thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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