Chapter 188
No matter how "sincere" he was, Li Nong didn't move at all. He neither opened the city nor went out to fight.

In front of the two armies, Li Yue euphemistically revealed most of the things.

Those who are willing to listen must understand it, and those who are not willing to listen are naturally unwilling to delve into it.

In terms of emptiness and deception, Li Nong's skill is still deeper.

Li Yue tried his best to talk, but he didn't shake him in the slightest.

We can only set up camp on the spot, and let's talk about it after a night.

The information sent by the scouts was a bit pessimistic, so Ran Min rode [-] paces on double roads, speeded up, and headed straight for Lu County.

The surrounding counties seemed to have also received orders from Li Nong and Ran Min. Zhang Yu's [-] troops left Xuchang and rushed to Pei Guo, which borders Lu County.

The counties in Qingzhou also responded positively to Ran Min, gathering [-] to [-] troops to station troops on the border of Yanzhou.

Cui Jinzheng, who guards Lu County, mobilizes civilian husbands to build a high fort in the deep ditch on the south bank of Surabaya. Bo Wu and Chen Duan each lead Xingyang, Chen Liu's Heiyun Army and Qing Zhuang to Lu County one after another. It seems that a monstrous battle is about to begin.

Although Ran Min only had more than [-] cavalry, but [-] were Gao Li's guards, and [-] were the elite Guangzong Qihuo army, who had just slaughtered Shi Chong's more than [-] Hu allied forces, and their combat strength and morale reached their peak.

Heiyun Mountain reached the pass again.

But this time was unusual, almost Heiyunshan faced most of Jie Zhao by himself.

After passing, the Black Cloud Mountain will really rise in the south of the river.

If you can't make it through, you can only be strangled by Li Nong and Ran Min before the rise.

The more Li Yue thought about it, the more angry he became. When Shi Chong and Chu Po came, they were so powerful, but they were broken at the first touch, and they didn't last for a month...

After thinking about it for most of the night, I also thought of some countermeasures.

Send people to Fangtou and Jiangling overnight to seek support.

His lips were dead and his teeth were cold, Heiyun Mountain fell, and Pu Hong would undoubtedly be the next one. Pu Hong and Ran Min had always been at odds, and with his shrewdness, he probably wouldn't sit still.

The relationship between Huan Wen and Heiyun Mountain is relatively good. Although they use each other, the existence of Heiyun Mountain can not only respond to his Northern Expedition in the future, but also block Wang Xie Xunyin's infiltration for him.

Of course, Ran Min also sent someone to present a letter.

The main thing is to play the emotional card, reminiscing about the bloody battle together that day, beating Liangdu.

I haven't been with him for a long time, but I can feel that he is an extremely contradictory person, with a bold temperament and a bit of a city, sandwiched between the Jie people and the Jin people, neither being regarded as their own by the Jie people nor recognized by the Jin people.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, at least it can paralyze him.

He was busy until midnight, and just laying down without taking off his armor, he just squinted for a moment before being awakened by shouts from outside the tent.

Li Yue's first reaction was that Li Nong attacked him at night.

After all, the Heiyun army came from afar to be exhausted, and the Zhao army waited for work with leisure, and their morale was booming.

He drew his sword and stood up, looking around in a daze.

"General, the gate of Xue County has been opened!" Zhang Shengye looked ecstatic.

This turning point made Li Yue stunned until he repeated, "Among the Zhao army, there is a beggar general who is familiar with us. He gathered hundreds of people in the middle of the night and opened the south city! General Wei Shan has led people into the city!"

It is really a village with mountains and rivers, no way out, and another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

Li Nong massacred the refugees in Hebei, which was an unpopular act in the first place. The secret work once sent back news that after Li Nong regained power, he killed two beggars and dozens of family members in Guangzong.

People's hearts no longer belong to him.

Li Yue remembered that when Li Nong opened his eyes and talked nonsense during the day, someone laughed.

"Li Nong, have you caught Li Nong?" Li Yue asked anxiously.

If Li Nong is caught, this dead game will come to life, at least Li Nong can negotiate the price with Ran Min.

Although Ran Min is in power, he is actually still isolated. Many people may not be convinced. He needs the influence of Li Nong and Guangzong Qihuo's army to gain a firm foothold.

"All the novice catchers have been dispatched!" Zhang Shengye cupped his hands.

"Not enough, all the cavalry were sent out, and the city was searched all over the city, and Li Nong must be found alive, he must be alive!"

Although Li Nong is full of sins, he can't die by his own hands yet.

There must be a measure of this.

"Follow the order!" Zhang Shengye hurried away.

Li Yue waited anxiously in the camp...

In Fenyin, Bingzhou stands a Xuefenshui Fort.

Since the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, all parts of Bingzhou have been filled with blood and flames, but the Fort Xue's remains standing.

He repeatedly defeated and plundered refugees and Hu people, and built many forts on the east and west banks of the Yellow River.

Even when the Han and Zhao Huns were at their most powerful, the sky was full of dust, and the Xue family still went their own way and did not listen to the orders of Han and Zhao and Jie and Zhao.

The local Hu and Han all called the Xue family Shu Xue. After Sima Zhao destroyed Shu, he moved Xue Qi, the prefect of the second county of Ba and Shu in the Shu Kingdom, and his clan to Fenyin, where they merged with the local Hedong Xue family to form San Xue.

His family is brave and good at fighting, resisting the barbarians in the north, and his power shakes one side.

In the middle of the night, Xueshibao welcomed a special guest.

Unkempt, with some bruises on his face, ragged clothes, like a beggar, and traces of being burned on his body.

"It turned out to be Wang Jinglue of Beihai. My young master has been waiting for you for a long time." The doorman has good eyesight, and with the light of the fire, he recognized the person at a glance.

"It's a lot of trouble, I hope you will forgive me."

In Heiyun Mountain it was Meng Kuang, here is the polite and polite Wang Jinglue, although he was dressed in rags, but he moved his hands and gestures with a natural and unrestrained attitude, quite a bit of the ancient demeanor of pretending to be crazy.

"Jing Lue is here, and I'm going to welcome you!" A man in Wubao laughed and came out. He was dressed in a straight arrow suit, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and he was full of energy.

The whole Wubao was lit with torches, as if welcoming a big man.

"Brother Wei Ming, I'm in trouble, so I'm here to join you." Wang Meng was born in a poor family and lived in Ju County, Beihai County. Shihu attacked Cao Yi in Qingzhou and slaughtered wantonly. Only [-] people were killed in Guanggu City.

Wang Meng moved his family to Wei County, where he sold dustpans as a business, and his elders, both parents died, wandered away from both sides of the river.

Jie Zhao Sili Xiaowei and servant Xu Tong met him and were surprised. He wanted to call him a meritorious Cao, so he left and went to Songshan.

"I told you earlier, those celebrities have their own appearances, how can they tolerate you? Go, prepare the soup, muffins, and banquets, and I want to clean up the dust for Jinglue!" Xue Qiang waved to the disciples beside him.

"Brother Wei Ming laughed." The two chatted as they walked.

"Nowadays the world is uncertain and there are wolves, tigers and leopards everywhere. From my point of view, Jing Lue doesn't have to go here and there. He stays in my Xue family and waits for the world to settle before he becomes an official."

"Of course it's not too late. Xue's family is well-known in Hebei. Han, Zhao, Jie, and Zhao were recruited. I was born in a humble family and penniless. Of course, I have to make plans early. Ma Fubo once said that in today's world, not only the ruler chooses his ministers, but also his ministers choose the ruler." Wang Meng said with a wry smile.

The more the two talked, the more they had no scruples.

Enter the inner hall and sit at the same table.

On the screen, there is a row of cursive, flying dragons and phoenixes, which is written about Zhuge Wuhou, the Prime Minister of Shu.

When Wang Meng saw this article, he couldn't move his eyes.

Xue Qiang said seriously: "Nowadays the world is full of second-rate people, who can choose to come and go?"

Wang Meng shook his head, "I have gained a little bit, and when the hero is not yet revealed, it is inevitable that people will not know it."

"Oh, Jing Lue seems to have something to say?"

"Looking at it from below, in today's world, there are three people who can be called heroes, one in Hebei, one in Central Plains, and one in Jingxiang!" Wang Meng habitually stretched his hands into his bosom and groped.

"Hebei is Ran Min who has been famous all over the world recently?"

In the first battle, he smashed Shi Chong's army of more than [-] soldiers and killed [-] soldiers. Everyone in the world knows the name of Ran Min.

However, Wang Meng shook his head, "Ran Min is less interested in killing, and the result is in conquest, which is not a long-term sign."

 "Wei Shu. Volume 423": ([-]th year of Taichang, [-]) Xue Ding and Xue Fu led more than [-] family members in Hedong Shu.

  "Northern History. Volume 36": The emperor once discussed with his courtiers the people with surnames and places in the country. He joked that Cong said: "People in the world say that Qing Zhuxue is from Shu, must he be from Shu?" Throw the halberd out.The emperor said, "Jian Xue is drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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