Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 194 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 194 Chasing and Killing
Dongping means the flatness of the eastern plains. Wenshui flows through the south and joins Jishui, and Jishui flows from west to south, causing floods from time to time.

Without being dragged down by livestock, the march speed was much faster.

"Fifty miles ahead, we found 5000 people from Ran Min Pioneer!" The scout sent back a message just after stepping into Dongping.

"It came so fast!" Wei Shan looked happy.

Li Yue waved his hand to shake the flag, and the soldiers rested on the spot and set up camp.

"Is there only 5000 people? Where is the rear army?" Li Yue asked the scouts.

"Five or six thousand rear troops appeared in Wuyan, and Shi Min Yazhu was among them. Because of the muddy road, eight or nine thousand cavalry were stranded behind."

"Keep an eye on their movements." There are also five or six thousand infantry lagging behind.

"Take orders!" The scouts galloped on the muddy ground with two legs. Fortunately, it was summer. If it was autumn and winter, these feet would definitely freeze to death.

The distance of fifty miles and the muddy road will take at least two days, which is plenty of time.

The soldiers not only set up camp, but also dug trenches and set up antlers, just waiting for Ran Min to go south.

However, two days have passed, but Ran Min's army has been slow to come.

The forward 5000 troops stationed in Dongpinglu, [-] miles away.

Although the heavy rain had stopped long ago, the muddy road could not be recovered in a day or two.

The terrain of Dongping Kingdom is low, and there are many swamps and lakes in the territory. The famous Liangshan Water Pool in later generations is in the northwest.

After waiting for another day, the scouts rushed to report, "General, nearly ten thousand enemy troops have crossed the Yellow River, from east to west, the front of the soldiers is pointing directly at Baimajin!"

"This is copying our hometown!" Even Wei Shan could see the enemy's intentions.

Behind Bai Majin is Chen Liu!
The main force of the Black Cloud Army was in Lu County, and the refugees who had just migrated were all concentrated in Chenliu.

Right now it is impossible for Ran Min to attack Lu County, but it is still possible to attack Chenliu, which is empty of troops, looting and killing refugees, and trampling the fields.

Once the refugees were killed and the fields were destroyed, the little vitality that had just gathered in Heiyun Mountain would come to an end.

Everyone looked at Li Yue.

"General, our family members are all in Chenliu!" The faces of Hei Yun's generals changed drastically.

Ran Min killed [-] soldiers in Pingjikeng and entered Chenliu. He was afraid that all dogs would be left behind, his family members would be killed, and the morale of the army would be weakened.

This hand of the black tiger played well. There was a heavy rain in the south of the Yellow River, but it was not affected in the north of the Yellow River, which was conducive to the galloping horses.

However, after hearing the enemy's movements, Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not afraid that the enemy would not make a move, but he was afraid that he would not be able to see through. Ran Min originally had 2 horses, and he divided up nearly [-] troops to attack the white horses. He was too confident.

Of course, this is also his usual style.

Apart from Chenliu behind Baimajin, its southeast is Dongjun.

Before sending troops, Li Yue had already sent someone to inform Cui Jin and Zhou Qian to be careful of Ran Min.

And his ten thousand light cavalry can only catch people by surprise and attack people by surprise. If they are seen through, they will be powerless.

The Wubao in Chenliu's territory is even tighter than that in Lu County, and Zhou holds three thousand Heiyun troops in his hands, how many can [-] cavalry break through?

Li Yue reassured the crowd and said: "There is no need to panic, I have been prepared for a long time, the bandit army has rushed east for thousands of miles, and they will return without success. I will take this opportunity to swallow all the Zhao troops in Dongping!"

Qingqi who chased Ran Min with two legs would definitely not be able to catch up, so it is better to concentrate superior forces to deal with the enemy troops in Yanzhou.

All the generals looked excited.

Pu Xiong cupped his hands and said: "Thanks to the general's care, I have been in Lu County for many days without any incidents and no fights. In this battle, our troops will be the vanguard and capture Ran Min alive!"

Li Yue knew that he was indirectly apologizing for Meng Lang, the one-eyed general a few days ago. It just so happened that Li Yue also wanted to see the combat strength of this elite Di people, "Then there is General Lao!"

The wind blows to the north, and so does the army.

Ran Min's five thousand pioneers built camps on the plain.

From a long distance, Li Yue could see Gao Li's guard holding a big axe.

I failed to kill them all in Xingyang, but I didn't expect to meet them again here.

A row of horns soared into the sky, the three thousand soldiers in the vanguard slowly moved forward, and the Heiyun army followed behind.

The two armies have not yet handed over, and the sword rain is overwhelming.

The Gaoli guards were good at archery, and their archery skills were accurate, but the Di people were all wearing heavy armor and shields, and the casualties caused were not large. Many people continued to move forward with a few feathered arrows stuck in their bodies.

Two or 30 people fell on each side, and they fought hand to hand.

It's not the first time Gao Li guards and Di people have fought against each other. They were killed in Xingyang in the dark, and now they meet each other, and they are extremely jealous.

The war has turned into daylight from the very beginning, as if two evil dragons were strangled on the plain, and the blood instantly stained the yellow-brown earth.

Although the troops of the Di people were small, they rushed forward regardless of their own safety.

The dozen or so Di generals were especially brave, including Pu Xiong, all of them held their blades and fought for the front.

One of the one-eyed generals was extremely brave, with a spear in his hand that was much thicker than the others. With one spear, he picked up one of the high-powered guards, and smashed the other high-powered guard into a pulp amidst bursts of screams.

Within twenty steps around, no enemy dared to face him directly...

Under Liang Du's command, Gao Li's imperial guards were like mad dogs, invincible, but now that they were recruited by Ran Min, their combat power and fighting spirit were not as good as before.

After fighting for less than an hour and a half, the five thousand high-powered guards retreated steadily after being killed by three thousand soldiers.

Many of them turned around and fled.

This is very different from Liang Du's subordinates who were not afraid of death.

Once a person has no heart, he also loses fighting spirit.

And Di people will grow bigger and stronger step by step in Pu Honghui's next step, and the internal cohesion is the strongest time.

"It seems that Ran Min is nothing more than that!" Wei Shan grinned.

Li Yue glanced at the two armies fighting in front of him, shook his head, "You can never underestimate him."

This is what he said, and it was also said to himself.

The war was soon over.

Gaoli's imperial guards were completely defeated and fled in all directions, while the Di army followed behind.

However, the muddy road made the pursuit inefficient. Many high-powered guards discarded their armor, and they were much lighter.

Di's army had no horses and wore heavy armor. After fighting for nearly two hours, their physical strength was already weakened.

"Send an order to tell Pu Xiong to stop chasing and killing." Li Yue had good intentions, and since ancient times, the poor have never chased him.

However, after the military order was issued, they only hesitated for a moment, but the pursuit did not stop.

The Di people had a grudge against Gao Li's imperial guards, and now that they meet again, they are in high spirits, and it is impossible to just retreat.

Li Yue can't control them now.

Especially the one-eyed general who rushed to the front, yelled again and again, stabbed several people to death one after another, lifted the corpses and poured blood on his body, and laughed wildly.

Di's army chased farther and farther, until the end of the plain was full of grass and grass.

At this moment, the horn in the north suddenly sounded, desolate and whimpering.

A dark yellow toothbrush stood between the sky and the earth, with only a huge Chinese character "stone" on it.

Under the fangs, dozens of Hu Jin generals surrounded a black-armored general, thousands of soldiers stood holding axes and spears, and two gusts of wind blew out of nowhere.

Although they were all high-powered imperial guards, the momentum of the front and rear armies was completely different.

In the midst of excitement, Di Jun rushed up without knowing the depth...

(End of this chapter)

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