Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 20 Reinforcement

Chapter 20 Reinforcement
No matter how much selfishness Meng Kai had before, he was undoubtedly a reputable man on the battlefield.

The two long spears were like poisonous dragons, and they suddenly shot out from behind Li Yue's men. The long spears were originally used for piercing armor. The left hand directly stabbed a Jie man to death, and the right hand picked up a soldier.

A Jie man, with heavy armor, nearly two hundred catties, Meng Kai picked it up with one hand!
Although with the help of the charging power of the war horse, it is impossible to do it without strong physical strength.

It seems that Meng Kai didn't use all his strength when he was sparring with him.

The battlefield fell silent for an instant, and the Jie people finally showed horror in their eyes, while their own side burst into cheers.

Morale, which had been low just now, skyrocketed instantly.

If one goes down, the other grows up, no matter how cruel the Jie people are, they are still human beings, and when they meet the even more brutal Meng Kai, their courage is taken away.


More than 40 cavalrymen are old subordinates who have followed him for many years. Like him, they are brave and crazy, attacking the Yanyue Formation of the Jie people.

Not even a rock can withstand their thunderous blows.

Everyone on the mountain has fought for four or five hours, but they are the only ones who have recharged their energy and stored up their energy until now.

Meng Kai stabbed two people to death with his hand, and with a sweep of his long spear, he knocked down three people one after another, like a sharp blade, piercing deeply into the formation of the Jie people, and the formation carefully prepared by the Jie people was washed away fall.

Without an array, the combat effectiveness of the Jie people is greatly reduced.

In the melee, the advantages of the Jie people are gradually offset, and the two sides gradually balance their power.

Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he withstood the first wave of offensive from this group of Jie people, until Cui Jin, Tian Baozi, Zhou Qian and others came to support him, he would win the final victory.

Although this group of Jie people are elite, they don't have many troops.

Ants kill elephants, but consumption can kill them too!

"Hey, Wu that bandit general, how dare you fight!" There was a loud shout on the battlefield, and the enemy general couldn't hold back at last, and came out with a spear in his hand.

Most of the spears of others are as tall as two people, but he is shorter, and the spears lined with them are longer.

Hearing the shout, Li Yue cried out secretly.

At this time, as long as you drag and wait for the support from the rear, you can eliminate this group of Jie people.

Meng Kai was already the spiritual sustenance of his side, if something happened to him, the battlefield that had just stabilized would cause another misfortune.

But Meng Kai was Meng Kai after all, when challenged, he reined in his horse with red eyes, and charged the enemy general with a grinning grin.

There is not a flat river between the two, more than a hundred people on both sides are fighting.

There were more than 30 personal guards around the enemy general, who also raised their spears.

Meng Kai didn't care about it, and rushed over with twenty cavalrymen...

In fact, Li Yue had a bad premonition when he saw the enemy general who was like a black tower.

This man looks rough and fierce, but he is actually a monkey spirit.

How can it be mediocre to break through the ambush in Weishan and defeat the begging army who occupy the geographical advantage and take the lead.

And he challenged Meng Kai full of calculations.

First, Meng Kai's war horse rushed to kill for less than half an hour, and his speed and vigor were no longer what they were before.

Second, it is said that it is a one-on-one fight, but there are more than 30 soldiers around him who have lined up and waited for work, just waiting for Meng Kai to hit him...

The entire battlefield relied on Meng Kai's cavalry to establish a weak advantage. If Meng Kai was restrained by the enemy general, it would be difficult for Zhao Guang's troops to support them.

With Meng Kai's character, he is only suitable for charging forward, but not able to coordinate the overall situation.

House seemingly endless rain.

At this time, there was another cry of killing from the west mountain. It should be that the Jie people rested for a while, recovered their strength, and launched an attack again.

Li Yue was startled. If there was another fight on Xishan, wouldn't it mean that there were no reinforcements?

"Everyone, attack!" Li Yue raised his knife and gave the order to attack.

More than 200 people around and Meng Kai's more than 300 infantry raised their swords and rushed to the battlefield.

With a bang, the gloomy sky suddenly burst into thunder.

Immediately afterwards, heavy rain poured down, flooding the entire battlefield.

It also drowned out the figure of Meng Kai charging towards the enemy general a hundred paces away...

The heavy rain failed to wash away the bloodiness of the battlefield, but made the war more cruel.

In the drowsiness, no one knew when and at what angle a spear would suddenly stab out amidst the rain.

Murder every step of the way on the hazy battlefield.

Under high tension, not only must guard against the enemy, but also guard against one's own people.

Just five steps away, Li Yue saw with his own eyes a member of the Heiyun Mountain tribe whose neck was cut off by a knife suddenly swung in the rain.

He looked at the body of Pao Ze in confusion, and was immediately pierced by the spear pierced from the right side. With a scream, he fell on the body of Pao Ze who had lost his head.

On the other hand, Capricorn people, because they are well-trained, they are often in groups of four or five, shouting something.

Identify other Capricorns with your voice.

This made Li Yue realize the gap between the regular army and the bandits.

Jie people have been in the Central Plains for thirty or forty years, and it is by no means a fluke that they can stand out from the crowd of opponents.

The Heiyunshan tribe is not lacking in bravery, but lacks in training.

War is not a one-person charge, but a group of people working together.

More and more members of the Heiyun Mountain tribe fell into a pool of blood. The heavy rain quickly hit their faces, washing the blood on their bodies. Seeing the miserable state of their companions, some people fled directly into the heavy rain...

Li Yue was very worried, but there was nothing he could do.

The only advantage was Meng Kai's cavalry, but the heavy rain wiped out the cavalry's advantage.

I don't know if Meng Kai is alive or dead.

There was only the sound of pattering rain, and one or two screams interspersed here and there.

The cold rain hit his face, which made Li Yue sober up a lot. If he continued to kill like this, he must be the loser. In the haze, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

Li Yue was startled, and was about to slash at them, but saw the two of them motionless.

Walking in and looking, it turned out to be a Jie man and a member of the Heiyun Mountain tribe. The erect Jie man pierced from the back with a long knife from top to bottom, and came out through the chest.

But the knives of the short men pierced into his abdomen from the bottom up, from the crotch.

The two maintained the action of fighting before death.

One of the great advantages of Jie people is their heavy armor, which allows them to rampage on the battlefield.

Looking at the two, Li Yue's heart skipped a beat, "Get down and attack from the grass. Anyone wearing greaves and leather boots can sneak attack in this way!"

The poor in Heiyun Mountain are almost drinking the northwest wind. Let alone greaves and leather boots, it would be nice to have a pair of straw sandals. Most people are barefoot...

Even the so-called soldiers are nothing more than the upper body.

As for the lower body, how to cool down...

Li Yue was the first to lie down in the grass, and crawled forward. After a few steps, he saw three pairs of feet wearing greaves appearing in front of him.

He winked to the left and right, and at the same time he raised his head, stabbing out the long knife from bottom to top.

The Jie people did not expect that someone would attack from the ground, and with the heavy rain and the cover of vegetation, they were completely defenseless.

The three Jie soldiers were killed immediately.

If it was head-on, it would never be so easy to kill three soldiers.

As soon as the blow was successful, everyone around became excited, and when they met their companions, they also asked them to lie down and hide in the vegetation.

The heavy rain was torrential, and blood and rainwater mixed together and flowed slowly together.

Not long after, the Capricorn people seemed to have a premonition that something was wrong, "Fix the formation, form the formation!"

"Bassily, Bassily!"

Li Yue could understand the battle formation, but he was at a loss for the rest of the words.

The Jie people are actually a branch of the Xiongnu. They were called Qiangqu in the Han Dynasty. They migrated from Congling and settled in the Shangdang generation. language.

Their cries were everywhere in the heavy rain.

The Jie people's spears pierced the surrounding vegetation from time to time, and several people were hit.

It's not that easy to get close to them.

Suddenly, the noisy battlefield fell silent again.

Only the sound of rain.

More than an hour has passed, and the reinforcements from the rear have not yet arrived, which shows that the situation in Xishan is not optimistic.

Li Yue sighed in his heart, he had tried his best...

Occasionally, a flash of lightning flashed across the drowsy sky, and the sound of thunder shook the mountain, as if it was about to overturn the entire Heiyun Mountain.

A bolt of lightning landed on a big tree thirty paces ahead on the left.

The big tree was split in half, and the flames burst out, illuminating the iron armor of the Jie people in the rain.

The fire did not burn a few times before it was extinguished by heavy rain.

Everything returned to silence, only the dull sound of rain.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar from the west, north, and east, like thunder, "Kill Jienu!"

"Kill Jienu!"

The ground was also trampled, completely drowning out the sound of rain.

The momentum was extremely astonishing, as if the mountains and plains were full of Heiyun Mountain tribesmen.

Reinforcements are finally here!

(End of this chapter)

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