Chapter 204
Greeting Chang Wei's family was unexpectedly smooth.

The success made Li Yue a little depressed.

After eight or nine days, Bo Wu took Chang Wei's family back to Chenliu with more than ten members. There were more than 1000 people when they went there, but there were nearly [-] people when they came back.

Bo Wu patted his chest and laughed loudly, "The old man has a little face in Guangzong. When he said that the governor came to pick him up, he didn't encounter any obstacles and cooperated everywhere. These five hundred sons are the children of Guangzong, and they admired me Heiyunshan for a long time. Let’s go south together this time.”

Li Yue glanced at them, everyone was strong and strong, half of them were riding horses, holding long spears, they were powerful and strong.

Now that Li Nong is unpopular, and Heiyun Mountain is in the limelight and famous, it is normal to defect to him.

Following Li Nong is really aggrieved, and he always loses and wins, and it is also to protect the interests of the Jie people.

And since Ran Min took over the power of Jie Zhao, his butt has gradually moved to Jie people.

After Shi Hu's death, the conflict between Han and Hu became more and more acute, and no one wanted to have a Jie man on their head as their ancestor.

"This is Dong Chao, Dong Run's nephew, Zu Zheng, Zu Xun's younger brother, and Gao Kai's adopted son, Gao Yun..." Bo Wu introduced the group of young people with excitement.

The oldest is about twenty, the youngest is thirteen or fourteen years old. The ancestors and the Gao family are all powerful from Hebei. When they come, Li Yue can naturally understand the meaning behind it.

"Meet the governor!" More than a dozen teenagers knelt in front of Li Yue.

"Do you know martial arts?" Li Yue asked with a smile.

"Bow and horse riding and shooting, swords, spears, swords and halberds are omnipotent!" the eldest Zu Zheng said with his head held high.

Li Yue took more than a dozen sets of bows, arrows, knives and halberds, set up wooden stakes, randomly selected more than ten people, and let them try.

During the galloping of the horse, with more than a hundred steps, it hit the wooden stake.

More than a dozen teenagers swung knives and halberds on the horses, and the wind blew past, and sawdust from the stakes flew. One of them rode his horse and picked up the stakes with his spear.

This wooden stake is one person tall and the other thick, weighing no more than a hundred catties. This young man is actually able to pick it up, which is considered astonishing in physical strength, and many old Heiyun soldiers may not be able to do it.

The key is that he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, with great potential.

The surrounding guards cheered.

"This is Gao Kai's adopted son, Gao Yun, from Liaodong. Can this group of sons return?" Bo Wu looked waiting for praise.

"The veteran will be able to beat both of them, and the commander has done a good job!" Li Yue laughed.

"They're all from my own family, the governor can't treat them badly." Bo Wu has always been more protective of the calf, and he treated him the same way back then.

Li Yue thought for a while, and it would definitely not be appropriate to be named Heiyun General directly. Other Heiyun generals who have been promoted by military exploits must be dissatisfied. Some things cannot be given to others at will.

Han has Yu Linlang, and Jie Zhao has Longteng Zhonglang.

Bring them by your side, cultivate them carefully, and they will become your direct descendants and confidantes in the future.

"Thank you, Commander!" Everyone bowed their hands.

The guards around him looked slightly strange, but this is also human nature.

People do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

The military system is basically mature, but the military merit system is a bit chaotic. Now that there is no big war, Li Yue is thinking about taking some free time to get things out.

"Since you have joined the Heiyun Army, it is no different than being in Guangzong. You should know that military law is ruthless. Although he is Heiyunlang, he is just like ordinary soldiers. It is quite difficult. If you can't stand it, you can quit." Li Yue said beforehand.

Although they have a good foundation, they still need to be tempered. The competition is completely different from the battlefield.

Thousands of troops are crowded together to fight, which is a great psychological and physical test.

"I am very fortunate to be able to follow the governor, and let the governor send me." The leader Zu Zhengdao.

"Not bad." Li Yue laughed, "Come here, take them to Bingcao."

The joining of this group of children made the connection between Heiyunshan and Guangzong even closer.

Li Yue has more confidence in the strategy of Hebei, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, it is Li Nong and Ran Min who split, and the people below always have a sense of incense.

After Hei Yunlang got the equipment, he didn't get special care, and went directly to Nozawa fishing.

Although fishing is not dangerous, it is the most tiring.

Each person has a short spear, sticks fish in the wild lake, and stands for a whole day, training eyesight, arm strength, and patience.

However, in this era, no matter the old and weak, women and children are strong-willed, and none of the 500 people quit, which makes Li Yue full of confidence in them.

For more than a month, the recruited new army returned to Chenliu from Lu County.

Under the scorching sun, all of them were tanned and strong. Standing under the black clouds and red flags, they gave off an evil spirit out of thin air.

Heiyun generals have unique eyesight, and the soldiers they recruit are all men with a loyal face and strong limbs.

Li Yue stepped into the formation with his personal guards, spears around him piercing towards the sky, "You are the Heiyun Army, and we should drive out Jie slaves and restore the rivers and mountains in mind!"

The soldiers repeated it loudly.

"Get rid of Jie Nu, restore my land!" A thunderous cry shook the world.

The newly recruited soldier Li Yue is quite satisfied.

After the inspection was completed, Li Yue promoted the officers in front of the whole army, from the corps commander to the captain, and personally did it.

These officers are all brave fighters in previous wars and the best in the Confederate Army.

"Captain Qin, how is Lingtang?" Basically every officer Li Yue has an image.

Qin Biao, the newly promoted Captain of the Vanguard Battalion, was extremely brave in several battles. He fought naked on the battlefield and killed 43 enemies. He is one of the newly rising generals.

Li Yue did not forget that he was one of the leaders of the refugees, and he went south due to the plague, and he was quite popular among the refugees.

"Going back to the governor, my mother is in good health and is often taken care of by people from the medical camp, so that my subordinates can go to the battlefield and make meritorious deeds." Qin Biao smiled gently, showing his white teeth.

People with good teeth are generally born well.

"That's good. Don't be in a hurry to build a career. Start a family early, pass on the family line, and let the old man embrace grandchildren."

"The military is busy, my subordinates..."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to let it go first. You take a month off to take a bath and finish your marriage first. This is a military order."


There was a burst of envious eyes around.

"Zhao Mu!"

"Subordinates are..."

Li Yue would inquire about every person who came forward to be sealed. All those who did not have a family rested and settled the major issues, and those who had old people and children at home asked what difficulties they had.

In troubled times, there are many boys and girls. In addition to the main wife, it is common to marry two concubines, and women can also take care of the family business.

All the widows under the rule remarried, and the widowers remarried again. After giving birth to a child, they could receive a mule, donkey or pig and sheep, and the government subsidized another [-] catties of grain every month.

Governing a big country is like cooking small fish, and the same is true for running an army, with a combination of leniency and fierceness.

Li Yue could feel that the soldiers respected him more and more.

And a general who can lead them to victory and glory will naturally be supported.

The foundation of Heiyun Mountain's stability is soldiers, and Li Yue never leaves his military power.

The left and right battalions of the forward, the left and right battalions of the middle base, the left and right battalions of the backbone, the left and right battalions of the guerrillas, and the left and right battalions of Zhenshan in Cui Jin's hands, the black cloud army is almost complete.

(End of this chapter)

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