Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 208 Conspiracy

Chapter 208 Conspiracy
Yecheng, Taiwu Hall.

Empress Dowager Zheng Cherry, Yiyang Wang Shijian, Leping Wang Shibao, Ruyin Wang Shikun, Huainan Wang Shizhao and others gathered in the hall to discuss important matters.

The conflict between Ran Min and Shi Zun is getting deeper and deeper.

In order to win people's hearts, Ran Min imitated Shi Hu's favor on Longteng Zhonglang, promoted all the six or seven thousand high-powered guards under his command to be generals outside the palace, conferred titles as Marquis of Guanwai, and rewarded them with maids at will.

He didn't take the emperor Shi Zun seriously at all.

At first Shi Zun believed in Ran Min, and turned a deaf ear to Wang Luan, Meng Zhun and others' advice. After all, the two are as close as father and son.

But he couldn't hold back the public opinion, and because of the fact that Ran Min's behavior became more and more rampant, Shi Zun finally got jealous.

But at this time, Shi Zun suddenly realized that he didn't even have a single man available.

Ran Min firmly held the military power in Yecheng, Shi Zun could only borrow strength from his brothers.

"Your Majesty shouldn't have used thorn slaves in the first place." Among the people present, except for Queen Mother Zheng, Shi Bao was the eldest.

Thorn means thorns, and Ran Min's rebelliousness is brought out from his bones, so Shi Hu gave him the nickname Thorny Slave.

"Don't talk about the past, let's discuss how to get rid of the slaves today!" Shi Zun glanced at him. Without Ran Min, can he ascend the throne?
More than half of the "nationals" in Yecheng were devoted to Shi Bin, so Shi Zun made his son Shi Yan the crown prince.

"The thorn slave is brave and invincible. If things go wrong, I'm afraid it will be harmed by him." Shi Kun said worriedly.

One of the princes of the Shi family did not come, that is Shi Kun's younger brother Shi Zhi, who has an army of tens of thousands and guards Xiangguo.

Shi Bao snorted softly, "Oh, a cup of poisonous wine is enough, no matter how brave the thorn slave is, so what can he do, His Majesty looks forward and backward, if the news is leaked, it may cause even worse disasters, if it is not stopped, it will definitely cause chaos!"

Shi Zun's eyes flickered, and he was still unable to make a decision. First, he was afraid of Ran Min's bravery. Second, if Ran Min was gone, how would he, an emperor without military power, deal with his brothers who held tens of thousands of troops and watched covetously?

At this time, the empress dowager Zheng Yingying, who was sitting in the upper position, saw that the few people were not in harmony, and sighed, "Luoyang returned to the teacher, how could there be no thorn slaves today! Little arrogant and pampered, don't kill rashly."

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, absolutely not, the heart of a thorny slave and disobedient minister is clearly revealed, everyone knows it, if you don't get rid of him now, he will seek Your Majesty!" Shi Bao earnestly advised.

But he was guilty of a crime, and the elite Guanzhong in his hand was lost to Liang Du.

Shi Zun glanced at Shi Kun and Shi Zhao. Of the people present, he had the most military authority and the strongest strength, but he didn't say a word, obviously because he didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

Glancing at Zheng Cherry, she shook her head helplessly.

Shi Jian rolled his eyes a few times, and sensed the delicate atmosphere in the hall, so he found an excuse to go out.

In the corner outside the hall, an eunuch waited for a long time in the shadows.

After the two whispered a few words, the eunuch immediately left the palace, rode his horse straight to the Governor's Mansion, and bowed in front of Ran Min, "Today, His Majesty discussed with all the princes about murdering the Governor-General."

"Understood." Ran Min didn't show much surprise.

Several princes entered the court, such a big event, naturally, Ran Min would not be ignorant of it.

Ye City has long been under his control.

Shi Zun was suspicious of Ran Min, and Ran Min was already ready to make a move.

Every time he thought of what Shi Zun said when he raised the army that day, the flames in Ran Min's heart couldn't be restrained from throbbing.

You should work hard, things will come true, and you should be regarded as the prince!

It was Shi Zun's words that gave birth to Ran Min's ambition.

Wang Jian took a bag of gold and handed it to the eunuch, "Thank you for the envoy, please report back to His Royal Highness Yiyang King, the governor has already known what you want, please wait for the good news."

The eunuch left with a wide smile.

Ran Min said bitterly: "What happened today is not because someone is unrighteous, but because the emperor didn't believe what he said!"

Wang Jian said calmly: "The governor holds great power inside and outside, and there are countless people who hate and hate. Since ancient times, there have only been two paths for powerful officials."

"Which two?"

"Either it becomes a big event, or the Yi people." Wang Jian said these words in an extremely flat tone.

Ran Min's expression froze, but soon relaxed, "What you said is absolutely true!"

Wang Jian said: "For such a big event, why not plan it together with Sikong."

"Hmph, Li Nong has always been loyal to the Shi family, how could he help me? If he finds out, he will leak it out." As soon as Li Nong was mentioned, Ran Min became angry unconsciously.

In the past, he was called Sikong Sikong, but now he is called by his first name.

Wang Jian persuaded: "It's best to put Sikong at the forefront of this matter. Without his reputation, it would be difficult for the governor to gain the support of the court."

"Then it's not too late. I'm going to do it today. Where's Zhou Cheng?" Ran Min rolled up his sleeves and stood up against the desk. He said he would do it without any hesitation.

"The doomsday is here!" Zhou Cheng entered boldly.

Ran Min was dressed in normal clothes, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and ran towards the Sikong Mansion with only a dozen people.

Zhou Cheng and more than a hundred personal guards rushed to the mansion of the right guard general Wang Tai.

This person controls a guard of thousands of people, and is the only force in Yecheng that is not controlled by Ran Min.

At this time, Li Nong had already received all kinds of rumors, knowing that the situation in Yecheng was not good, and the gate was closed in broad daylight.

However, a door obviously couldn't stop Ran Min, and was directly knocked open by the guards.

There were more than a hundred servants behind the door holding knives and sticks, but in front of Ran Min's evil spirit, no one dared to move, without any hesitation, Ran Min walked over directly, treating the servants as if they were nothing.

The servants retreated step by step.

At this moment, Li Nong had no choice but to come out. He knew exactly what Shi Zun wanted to do and what Ran Min wanted to do.

He is not an ambitious person, he just wants to enjoy the glory and wealth for a lifetime, but the wind and waves pushed him to the front.

"Sikong likes to be free." Ran Min stopped in his tracks.

"Governor, please!" Li Nong waved his hand, and the servants retreated.

Ran Min also left his bodyguards outside and entered alone.

"What's the matter with the governor?" The two sat opposite each other.

"Of course it's for a big event. The emperor summoned all the kings to Ye, and his intention is for you and me. How about Sikong?" They have all broken into his mansion, what else can they do?
Li Nong looked ugly, staring at Ran Min.

Ran Min also stared at him, his gaze never backing down.

I don't know when, a ray of cold wind came in from the outside, lifted the veil in the house, and a chill rose in the house.

Li Nong's forehead trembled slightly, "The late emperor was kind to you and me, how could it be so?"

"If the late emperor was here, you and I would be good ministers of Zhao, but if the late emperor is gone, someone will take care of the land and land in the northern kingdom. The emperor betrayed his promise and now wants to harm me, so why should I wait to die?"

"If things come to pass, what will happen to the governor?"

But Ran Min laughed, "Sikong can continue to enjoy his glory and wealth."

Li Nong's hesitation happened again.

Unexpectedly, Ran Min's face changed suddenly, "This is a matter of life and death, if Sikong is not in the same rank as me, he is my enemy!"

The cold wind suddenly blew the door open, and the veil shook violently.

It was as if murderous aura filled the room in an instant.

No one can keep calm in front of Ran Min's anger, even the veteran generals in Jie Zhao's army are deeply afraid of him.

Li Nong closed his eyes and nodded slowly...

 Ran Min has the habit of rolling up his sleeves. "Book of Jin·Volume [-]·Record Seventh": Min Zhuomei said in a big way: "Our battle will be decided, and anyone who dares to advise will be executed!"

(End of this chapter)

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