Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 212 Mirroring

Chapter 212 Mirroring
To govern the atmosphere is to govern the country.

The Han and Wei Dynasties regarded changing customs as one of the evaluations of local officials.

The school affairs have just been established, so it is impossible to see results so quickly, but as long as they exist, they can correct the atmosphere in the territory.

Fortunately, Yanzhou has only just started this trend, and it has not yet reached the point where extravagance has become commonplace.

After the local prefects and county magistrates took back the gifts, they also understood Li Yue's behavior style and spent their minds on governance, and they all came forward to plead guilty.

Li Yue just took advantage of this incident to correct the atmosphere, not to kill them all.

The lieutenant general bowed in front of Li Yue by himself.

After questioning, I realized that many people had sold their meritorious fields and made up gifts, and they were sincerely happy for Li Yue.

There is still some money to be made in the local area, but there is no lucrative water at all in the army, and it is still under Li Yue's strict control, so it is difficult to do anything.

Mi Jin, the captain of the Zhongba camp, clasped his hands and said, "The captain sleeps all night long, so I waited for today. Today, two sons are born. We are overjoyed and don't want to violate the law."

Looking at these subordinates, Li Yue was both moved and distressed, "You don't want to keep the fields to support your family?"

Qin Biao, captain of the Zhongjian Battalion, said: "With a little land, we can do more meritorious service in the future war."

Hei Yun will roll out of the sea of ​​swords and blood with Li Yue, his loyalty is unquestionable, the direct line of the direct line.

In this era, many armies have personal dependencies, and Heiyun General and himself are not simply subordinates.

"That's the end of this matter. There is no need to give gifts to someone in the future. You can use your mind on the battlefield, and your promotion will have its own military merit evaluation!"


Everyone bowed their hands.

Li Yue chatted with them again to ease the atmosphere. From the conversation, Li Yue could also get a glimpse of the mentality of the soldiers. People who have experienced hardships will not forget their roots so quickly.

While he was talking, the soldiers came to report, "Captain, the envoy from Yecheng!"

Li Yue was taken aback, was Ran Min busy killing people at this time, why did he have the intention to send someone to Chen Liu?

bother you for something.

Li Yue immediately went to meet the envoy in front of everyone, but it turned out to be Dong Run, an old acquaintance, "Congratulations to Dudu Xidelin'er, the general sent me here to congratulate you."

Dong Run clapped his hands, and an eunuch behind him read out the imperial edict, "Confer the eldest son as Chang Yuan Bo, the second son as Wai Huangzi, reward one hundred and eight treasures and playthings..."

Li Yue was a little dazed when he heard it, he didn't know which song Ran Min was singing.

A few months ago, he was still fighting on the battlefield, and he was still swearing that he would raise a million troops to kill the Yellow River in two years...

Of course, in this world, generals are walking everywhere, princes are everywhere, and every uncle and son is nothing.

Ran Min once appointed thousands of people as Marquis at once.

Dong Run waved his hand, and the eunuch and his followers retreated.

Li Yue also waved his hand, telling the guards and Heiyun generals to step down, leaving Mi Jin alone as a guard. Given his rank, he could hear some things.

"The general has no other intentions. The north and south beggars are united in the same spirit. They are like brothers. Brothers and sisters can't fight each other!" When Dong Run said this, Li Yue knew Ran Min's intentions. .

It must have been under tremendous pressure and wanted to "reunite" with Heiyunjun.

On the surface, he and Li Nong had a great reputation, but in fact, both of them were roasted on the fire.

Killing a stone and obeying a stone mirror is not a small matter. Everyone knows that Ran Min is Sima Zhao's heart.

However, his status as a foster grandson prevented him from fully integrating into the Jie people, and he was not recognized by the Jin people in the North, unless he now changed his surname from "Shi" back to his original surname.

It was a good thing that Ran Min wanted to shake hands with Heiyunshan and make peace.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

It is naturally a good thing for Huaxia and the tens of thousands of people in the North to join forces between the North and South Begging Army, even if it is a temporary alliance.

Li Yue's first priority now is to recuperate and accumulate strength.

"The general said that if there is no enmity, then there will be no enmity!" Li Yue suddenly had a premonition that Ran Min's relationship with him should be to do something.

With his character, he will never hold back.

"I know that the governor is a straightforward person."

At this moment, a light rain is flying over Yecheng.

In the Kunhua Hall, Ran Min was discussing important matters with Shangshu Wang Jian, Shaofu Wang Yu, General Zhou Cheng, Su Yan and other confidants.

"Those who threaten His Highness in the north and south of the river, Fu Hong, Yao Yizhong, and Shi Zhi, the Heiyun Army's foundation is still shallow, and they have no intention of going north, so there is nothing to worry about. They should be used as help, and they should not be enemies for the time being." Wang Jian is still the mastermind today.

Although Yecheng is under their control now, outside of Yecheng, everything is unclear.

Shi Hu moved the Hu into Hebei, made them live together, and let the clan lead the troops outside the town. It was quite difficult for Ran Min to take the last step.

Especially Xiangguo Shizhi, who has close contacts with Fu Hong, Yao Yizhong, Duan Qin and others, is already gathering a large army.

Shi Zhi is different from other Shi family princes, others shouted it out before they did it, for fear that people in the world would not know, but Shi Zhi only did it but didn't talk about it, the army gathered, and it was self-evident who the target of the crusade was.

Ran Min always obeyed the words of those close to him, nodded his head and said: "Fu Hong has the intention of going westward, and this king entrusts him with the command of all the military forces in Guanzhong, the general who conquered the west, the shepherd of Yongzhou, and the governor of Qinzhou!"

Fu Hong's governor of Guanzhong has gone back and forth several times, and he has long lost his credibility.

"In this way, the general will fight against a strong enemy, only Shi Zhi and Yao Yizhong are left." Shaofu Wang Yu said.

Zhou Chengdao: "The mere old Qiang is nothing to be afraid of, the general is willing to capture and kill this old thief for His Highness!"

These words made Ran Min raise his head and laugh loudly, "You are my king's Dianwei and Xu Zhuye!"

Several people discussed until the evening and drank some wine.

In order to control the ban, Ran Min made the Kunhua Palace his residence, and the palace people dispatched them at will. After discussing the important matters, Ran Min summoned female musicians to relieve everyone's fatigue and have fun.

Just as it was rising, there was suddenly the sound of clanging footsteps outside, densely packed, as if surrounded from all directions.

Everyone was surprised.

Shi Jian is not a quiet person, he wins over Li Nong, Wang Tai and others as soon as he takes the position, and wins over Zhongshuling Li Song, Dianzhong General Zhang Cai and others under his command.

"Whose army?" Wang Yu turned pale with shock.

In the palace, whose army could it be?

Wang Jian's face was also a little ugly, Zhou Cheng and Su Yan were all startled, only Ran Min sat down as before, drinking and drinking by himself.

In an instant, the outside was full of killing sounds.

Someone kept shouting: "Don't get away from Ran Min!"

Hearing this, Ran Min laughed, stood up slowly, held the long sword, and walked out of the hall, "A few bugs dare to come to disturb this king, you wait a little bit, and you will come back when you go!"

Zhou Cheng and Su Yan followed closely behind.

The door of the hall opened, a gust of wind poured in, and it was closed again with a creak.

Wang Jian and Wang Yu waited anxiously, only to hear screams outside, and blood sprayed on the palace door one by one.

Under the light of the torches, the shadows of swords and swords seemed to soak into the palace.

In less than an hour, the sound of fighting slowly stopped.

The door of the palace opened, and Ran Min returned with his sword in hand. The blade of the sword had been dyed red, and with every step he took, the blood on it fell onto the wooden board.

Tick, tick...

Instead of feeling scared, everyone looked excited.

Its demeanor is like a resurrected overlord. With such a lord, who in the world can defeat him?

Ran Min glanced at everyone, "How dare Shi Jian murder this king, I will take his head tomorrow!"

He is Shi Hu's adopted grandson, so Shi Jian is naturally his uncle's generation, but he has become a child in his mouth.

"Your Highness must not be in a hurry to cut off the Shi clan slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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