Chapter 24
After a while, all the leaders on the mountain came.

The ward was also crowded with spectators.

After a series of changes in Heiyun Mountain, the Qihuo Army has taken an absolute advantage.

"Zhao Guang colluded with the Jie people and has been executed. Now it's time to choose a new village master. Everyone talk about who to choose?" Bo Wu didn't talk nonsense.

"Besides Bo Touling you old man in Heiyun Mountain, who else can take on this job?" The begging soldiers understood.

Bo Wu has been popular on the mountain for nearly ten years.

Tian Baozi and the other leaders also booed, "Is there still a choice? Of course it's Bobo."

Standing behind Bo Wu, Li Yue suddenly felt Zhou Qian glanced at him, faintly disappointed, but soon lowered his head and remained silent.

Cui Jin looked over with a puzzled expression.

Li Yue nodded slightly, and he also fell silent.

Heiyun Mountain cannot withstand another internal strife, Bo Wudang Village Master is the best choice, it can strengthen the relationship between Heiyun Mountain and the surrounding begging army, food and reinforcements must be indispensable.

Li Yue said loudly: "Leader Bo is highly respected, and the position of village master must belong to him!"

Li Yue supported it, and there was no voice of opposition.

It all fell into place.

Bo Wu pressed both hands, and the boiling voice of the crowd went down, "It's rare for everyone to praise my old bone. If I am six or seven years younger, I don't need you to recommend me. I will come to grab it myself. It's a pity that time is not forgiving. After suffering from Zhao Guang's black hands, my health is not as good as before, and I may fall into the root of the disease. I still want to live a few more years, Wei Shan, tell me, who has the most credit for defeating Jienu and saving Heiyun Mountain this time?"

The audience suddenly fell silent.

Li Yue didn't expect Bo Wu to come out like this, and countless eyes turned to him, some with admiration, some with respect, some with hope...

Zhou Qian and Cui Jin, who originally lowered their heads, also raised their heads in surprise.

Wei Shan said loudly: "Who else could be, of course it is Brother Li, without him, Heiyun Mountain would have been slaughtered by Jie Nu long ago!"

Bo Wu smiled and said, "What do you think?"

At this time, Li Yue couldn't help expressing his attitude, "Botouling, my nephew just met by chance, thanks to General Wei, Zhou Touling, Tian Touling and my two brothers, as well as the bloody battle between the brothers on the mountain, I was able to repel Jie. people."

As soon as this remark came out, Tian Baozi's face was filled with joy, and Zhou Qian's eyes also showed a layer of gratitude.

Wei Shan laughed loudly, "Brother Li is too modest, one is one, two is two!"

Bo Wudao: "That's right, Chief Li is both wise and brave, and has superb medical skills. He has cured all the injured brothers. Let me tell you, who else is more qualified to be the head of the village?"

"If the owner of Heiyun Village is not Brother Li, I, Wei Shan, will be the first to refuse!"

Like singing a double reed, the two brought the atmosphere up.

Qihuojun looked a little ugly, but Bo Wu and Wei Shan had spoken, and the others dared not disobey.

Tian Baozi is basically a fool, and he supports whoever becomes the head of the village.

Zhou Qian hits it off quite well with him.

Cui Jin needless to say.

"The position of the village master is suitable for Chief Li!"

"Leader Li is both wise and brave, and he will definitely make Heiyun Mountain prosperous!"

The compliments came in waves.

During Bo Wu's illness, Li Yue basically presided over the overall situation, turning Zhao Guang's mansion into a ward, and distributing the privately stored food to everyone...

How many people would do this these days?
Apart from the three brothers Li Yue, Cui Jin, and Meng Kai, which of the leaders on the mountain doesn't have wives and concubines, who are popular and drink spicy food?
Even Bo Wu is "bright clothes and jade food", and he has wine and meat every day.

People's eyes are sharp.

"Then don't need to say much, brother Li is expected by everyone, and from today onwards, he will be the head of Heiyun Village!" Bo Wu waved his hand.

The crowd burst into loud cheers, and even the beggars danced.

Li Yue didn't expect his reputation to be so high.

It would be hypocritical to refuse at this time, not to mention that Li Yue had already thought about the position of the village head, "Since you don't give up, I will be disrespectful and reluctant to do it!"

They are all rough guys with one intestine to the bottom. It is contrived to make three requests and three concessions, which is not in line with their temperament.

"Wan Sheng!" The crowd erupted.

There was laughter everywhere.

"Meet the village master!" Bo Wu was the first to bow his hands.

Then, inside and outside the ward, everyone bowed their hands respectfully, "Meet the village master!"

The huge sound wave seemed to lift the roof off.

Li Yue was overwhelmed, he had not failed them, and they had not failed him.

"From now on, the order of the village lord is the edict of the emperor's old son. If anyone dares to disobey, don't blame me for being ungrateful!" Bo Wu gave Li Yue the greatest support.

Li Yue suddenly felt that Bo Wu seemed to have some kind of great expectation for him, and he couldn't help but wake up in his heart. To enjoy rights, one must take responsibility.

From now on, I will carry the entire Heiyun Mountain on my shoulders.

"I will obey the order of the village master!" Everyone's expressions became serious.

"Bring it up!" Wei Shan waved his hands to several members.

The 57 captives were escorted to the front of the ward one by one, and the crowd automatically gave way to an open space.

Wei Shan said: "Dare to ask the village master how to deal with these Jie slaves!"

Everyone looked at Li Yue again.

If it was according to Li Yue's previous intentions, of course these strong and strong Jie people would be left behind as slaves and as cattle and horses.

But after experiencing this battle, the deep-seated hatred between the two sides has been clearly felt.

Many people on the mountain came from the three prefectures of Bing, Ji, and Yong. Their relatives died under the butcher knife of the Jie people and the Huns.

How can this kind of hatred be resolved with just a few words?
From the perspective of the ethnic group, since Shihu came to the throne, he consciously killed the Han people and kept migrating other Hu people into Jizhou.

Where is Jizhou?
Within Kyushu, it is called Chi County.The territory of Chixian County starts from Jizhou.

Jizhou is the middle state in the world. It has been the capital of Tang Yu and Xia Yin since Tang Yu and Xia Yin, so Jizhou is the usual residence of the emperor.

The place where the son of Huaxia usually lives is full of dust!
Among the people present, who is not a cruel and merciless generation?

Renyi is nothing more than a joke in this era, and the wolf pack leader must be the fiercest and most ruthless one!

Li Yue picked up the knife and walked outside the house.

The Capricorns who were pushed to the ground trembled, but there was no begging in their eyes, it was hatred.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

In full view, he beheaded a Jie man with a single blow.


The crowd cheered, even the elderly and children clapped their hands excitedly.

Li Yue didn't stop, the second, the third...

It is actually a kind of strength that he must use this cruel method to declare his ruthlessness to everyone on the mountain.

Shihu slaughtered everywhere, putting the whole north in a bloodbath, who would resist?

This was originally an era of killing.

Changing places, if I lose, I am afraid that everyone on Heiyun Mountain will be slaughtered...

Bo Wu and Wei Shan didn't expect Li Yue to be so ruthless, and there was a trace of awe in their eyes.

On the open space, the blood of the corpses that lost their heads flowed out.

Four of the knives were broken and seven of the blades were missing.

Thousands of people were silent, as if they did not expect Li Yue, who usually treats diseases and saves lives, to be so ruthless, but the awe in their eyes grew stronger.

Standing in the blood, Li Yue didn't mind that his straw sandals were dyed red, and raised the bloody ring-shoulder, "From now on, I will not only keep you alive, but also fight back and take us back!" Lost land, take back our lost home!"

To integrate Heiyun Mountain, there must be a common goal, so that everyone can unite under this goal.

So the slogan might as well be louder!
Whether it is arrogant or overreaching, it is better than doing nothing.

"Take back the home land!"

Maybe it was suppressed for too long, the crowd roared hysterically, nothing is more inspiring than this sentence...

(End of this chapter)

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