Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 248 Famous General

Chapter 248 Famous General
When the fog was at its thickest, even the face of Gao Yun under the city was faintly visible.

"Leave him up to the city with a rope," Li Yue ordered.

"Wei!" The guard threw down the two ropes.

Soon, Gao Yun was pulled up, his whole body was soaked in blood, with a few arrow clusters stuck in his body, the blood slowly seeped from the gaps in the armor, when he saw Li Yue, he bowed with his head in his pocket, knocking the stone bricks like a thud ring.

"Okay, what's the military situation?" Li Yue waved his hand.

The guard beside him held the handle of the knife and stared at Gao Yun with all his attention.

"After the death of Deng Huan in Lukou, Wang Wu succeeded him and led [-] elite Zhao troops to surrender to Murongchui. Now the Zhao army is in the front, and the Yan army is behind, with more than [-] troops coming straight to Gaocheng!"

In this era, the Hutuo River was called Lutuo. During the Three Kingdoms period, Gongsun Yuan rebelled against Cao Wei and established himself as Yan. Sima Yi challenged it and dug the Hutuo River into the Lu River to transport grain, so he built this city.

Naturally, the place Sima Yi picked would not be bad.

Like Fangtou and Jietou, it is an important place to guard the throat of water and land transportation.

As long as Lukou is still there, the Murong family cannot go south unscrupulously.

If not, the whole of Hebei will be under the iron heel of the Yan army.

Hearing this news, Li Yue's heart was shocked. The Murong family really swept across both sides of the river just like in history...

Murong's family is too wealthy, but Ran Min, like himself, started too late, has little accumulation, and is still a battleground.

If Lukou fell, it would be meaningless for the Heiyun Army to refuse to defend Gaocheng. They could only rely on the Yellow River to defend the Central Plains.

Not only that, without the threat from the rear, Murong Chui drove his troops south, and whether he could return to Yanzhou alive was a question.

The situation is unbearably dire.

Chang Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "Lukou is hundreds of miles away from the Bohai Sea, how do you know?"

This question touches on the key point.

Cui Hong who was on the side was also puzzled and said: "Deng Huan and Wang Wu are both loyal to the Shi family, and they have confronted the Yan people for five or six years. Surrender to the Yan people? This must be Murong Ke or Feng Yi's plan!"

At the time of the most chaos in the north, Lukou's army did not surrender to Yan.

Murong Jun claimed to besiege the city with an army of 20, and stormed the city for more than [-] days. Lukou resolutely resisted, but still did not surrender.

Now that Xiangguo blocked Ran Min's army, Murong Jun led half of the Yan army to go south, and he himself led the Heiyun army to go north to resist the Yan army. The pressure on Lukou dropped sharply. It made no sense for Wang Wu to surrender at this time.

It's not the time to drop.

All eyes fell on Gao Yun's face. It was obvious that he had a problem.

Gao Yun's face was bloodstained, and a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, "Yes, it's the news sent by the adults. The subordinates took advantage of the thick fog to fight through the encirclement..."

Chang Wei took a deep breath, "This must be Murong Ke's plan!"

It is easy to see through the fraudulent plan, but the false and true news in the north is hard to guard against.

Wei Shan took a step forward, kicked Gao Yun on the chest, and kicked him to the ground, "The governor treats you like a nephew, but you spread false news to confuse the army, you are a wolf-hearted thing!"

How Li Yue treated Hei Yunlang was obvious to Chen Liu.

At this moment, Gao Yun was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his face was full of shock, his eyes were confused and painful, as if he didn't know that he had become a chess piece used by others, "Subordinate..."

Gao Kai surrendered, and Murong Ke's propaganda with great fanfare shocked Hebei, so Duan Qin, Liu Zhun, Zhai Shu and others quickly surrendered.

It is impossible for Hei Yunlang who was wandering outside to know.

Li Yue was disappointed for a while.

"This is an unforgivable crime. This is... a letter sent by your lord. Please read it over, if you want to be killed or scratched, you will never complain." Gao Yun coughed up blood, tears welling in his eyes, from his arms He took out a piece of silk stained with blood and sweat.

The personal guard fetched it and handed it to Li Yue.

"My son: Ran Min is like a stone tiger. He punished Li Gong all over his family before, and later barbarized Wei Jia's family. He is tyrannical and immoral. His defeat is not far away. Now that I am defeated, General Murong and his superiors treat him with gratitude for his kindness. If you don't surrender, Murong's benevolence is unparalleled. Wang Wu, Zhai Shu, Duan Qin, and Liu Zhun all surrendered in anticipation. Come, my son hears the letter, and throw himself to Changshan immediately, in the righteousness of father and son!"

The letter was stained with sweat and blood, but there was no trace of alteration.

Li Yue handed the letter to Chang Wei, Cui Hong, and Wei Shan to read.

"So it's a misunderstanding?" Wei Shan rubbed his head.

Chang Wei stared at Gao Yun and said: "No, Gao Kai has adopted this son for more than ten years, and he must know his nature well. This is a deadly plan."

Sun Tzu's Art of War says that there are five intermediates: cause, internal, rebellion, death, and life.

Gao Kai deliberately took advantage of Gao Yun's upright nature to send this letter into Gaocheng to hit the morale and morale of the Heiyun army.

From a military point of view, if Lukou misses, defending Gaocheng will be meaningless. If the Heiyun army does not want to surrender, the only way out is to abandon the city and break through...

In other words, Gao Kai cheated with his adopted son together, letting Gao Yun act as a dead man for his own future, he was really ruthless.

"In addition to disturbing the morale of the army, this letter is also Murong Ke's attempt to persuade the governor to surrender!" Cui Hong said differently.

Indeed, the whole article belittles Ran Min, saying good things about Murong's family, which are unparalleled in virtue and destiny, and obviously not something a father would say to his adopted son.

"Damn it, this Murong Ke is too thoughtful..." Wei Shan gasped.

Murong Ke's methods followed one after another.

Originally, Murong Jun's attack this time was not smooth. He was blocked by Lukou first, then he was unfavorable in Zhongshan's attack, and now he was blocked by himself in Gaocheng. All places surrendered one after another.

Then, relying on this general trend, he oppressed the Heiyun army guarding Gaocheng, and then took a slanted sword to persuade himself to surrender through Gao Yun's subtle tactics...

Murong Ke didn't come, and his psychology, righteousness, and momentum were all played to the extreme.

At this point, ordinary forces would either break through or surrender.

No wonder he was hailed as the number one general of the Sixteen Kingdoms by later generations.

In the battle of Thorn City, Shihu's hundreds of thousands of troops attacked fiercely, and Murong Hao was ready to run away. It was Murong Ke who resisted all opinions and insisted on a decisive battle, leading two thousand fine cavalry to sweep hundreds of thousands of troops.

Then in Miyun Mountain, eight thousand fine riders defeated Ma Qiu's [-] army, and Ma Qiu was able to escape on foot...

To the east, Goguryeo dared not look west.

In history, almost all of Qianyan's lands and mountains were brought down by this person.

If Chang Wei and Cui Hong were not around him to see things clearly, Li Yue felt that there was a high probability that he would be recruited.

Li Yue helped Gao Yun up, "You have been wronged."

His loyalty to the Heiyun Army was also used by Gao Kai and Murong Ke.

Tears welled up in Gao Yun's eyes again, "This subordinate was born as Heiyun Lang and died as Heiyun ghost, how could he betray the governor?"

Li Yue felt a burst of emotion in his heart. He stroked his back, and seeing that the wound was still bleeding, he ordered him to remove his armor and healed him with his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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