Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 253 Divine Skills

Chapter 253 Divine Skills
Ran Min's edict came down soon, and Feng Mijin was appointed as the prefect of Hejian, led by General Zhechong, Qin Biao was appointed as the prefect of Zhangwu, and led by General Fenwu, Jia Jian was appointed as the prefect of Bohai, and led by General Jinu.

The population of Hejian and Zhangwu counties was basically plundered by the Yan army. Except for a few empty cities, there was basically no need for business.

Yan Jun's intention was to use this place as a buffer zone.

Li Yue also told Mi Jin and Qin Biao that if they couldn't hold on, they could just give up and withdraw to Bohai Sea.

The only place that still has some vitality is Bohai County, and the Black Cloud Army has kept half of the county's population.

These three counties are only superficial interests, and the real interests lie in the plains in southern Hebei, the two counties of Qinghe, and Qingzhou behind the Bohai Sea.

The Black Cloud Army resisted the Yan Army's southward march, proving its strength.

In troubled times, it is a very normal thing to depend on the strong.

"Commander, news from Xiangguo." Zhang Shengye came trotting all the way.

"Could it be that Xiangguo has been breached?" Li Yue asked.

"Not yet, Lord Wei continued to attack Xiangguo continuously. Shi Zhi couldn't bear the pressure, so he went to the emperor's title, proclaimed himself King Zhao, and asked for help from Murong, Yao Yizhong, Shi Kun, and Zhang Pingping."

It has been four months since this war, Xiangguo should have reached its limit.

Shi Zhi was forced to go to the emperor's title, indicating that the Wei army had the upper hand.

Xiangguo and Bohai are separated by counties such as Hejian, Wuyi County, Changle County, and Julu, which are beyond the reach of Heiyun's army.

There are also various forces, big and small, in the middle. The key point is that Ran Min didn't ask him for help.

"Let's just wait and see what happens."

With Ran Min's personality, he might not necessarily want to rescue him.

Li Yue then ordered the army to rest and prepare to return to Chenliu after the ice and snow melted.

Everyone has their own destiny, and if Ran Min wants to stalk him, no one can stop him, just take care of his own affairs and develop himself with peace of mind.

With nothing to do, he took his own soldiers to inspect the battalions in the city to see how the morale was.

After the Yan army retreated, the officials and powerful officials in Qinghe, Pingyuan, and Leling sent wine and meat as rewards.

The soldiers have wine and meat, and the cold winter is not difficult.

Morale is still high, and some people miss their families. After all, it has been three months since the expedition.

Li Yue simply set up a military post, and asked Honglu officials to write family letters on behalf of the soldiers, and sent them back to Chenliu every seven days, and returned after half a month, bringing back some new clothes, bacon, and sauce made by his family.

Greatly eased the homesickness of the soldiers.

The flames lasted three months, and the family letter was worth ten thousand gold.

Some letters sent from home also let the soldiers not worry about their families, and both parents and children will be taken care of by the government.

"My son, Wang Ju, sent me a pair of leather shoes and two altars of fermented meat. Everything is fine at home. Your younger brother has grown up and is engaged to the daughter of the Xuli Tailor Shop on Xiejie Street. My family traveled from Bingzhou to Xingyang in the south. Nearly starved to death, fortunately the governor took him in, so today, you should kill the enemy with all your heart in Bohai, and repay the favor of the governor..."

"My son Yang Chang'er..."

Li Yue listened to the sound of reciting outside the tent, with mixed feelings in his heart.

How simple are these soldiers and their families?Just doing what they should do, let them be dead set on themselves.

After the opening of the military post, the spirits of the soldiers were lifted, and half of the fatigue on their faces disappeared.

Military posts have existed since ancient times, and the Qin and Han Dynasties paid special attention to them. In the Han Dynasty, military posts connected the Western Regions.

As he walked, he unknowingly came to Jia's Buqu's camp, and heard a burst of applause inside.

The guard in front of the gate was about to salute, but was stopped by Li Yue with a wave of his hand, and stopped to look inside.

I saw Jia Jiangong demonstrating for the trilogy.

There was a cow on the playground, Jia Jian bent his bow and set an arrow, and with a sound of "咻", the feathered arrow flew past the cow's back, bringing up a pile of cow hair, but the cow was unharmed, and the feathered arrow was nailed to the bull's-eye by the way.

"Good archery!" Li Yue couldn't help applauding.

This kind of archery is simply amazing.

I used to hear people say that Hu people are invincible in riding and archery, but they don't know that archery is also one of the six arts of a gentleman.

In the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, both civil and military people practiced riding and shooting.

Seeing that it was Li Yue, Jia Jian quickly retracted his bow, stepped forward to meet him, cupped his hands and said: "Haha, the governor is absurd, he is getting older, and his hands are not as stable as before."

Wei Shan muttered unconvinced, "That's all."

His voice was already loud, although he squeezed his voice, he could still hear the surroundings clearly.

Jia Jian's purple face showed no displeasure, "What General Wei said is true, it's just a trick."

"My general once shot and killed more than a hundred people from the Yan army, and his archery is famous in Hebei. How can it be a small skill." Jia Jian said angrily.

"Don't be rude." Jia Jian scolded.

However, although he is magnanimous, the soldiers on both sides are facing the wheat awns with big eyes and small eyes.

The army respects the brave, and when two groups of people stand together, it is inevitable that they will compete secretly.

This is not a bad thing, it can inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

Li Yue also wanted to see Jia Jian's ability. He was able to break through the encirclement of the Yan army with [-] pieces, which is definitely not something that ordinary generals can do. , let the generals see and see."

"Since the governor has ordered it, it's time to make a fool of yourself." Jia Jian didn't refuse, took a feathered arrow, and aimed at the cow a hundred steps away.

Wei Shan and the others asked to keep their eyes wide open.

Li Yue also watched intently.

But Jia Jian looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "When you were young, you could not hit them. Now that you are old, you can hit them."

While chatting and laughing, the feathered arrow shot out and passed close to the back of the cow, shooting off a few strands of hair.

Just when Wei Shan didn't think so, Jia Jian took another arrow, barely aiming at it, the feathered arrow pierced through the air, passed under the belly of the cow, and also shot off a few strands of hair.

"You're showing your ugliness." Jia Jian's smile didn't change.

"Why is this so difficult?" Wei Shan still didn't think so.

"Look, Commander!" Jia Jian's trilogy fetched the cow hairs that fell from the front and back, and there were as many on both sides.

Wei Shan and the guard shut up instantly.

Li Yue praised: "I used to hear that Li Guang shot the tiger's stone, but now that I see the general's magical skills, I know that Li Guang is nothing but this!"

"It was just a fluke, not as brave as the generals." Jia Jian bowed his hands towards the crowd.

Wei Shan's face turned red, but he was also frank, "The general's magical skills are not as good as mine!"

It is not ashamed to be inferior to others in skills, but it is shameful not to admit that others are worse than oneself.

As soon as these words were uttered, the relationship between the two sides became harmonious. They were both fighting men, and no one was careful.

"Pang's lance, Jia's bow, it's a pity that Pang Yue is not here, otherwise you will be able to open your eyes." Jia Jian said with emotion.

It was a pity for Li Yue, Pang Yue had resisted the Yan army for half a month, Feng Yi had nothing to do, so he had to resort to tricks to capture him, otherwise if this person was there, Jidong would have gained another general.

"In the land of Yanzhao, there are so many heroes!" Li Yue signaled his guards to bring wine and meat, and drank with Jia's trilogy.

After drinking a bottle of wine, the relationship between the two parties has grown by leaps and bounds.

"I have lived for three or 40 years, and I have read countless people. The heroes of the north are not as broad-minded as the governor. Those who can rule the north in the future must be the governor!" .

These words are quite rich.

Judging by Jia Jian's age, he has experienced many trials and hardships.

"General Jia is drunk." Li Yue didn't take it too seriously.

Drunk talk, half-truth, half-false, many people have complimented me in recent years.

"Haha, I'm drunk, I'm drunk." Jia Jian picked up the wine bottle and drank it down.

Just as the conversation was getting better, Zhang Shengye came again, "Captain, there is an edict coming from Xiangguo!"

(End of this chapter)

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