Chapter 27
The most prosperous place in the world today is not Chang'an, Luoyang, nor Xuchang, nor is it health.

But Yecheng.

When the well-dressed kings and ministers of the Jin Dynasty were still using bamboo fences as a healthy city wall, Yecheng was already full of traffic, with rows of streets and markets, crowds rubbing their shoulders, and palace towers towering into the clouds.

To the west, there are rolling green mountains dotting the background. The Qing River, Di River, Huan River, Zhang River, and Gu River meandering down from the foot of the mountains wrap around Yecheng like five long snakes.

The Yellow River, which flows continuously day and night, flows out from the south of Yecheng like a dragon.

Cao Cao, the king of Wei, attacked the Yuan brothers and built the Baigou and Licao canals based on Yecheng. Yecheng became a place where water and land meet. It reaches the northern end of the Hebei Plain to the north, and reaches the Jianghuai River from the Yellow River to the south.

Whoever owns Yecheng will control Hebei, the Central Plains, and even Jianghuai!
The capital of Jiezhao was originally Xiangguo, but in view of the geographical advantages of Yecheng, Shi Le used Cheng Xia's plan to build Ye's underground palace. He used his son Shi Hong to town it, assigned 54 forbidden soldiers, stationed [-] battalions, and rebuilt the Tongque, Jin Feng, Bingjing three.

In the second year of Jianwu (336), Shihuying built the East and West Palaces. The base of the platform is two feet eight feet high, 65 steps long and 75 steps wide, which is extremely majestic.

The palace is magnificent, the roof tiles and walls are all painted with bright lacquer, the tiles are decorated with gold, the columns are decorated with silver, and the beaded curtains and jade walls are exquisite.

However, in the bustling city of Ye, there are "nationals" wearing rattan hats and Hu suits with narrow sleeves and straight left skirts, with deep eyes and high noses.

At this time, in the torture chamber of the Prince's East Palace.

Prince Shi Xuanzheng watched Liang Du being tortured with a look of intoxication, "If you don't do things well, you will be punished. Do you have any complaints?"

Liang Du was sweating profusely, his whole body was naked, and his gnarled muscles were trembling non-stop, "Sub-subordinate accept the punishment!"

When retreating, Liang Du kidnapped more than a dozen beautiful men and women and offered them to Shi Xuan, thus saving his life.

As for the Heavenly King Shihu, he didn't even bother to pay attention to this small defeat.

Last year Liangzhou Inspector and General Maqiu of the Jie tribe attacked Liangzhou. He was defeated by the famous general Xie Ai.

This year, the flag and drums were revived, and the general Shi Ning was sent to support him and the army of the two prefectures. Ma Qiu regained his momentum, with [-] troops, and confronted Xie Ai across the river.

The eyes of Zhao Chaoye were all on Liangzhou.

In order to ensure the safety of this battle, Shi Hu sent Sun Fudu and Liu Hun to lead [-] elite Chinese troops to help Ma Qiu.

The total strength of Zhao Jun reached 12, while Xie Ai only had [-] cavalry.

Compared with the Battle of Liangzhou, a small Heiyun Mountain is naturally not worthy of their eyes, and Prince Shixuan deliberately blocked and blocked the news, and no one in the court dared to mention it.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. It's okay to lose once, but you can't lose one after another like that old man Ma Qiu, do you know that?" Shi Xuan picked up a piece of red-hot iron, and walked in front of Liang Du with a smile.

Before Liang Du could answer, he heard a "呲", followed by a scorching smell.

The surrounding guards all watched with trembling teeth.

But Liang Du gritted his teeth, didn't let out a scream, and the cold sweat on his forehead fell like raindrops, "Your subordinates know!"

Before the Western Expedition, Shi Xuan reminded Shi Hu that although Liangzhou is small, it has strong troops. One hit kill.

However, today's Shihu is no longer as brave as it used to be. In the fourth year of Xiankang (338), Shihu led hundreds of thousands of Zhao troops to attack Yan on all sides. The 36 cities in Liaodong surrendered in anticipation of the wind. Ready to abandon the city and flee.

But under the persuasion of Xiangguo Feng Yi and others, he persevered.

The Zhao army continued to attack for more than ten days, but failed, their morale was frustrated, and the soldiers were exhausted. Murong Ke led two thousand fine cavalry to attack, and there was no way forward.

Murong Ke took advantage of the victory to chase after him and won more than [-] ranks.

This battle destroyed Shi Hu's arrogance. From then on, Shi Hu no longer led troops to fight, but shrank in Yecheng, just like Dong Zhuo entered Meiwu back then, and began to enjoy life...

Jiezhao, who is in full swing, the country's fortunes began to decline.

And Ma Qiu was the participant in all the defeats. Miyun Mountain was surrendered to Duan Liao. Murong Ke in Ma Qiu's [-]-strong army was in ambush and returned in a big defeat. Sima Yangyu and general Xian Yuliang were captured, and Duan Liao's troops returned to Yan. .

In today's battle of Liangzhou, Ma Qiu has lost again and again...

Shi Xuan remonstrated with Shi Hu, but in fact he wanted to lead the army by himself and gain military power.

The position of the crown prince of Jie Zhao is not safe, Shi Hu indulges in debauchery, moodiness, punishment is out of control, and his suspicion is getting heavier and heavier. Shi Sui's cruelty was not inferior to his father's. He liked to eat beautiful women, boiled them with beef and mutton, and distributed them to his followers.

Shi Sui was filled with resentment, and complained privately to his subordinates: "It's hard to call the official family, I want to do something rash, do you follow me?"

When the incident was revealed, the whole family was massacred by stone tigers, and 26 men, women, women and children were chopped into pieces and stuffed into a coffin...

Shi Xuan witnessed the whole process.

Another person who witnessed it was Shi Tao.

Back then Shi Sui was incompatible with Shi Xuan and Shi Tao, and now Shi Xuan and Shi Tao are the same.

Shi Hu obviously loves Shi Tao more. After Shi Xuan was established, Shi Hu often regretted it, but the lesson of abolishing the elders and establishing the younger made Shi Hu hesitate.

Once Shi Xuan didn't go against Shi Hu's will, Shi Hu openly said in front of all the ministers: "I regret not standing up for Shi Tao."

These words put Shi Xuan's crown prince in jeopardy, and Shi Tao became more arrogant and continued to provoke Shi Xuan.

So Shi Xuan fell into deep unease, once he fell from the position of prince, the lesson of his brother Shi Xie's tragic death was close at hand.

"Now Da Zhao, there are not many kind people like Gu, so don't disappoint Gu again next time." Shi Xuan put down the iron, picked up the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp.

There was a scalding scar on Liang Du's chest, "Thank you Your Highness, this time only two thousand high-powered guards are needed, and my subordinates will definitely slaughter all the thieves in Heiyun Mountain!"

He didn't snort from the beginning to the end, because he knew that the more miserable he screamed, the more excited Shi Xuan would be...

"You've healed the scar and forgot the pain." Shi Xuan reached out and twisted Liang Du's scarlet scar.

Minced meat and blood fell to the ground.

Liang Du's painful teeth crackled, but he still held back his screams.

The surrounding guards secretly admired him.

"Functioning pig's brain, you didn't win Heiyun Mountain inside and outside. This time, 2000 people can win? There are many heroes in the Central Plains, so don't provoke them. It won't be too late to pay attention to them after you become the throne in the future! "

"Your Highness... wise." Liang Du complimented.

Shi Xuan seemed to have forgotten the torture he had just given to Liang Du, patted him on the shoulder, and laughed loudly: "Work hard, and we will share wealth with you in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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