Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 294 Central Plains

Chapter 294 Central Plains
Ran Min's death ushered in a new era.

In Hebei, Central Plains, Guanzhong, and Jiangnan, the situation was turbulent.

Chang Wei has been recuperating in Chenliu, and Yueji is taking care of her personally, so Li Yue is a little relieved.

Li Yue lacked someone to advise and plan, so Li Yue directly enlisted Qinghe Cui Hong to join the army as a secretary.

The Cui family didn't refuse either, and within a few days, Cui Hong took office immediately.

"At the same time, Zhang Yu asked for help from Guanzhong, Hebei, with ulterior motives. Mr. Liang can wait and see what happens." Cui Hong didn't leave his house in Dongwu, but he knew everything about the world like the palm of his hand.

"Yuzhou is in my heart, and it cannot be obtained by others." Li Yue has long been drooling over Zhang Yu.

He wanted to annex him several times, but this old boy was as slippery as a loach, and he could always avoid disaster.

After taking Yuzhou, Li Yue's geographical plate will be complete.

From Xuchang and Chenliu down the Yingshui and Bianshui to the Huaihe River, they can suppress Jiangdong like Cao Wei.

The situation in the world is clear, the Yan family dominates, hovering in the north like a long dragon, Li Yue gives birth to a fierce tiger, and dominates both sides of the river, and the Fu family sieges the city and land in Guanzhong with momentum like a rainbow.

Wang Xie, Xun Yin and other noble families ruled Jiangdong together with the Sima family.

Huan Wen is entrenched in Jingxiang and Shuzhong, and his strength is strong.

After Zhang Chonghua blocked Shihu's three onslaughts, he was so powerful.

However, Zhang Ping of Bingzhou and Zhang Yu of Yuzhou, who were caught between these big forces, had little room to dodge and move.

Especially Zhang Yu, who lived in the world and became the coveted object of others after occupying Luoyang.

"Duke Liang still needs help if he wants to win Yuzhou." Although Cui Hong is young, he has extraordinary knowledge.

Li Yue immediately understood what he meant, "Huan Wen, Fu Jian!"

"If my expectations are correct, envoys from Jiangling and Chang'an will arrive soon."

The more Li Yue looked at his brother-in-law, the happier he became.

Perhaps the biggest gain from marrying the Cui family is Cui Hong.

Sure enough, Fu Jian's envoy, Lei Ruo'er, came the next day, "Duke Liang fought Yao Xiang in Sishui, Li Yang retreated from Murong, and his power shocked the world. My Majesty admires him deeply. Now the event has been accomplished. Your Majesty invites Duke Liang to ascend the throne. The two will always be an alliance!"

Li Yue was taken aback for a moment, what is this, is Qin and Qi each called the Emperor of East and West?

With a glance, Liu Qun, Shen Zhong, Tiao You, and Nie Xiong all stared.

The benefits of proclaiming emperor are not great, but the disadvantages are many. First, you will fall out with Huan Wen, and second, the people with lofty ideals in the territory will also be disheartened, and the tyrants will not know what they want.

In fact, after Fu Jian became emperor, it also caused a lot of shocks in Guanzhong, and the powerful people rebelled one after another.

Kong in Chiyang rebelled, Liu Zhen and Xiahou Xian in Hu County rebelled, Qiao Bing in Yong County rebelled, and even Hu Yangchi, the Qiang chieftain of Sizhu, and Huyandu, a Hun from Bacheng, rebelled.

Although it is not a big climate, there are 6 or [-] horses in total.

He also sent envoys to Jiangdong for help...

The Fu family fell into political isolation in Guanzhong, so they urgently needed a "like-minded" ally. Li Yue proclaimed himself emperor, which could further attack Jiangdong's orthodoxy.

Li Yue said with a smile: "Although the Jin family is in decline, people's hearts are not tired, and the Central Plains is out of the flames of war. How dare I risk the displeasure of the world?"

Liu Qun, Tiao You and others at the side were relieved.

Lei Ruo'er also laughed, "God will not take it, but take the blame. Liang Gong is so powerful in the world, and it is better sooner rather than later to inherit Wei's legal system."

"Your Excellency came all the way, isn't it just for this matter?" Li Yue didn't want to get entangled with him on this matter.

"Haha, Duke Liang is wise. I am here for Zhang Yu. Yuluo is on the side of Yanzhou. If it is obtained by Jiangdong, it will be very bad for Duke Liang." Lei Ruo'er had a smile on his face.

"Your Excellency, please speak clearly."

"My family is willing to share Yuluo with Mr. Liang!" Lei Ruo'er's eyes sharpened.

All the people in the hall were attentive.

Li Yue said: "Your Excellency, try to say it."

"The land and cities in Luozhou and Yuzhou belong to Liang Gong, and the children's money and food belong to my family." Lei Ruo'er looked "sincere".

People are gone, what do you want land for?
Li Yue's biggest problem now is that the land is sparsely populated.

Only Yanzhou has some vitality, Jizhou was smashed to pieces, Qingzhou was slaughtered by a stone tiger 20 years ago, and has not recovered yet. Xuzhou is a buffer zone between the north and the south, and the people have long fled to Jiangdong.

Zhang Yu has been running Yuzhou for 20 years, and has a little family background. Fu Jian asked for everything as soon as he asked...

It's fine if someone asks for it, and the blame will be thrown to Li Yue.

Whoever occupies Luoyang is the target of the Jiangbei Expedition...

Liu Qun said: "The people of Erzhou have lived in the Central Plains for many years, I'm afraid they may not adapt to the customs of Guanzhong."

Tiao Youhan said with a cold face: "It seems that your family is not sincere. If Liang Gong agrees, what is the difference from betraying the people of the Central Plains? I think it is absolutely impossible!"

Lei Ruo'er cupped his hands at the two of them, looking at Li Yue with piercing eyes.

"We will discuss this later." Li Yue neither agreed nor refused.

Li Yue still wanted the Fu clan's ally, and he might join forces to resist the Murong clan in the future.

In terms of the situation, there is actually no need to be so anxious to intervene.

It's hard to say what the group of Zhang Yu, Yao Xiang, Xie Shang, and Yin Hao will do.

In case Zhang Yu is forced into a hurry, the most likely thing is to surrender himself.

"Since Duke Liang has made up his mind, let's talk about it another day." Lei Ruo'er didn't say anything dead, and stayed in Yecheng to eat and drink, observing the development of the situation in the south.

Settle down Lei Weier.

The matter of Cui Jin's marriage is similar.

The Cui family took the initiative to seek refuge, and the Zheng family couldn't ask for it. Naturally, the Liu family and the Lu family were also willing to form a stronger alliance with Li Yue.

The nods of these big clans meant that Li Yue had gained a firm foothold in Hebei.

As soon as the news of the marriage spread.

Jizhou reacted immediately.

The three prefectures of Julu, Anping, and Gaoyang that once surrendered to the Murong family fell to Yecheng again.

Even many generals in Lukou secretly surrendered.

At the same time, an inexplicable rebellion broke out in Youzhou, Yuyang tyrants forced Tian Jian and Chunyu Dan to rebel.

Suddenly, a group of horse bandits named Gongsun Chuo sprang out of Beiping County and robbed the prefecture and county.

After Murong Jun killed Ran Min, there was no rain in the land of Youyan for several months, and the drought was followed by locust plagues. All the vegetation in the seven miles around Yexing Mountain withered, the locusts swarmed, and the homeless people became thieves, echoing the horse bandits.

If the turmoil in Yandi had nothing to do with Jizhou's power, it would definitely be impossible.

The Murong family took advantage of Ran Min Shizhi to confront Ye and Xiang, and it has only been a year since they sent troops to occupy Youzhou, and their foundation is also unstable.

Don't doubt the courage of the powerful to rebel.

A Su Lin dares to proclaim himself emperor under Murong Ke's nose.

Of course, the turmoil of these people will only increase the difficulty of Murong's rule, and it is almost a daydream to use them to overthrow the Yan Kingdom.

But the rebellion of these people bought Li Yue a lot of time for development.

Li Yue has also seen the strength of the tyrants.

Soon news of the Great War to the South.

Zhang Yu is not ranked high in the North Country, but for Jiangdong, it is an insurmountable mountain.

Zhang Yu had a clear goal and sent an army to hold Yao Xiang back. He led [-] elite troops to attack Xie Shang.

Yao Xiang was much more difficult to deal with than Xie Shang, and Zhang Yu couldn't get a bargain for a while.

But at this time, Fu Xiong also entered the Luochuan area, and began to plunder the people and move them to Guanzhong...

(End of this chapter)

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