Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 329 Undercurrent

Chapter 329 Undercurrent
The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.

Wang Meng's drastic actions as soon as he came up will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of others.

Li Yue is not afraid, but it may not be a good thing for Wang Meng, and the rules of the Liang Kingdom cannot be broken. Those who have merit must be rewarded, and those who have committed mistakes must be punished.

No matter how powerful Wang Meng is, he must first be familiar with Liang Guo's political atmosphere and accumulate some experience.

The prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce general must start from the army.

Those who have the ability will never be buried.

Li Yue has the courage to drink strong medicine, but the timing is not right now, and the conditions are not yet ripe, at least after the next battle with the Yan Kingdom is decided.

To deal with the tyrants of the gentry, it is not appropriate to make a big fanfare. At this stage, it is better to boil the frog in warm water.

As for Liu Zhao, Lu Miao, Zheng Huo, and Cui Hong, Li Yue placed them in the Sixth Department.

The children of other noble families have their own positions.

The tyrants of the gentry were reused, and on the surface it seemed that the country was peaceful.

When Wang Meng went to his post, Li Yue saw him off in person, and equipped him with a thousand elite Heiyun troops.

These days, everything is done with knives. An unarmed county magistrate, caught in the middle of the powerful, can't even think about his life.

Li Yue still wanted to explain, but Wang Meng cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness's love and care, I will keep it in my heart. If I go to Yanzhou, I will definitely live up to the country and Your Highness."

Li Yue's heart warmed up, and he saved his worry and effort when dealing with smart people, "If you can't do anything, remember to take care of yourself, you and my monarchs have to clean up this northern country and sweep away the dust. It doesn't hurt to advance or retreat for a while!"

Wang Meng's background was perfect for Li Yue and Liang Guo. He was born in a common family, without the shackles of the noble family, and without the ties of the clan, and he also had ambitions and ideals.

"Thanks...Your Highness!" Wang Meng was stunned for a moment, then cupped his hands deeply, then got on his horse and headed south without looking back.

A thousand black cloud elites followed closely behind and headed south in a mighty way.

Li Yue watched them disappear into the horizon before returning to Yecheng.

Entering March, various news came from Guanzhong.

After Huan Wen was defeated and returned to Jingxiang, a new round of siege against Di Qin kicked off.

Fu Jian proclaimed himself emperor as soon as he came up, which attracted hatred from all parties.

Wang Zhuo and Zhang Chonghua attacked Longdong, while Yao Xiang and Zhang Ping attacked Hedong.

Regardless of the unhealed arrow wound, Fu Xiong led [-] cavalry to meet Wang Zhuo and defeated him. Wang Zhuo was defeated and turned to Liangzhou.

Prince Fu Chang of Di Qin attacked Qiao Bing in Yongcheng, but also died of illness in the army due to recurrence of arrow wounds.

The illness and death of the two did not affect the strength of the Qin army. The general of the left guard Fu Fei pacified Liu Zhen, Xia Houxian and other Guanzhong tycoons.

However, Yao Xiang and Zhang Ping on the East Road are like broken bamboos. Except for Puban, all the cities in the east of the river are broken.

Seeing that after the army breaks through Puban, they can enter Guanzhong, and the coalition forces of the two have come out again.

In order to seize the salt pond, quarrels continued.

Yao Xiang was backed by the powerful forces in Hedong, with a strong army and a lot of profits. In a rage, Zhang Ping coerced tens of thousands of people in Hedong and returned to Bingzhou.

Yao Xiang continued to attack Puban.

Fu Jian sent Fu Fei to lead Fu Jian and Deng Qiang to support Puban with [-] elite cavalry. In the first battle, [-] Qiang troops were defeated, Yao Lan, Yao Xiang's younger brother, was captured alive, and Yao Xiang was blocked in Hedong, which won time for Guanzhong.

Yao Xiang's army besieged it for half a month, and Puban was as strong as a rock, so they could only retreat to Anyi.

Di Qin became stronger and stronger in the siege after attack.

The flames of war in Guanzhong were raging, and Jiangdong was completely silent, but the Murong family was ready to move again.

Yan Guo's secret work became active and increased several times.

The storm is about to come, and Feng Yi is the best at instigating rebellion. With more and more tricks, there must be some conspiracy brewing.

Li Yue's gaze focused on Lukou again.

The only gap in Jizhou is this place. Wang Wu and the Murong family were at odds before, but Lu Hu is a capricious person, and this is not the first time he has betrayed.

As long as the Murong family gives him a lot of sweetness, this person will move north.However, while Li Yue was staring at Lukou, it was Sun Yuan of Yangping who first raised the rebel flag. He called himself the Mu of Yanzhou, gathered five thousand tribesmen, held tens of thousands of people hostage, and headed southeast without attacking counties and counties, advancing to Mount Tai. among.

Guangzong begged to turn Zhang Qian against him, took three thousand families with him, and went north to join the Yan people.

When others rebelled, Li Yue accepted it. Guangzong's beggar army also rebelled, which made Li Yue feel as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

"The State of Yan promised that Zhang Qian would be the governor of Shanggu, be granted the title of Marquis, and be rewarded with a thousand gold coins. This man could not resist the temptation, so he went to Beitou." Dong Run also looked very ugly.

When Zhang Qian surrendered, he was also slapping him in the face.

After the death of Li Nong and Ran Min, Dong Run became the leader of Guangzong's begging army. Zhang Qian surrendered, and he also had an unshirkable responsibility.

Feng Yi's strategy was brilliant, but the Guangzong Qihuo Army was Li Yue's blind spot.

It can also be seen that the penetration ability of Yan State is not bad. The Yan army has strict military discipline. Although they plundered the people in the three routes south, they did not massacre wantonly like Jie Zhao.

The power of Yan State is inextricably related to the power of Hebei, and it has always been open to them.

The penetration of Hebei can also be imagined.

There is no shortage of capricious people these days. Since someone betrays the Yan State, there must be someone who betrays the Liang State.

"I am willing to lead three thousand horses to capture and kill this thief!" Dong Run cupped his hands.

Li Yue rubbed his forehead. The territory was so big that it was not surprising that people were not aligned. The betrayal of these two people would not have much impact on the situation between the two parties except for disgusting himself.

But Feng Yi made such a big battle just to disgust himself?
Li Yue stared at Lukou on the map, "Don't be impatient, General Dong. Could it be that Feng Yi's bluffing and deliberately creating chaos is still aimed at Lukou?"

If you want to defeat Liang Guo today, it is useless to rely on intrigue and tricks, and Yan Jun must end in person.

And if Yan Guo wants to end, he must pull out the nail of Lukou.

The surrounding area of ​​Ye City has been turned into iron barrels, and Li Yue doesn't mind using Ye City to consume Yan's army, just like Xiangguo consumed Ran Min back then.

Zhang Shengye said: "I haven't seen Yan Jun coming and going with Lukou recently."

"Didn't you see?" Li Yue thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that Lu Hu had been a little too quiet these days.

This guy Wufeng will set off three layers of waves. Now that he doesn't want food or women, it's really unaccustomed...

"Send orders to Yang Lue, Qin Biao, and Mi Jin to keep an eye on Lukou. Lu Huding and Feng Yi will be contented with each other."

"Wei." Zhang Shengye hurriedly retreated.

Dong Run said: "Whether the Yan thief has any conspiracy or not, I will know once I try it. Zhang Qian's surrender has affected Guangzong's heart and has a great influence. It must be eliminated!"

Liu Qun also handed over his hand and said: "Zhang Qian's betrayal is not a trivial matter."

Li Yue nodded, "General Dong led five thousand elites to hunt down Zhang Qian."

But Dong Run shook his head and said, "Since Guangzong is in trouble, Guangzong should beg for the living army to put it down. It is enough for me to lead [-] Guangzong's elite."

Li Yue knew that he was trying to save face, and since he was so confident, he couldn't refuse, "Don't be careful, General."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I can handle Zhang Qian."

"Guangzong's beggar army often gets into trouble. There was Gao Kai before, and now there is Zhang Qian. We can no longer live together in the same place. We can't move to the land of Qingxu. What is the general's intention?" Li Yue stared at Dong Run's face. .

This defection incident made Li Yue realize that Guangzong Qihuojun was also a big loophole.

This team can be described as the most powerful of the mighty, with a population of several 10, mixed with dragons and snakes. Since they could betray Ran Min back then, they can also betray themselves now.

It's not his own direct line, always separated by a layer.

Of course, moving Guangzong's Qihuo army away is tantamount to weakening Dong Run's strength.

"Chen..." Dong Run raised his head, met Li Yue's eyes, then shrank back, "I obey the order!"

"The general really knows the general situation. Begging for a live army to go south, you can choose an elite team of 5000 people."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

 A bit tired...two chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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