Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 344 Victory

Chapter 344 Victory

It was only when they really faced the chain armored cavalry that they realized how terrifying their momentum was.

Jingle, jingle...

The sound of the tall horse dragging the iron chain seemed to be an ancient beast walking step by step.

This kind of momentum, not to mention blocking it, if a normal person can keep his legs from trembling, he is full of courage.

However, the officers and soldiers of the Black Cloud Army are not among normal people.

Li Yue had also been mentally prepared for a long time, "Where is the volunteer army?"

"Here!" Two thousand volunteers armed with iron shields and daggers stood up, with no trace of fear on their faces.

Killing and death are common in this era. Who among all those who survive has not experienced disaster?
"Do you dare to fight?"

"I would like to die for His Highness!"

"Go!" Li Yue waved his hand and suddenly thought of Lu Guang who was transporting grain and grass. He didn't know what happened to them now.

The Yan army laid a dragnet around Lukou, and they were afraid that they would be trapped in a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, with a narrow escape from death.

Li Yue didn't think much about it. Everyone has his own destiny.

One will be a million bones.

This road is inherently bloody.

"Follow the Su Wei Army and assist them!" Li Yue ordered.

"Take your orders!" Two thousand guards followed closely behind.

The infantry fights against the armored cavalry, or the chain of armored cavalry, the pressure is huge.

The time to test the Yier Army has come, and it is also the final test for the Heiyun Army.

Murong Jun has already pulled out his last trump card.

Defeat this cavalry and victory is at hand.

But at this moment, Zhang Shengye panicked and galloped from the south, approached Li Yue, and whispered: "Your Highness... Feng Yi led [-] troops to come from Wuyuan for reinforcements, and Yang Qian had [-] troops. Coming from Zhongshui, Murong Ping rode out of Wu Sui with [-] paces and headed straight for our army!"

"Come so fast?" Li Yue was surprised.

"As soon as our army crossed the Lutuo River, we were discovered by enemy scouts..."

The movement of an army of [-] was so great that even if they were out day and night, it would be impossible to completely cover up their tracks.

However, what surprised Li Yue was that the Yan army responded so quickly and came to support the Shuzhou battlefield without any hesitation.

And now the battle with Murong Jun is reaching a critical moment.

Li Yueheng made up his mind and said, "Let generals Mi Jin and Qin Biao come quickly to support us!"

The nearby Liang Army only had these two units.

Cui Jin, Chen Duan, and Bo Wu were still besieging Murong Ke, and they didn't know how the battle was going.

Li Yue eliminated all distracting thoughts in his mind and concentrated on the battlefield. No matter whether reinforcements came or not, it was definitely right to kill Murong Jun first.

Now it depends on whether Yierjun and Suwei can stop the serial horse.

Murong Jun took out the serial armor cavalry, naturally wanting to decide the outcome in a battle.

The armored cavalry bypassed from the east and headed straight for Li Yue's central army.

Jingle, jingle...

The creepy sound was getting closer.

Even though the volunteers looked at death in front of Li Yue, they would be frightened when they actually went to the battlefield and faced these armored beasts.

Training and battlefield are two completely different concepts.

Many people's legs became weak and they fell to the ground.

But he quickly got up, holding on to the iron shield.

On the contrary, the Suwei army behind was calm and composed. The two of them worked together to hold a spear, pierced the tail of the spear into the earth, and stabbed forward diagonally.


There were strings of muffled thunder, and the ground was trembling slightly.

Almost everyone on the battlefield focused their attention.

Li Yue also looked eastward nervously, and finally understood why Murong Jun dared to go out of the city for a decisive battle. He had absolute confidence in Lian Lian Ma.

If you can't stop the chain armor knight, the early advantage will be in vain.

Seeing Yan's armored cavalry getting closer and closer, Su Weijun shouted: "Kill!"

The volunteers who were still shaking seemed to be filled with courage and perseverance. The iron shields stopped shaking, and the people stopped shaking. The iron shields were stuck diagonally on the ground.The serial armored knights blew by like the wind.

The iron chain rolled up the weeds and flowers on the ground, swept it against the iron shield, and then passed across the iron shield, making a harsh sound.

Some armored knights stepped directly on the iron shield, some were directly stepped on, and some stubbornly withstood the huge pressure...

Instead, the war horse lost its balance and fell to the ground.

One horse fell, and the two surrounding horses were dragged along with it. Although it did not fall, it was still trembling. It no longer had the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai before, and it directly hit the spears of the second row of guards...

The weight of several hundred kilograms, coupled with the charging power of the war horse, can penetrate them even if there is a wooden stake in front of them.

The spear easily pierced the armor of the armored knight.

However, the huge inertia of the Armored Cavalry allowed them to continue charging forward.

Yan Jun's spear also pierced Su Weijun's body, supporting each other's bodies, but they did not fall down.

The first row of serial armored cavalry suffered all casualties, and the Suwei army also suffered 300 casualties.

But then, the second row of armored cavalry came one after another.

Li Yue's heart was in his throat. Whether he could withstand this wave of attack depended on it.

On the battlefield, various sounds mixed together and made a huge roar.

At this moment, Li Yue could not hear anything, and was focused on the battlefield to the east.

Win or lose here.

Chains were thrown over like fishing nets.

"Kill -" Su Weijun roared again.

The majestic roar carries a bit of desolation and a bit of tragedy...

However, this voice soon aroused the response of other soldiers, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Everyone's emotions are connected by this one word.

Even the volunteer soldiers lying in the front line started shouting.

Some Suwei soldiers who had been pierced through their bodies struggled to raise their spears and used their last strength to face the charging enemy.

Li Yue suddenly felt a little blurry in front of his eyes...

This great ethnic group has never lacked brave warriors. How lucky I am to be able to lead them!
If the bravest warriors and the most hard-working people cannot create a powerful empire, how will they face the long history?

The righteous army was infected, and no longer blindly guarded, but supported the iron shield with one hand, and swung a short knife with the other, slashing at the hooves of the horses galloping by.

A horse's body can be covered with iron armor, but its hooves cannot be covered with armor.

As long as the dagger is swung, the horse's hooves will hit it.

Then, the war horse let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground. It dragged the cavalry on the left and right and fell to the ground together.

The volunteers began to adapt to the battlefield and exert the results of their usual training.

After they exerted their strength, the pressure on the Su Wei army in the rear was greatly reduced.

The serial armor knight's second charge was blocked just like that.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The shouts on the battlefield became louder and louder, and the morale of the Black Cloud Army was boosted.

The heroic cavalry army, forward army, and middle base army all moved forward vigorously, crushing the last resistance of the Yan army.

After the chain armor rider suffered heavy damage, the two subsequent rounds of charge seemed extremely weak.

The shortcomings of the chain horse are also exposed at this time. It can only advance, not retreat.

The cavalrymen on horseback had their legs tied up, and they could only step forward to die helplessly.

"The Serial Armor Rider can't do this!" Cui Hong breathed a long sigh of relief and put on a happy face.

"It's completely different when riding a chain horse in the hands of Murong Jun and in the hands of Murong Ke." Li Yue originally wanted to build a chain horse, but now it seems that there are too many shortcomings.

The requirements for war horses are high, they cost a lot of money, their endurance is not good, and they are subject to various terrains and weather conditions.

If you encounter a truly powerful army, you will only be massacred.

The Lianjia Cavalry was defeated, and the morale of the Yan army was completely destroyed, and they retreated one after another.

Even Murong Jun's toothbrush in the distance is retreating.

"The Yan army has been defeated!" Li Yue's blood boiled in his heart.

In this battle, all the mechanisms and traps were exhausted, but in the end, I still won!
Murong Jun's defeat will also affect the situation on the entire Jizhou battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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