Chapter 348

"Commander, since the morale of the Yan army is shaken, why not take advantage of the situation and advance?" Gao Yun followed Wang Meng, sincerely convinced.

In fact, the Liang Army was by no means the 5 to [-] men on the surface. After the smoke, there were still [-] town troops transferred from Yecheng by Liu Qun. In a real fight, the Yan Army might not be able to gain an advantage in terms of strength.

It is difficult to deploy all 10,000+ troops on the narrow terrain specially selected by Wang Meng.

As long as the Yan army dared to leave the camp, Wang Meng would launch a fierce attack one step ahead.

"If the Yan army doesn't come out, there must be wise men in the army. Murong Chui still has the strength to fight, so don't push him too far. This battle will last for a long time, with tens of thousands of casualties every day. If Murong Chui is forced back, our army will win a great victory. As for the counterattack, In Yan State, the time has not yet come." Wang Meng was not only concerned about the battlefield.

Just like in the Battle of Jicheng, the Murong clan defeated Shi Hu's 40-strong army and did not immediately destroy Jie Zhao. The confrontation lasted for more than ten years. It was not until Shi Hu died and Jie Zhao was in civil strife that the Murong clan had a chance.

Liang Guo has not yet swallowed up the strength of Yan Guo.

There are a lot of wolves around, and there are many people who want to make a profit.

"If Murong Chui drives his troops eastward to aid Shuzhou, what can be done?" Duan Zuo said with cupped hands.

"Our army should follow closely. Our army has captured Lukou. We can attack when we advance and defend when we retreat. We are already in an invincible position!" Wang Meng seemed to be a competent master, answering questions for the students.

It is precisely because of this approachable temperament that he gradually won the support of the Black Cloud Army.

"The governor's real grandson Wu has come back to life!" Gao Yun praised sincerely.

Wang Meng didn't come, so they could only fight a little. Wang Meng, who was in charge of the west road of the town, almost suppressed the Yan army and fought. 10,000+ Yan army were blocked in Julu and could not advance even an inch.

"Sun Wu also needs to be wise. Your Highness has entrusted us with the fate of the country. How can we not do our best?" Wang Meng said leisurely.

"The Governor's words are correct!"

Maxima often has it, but Bole does not often have it.

I don’t know how many famous generals and ministers have been lost in the long river of history because they did not meet a wise king...

Before Murong Chui made his last fierce attack, Wang Meng blocked the door. He did not dare to move and had completely lost interest in the giant deer.

Liang Jun retreated, and Murong Chui also led his army back to Zhongshan. Yue Wan led his [-] elite troops to rush to the battlefield in Shuzhou...


After Murong Ke killed Chen Duan, he escaped from the restraint of Liang Jun and went straight to Chengping, where he met up with Murong Ping and supported [-] people. The army regained strength.

Chengping and Shuzhou are separated by more than [-] miles, on both sides of the Lutuo River.

However, Murong Ke did not send troops to help Shuzhou, but stayed still and rested his soldiers.

"Your Highness is in danger, why don't you rush to help?" Murong Ping was very annoyed.

Murong Ke, however, looked indifferent, "If the Black Cloud Army could defeat Shuzhou, how could it have persisted until now? Even though Your Highness was defeated, there were still more than ten thousand elites, thousands of young men, and sufficient supplies of food, grass, and weapons. It would be extremely difficult for the [-] Black Cloud Army to break through. , Li Yue’s plan is to besiege the city and provide reinforcements.”

"Even so, is it going to drag on like this?"

"Of course not. Several lines of reinforcements from our army have arrived, and the Heiyun Army has formed an encirclement. We may be able to recreate Xiang Guo's victory under Shuzhou City!" Murong Ke never gave up and never gave up on defeating Li Yue. ambition.

"However, the morale of our army is low. I'm afraid it will be difficult to match." Murong Ping was really frightened by the momentum of the Heiyun Army.

In the battle of Shuzhou, the chain of armored cavalry was broken, and more than [-] people were captured and killed. Murong Jun's troops were all defeated.

Then he used a partial force to attack Yang Huan's tribe, captured Yang Huan alive, and frightened Feng Yi away. Murong Jun and Huangfu Zhen did not dare to move.

The might of the Black Cloud Army shocked the world.

This battle will also profoundly affect the future power structure of Yan State. As the king of Yan, Murong Jun's strength will be greatly weakened, and his internal control will also be weakened...

"Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. Besides, our army has lost more than 10 troops in Shuzhou, and we still have hundreds of thousands of troops. There are nearly [-] troops on the roads in Shuzhou alone. Li Yue is trapped in a tight siege without knowing it." Murong Ke's gentle voice added to the persuasiveness of his words.

All the Yan generals around him nodded in agreement.

Although the other routes were defeated, Murong Ke achieved quite a lot on this route, annihilating no less than ten thousand Liang troops one after another, and Cui Jin was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.If it hadn't been for Murong Jun's problem, there might not have been a chance on the Eastern Front battlefield.

"If you want to encircle Li Yue at the foot of Shuzhou City, you need to capture a place." A sharp light appeared in Murong Ke's eyes.

"Oh?" Murong Ping was delighted, "Xuan Gong must have a strange plan."

"Lukou!" Murong Ke pointed at the map and said.

At this point in the war, everything that should be taken out has been taken out, and the situation has become very clear.

If you want to block the main force of the Black Cloud Army north of the Lutuo River, you should still go to Lukou.

Now the Heiyun Army was focused entirely on Shuzhou. Lukou had just experienced a mutiny and was at its weakest. No one would have thought that Murong Ke would attack Lukou again at this time.

"How wonderful!" Murong Ping laughed loudly, "Xuan Gong has unpredictable ways to use his troops!"

All the generals in the hall were happy. If this strategy came from other people's mouths, they would definitely sneer at it.

But from Murong Ke's mouth, no one would question it.

Blocking Lukou and Chengping would create a dragnet again.

However, Murong Ke was not as happy as they were, and said calmly: "This strategy is not very clever, and it is not difficult to see through it. Li Yue has experienced hundreds of battles. When he abandoned Lukou and attacked Shuzhou, it shows that he is proficient in the art of war. If he supports Lukou, then The siege of Shuzhou will be relieved."

This can be regarded as another way to rescue...

At the foot of Shuzhou City, there is the Heiyun Camp.

Li Yue sighed in his heart after reading the memorial sent by Wang Meng.

With a main force of 10,000, Wang Meng was the only one in the world who could push back Murong Chui's [-]+ army.

Although Murong Chui was not in his heyday, Wang Meng was still just starting out.

"...The country's major troubles are internal but not external. Your Highness defeated Murong Jun in a battle and captured [-] people, which was enough to frighten the world. Now that Shuzhou cannot be conquered, all the generals of the Yan army have arrived. Murong Ke is in the south and Murong Ke is in the west. If Yue Wan is not careful, the enemy will take advantage of him. It is better to see the situation and return to Lukou, calm the people and withdraw the troops, accumulate national strength, and use the foundation of the Central Plains. In time, who in the world can stop His Highness's attack?"

If there was only Murong Ke, Li Yue would naturally not be afraid, but if Yue Wan was added, he would have to be cautious.

At his peak, Ran Min was defeated by Yue Wan.

Moreover, Murong Ke and Yue Wan, as well as Murong Ping, Murong Jun and other troops are currently deployed. The ants are killing the elephants, and the strategy of siege and reinforcements has been seen through by others.

And the war cannot be dragged on indefinitely.

"What do you think?" Li Yue handed the memorial to Cui Hong.

Cui Hong scanned it quickly and asked, "Your Highness, can our army annex the Yan Kingdom?"

Li Yue shook his head, "No."

"Our army not only blocked Yan's army from going south, but also captured Lukou and defeated Murong Jun. It is useless to fight any more, so it is better to retreat."

If the Yan army launched a decisive battle at this time, Li Yue was [-]% sure of winning, but if the Yan army kept stalling like this, the situation would not be good.

He tried his best to pick up the sword, but he had nowhere to start.

"Then retreat."

Being able to attack and absorb is the way to use troops.

Since Ran Min came to power, he has killed all sides, either in a big war or on the way to a big war. Ran Wei finally collapsed.

It is easy to fight if you want to, but it requires great restraint if you want not to fight.

Now that Liang Guo has an advantage, since it cannot break through on the battlefield, the best strategy is to maintain the advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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