Chapter 369
After more than half a month of getting to know each other, Chang Wei took over the reform affairs as Shangshu Zuopushe.

Yuzhou is divided into six states: Henan, Zheng, Ru, Ying, Chen, Xu and Qiao.

Yanzhou is divided into five states: Bian, Pu, Ji, Tai and Yan.

Qingzhou was divided into five states: Qi, Qing, Lai, Mi and Di.

Xuzhou is divided into four states: Xu, Si, Pi and Yi.

Jizhou is divided into seven states: Wei, Bo, De, Zhao, Bei, Ding and Cang.

There is only one Shouchun in Yangzhou, so it is meaningless to classify the state, so it is not included here.

Li Yue looked at the new map made by Chang Wei. There were six to seven counties in each state, which basically broke the old system of states and counties. The states were intertwined, and no state could control a closed terrain on its own.

"In the future, we can expand based on the increase in population." Chang Wei's eyes were red, obviously due to staying up late.

"Good!" Li Yue nodded in appreciation.

"The governors of each state are all those who have outstanding political achievements in the past two years. According to His Highness's wishes, the mediocre ones will be retired and the capable ones will be promoted."

Li Yue glanced at the list. Wang Meng's cronies such as Fang Mo and Hao Lue were clearly on the list, as well as Han Xu and other Li Yue's old acquaintances, as well as Zheng Hui, Cui Cheng, Liu Shang, Shen Yin and other gentry children.

It can be seen that Chang Wei put a lot of thought into this list.

The forces of all parties are basically balanced, and the people selected are all quite talented. Most of the disciples who graduated from Shangwu Hall are county magistrates.

"Just wait until Gao Yun puts down the rebellion!" Li Yue was very satisfied.

Chang Wei is indeed his confidant and think tank. With him around, he can worry less.

However, the war in the south was not going well.

The terrain of Mount Tai is complex. Cao Cao had strong soldiers and horses, but he could not easily wipe out the Taishan bandits, and instead compromised with them.

Sun Yuan obviously thought carefully about running into Mount Tai.

Coupled with the secret support of some local powerful men, Gao Yun's battle was very unsatisfactory, and he even suffered a few minor defeats, losing more than [-] people.

The Ministry of War has suggested replacing the capable general. After all, Gao Yun is too young and not qualified enough.

If Wei Shan, Xu Cheng, Liang Xiao, Qin Biao, Mi Jin and other veteran generals had been replaced, Sun Yuan might have been wiped out long ago.

However, Li Yue defied all opinions and insisted on using Gao Yun.

Changing generals before battle is a taboo in using troops.

The terrain of Mount Tai is complex, and Gao Yun cannot be beaten to death with a stick due to temporary victory or defeat.

Among the generals in Heiyun, Li Yue was most optimistic about Xu Cheng, Lu Guang, and Gao Yun.

Xu Cheng is already on his own, and Lu Guang is still relatively junior. This is a good opportunity to train Gao Yun.

Li Yue sent a private letter to the Taishan front line to encourage Gao Yun and Su Quan.

Now everything is ready, all I need is this east wind...

Mount Taishan has been the first of the Five Mountains since ancient times. The terrain is high and dangerous, and there are places where one man can't open it and no one can open it.

Sun Yuan was fully prepared, guarded the key points, divided his troops to defend, and fought back and forth with the Heiyun Army.

In fact, being able to fight like this already shows Gao Yun's ability. If anyone else comes, he will suffer a big loss.

Gao Yun read out Li Yue's letter in front of all the troops: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. The officers and men must not be discouraged. They stay alone in Yecheng and wait for good news from the southeast. All armies will encourage each other!"

The letter was short, but it was enough to inspire the soldiers' fighting spirit.

Su Quan was the most excited, "My subordinates will lead another [-] elite troops to come to see you at Songtaoling and Yupanzhai!"

However, Gao Yun was not dazzled by his passion, "Sun Yuan is as cunning as a fox and knows the terrain well. Songtaoling has a narrow terrain, making it difficult for a large army to pass. With three hundred elite troops, it is extremely difficult to break through."

"Is it going to go on like this? Your Highness is looking forward to it in Ye!" "Do you have any good ideas?" Gao Yun turned his eyes to Liu Laozhi, Liu Gui, Zhuge Kan and others outside.

Before sending troops, Li Yue had warned them to hone their skills.

Liu Laozhi was young, less than [-] years old, and he was able to fight to a tie with Wei Shan. He had already become famous in the Black Cloud Army.

Several people looked at Liu Laozhi at the same time. It was obvious that Liu Laozhi had become their leader.

"The enemy is guarding the dangerous position, waiting for work at ease, and is condescending. If our army continues to attack like this, our army will definitely suffer heavy casualties. My subordinates think that they might as well break them into parts." Liu Laozhi said with a cup of his hands.

"How to break it into parts?"

"The elites of the Black Cloud Army are good at hunting and running on the road. My subordinates suggested that the army should be divided into forty small groups, each with 500 men. They should attack the mountain from three sides, southeast and west, and attack together separately to break Sun Yuan's strategy of dividing his troops and refusing to accept them. The army marched from south to north, squeezing the rebel army down the mountain. Once down the mountain, the rebel army will be unable to retreat!"

The Heiyun Army was killed from Heiyun Mountain, and it is not weaker than any other army in mountain forest warfare.

"Wonderful strategy!" Gao Yun admired him in his heart, thinking that he was worthy of being No. 1 in martial arts.

This strategy maximized the Heiyun Army's field advantage.

There is no need for [-] troops to block the narrow mountain road and fight the enemy inch by inch.

"Liu Laozhi, Zhuge Kan, Gao Heng, He Qian, and Liu Gui listen to the order. You each lead [-] soldiers to attack the mountain from the east. Li Wu, Li Qi, Li Yi, and Zhao He listen to the order. You and others attack from the west. !”

Gao Yun made a decision immediately. In fact, he also had a plan in mind - to set fire to the mountain. However, there were clear springs and streams in the mountain, so this strategy may not be effective. However, if it is combined with Liu Laozhi's strategy of separate attacks and combined attacks, the chance of success would be greatly increased.

"Take the order!" All the generals handed over their hands at the same time.

A group of young martial arts officers went to select their troops.

Su Quan reminded in a low voice: "These people are still very talented, and they may not be able to convince everyone..."

The Heiyun Army are all arrogant and powerful generals, but they have no skills and can't really command them.

"You underestimate them too much. How can they be ordinary people who can pass the martial arts examination? You should also prepare. His Highness specially appointed you as the deputy general. His expectations are not small. Don't lose to the juniors!" Gao Yun is getting more and more generals. magnanimity.

This battle was actually a military training exercise.

Su Quan's whole body was shocked, "I will live up to His Highness's expectations!"

One day later, there were beacon fires all over Mount Tai.

After the Black Cloud Army was dispersed, it instead showed its combat effectiveness.

The bandit army only deployed elite troops on the north and south sides to defend it to the death. The east and west sides were filled with second-rate goods.

Liu Laozhi, Zhuge Kan, Li Wu, Li Qi and other martial arts men always took the lead in every battle, fighting in the first line with swords and shields. They were braver than the old soldiers who fought in the mountains of swords and seas of blood.

Liu Laozhi, in particular, attacked the most dangerous Feiyan Base. He wore double armor and wielded two swords. He charged forward and was invincible. He hacked Sun Yuan's younger brother Sun Zhao to death with one sword and killed more than ten people in a row.

All the thieves were afraid.

Liu Laozhi, in coordination with Zhuge Kan, Gao Heng, He Qian and others, broke through seventeen bases of the rebel army and were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. Then he led his army to support Li Wu and Li Qi's troops, and moved to the east and west to join forces with Su Quan. department.

Sun Yuan was forced to panic and knew that leaving Mount Tai would lead to death. He gathered [-] elite troops to try to make a final resistance.

But after losing their geographical advantage, they were no longer a match for the Black Cloud Army.

Liu Laozhi was the first to rush to the front, fighting through the siege with Zhuge Kan and Liu Gui. He was covered with more than ten wounds and his heavy armor was stained with blood. He refused to retreat and killed Sun Yuan among thousands of enemy troops.

Gao Yundu, who was watching the battle from behind, was amazed, "This boy will be the enemy of thousands of people in the future!"

It took two months before and after, and the Taishan bandits were completely wiped out.

Liu Laozhi's name is also widely spread among the Black Cloud Army...

(End of this chapter)

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