Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 377 The city is here

Chapter 377 The city is here
Liang Xiao was one of the most brave generals in the Black Cloud Army, but he was no match for this man.

Jia Jian's heart sank. In the previous attacks on the city, Xun Xian had hidden this person and deliberately kept him until today. It seemed that Shouchun was bound to be captured.

The troops attacking the city were also very different from the previous days.

Although there are only 4000 to [-] people, everyone is working hard regardless of their own safety.

It is very likely that Xun Xian took out all the money in his family.

"My sons, kill the thief!" Jia Jian commanded his troops to defend the city and ordered the defenders on the city wall to surround Meng Kai.

Jia Jian always regarded his soldiers as his nephew. He was heroic and generous and had a high reputation in the army. The people of Huaisi also regarded him as their parents.

Hearing his voice, the soldiers seemed to have found their backbone, and the morale of the army was finally not broken.

A dozen brave soldiers from the town rushed towards the Jin army with swords in hand.

Meng Kai defeated Liang Xiao, his body was bleeding profusely, and his bright light armor could not block the stabs from all directions, exposing many holes.

The surrounding black cloud army did not collapse because the main general was defeated. Under the leadership of several black cloud generals, they continued to besiege Meng Kai.

Coupled with the Zhenjun attacking from behind, there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, and there were more and more wounds on his body.

Many Heiyun soldiers moved forward regardless of their lives, just to stab out the ring-headed sword in their hands...

No matter how brave Meng Kai was, he could not capture the city by himself.

Shouchun has been an important city since ancient times. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Yuan Shu established his capital here. At the end of the Wei Dynasty, the three Huainan rebellions all originated from this city.

If Meng Kai hadn't led his elite to kill someone by surprise today, it would have been difficult for the Jin army to attack the city.

Amid the glare of swords and spears, Meng Kai suddenly turned around and looked coldly at Jia Jian, who was dozens of steps away, "I'll die!"

The short halberd in his hand was thrown vigorously.

It is said that Dian Wei, the fierce general of Cao Wei, was good at throwing short halberds, and he could hit every target within ten steps.

Jia Jian stood fifty or sixty steps away. His short halberd fell halfway and fell into the battlement.

Meng Kai laughed twice, turned over and jumped off the city wall, landed on the long ladder, and slid down.

As the name suggests, he seems to be a tiger with wings.

Shouchun defended.

However, Liang Xiao was seriously injured, Heiyun Elite suffered more than [-] casualties, and the town army suffered even greater casualties.

Liang Xiao was defeated by Meng Kai in full view of the public, which had a huge blow to his morale.

"Women will treat the injured, while men will clean up the corpses. All soldiers should take a quick rest, slaughter the livestock in the city, and prepare some soup for the old and weak to bring up..."

Jia Jian's powerful voice slightly eased the defenders' doubts.

Among the several troops, the Black Cloud Army was the calmest. Some people lay directly on the corpses and snored, while others sat behind the battlements to drink water, eat dry food, and inspect weapons...

Seeing that the Black Cloud Army was so calm, other people gradually felt relieved.

But soon, the Jin army's second wave of offensive came again.

The huge Yuan Ziya flag appeared under the city.

Among the Jiangdong nobles, Huan Wen was the first to be considered capable of fighting, followed by Yuan Zhen and Xun Xian.

When Ran Wei was at its peak, Yuan Zhen dared to attack Hefei unexpectedly, defeated it in one fell swoop, and captured Ran Wei's Nanman Colonel Santan alive.

The war drums sounded again, shaking the world.

Boom, boom, boom...

The Jin army marched forward in formation with neat steps.

The officers and men of the Black Cloud Army slowly stood up from the corner and behind the battlements, holding onto their weapons.

New fights follow one after another...

Two hours later, the Jin army abandoned more than 1000 corpses and fled in panic.

Shouchun still held on, but the soldiers were extremely tired.

Jia Jian stood at the top of the city. After dusk, the twilight was closing, and there was a look of determination in his old eyes. "The King of Liang has entrusted us with the south, how can we fail to do our best!"

The soldiers stood in the night with different expressions.

The hardest part is not the day, but the night.

Throughout the night, the Jin army launched more than ten feint attacks in the southeast and northwest. As soon as the soldiers on the city closed their eyes, the Jin army started to move.

Even though he knew it was a trick of the Jin army to tire out the enemy, he still didn't dare to sleep peacefully.

At dawn, the defenders were reduced by nearly a thousand men, all of whom surrendered to the Jin army at night.

Jia Jian sighed in his heart. Although the Jin Dynasty was in decline, it was still popular. The Liang Kingdom still had a long way to go.But what pleased him was that the two to three thousand Black Cloud Army were in high spirits and were not affected in any way. As long as they were there, the city could be defended!

"Where is Jia Shigu?"

A Xunzi Ya flag was pushed out of the city, and hundreds of soldiers shouted towards the city.

"Jia Jian is here!" Jia Jian also approached with more than a hundred personal guards.

"My father and my ancestors have been ministers of the Jin Dynasty, so how can I not surrender despite my true identity?" Among the soldiers of the Jin army, there was a man in a Confucian armored scarf riding on a horse, holding a crotch tail and pointing at the city head.

Jia Jian sneered and said: "Jin has abandoned China, and it is not because I have rebelled. Since the people have no masters, the strong are entrusted with orders. Now that people have been killed, it is safe to change the situation! I am self-reliant, and I am involved in Zhao and Liang. I have not changed my mind. Why are you in such a hurry? It’s a shame!”

"You have lived more than sixty years in vain to say that you have no king and no father. The hearts of the people in the world are all in the Jin Dynasty. You turned your back on the country and surrendered to the traitors. How can you stand between heaven and earth?"

Xun Xian's words were also deliberately told to the defenders on the city in order to lower their morale.

"Shuzi, how dare you teach me to be a public servant? Your ancestors have been greatly favored by Cao Wei, but you have no king or father. You are unfaithful and unjust. You betrayed your master and turned to thieves. You collaborated with others and helped the Sima family to usurp power. First there was the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, and then there was the Rebellion of the Eight Kings. In the disaster of Yongjia, tens of thousands of people were turned into withered bones, and the ancestral tombs were reduced to a place of fishy smell. What face does the Sima family have standing between heaven and earth? What face does the Ruxun family have to live in Jiangdong!"

Jia Jian has lived to this age and has seen through everything. Under the promotion of Honglu officials, he has figured out everything.

The Sima family and these noble clans are all to blame for the situation China has reached today.

This is also the reason why Jia Jian supported Li Yue's legal reforms.

"Victory!" The defenders on the city cheered.

The Jin army below the city felt sad for a while.

Xun Xian, who was riding on the horse, turned pale for a moment, and his body was swaying with anger, but he could not argue. His original intention was to insult Jia Jian, but he did not expect that every word was piercing his heart and lungs...

"Whoever takes the head of this old thief will be promoted to three levels in a row, and will be rewarded with a hundred gold, and a thousand acres of fertile land! Those who bring order to order and open the city to welcome the King's Master will also be rewarded in the same way!"

The lid of Xun's coffin was lifted. Naturally, Xun Xian couldn't bear it and immediately ordered the entire army to attack.

Xie Shang and Yuan Zhen each led their troops to attack the east and west gates.

Tens of thousands of Jin troops rushed forward, and the final decisive battle arrived.

Jia Jian looked back to the north and bowed his hands, "With the old minister here, the people of Jin will never even think about stepping foot in Shouchun!"

Jia Jian was originally just the governor of Jie Zhao. When he was over 60 years old, he was promoted to the governor of Xuzhou by Li Yue, which was comparable to the Shu Han general Huang Zhong.

Scholar die for the confidant!

Jia Jian held the bow with his left hand and flicked the arrow with his right hand, looking at the approaching Jin army.

The morale of the defenders also reached its peak.

However, at this moment, the south city gate opened, "The king's master has arrived, why not surrender early?"

Jin troops swarmed into the city.

Meng Kai was riding on his war horse, laughing wildly at the top of the city, "Old man, suffer death!"

There was suddenly silence in the city, and everyone's expressions seemed to have fallen from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley, and their eyes were wavering.

Only the Black Cloud Army separated hundreds of people and rushed to the city to fight for the city gate.

"Today's matter is just one death. All armies should follow me in a bloody battle!" Jia Jian drew his bow and shot down a Jin soldier with one arrow.

But Liang Jun's morale has dropped to the bottom.

The reason why we can defend it until now is because of the Shouchun Fort, and now, the gate of the Fort has been opened.

In the city gate alley, the fierce fighting had begun. The Black Cloud Army did not retreat even a step, blocking the Jin Army. However, there were too many Jin troops, and the Black Cloud Army fell one after another.

The swords and spears in the hands of the defenders on the city were slowly loosening their grip.

The Zhenjun was born out of the Southern Army, a powerful branch, and the Southern Army was a beggar army. Survival was more important than anything else, and it had long been a habit.

"Wait..." Jia Jian's beard and hair splayed.

On the city wall, the Jin army climbed up the long ladder.

Shouchun City is crumbling.

Just when everything was despairing, a soldier pointed to the northwest and shouted, "Reinforcements, His Highness's reinforcements have arrived!"

To the northwest, smoke and dust rose, and a cavalry galloped towards them. Far away, the unique whistling sound of the Qiang people gradually came.

The defenders on the city seemed to have been re-infused with strength, gripping their swords and spears, and joined in the fight.

"Reinforcements have arrived! Reinforcements have arrived!"

Even the young men and women in the city joined the defending army. They did not need Jia Jian's command at all, and they were in full swing...

 Something, two chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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