Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 387 White Wave Valley

Chapter 387 White Wave Valley

After Lu Guang defeated Duan Gong, the Heiyun Army took the initiative and continued to advance northward, crossing the Huishui River, and Jiangyi surrendered without a fight.

At the same time, Murong Chui sent his troops southward, occupying Puzi, Beiqu, Pingyang and other cities, and successfully captured Xiangling. There was an endless stream of surrenderers.

The Yan army was powerful, but Lu Guang did not retreat. He crossed the Fen River under pressure, occupied Linfen, and fortified defenses along the Fen River.

On the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, Yao Xiang's [-] Qiang cavalry arrived first, with Fenyin as his back, and occupied Jiting.

Fenyin Sanxue strongly supported Yao Xiang and dispatched six thousand troops to assist Yao Xiang.

On July [-], Gao Yun came with [-] infantry and cavalry and settled in Jiangyi.

Lu Guang, Yao Xiang, and Gao Yun relied on each other and lined up on both sides of the Fen River to form a complete line of defense, waiting for Murong Chui's [-] Yan army to move south.

At the same time, the Qin army in Puban was not to be outdone. Deng Qiang led 8000 troops to station in Jie County, which was intended to deter the Heiyun army from falling behind.

However, the pace of the Qin army was limited to this. They did not even capture the empty Yi clan, but just waited and watched.

Fu Sheng has just succeeded to the throne, but he has not yet settled down. He is busy cleaning up the interior and is not very interested in what is happening outside.

Deng Qiang's forward movement was only the Puban Qin army's own initiative.

Yao Xiang detached 5000 men and settled in Jieshan to watch the movements of Deng and Qiang troops.

War clouds were thick on both sides of the Fen River. The large and small forces in the east of the river either surrendered to Murong Chui or surrendered to Liang Jun, but not many people watched.

And the situation does not allow them to wait and see.

The two powerful forces in the North are competing here, and those who wait and see will be the first to be eliminated...

A group of cavalry advanced from east to north along the Fen River.

Gao Yun took Su Quan, Liu Laozhi, Zhuge Kan, Gao Heng and other generals to inspect the topography of Fenshui River.

"Wrong!" Gao Yun said suddenly as he compared the map with his horse.

"What went wrong?" Su Quan and Liu Laozhi came over, and the two of them almost became Gao Yun's right-hand men.

"The throat of Fenshui is not in Linfen, but in Baibo Valley, 150 miles to the north!" Gao Yun put away the map and looked to the north.

The mountains are vast, with wild grass spreading over them, and the Fen River flowing out of them.

The two armies are fighting over terrain.

There is a saying in the Art of War: Those who are good at fighting rely on the strength of the land and their strength to win, just like those who turn a boulder in a valley of thousands of feet, the terrain is like this!

Whoever has the advantageous location, has the military power, and has the upper hand.

From this point of view, Lu Guang is still inferior to Gao Yun.

However, Lu Guang joined the Heiyun Army less than two years ago and was only seventeen years old. He was able to defeat Duan Gong with less, which was already quite impressive.

Gao Yun, on the other hand, has always been a general that Li Yue focused on training. He studied with Li Yue in the Shangwu Hall and Jiangwu Hall for several years and experienced many actual battles, so he naturally has a slightly higher vision.

In the fifth year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (188), Guo Da led a Yellow Turban army to use this as a base and built a Baibo fortress here, forming the world-famous Baibo bandits. They gathered a hundred thousand people and united with the Southern Xiongnu to attack Taiyuan in the north and march south to Hedong. Intimidate Luoyang and defeat Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army at its peak.

Times have changed, things have changed, and the Three Kingdoms of the late Han Dynasty have gone far away, but the strategic value of Baibo Valley has not faded.

Not only did it not fade away, but as Liang Yan fought for hegemony, this place became more and more important.

It can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and it can also cultivate and raise troops. This is what the art of war calls the power of an ape's arm.

"Order, Su Quan and Liu Laozhi immediately lead three thousand elite cavalry to capture this place!" Gao Yunle turned his horse's head.

The military situation is urgent, and whoever takes the first step will have a huge advantage.

"Follow the order!" The two of them cupped their hands at the same time, and then flew south.

Gao Yun went down the Fen River to inspect the defenses in various places along the Fen River.

I saw that the fort was dense, with scouts coming in and out, black cloud soldiers driving prisoners into deep ditches and high fortresses, cutting down trees and placing antlers on them, everything was in order and without any chaos.

He could not help but look at Lu Guangdare in his heart, "He is indeed the person favored by His Highness."

Just as he was about to enter the camp to see Lu Guang, a scout rushed from the north and brought back the latest news, "General, four thousand Yan troops rode out of Xiangling and headed straight for Baibo Valley!" Gao Yun could see Baibo Valley. Murong Chui can naturally see the importance of this.

"Do you know who the Lord will be?"

"Fu Yan."

Fu Yan followed Murong Chui to attack Chile and made great military achievements. He was the leading general of the Yan army.

"The first battle is the decisive battle. Use all the troops, abandon the baggage, ride on donkeys and mules, and rush to the aid of Baibo Valley!" Gao Yun was sweating in his heart.

It's not that Su Quan and Liu Laozhi don't believe, but this battle is too important to allow for mistakes, and we don't want to disappoint King Liang, so we must go all out.

The opponent is Murong Chui, who has been famous for a long time and is one of the two most valuable talents in the Yan Kingdom.

No one dared to look down upon Murong Chui.

Only by defeating him head-on can Gao Yun complete his personal transformation and become the mainstay of the Liang Kingdom!

This year, he had just crossed the threshold of 20 years old, and his heart was boiling with passion. It was Huo Qubing of Han Dynasty who he admired.

As long as the Yan army is blocked to the north of Baibo Valley, half of the battle will be won.

Hedong and Bingzhou have the same topography, with the Taihang Mountains to the east and the Luliang Mountains to the west, like two long dragons sandwiching the Fen River.

The terrain will determine the outcome of this battle.

Binh Duong.

Murong Chui was also looking at the map, "Who is the enemy general?"

"It seems that he is a young general with the surname Gao. He is still young. I heard he has just turned twenty." All the generals in the hall burst into laughter.

"How dare you come to fight with our army when you are twenty? Apart from Li Yue, only Wang Meng in the Black Cloud Army can do it. There is no one in the Liang Kingdom!"

Everyone looked relaxed.

They have reason to be so confident that any person in the Yan Kingdom can be a veteran on the battlefield.

Fighting all the way from Liaodong into China, he defeated countless tyrannical opponents, surpassing Liang in both quality and quantity of generals.

But even so, they were still afraid of hearing Wang Meng's name.

In the battle of Julu, Wang Meng's 3 men suppressed them and repelled the Yan army many times, leaving a considerable psychological shadow on them.

As long as Wang Meng hadn't come, Murong Chui would not be under so much pressure. "Li Yue is quite unique in employing people. He dared to use the unknown Wang Meng back then, and now he dares to use him as a general. There must be something fishy! Don't be careless!"

Murong Chui may look down on Gao Yun, but he will never despise Li Yue.

It's surprising every time.

The Black Cloud Army has experienced many bloody battles. It is impossible not to have generals, otherwise it would not be where it is today.

But the name Gao Yun is really unfamiliar to them.

Although it is said not to be careless, the generals in the account will not think so.

"The main force of the Heiyun Army is only 2, and our army is [-] elite. We just need to fight steadily. When Taiyuan supplies and reinforcements arrive, our army can sweep across Hedong." Murong Chen said with confidence.

Murong Chui nodded and looked at the map again. The Baibo Valley sandwiched in the middle was extremely prominent. It was impossible for an excellent general to miss such an important choke point. "There is no room for loss in the Baibo Valley. You will ride [-] steps to help it." My army will follow closely behind."

If you want to go south and capture the entire territory of Hedong, Baibo Valley is the threshold that cannot be bypassed.

Of course, you can force a detour, either from the east via Wangwu Mountain with complex terrain, or from the west via Fenyin, Sanxue's home base.

For the Yan army, which was good at cavalry, neither path was easy.

In their opinion, the 1000 men and horses at the front and rear were enough to conquer the Baibo River Valley.

It's not that Murong Chui didn't want to send more troops, but the weather was hot during this period. The Yan army was all from Liaodong, and they liked the cold and were afraid of the heat. The soldiers were actually a little acclimatized and needed training.

(End of this chapter)

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