Chapter 405
"This is the "Seven Matters" written by Huan Wen to the Jiankang court." Li Yue took out a document from the desk and handed it to Chang Wei.

Chang Weiyan read it out in a concise and concise manner: "First, the cliques are similar and private discussions are boiling. It is better to suppress the frivolous competition and not to allow the capable ones to be planted. Secondly, the household registration is withered and it is not suitable for a Han Dynasty county. It is better to merge the officials and provincial positions, so the order It lasts longer than it does. Thirdly, the machine work cannot be stopped, and the regular writing should be limited to a certain period of time. Fourthly, it is appropriate to show the etiquette of elders and young ones, and reward loyal officials. Fifthly, praise and criticism, rewards and punishments should be given in truth. Sixthly, it should be stated Follow the previous code and be diligent in your studies. Seventh, it is advisable to select historians to complete the book of Jin. All officials will report it."

Seven suggestions directly address the current shortcomings of Jiangdong.

Many of them are similar to Liang Guo's reforms.

Huan Wen's merging of officials and provincial posts was not much different from Li Yue's removal of counties and divisions of prefectures. He rewarded loyal officials and praised and punished them. In fact, the Liang State had already implemented it, and even selected historians to write the Jin Dynasty. It happened to be Li Yue is also implementing it.

Things in the world seem to be inextricably linked.

Historically, Shang Yang promoted reforms in the Qin State. In fact, all countries were pursuing reforms. From Li Kui and Wu to King Yan Zhao and Le Yi, from Zou Ji to Shen Buhai, all countries were seeking reforms.

But Shang Yang did it the most ruthlessly and thoroughly.

Nowadays, all parties are standing together, and people of insight are seeking to take the initiative to change in order to enhance national power and unify the world.

It's just that the resistance they encountered was different. The Heiyun Army killed the Heiyun Mountains, and the Liang State was established on the ruins. Then they encountered Ran Min's order to kill Hu and sorted out the Central Plains. The resistance of the Liang State was the smallest among the Three Kingdoms. of.

Chang Wei was impressed, "Huan Wen is indeed a hero of his generation."

If Huan Wen's seven points are fully implemented, Jiangdong will probably turn over.

However, Li Yue may not understand Huan Wen's determination, but he does know who the Jiangdong nobles are. Five of these seven suggestions are directed at them. Can the Jiangdong nobles honestly submit?

"Sir, we can wait and see whether it will succeed or not." Li Yue laughed, took out another edict and handed it to Chang Wei.

After Chang Wei read it, his hands started to tremble slightly, "Your Highness... I would never dare to take on this important task despite my merits."

"After the death of Liu Lingjun, the chancellery was vacant. It was entirely up to Mr. Liu to preside over internal and external affairs. It was just a chancellery, so why not?"

Tiao Changwei came back to prepare for the post of minister.

Wang Meng had made enough contributions, but his qualifications were a little lower. He became the minister at the age of less than thirty. Li Yue really didn't know what he would reward him in the future.

Moreover, Sili Xiaowei is also an important position. He is a military commander on the outside and a civil servant on the inside, which is more suitable for him.

Chang Wei has sufficient qualifications and abilities. The key is that he has a background in Guangzong's begging army and is an old friend of Dong Run, Jiang Qian and others. With him around, the old people of Ran Wei will not be alienated.

People from this faction still have some influence north of the Yellow River, and they also have some influence in the Black Cloud Army, which should not be underestimated.

"Since His Highness loves you so much, I will live up to your trust!" Chang Wei did not refuse too much.

From the moment I was transferred to the Chancellor's Desk, I knew that this day would come, and it would be hypocritical to just refuse.

"With your talents, you will surely make the country prosperous!"

Chang Wei's promotion to Shangshu Ling also relieved Li Yue's worries.

State affairs were left in his hands and he was more efficient than when Liu Qun was alive.

Seeing that a heavy snow was about to fall, messengers came from the north and west at the same time.

To the west was Yao Xiang, who asked for food support as always.

Yao Xiang and his men's obsession with Guanzhong has reached an obsessive level, like a gambler who bets all his wealth on them, either winning big or losing everything.

Once the heavy snow falls, Yao Xiang has no chance.

Yao Xiang was a good person, quite interesting, but he was born in the wrong era and was caught between several major forces. He had great ambitions but few talents, so his ending was doomed.

Li Yue was too lazy to persuade him, so he gave him [-] shi of grain and grass and sent him away.

Coming from the north were people from Tuoba Shi Yijian.

Yan State swallowed up Bingzhou, and its superficial strength increased sharply. If Tuoba Shi Yijian was not alert at this time, he would not be worthy of today's achievements.

Tuoba and Murong were not good friends. They had often attacked each other in the early years, and the tradition of the grassland did not allow them to live in peace.From east to west, Liang State had fortresses such as Lukou, Julu, Yecheng, Huguan, and Baibo Valley, forming a closed defensive loop.

No matter where the Yan State goes south, it must first attack one of them. With Liang Yan's current strength comparison, I'm afraid it will be difficult to succeed.

But if the Yan army goes north, it will be much more convenient.

Daijun and Yunzhongjun, the hometowns of the Tuoba family, were both semi-surrounded by the Yan army.

Once Murong takes action, Tuoba Shi Yijian will definitely not be able to hold on.

The two sides are not opponents of the same level.

"The king is willing to marry His Highness Prince Liang!" After a few words of greeting, the envoy went straight to the hard dish.

"How to get married?" Li Yue was very busy.

Now it was Tuoba Shi Yijian who begged him, not him.

This guy is also a bitch. If he had known this, why would he do it in the first place?He had so much sincerity in forming an alliance, but he had to turn to the Murong family.

"The king has a daughter, she is sixteen years old, her country is beautiful and fragrant. I have heard for a long time that King Liang is an unprecedented hero in China, and I have been attracted to her for a long time."

The messenger who came this time was much stronger than last time, and his words were also pleasant.

But then I thought about it, if Tuoba Shi Yijian married his daughter to him, wouldn't he be a step above him in seniority?
Li Yue glanced at the envoy. If the country was really beautiful and fragrant, even though he would suffer a little loss, he would still be able to accept it...

Nowadays, father and son are just like paper, not to mention the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law?

Thinking deeper, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Murong Jun's aunt and sister were both married to Tuoba Shi Yijian, so wouldn't he be shorter than Murong Jun?
Thinking of this, a sense of absurdity suddenly arose in my heart.

The three kingdoms were fighting back and forth, life and death, but when I turned around, it turned out that they were all fucking relatives...

"What do you think, Your Highness?" The envoy looked at Li Yue nervously.

"You and I should have done this a long time ago!" Marriage between the two countries is a common thing.

"However, I have a few requests on behalf of the king."

The marriage is false, but the request is true.

"Your Excellency, it's okay to say!"

"If the Yan army attacks me in the future, I hope Your Highness will send troops to help!" The envoy even said this, which shows his fear of the Murong family.

It is also possible that there had been constant discord between the Yan and Dai dynasties.

"That's natural, but Gu Yi has some suggestions." Li Yue agreed without thinking. Even without the relationship of Weng's son-in-law, he would never sit back and watch the Murong clan annex Dai Kingdom.

"Please speak, Your Highness."

"I have heard for a long time that your country is rich in fine horses, and I am willing to exchange them for armor and ordnance."

This is a win-win deal. Providing equipment to the Tuoba clan is actually enhancing their strength.

The Black Cloud Army is mainly infantry, but it does not abolish cavalry.

Besides, infantry can also ride horses, so a large number of high-quality war horses are needed.

The envoy's eyes lit up, "This matter is easy to talk about. My family is most in need of war horses. I am willing to help King Liang!"

(End of this chapter)

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