Chapter 408
With the fall of Yao Xiang, the souls of the Qiang army also dispersed, and the war in Puban gradually came to an end.

Fu Fa and Deng Qiang each led their elite troops to repel the enemy troops on the city.

Then, the city gate opened wide, and Fu Jian personally led more than [-] cavalry to charge out.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!" The Qin army had already cheered in victory.

People kept kneeling on the ground. For them, the battle was over, and they didn't even think about escaping.

Where can I escape from this kind of weather?

So surrender is the only way to survive.

"Fight them!" Yao Yisheng raised his spear, filled with grief and anger.

But Yao Chang was unmoved. In fact, when Yao Xiang decided to fight to the death, he had already foreseen the outcome.

No, Yao Xiang actually knew his own ending, so he let his brother stay behind.

"It is useless to die. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years." The words coming out of Yao Chang's mouth did not have the slightest emotion, but they made several people around him shiver.

Quan Yi said: "General... what he said is true. We will return to Anyi as soon as possible and join Liang Guo's army. In the future, we can take revenge in the war between east and west!"

Yao Chang shook his head and looked at the Qin army that was charging towards the camp. A strange look passed through his eyes, "To throw yourself into Liang Kingdom is like a stone sinking into the sea, not a single bone or dregs is left. Moreover, the foundation of our clan is in Guanzhong, Anke is so close." And seek distance?"

"General, could it be..."

"After this battle, Fu Jian will rise in Di Qin, and there will be a battle with Fu Sheng. We will surrender to him, just like giving someone a moment's help! Regardless of whether he wins or loses, there will be chaos in Guanzhong. If there is chaos, we will have a chance!" Yao Chang said calmly.

In an instant, everyone found their backbone again.

With the military system of the Liang State, it was impossible for Yao Chang to retain his troops, and they would definitely be divided.

Surrendering Fu Jian, according to Di Qin's military system, can save the group of people in hand.

As long as people are still around, there will always be opportunities.

"The general is so clever and resourceful that I can't compare. However, in order to extend the Yao family's bloodline, I suggest sending the eldest son to the Liang Dynasty."

Not putting eggs in one basket has long been a routine practice.

Although Quan Yi agrees with Yao Chang's strategy, the future is uncertain and the risk is too great. If not, he may end up annihilating three tribes.

His suggestions were, first, to repay the kindness of two generations of the Yao family, and second, to prevent Yao Xiang's eldest son, Yao Tuo, from competing for power with Yao Chang. They were well-intentioned.

Yao Tuo entered the Liang Dynasty, and Yao Chang lost a competitor, so naturally he couldn't ask for it, "What you said is true!"

Then he took off his armor, ordered his teeth to be lowered, opened the camp gate, and led his troops out to surrender...


The news of Yao Xiang's death in battle came quickly. Yao Xiang's eldest son Yao Tuo and grandson Yao Yanding were on their way to Yecheng with their families in tow.

"Yao Chang actually surrendered to Qin?" Li Yue felt as if a cooked duck had flown away.

He is really capable of bending and stretching. It remains to be seen whether Fu Jian will be able to control such a person in the future.

However, by surrendering like this, he also brought the essence of the Yao family with him.

"After Yao Xiang was killed, the others had no fighting spirit. They were defeated and surrendered one after another. The road was blocked by heavy snow and it was difficult to escape." Zhang Shengye reported the truth.

"Where are Gao Yun and Xu Cheng?"

The people are gone, and the territory cannot be lost anymore.

"Fu Jian sent troops to Anyi, but was a step too late. General Gao recovered Anyi first, and then led his troops back to Puban, even abandoning the captured city. General Gao recovered most of Hedong, and General Xu successfully recovered Hongnong."

Fu Jian is also aware of the situation, but such people are more difficult to deal with. With the troops left by Fu Xiong and an enemy like Deng Qiang, there is little chance of annihilating Guanzhong in the short term.

After Yao Xiang's death, Liang did not suffer much loss and successfully took over Hedong and Hongnong counties, bordering Di Qin.

A few days later, various news came back from the west.

After Yao Chang surrendered, Fu Sheng, in order to ease the relationship with the Qiang people in Guanzhong, buried Yao Xiang with the ceremony of a county prince. He also named Yao Chang the general of Yangwu. He still controlled the old army and went to Chang'an to listen to him.

However, all the old troops who followed Yao Xiang were swallowed up by Fu Jian.

Quan Yi, Xue Zan and others were all taken under Fu Jian's command.

After Yao Tuo brought his family to Yecheng, Li Yue also held a funeral for Yao Xiang. He treated Yao Tuo's family favorably, and rewarded Yao Tuo's family with gold and silver. It was no problem to become a rich man with peace of mind.

There are also many Qiang people in the Central Plains. Yao Yizhong and his son have been stationed in Shetou for 17 years. They are good at charity and help those in need. They are widely popular. Holding a funeral for Yao Xiang actually serves to gather people's hearts.With the east of the river in hand, you can go west of the Yellow River to exchange supplies with the country of Dai.

The two sides were connected, and the Xiongnu of the Tiefu tribe in Hetao nominally surrendered to Dai.

If you really want to count, Liu Wuhuan, the leader of the Tiefu tribe, and Li Yue are still brothers-in-law.

In the seventh year of Jie Zhao Jianwu's reign (341), Liu Wuhuan married Tuoba Shiyijian's daughter...

Li Yue felt that his network of connections had been opened.

I originally planned to smuggle it directly from Bingzhou, but now I don’t have to go to such trouble.

When spring comes and the ice and snow melt, Liang Guo's equipment can be sent there in an endless stream.

Demand will stimulate production.

The two major ironworks in Liang State, Xingyang and Shanyang, were all nationalized, and a lot of manpower and material resources were invested to expand the scale of the two ironworks.

With scale, production will also increase.

Quantitative changes will turn into qualitative changes, and weapons will become better and better.

Since the establishment of the Liang Kingdom, the war in the Central Plains has basically been eliminated, and with a stable environment, a large number of craftsmen have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Ministry of Civil Affairs was responsible for repairs, works, salt ponds, and gardens. In the Western Jin Dynasty, the Ministry of Water was established to be in charge of engineering, and the Ministry of Water was in charge of navigation and water conservancy.

Li Yue directly established the Ministry of Industry, which was directly on par with the Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of Personnel. Cao Ning, the governor of Shanyang at that time, was the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. There were two ministers on the left and right, and they were under the jurisdiction of the five departments of Gong, Tian, ​​Yu, Shui, and Forging.

An engineering college was also set up in the Shangwu Hall. Those who were skilled in craftsmanship would be rewarded with residences and royal salaries according to their grades, so that they could have enough food and clothing to study technology and lead apprentices.

Li Yue only believed that there must be brave men under heavy rewards, so he spent a lot of money and food, and a complete system was established.

The emphasis on craftsmen also provides a new way out for the children of poor families.

"Your Highness, this is the ordnance that will be sent to Dai Kingdom." Cao Ning asked people to bring five large boxes.

Li Yue picked up one of the pieces of armor at random. It was made of fine iron, thick and solid, and felt extremely strong when touched in his hand. It was much better than the commonly used two-crotch armor.

At first glance, Cao Ning seemed to be an honest person, working diligently but not at all alert.

This is also the reason why Li Yue promoted him to Minister of Industry.

"Such sophisticated equipment is given to the Xianbei people. If he fights back one day, won't the soldiers have to pay a heavy price?" Cui Hong reacted quickly. Li Yue frowned and he knew what he was thinking.

Cao Ning was stunned, "I was negligent, Your Highness, I forgive you."

"I don't blame you for this. It's your duty to build sophisticated equipment." Li Yue didn't mind Cao Ning's honesty, but he was a little wary of Cui Hong. Ever since Chang Wei was promoted to Shangshu Ling, he had focused on figuring out people's hearts. .

This is a dangerous signal for Li Yue.

As a king, the most important thing is to avoid having someone find out your temperament.

People like Cui Hong cannot stay around for long and need to be released.

"Just exchange for some inferior crotch armor and send it over. If you can wear a leather armor on the grassland, you are considered an elite." Li Yue said with a smile.

"I accept your order." Cao Ning said respectfully.

Cui Hong's eyes kept wandering around him, wondering what he was thinking about.

It wasn't until he left that Cui Hong said softly: "Your Highness, does he know who Cao Ning is?"

Li Yue was stunned, he had never thought about this problem before, "Do you know?"

Cui Hongdao: "The Cao family in Qiao County is the descendant of the Cao Wei clan."

Li Yue turned to look at him. Let alone the Cao Wei clan, what would happen even if Cao Cao was resurrected?
"Han Feizi said that the prime minister must be from the state department, and the strong generals must be from the army. How about teasing you into Qiao County Magistrate? I, Daliang, were promoted based on political performance. With your talent, you were delayed in Yecheng, so I promoted you to Qiao County Magistrate. , work conscientiously and make some political achievements to prevent outsiders from gossiping."

Cui Hong was stunned, "Your Highness, Your Highness..."

Starting from a county magistrate, it would be difficult for anyone to accept his sudden decline.

"That's it. I'll tell your sister later, don't ruin Cui's reputation by doing your best!" Li Yue didn't give him a chance to refuse.

Whether Cui Hong is a mule or a horse depends on his own destiny.

It’s not a bad thing to go out and experience things, so that you don’t have to worry about people every day.

(End of this chapter)

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