Chapter 423
What determines the outcome of a war is always before the war.

The two countries compete not only on the battlefield.

Public opinion, morale, national strength, people's hearts, etc. will all affect the success or failure of the war. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the ancestors used various means to play tricks.

On July 355, the second year of Hongwu ([-]), in Li Yue's heart, the decisive battle had begun.

Although there was no official declaration of war, Liang Guo's court and army had been mobilized privately.

A large number of fine craftsmen poured into the territory of Yan from Zhangwu, Julu, and Boling. They had the same mission and were at the unified dispatch of Yang Lue.

Li Yue also wrote to Yang Lue, asking him to make appropriate concessions to the powerful.

As long as they are willing to raise troops, everything can be negotiated after the war. Even if the negotiations cannot be reached, Liang Guo will compensate them in other ways.

In addition, he also ordered Jia Jian, Lu Bozao, Xu Cheng, and Zhang Hao to attack appropriately without sticking to the rules, increase the pressure on Yan State, stimulate Murong Jun, and make him make bigger mistakes.

Wei Shan, who was far away in Pengcheng, heard the news and wrote one after another to ask for war. He said that the five thousand soldiers under his command were all Shandong warriors and extremely elite. Staying in the south to deal with Jiangdong was simply killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. He repeatedly begged Li Yue to transfer him to the front line. …

In order to increase the persuasiveness, I also made a petition with various handprints in a mess.

Li Yue transferred him to Sizhou in order to let him enjoy a few years of happiness, but he couldn't stay idle.

However, it is indeed a time to employ people. Although Wei Shan is not an enemy of thousands of people, he is also a rare and powerful general. After careful consideration, he was transferred to Wang Meng's command.

In the next year's battle, both fists were used. Jia Jian pretended to attack Shuzhou on the east road, Li Yue attacked Xiangguo and Zhongshan on the middle road head-on, and Wang Meng attacked Bingzhou on the west road, sweeping Youzhou from west to east.

There will be no shortage of battles on the West Road. Wei Shan followed Wang Meng, firstly to increase Wang Meng's strength, and secondly to let Wang Meng take care of Wei Shan.

I don’t know how well Wang Meng’s new soldiers are training.

Wang Meng not only closed the news to the outside world, but also to the inside. The area from Yangcheng to Xuanyuan Mountain was only allowed in but not out.

Even school affairs couldn't be found out.

I only know that the equipment built by Lu Yang and the money and food from the three states of the Central Plains were transported one by one, but it seemed as if nothing had happened. Everything was quiet and nothing happened...

His method of training troops was very different from Li Yue's.

Li Yue left the army alone and let the Black Cloud Army go out to hunt, fight and practice.

Wang Meng closed the door...

This naturally aroused opposition from Shangshutai and Liubu.

With so much investment, nothing can be seen, and the number of memorials to impeach Wang Meng is increasing day by day.

Li Yue read the memorial carefully, and many people reminded Wang Meng that his power was too great, and that in the heart of the Central Plains, if he had other ideas, he would be in a position of overwhelming power.

Liu Yi spoke fiercely about Zhan Shi. He suspected that Wang Meng had enriched his own pockets and used state weapons for personal use. He could not let it go like this.

From the perspective of ordinary people, they did not say anything wrong. This is an expression of due diligence. If no one raises concerns, it means that there is a problem in the court.

In fact, Li Yue was also very curious about Wang Meng.

But the suspect does not need it, and the employer does not doubt it.

It is difficult to defeat the Murong family in a short time with conventional tactics. The Yan State must have figured out the strength of Liang Guo floating on the water, and the Yan State is dormant in Yecheng.

While Wang Meng sank underwater, the essence of the art of war was concealed from the sky and the sea.

Li Yue ignored all the memorials and asked Chang Wei to appease the people at Shangshutai and Liubu.

Some words cannot be said too clearly.

Since Wang Meng has been activated, he must take care of things for him.

After Chang Wei came forward, all the voices faded away. People with a discerning eye knew that Li Yue was behind Chang Wei. Since Li Yue wasn't worried, they had nothing to say.

Li Yue personally summoned Liu Yi and verbally praised him.

This person was also from the Liu family in Zhongshan. Although he was a descendant of Ran Wei from the Jiang Qian lineage, his talents and abilities were outstanding, and his thoughts were devoted to practical matters. His reputation in the court gradually surpassed that of Jiang Qian and Miao Song.A small storm was suppressed.

But the powerful people in Youzhou became restless again.

However, none of this group of people is a fuel-efficient lamp. Li Yue took a step back, and they took a step further, asking for prices while sitting on the ground, taking the opportunity to ask for equipment, food and grass, officials and titles...

This was also the reason why Li Yue did not agree to their three conditions.

"If you don't know how to commend yourself, do you really think that they can't destroy the Yan Kingdom without Daliang!" Li Yue felt annoyed. He was almost being taken advantage of. Even if they agreed to all the requests, they might not do their best, and they might even have other requests. .

To put it bluntly, these people are still waiting and watching.

Don’t want to bet early.

"I have a plan to force them to rebel!" Chang Wei's eyes flickered again.

Li Yue heard Xian Ge and knew the meaning, "Could it be that they are spreading rumors that they are going to rebel? Use Murong Jun's help to get rid of them?"

Chang Wei stroked his long beard and said, "Your Highness is wise!"

In the entire Liang Kingdom, the person who had the most tacit understanding with Li Yue was not Wang Meng or Cui Hong, but Chang Wei.

As long as the wind is released, with Murong Jun's character, he will not be spoiled by these people. There is a high probability that he will take action. If he is defeated on the battlefield, there is still a chance for a comeback. If these powerful people raise an army, the Yan Kingdom will die without mercy. Burial place.

The foundation of Liang's rule was the black cloud army, the people, and the common people, while the foundation of Yan's rule was the tycoons of the Central Plains and the powerful chiefs of Liaodong.

And once Murong Jun takes action, even if the plan to weaken the country is successful, Li Yue does not expect them to rebel with all their heart. The real decisive battle still depends on the soldiers of Liang State.

"Then just act according to the plan!" Since the powerful people have taken advantage of the situation, we can't blame Li Yue for being unkind.

Li Yue devoted almost all his energy to this battle, and Liang Guo also mobilized around the decisive battle.

The atmosphere in the junior high school is getting tense day by day.

Even the local authorities have noticed something strange. Memorials are coming from all over the place like snowflakes. Some are excited, some are looking forward to it, some are full of doubts, but there are still some who are doing their best to do their part...

Murong Chui was restrained by Zhang Hao in Pingyang, giving Lu Po Lou a chance.

After the deaths of Fu Jian and Fu Xiong, the Qin State also rested for nearly a year. Although Fu Sheng was cruel, he did not launch any major wars, and most of the disasters were caused by the powerful chiefs in Guanzhong.

Only last year, we fought in Puban and took away Yao Xiang with minimal casualties, and also subdued the Qiang tribe...

Lu Polou found out about the arrival of Yan army reinforcements and took the initiative to attack. He fought with Ping Xi in thirteen small battles at Wuding River.

Ping Xi was a veteran of Murong Chui's command, and he followed him to defeat Chile.

The Yan army was also extremely elite, and with the support of the Tiefu tribe, Lu Polou lost more than he won.

However, the Di people's tenacity allowed them to fight to the death. They fought against the enemy in Yelangchuan, and Lu Polou selected the most outstanding warriors, and got two thousand warriors to fight to the death.

The other Qin troops followed and just killed them.

It was really a matter of fate, and the gap between the two sides gradually emerged. Di Ren was not afraid of death and followed Lu Polou in a bloody battle.

The Yan army had a military advantage, but it was defeated by the united Qin army.

Lu Polou led two thousand dead men to break through the siege, and killed Pingxi on his horse with one sword. The Yan army was defeated. The Qin army chased him to the north, capturing and killing more than three thousand people. The battle shocked all the tribes in the fortress and also shocked them. To the north.

Sweeping away the decadence since Fu Sheng succeeded to the throne.

The Tiefu tribe was greatly frightened. Liu Xiwuqi, the son of the former clan leader Liu Wuhuan, launched a mutiny to regain his position as clan leader. He drove away Liu Kuantou, proclaimed himself a minister to the Qin State, donated [-] livestock, and sent his son as a hostage to Chang'an.

Lu Polou then withdrew his troops and escorted the livestock and prisoners back to Chang'an in great force.

This battle also made the world re-examine Di Qin, and Fu Jian also relied on this battle to become famous in the world.

 A relative got married and came back a little late. Two chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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