Chapter 44

"It's not that easy to be a soldier of this general, and then I'll have to fight Jie Nu!" Li Yue said, looking at the dozens of people making trouble.

Although they are sallow and thin, they are full of energy.

The leader shouted: "Ji Yong is a softie, we are not. Seven years ago, we also went south from Jizhou. We have a sworn feud with Jie Nu, and we will never be merciless in killing Jie Nu in the future!"

Li Yue saw that although he was thin and thin, he was tall and big, and he must be a mighty Wuhan son, "Okay, let's fight in the future, don't forget what you said today! What's your name?"

"I'm Cao Kan, a native of Yecheng!"

Li Yue suddenly thought of Cao Wei. Ye City was once its capital, but in this troubled time, Cao Wei's glory has long gone, "Starting today, I will be under the general's command!"

"Thank you, General!" Cao Kan was overjoyed.

With him taking the lead, three to four hundred people were willing to join Heiyun Mountain on the spot.

More people came from home.

Li Yue simply led people to choose them, not white-haired and gray-haired, half-grown children with snotty noses, disabled ones, and back injuries. Among them, there were more than 20 shrews who were touched by the guards. come out...

Busy until the evening, 300 people were selected and incorporated into the soldiers.

After annexing Jijiabao, the population of Heiyun Mountain exceeded [-], and its military strength expanded to more than [-].

It is definitely impossible to support 7000 soldiers with [-] people.

We can only follow the path of Qin, plowing and fighting.

Zhou Qian suggested: "Although Jijia Fort is strong, it cannot resist large soldiers. My subordinates suggest that this fort should only be used as a station for soldiers, and Dingkou should be moved to the foot of the mountain. Once encountering the enemy, you can hide in the mountain. In addition, the population should be hidden in the mountain. It can also avoid people's eyes and ears."

The reason why the Gaoli Imperial Guard failed at the beginning was because of the rugged and muddy mountain roads of Heiyun Mountain. On the plain, even if there was a Wubao, Li Yue felt that the chances of winning were not great.

I don't know how many cities and forts have been captured by Jienu, but Heiyun Mountain is still safe.

"This matter should be implemented as soon as possible." Li Yue rubbed his temples, remembering that he hadn't slept for two days and two nights, but he was still so excited.

In any era, the first pot of gold is always the hardest.

Heiyun Mountain and Jijiabao have formed a complete plate, which can be attacked in advance and defended in retreat, firmly strangling the lower reaches of Sishui River and Heiyun Mountain.

After sending Zhou Qian away, Li Yue felt drowsy and fell asleep on the bed.

When I woke up, it was still light.

But it is already a new day, and my mind is much clearer.

Zhou Qian is mobilizing the people in Bao, and many people are reluctant, but under Cao Kan's persuasion, they still start to move.

Looking at the bustling crowd, Li Yue thought of a problem. The soldiers' fields were settled, but theirs were not.

"Where is the scout?"

Not long after, more than a dozen scouts Dubo arrived.

"Find out the terrain and forces within two hundred miles around Jijiabao, pay special attention to where is suitable for farming, and make a sand table."

The sand table is not a new thing. Ma Yuan made it more than 200 years ago, and there is no technical threshold. Li Yue used mud to squeeze out the landform of Heiyun Mountain, and told them to be quick-witted, and they could learn it at a glance.

"Observe the order!" The scouts obeyed the order and left.

In the land of hundreds of battles in the Central Plains, the population is withered, reappearing the tragic scene of the late Han Dynasty where the bones were exposed in the wild, and there were no chickens crowing for thousands of miles. There is a large number of no-man's land around a small Jijiabao.

Coupled with the continuous torrential rain this year, the grass is all over the sky, making it even more desolate.

Naturally, ten acres of land per person is not enough.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, each mansion soldier directly divided [-] acres of land, thus establishing the strong combat effectiveness of the mansion soldiers.

The equalization of the land by the government soldiers is actually a continuation of the Qin Dynasty's plowing war and the Han Dynasty's policy of garrisoning borders.

Now that the population exceeds [-], Li Yue naturally wants to find a way for them to survive.

The Central Plains has been an important place for money and food since ancient times. Now that the rain is abundant, the land is also fertile. To guard so many unclaimed lands, of course it must be reclaimed.

The efficiency of the scouts is quite high, and with the footprints all over the surrounding area before, the sand table was made in less than two days.

Putting it in a larger geographical background, Li Yuecai recognized the past and present of Heiyun Mountain.

This mountain is the continuation of Songshan Mountain. When I visited Songshan Mountain, I had carefully read the map of the scenic spot, and I vaguely remembered that this place was called Fuxi Mountain and Yangcheng Mountain.

Since the end of the Sui Dynasty, the peasant uprising armies of all dynasties have gathered here. In the Yuan Dynasty, the rebel army built cottages here to fight against the Yuan Dynasty.

There are also many Taoist temples, which can also be regarded as Taoist holy places.

After all, Laojun Mountain, the place where Laozi retreated, is located in the Funiu Mountains.

Heiyun Mountain is connected to Dengfeng in the south and Xingyang in the east, with more than [-] peaks in the middle.

Surrounded by cities such as Mi County, Jing County, Gong County, Xingyang, Dengfeng, Fei County, etc., just to the north is the famous Hulao Pass, also called Sishui Pass, which is connected to the mountains of Heiyun Mountain.

To the northwest is Luoyang, the former capital of the Han family.

No wonder Bo Wu said that this place is a place where heroes can use their skills, and it is indeed true from a geographical point of view.

However, if the world is in chaos and the warlords are fighting, this place is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

Now the north is Jie Zhao, and the south is the revitalized Eastern Jin Dynasty. The two prefectures of Siyu and Henan are sandwiched in the middle, and Xingyang is under Shihu's nose. Any movement will attract Jie Zhao's army to retaliate.

The more chaotic the world is, the more expensive food is.

Food is the real need. Without gold, silver, money and silk, people can still live. If there is no food, people are not human...

Looking at the sand table, Li Yue chose two pieces of land. One was a [-]-mile wasteland between Heiyun Mountain and Jijiabao. It used to be a "strategic buffer zone". Of course, Ji Yong would not cultivate it here.

The other is the Weishui Basin in the lower reaches of the Sishui River, a river between Dengfeng and Mixian County. Because tigers often come and go, it is called Hujuchuan by the locals.

Weishui comes out of Heiyun Mountain.

Land is not a scarce resource these days, but population is.

After selecting a place, Li Yue personally led people to reclaim the Sishui Plain first.

This place was originally a high-quality field, which was abandoned due to the war and was covered with weeds and shrubs, but the foundation was still there, and the canals and rice paddies were faintly visible.

Cultivation is by no means a matter of reaching out. It is plowed in the first year, cultivated in the second year, and harvested in the third year.

If you have the foundation, you can save the time of raising the land. You only need to cultivate it, burn the ash and fertilize it, and then you can cultivate it.

All men, women and children on Heiyun Mountain went down the mountain.

Their enthusiasm far exceeded Li Yue's imagination, and the people in Jijiabao also worked extremely hard to strive for performance.

In the age of war and chaos, farming is also a luxury.

In order to stimulate their enthusiasm, Li Yue ordered that in the future this place will be a garrison, with eight officials and two people, equal to Murong's family.

Even with such a high land rent, they are still ecstatic and extremely diligent.

They get up before dawn every day, burying their heads in the wasteland. Ji Yong is not a bold person. In the whole Wubao, there are less than [-] pieces of iron farm tools, and the rest are made of wood.

Relying on simple wooden farm tools, they have been busy until late at night...

Li Yue has mixed feelings in his heart, which may be the real reason why Chinese civilization can continue in the long river of dark history.

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

Since there was iron in the treasury, it was still there, and a blacksmith was ready-made. Li Yue ordered to make farm tools, and pulled out the cattle, donkeys, mules and other livestock in the fort to join the army of reclamation.

(End of this chapter)

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