Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 447 Surrender

Chapter 447 Surrender
"What does he want?" Li Yue asked.

When this guy was guarding Lukou, there were many lions who asked for the king of the county.

"The official title is Shanggu County Duke, and the old troops will listen to the instructions but not the announcement." Yang Lue spoke with a sense of competence, and his report was not mixed with any personal emotions.

"This is in line with this guy's temperament." Li Yue said with a smile.

If Lu Hu can play a key role in the future decisive battle, it can be discussed to make a Shanggu County Duke.

We will suppress it later.

Yang Lue said: "I also contacted Pang Yue, but this person drove away our Xi Zuo."

"Driving them away? Could it be that Pang Yue is determined to follow the Murong family?" Li Yue felt a little unbelievable.

The Pang family's ancestral home is in the Bohai Sea, under the rule of the Liang State, and they have an old friendship with Jia Jian. After being "fished" away by Feng Yi, he is not very popular in the Yan State. Ordinarily, considering the current situation, he should be the most active person. .

Lu Hu had a grudge against him for the land, but he took the initiative to surrender.

Pang Yue was tricked into leaving the city, but he did not move.

Li Yue smelled a strange atmosphere, "When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. What do you think?"

"I thought there was some fraud involved." Yang Lue's eyes were dark, as if he was a hunter who saw his prey.

If you stay in a profession for a long time, your level will naturally get higher and higher...

In the Yan Army camp, there were two to three hundred heads stuck on wooden piles, which were frozen into a pale green color in the cold wind. Their dead fish-like pupils looked at the pale sky...

These are all deserters who were captured.

The current situation in Yan State is worse than Li Yue expected.

A snowstorm at the end of last year froze to death many people and livestock in the country, making the already weak Yan country even worse.

Xiangguo was captured and Bingzhou was cut off. There was a faint feeling of fear of the enemy and weariness of war among the army. Coupled with the decreasing supply of food and grass, people's hearts were shaken.

If it weren't for Murong Ke's good care of the soldiers, the Yan army would have collapsed long ago.

The reason why Murong Ke retreated to Zhongshan was also for this reason.

"This battle has yielded fifty thousand shi of food. You must not keep it secret. When the Liang thieves are defeated and Hebei is captured, we will return double the amount!" Murong Jun glanced at the generals in the tent and his eyes fell on his uncle Murong Ping.

Murong Ping was not good at fighting, but he was an expert at making money.

Everyone in the Yan Kingdom knows that he is rich and wealthy.

"What His Highness said is absolutely true. For the sake of Dayan, why do we still care about this little food and grass? You should also work together to destroy your family to relieve the country's difficulties!" Murong Ping patted his chest.

"Uncle Gaoyi!" Murong Jun's face softened a lot, and his family was still reliable.

Other generals were also moved by Murong Ping's righteousness.

Only Murong Ke's expression remained unchanged, "How much will uncle pay?"

Murong Ping stretched out four fingers, thought for a moment, then retracted one, "Forget it, take out the bottom of the coffin, three thousand stones!"

Murong Jun's smile froze on his face, his eyes darkened, his body swayed, and he was supported by Murong Ke.

Needle drop can be heard in the tent.

Nowadays, when it comes to the land, servants, money and food in Yan State, Murong Ping ranks second, and no one dares to rank first.

Since guarding Zhongshan, he has been as greedy for money as his life. He has secured mountain springs, vlogged firewood and water, and set up roadblocks. People and soldiers who come and go must hand over money and grain. The money and grain in the mansion are piled up like hills.

Not to mention three thousand stones, even 30 stones can be obtained.

"The general is willing to give two thousand five hundred stones." "I am willing to give two thousand!"

"I will give you five hundred..."

Murong Ping, as the highest-ranking general in the clan and one of the three assistants of the Yan Kingdom, offered [-] dan. Even if others wanted to give more, they would not dare to exceed [-] dan...

"General Fu Bi is interested!" Murong Jun gritted his teeth and even changed his title, but he was helpless.

Murong Ping had deep roots in the Yan State and had many subordinates. He wanted money and people, and if he was touched, the Yan State would be turned upside down.

All kinds of evidence point to Murong Ping's assassination of Yue Wan, but no one can touch him.

"This is my duty. The Liang thieves are fierce, they are strong on the outside, but they are capable on the inside. In my opinion, since our army is short of food, it is better to retreat to Jicheng and eat in Youzhou. Back then, Shihu's 45-strong army besieged our Jicheng. It was different. Defeated? Victory and defeat are common for military strategists. Strength and weakness change according to the situation. Since the Liang thieves are strong, our army can temporarily avoid their attack and wait for the right time!"

Murong Ping talked eloquently.

This remark aroused the approval of many people.

After fighting for so long, people's hearts are exhausted, and the Black Cloud Army cannot stand still. Even if they want to fight, they have no chance.

Murong Jun looked at Murong Ke, "What do you think, fourth brother?"

"Li Yue is not comparable to a stone tiger. The country is stable and people are loyal to him. Now that the reform has been completed and the country is strong, if our army returns to Jicheng, he will follow. Youzhou will also fall into the hands of the enemy. Zhongshan will not allow any loss." Murong Ke was determined.

It’s different in the past.

Eighteen years ago, the Yan State was just like a young man with a strong spirit, bravery and tenacity. However, 18 years later, the Yan State has entered middle age, its morale is not there, and it was blocked by the Liang State, and its expansion stopped abruptly.

If it cannot expand, then various problems in the country will naturally surface.

"If anyone refuses again, behead him!" Murong Jun stared at Murong Ping and said fiercely.

"Yes!" All the generals in the tent held their hands.

Everyone retreated, leaving only Murong Jun, Murong Ke, and Feng Yi.

"Fourth brother, the Liang thieves use defense as offense and every step as a camp. They are afraid that our country, Yan, will not be strong enough." Murong Jun's eyebrows rose with a trace of sadness.

After Yue Wan was assassinated, Murong Jun came to the scene in person and ordered the prefecture and county schools to review and see Ding.

However, they were strongly opposed by the powerful chiefs.

From that time on, Murong Jun's ambition gradually dissipated.

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry about it. During the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao controlled seven of the nine states in the world. A 20-strong army gathered to hunt Chibi, but was defeated by Zhou Gongjin's [-]-strong army. The strength of the situation cannot be determined. Shihu's national power is ten times more than ours. It was also destroyed by our army." Murong Ke's words made people feel like a spring breeze.

"What the Governor said is true. The Liang thieves are not invulnerable. The whole country depends on Li Yue. If this person dies, the Liang Kingdom will surely fall apart!" Feng Yi's eyes flashed with coldness.

Murong Jun was delighted, "Could it be that the Prime Minister has a strategy to defeat the enemy?"

"I have implemented it, Your Highness can wait and see."

"Hahaha, good!" Murong Jun finally felt better.

Murong Ke frowned, "The decisive battle between the two countries is open and honest, how can we rely on conspiracy and conspiracy?"

Murong Jun didn't take it seriously, "The only plan for now is that our army is in a disadvantageous situation, so we should use all possible means! We can also try conspiracy and trickery,"

"It doesn't matter if the situation is unfavorable. We can preserve the elite and move the people to Liaodong. The Liang Kingdom has not yet had the power to annex Liaodong. Ten years of gathering and ten years of lessons will destroy Goguryeo in the east, merge the Tuoba tribes in the west, and take Baekje and Chenhan in the south. When we attack Rouran from the north, there are many heroes in the Middle Kingdom. Even though the Liang Kingdom is strong, it cannot unify the north and the south within a few years. It is not too late when there is civil strife in the Middle Kingdom and the Great Yan comes back!"

From the time Yue Wan was assassinated, Murong Ke was thinking about the future of Yan.

In this battle, Liang Jun fought step by step and did not give any chance. Murong Ke had to prepare for the worst.

(End of this chapter)

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