Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 467 Restructuring

Chapter 467 Restructuring
After the enthronement ceremony was completed, Li Yue ordered changes to the uniforms and etiquette.

The beauty of clothing is called Hua, and the great etiquette is called Xia.

People rely on clothes, and clothing badges are a reflection of a person's temperament and the atmosphere of a dynasty.

Scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties liked to eat Wu Shi Powder and wear loose clothes and thin belts to facilitate heat dissipation.

The entire elite class either degenerated or fell in love with the mountains and rivers. They were romantic and happy, but they brought serious disasters to China.

Not only are they comparable to the Confucian scholars who joined the army in the Han Dynasty, but there is also a huge gap between them and the scholars of the Three Kingdoms era. They usually write about each other and brag about each other, but when the country is in crisis, they are helpless and kneel directly on the crotch of the Hu people...

Etiquette is also a very important issue.

During the Han, Wei, and Western Jin dynasties, filial piety was practiced. When an elder in the family passed away, he or she would often live for three years. During this period, they had to eat, live, and sleep in front of their parents' graves. They did not drink, bathe, shave their heads, change clothes, and stopped all entertainment activities...

The Sima family is embarrassed to govern the country with loyalty and vigorously promote filial piety, which makes the mourning of brothers and sisters even if they have to pay tribute...

Various other etiquettes are even more complicated to the extreme.

The sage king established the etiquette system to order the superior and the inferior, and the different carriages and uniforms were virtuous.

Rituals are the basis for maintaining national stability and governance, but they are too cumbersome and only increase the burden.

Many of the core elements of etiquette are not all rubbish in this era, but too much emphasis is placed on rituals and the inner things are neglected.

In fact, Cao Shuang and Xia Houxuan proposed changes to the uniform and etiquette systems during their Zhengshi restructuring.

However, their innovation was extinguished by Sima Yi and the nobles.

In terms of uniforms, the wide sleeves and belts are omitted, and the main ones are deep clothes with straight and curved trains and round collar robes. The cuffs are gathered with arm guards, and the waist is gathered with quilted belts, making it easier to kill people at all times.

During the Sixteen Kingdoms era, round-neck robes with round collars and front breasts and small sleeves were already popular in the north. They were first used as military uniforms in the Qin Dynasty and underwear in the Han Dynasty. They developed into the Northern and Southern Dynasties and incorporated many Xianbei styles. They gradually became common clothes and became popular in the north.

Anyway, one principle is to facilitate work and battle.

The etiquette system was simplified and complicated, and Ding You changed it to half a year, just to accept the mourning in the heart, not in the body.

Excessive burials, sacrificial burials, extravagance and waste are strictly prohibited, and frugality and simplicity are encouraged.

If it were in Jiangdong, it would be difficult for Li Yue to implement these measures, but in the northern country today, there is little resistance and it did not cause much trouble. No one dared to oppose Li Yue without his foresight when he first ascended the throne.

Most of the old gentry have moved south in their clothes, and it is difficult for those who remain in the north to form a big climate, and it is not easy to survive among the barbarians.

The northern country has integrated the customs and styles of various ethnic groups, which has given it new vitality and made it accustomed to new things.

Mutton and cheese porridge were all the rage, Hu biscuits were deeply loved by the people, and round-collared robes and fur furs were popular.

Now that a trend has formed, it cannot be easily changed by Li Yue.

After the edict was issued, people in Yecheng responded quickly. Most of them were descendants of Heiyun, the family members of some soldiers. They almost blindly worshiped Li Yue. They were the first to execute any order.

Even Li Yue's fondness for cooking Qiang and Zhi also influenced them.

A set of round-collared robes, dark clothes, and a quilt belt. Weapons are not cheap, and only they have this condition.

But another problem that comes with it is a headache. They are all military children. They are brave and fierce. They often fight in Yecheng and shed blood on the streets...

There was no shortage of martial arts in this era. From high-ranking officials to traffickers and pawns, everyone could make gestures. The people of Hebei were fierce and fierce, and if they didn't like each other, they would draw their swords and attack each other.

Several counties around Yecheng frequently engaged in large-scale armed fighting.

Either to snatch the water source for irrigating the fields, or just a few words...

There were actually many retired soldiers of the Black Cloud Army among them. They organized the villagers, mounted oxen, horses, mules and donkeys, and carried a sharpened bamboo pole to form the cavalry.

The infantry, scouts, and baggage troops were fully equipped, and men, women, old and young all went into battle.Before the armed fight, both sides set up their positions, divided into left and right wings, front and rear armies...

The county magistrate stood aside and did not dare to step forward to dissuade him.

Li Yue smiled bitterly after reading the detailed memorial sent by the school officials.

"What is good at the top must be bad at the bottom. In the past, the Han Dynasty was good at military affairs, and the court was full of light and aggressive people. Your Majesty is good at martial arts, so the people fought for their lives in the countryside. This trend must not last." Chang Wei said. I was very anxious for a while.

In the past, the Qin State was brave in private fights but timid in public wars. Now, in the Liang State, private fights and public wars are both possible, and martial arts among the people are extremely popular.

Ran Min killed Hu Ling together. He killed every day and fought every month. Hundreds of thousands of Hu people were killed by the sword.

The atmosphere of killing people among the people has already started.

"Publish my edict. If there is another fatal fight, the whole family will be dispatched to guard the border. Anyone who hurts anyone's life will be killed!"

In troubled times, many people may not be afraid of death, but they are extremely afraid of exile.

Leaving your homeland and entering a strange environment is more terrifying than death in this day and age.

"Martial strategy should be supplemented by literary affairs. Our dynasty's military style is extremely strong, so your majesty should build Xiangxu and educate all people!" Wang Meng said with cupped hands.

People only know that it is not a good thing to kill someone with a knife.

Education is equally important.

Hebei is filled with a large number of Xianbei, Xiongnu, and Wuhuan people, and there are also many Hu people who have changed their names. If we want to truly integrate them, we can only vigorously develop education.

Even Fu Jian promoted Confucianism and Taoism in Guanzhong and Hanized various ethnic groups.

Li Yue then ordered Liu Ying and Lu Qing to issue another edict: "In ancient times, when a country was founded, education came first, so the rule of the world is to nourish the tools of the times. Since Yongjia, the mountains and rivers have collapsed, reduced to barbaric dust, and the Chinese resorts have become smelly. Since then, all people have been capable of killing and brutality. I have been ordered by heaven to educate all people. I have established township schools, county schools, and state schools, changed customs, restored the virtues of China, and recruited civil and military men to create a peaceful and prosperous age. !”

In addition to the order to establish a school, there was also an order to seek talents.

Anyone with civil and military talents will be appointed based on their ability regardless of their origin or family status. After the palace examination, they will be appointed.

This order to seek talents was not limited to Guandong, but also sent school affairs to Guanzhong and Jiangdong.

Most people are illiterate, and most families are unable to send their children to school.

Li Yue opened a storytelling library again and sent a large number of officials to go deep into the people. After tea and dinner, they would preach the stories of the Chinese sages in the villages and alleys at any time.

Xin Can also found an ancestor for the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Wuhuan, Qiangdi and other tribes from the pile of old papers.

The Xiongnu are descendants of the Xiahou clan, their ancestors, and they are called Chunwei.In the Tang and Yu periods, there were Shanrong, yangxu, and Xunzhu, who lived in the northern barbarians and moved with livestock.

Xianbei, Beidi, the country of Beidi, Huangdi's grandson was called Shijun, Shijun gave birth to Beidi, Beidi gave birth to Donghu, Donghu gave birth to Xianbei and Wuhuan...

As for the Qiang Di, they have a closer blood relationship with the Central Plains.

"The Book of Songs: Songs of Shang" records: In the past, there was a soup, and Di Qiang came from there. No one dared not to come and enjoy it, and no one dared not to come to the king.

They are the descendants of Shennong's Emperor Yan. They have been one of the subjects of China since the Shang Dynasty. From King Wu's conquest of Zhou to the Han-Qiang war in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Qiang people have served as the pawns of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Xin Can summed it up in one sentence: they are all descendants of Yan and Huang.

This undoubtedly gave them a huge sense of identity, and they no longer have any resistance to Chinese culture.

From Li Yue's point of view, since the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Han Dynasty, the northern land has been fighting for more than 200 years, and the population has withered. The Han and Wei Dynasties have moved inward to fill the population, and a situation has long been formed where you are among me, and you are among me. China is a major trend.

 Two chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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