Chapter 483
"I am the co-owner of the grassland, why should I be sent by him?" Tuoba Shi Yijian was very irritated.

The tone of Liang Guo's imperial edict was condescending, and he was completely ignored.

In terms of seniority, Tuoba Shi Yijian is Li Yue's father-in-law. In terms of seniority, Tuoba has been in Monan since the end of the Han Dynasty. In terms of prestige, Dai Jun has just defeated Rouran...

Although Tuoba Shi Yijian has no plans to enter the Central Plains for the time being, it does not mean that Tuoba Shi Yijian is easy to bully.

Yan Feng said: "Your Highness, please be patient and patient. The Liang Kingdom is strong and powerful, so you should be patient..."

"There are only 20 people who can control strings and ride horses. 20 people!" Tuoba Shi Yijian stretched out two fingers and looked at Yanfeng blankly.

"What your Highness said is true... However, Lord Liang also has good intentions. If His Highness is unwilling to march into Henan, I am afraid that such good things will happen to Murong Chui. The Tiefu tribe will surrender to Fu Jian and treat me Jiuyuan and Yun The threat is huge." Yan Feng coughed twice.

If you don't obey, Liang Jun will come in a blink of an eye, without Li Yue having to do it himself.

One Murong Chui and one general would be enough for Tuoba Shiyi Jian.

The 20 "army" can be used to scare one's own people, but trying to intimidate Liang Guo is a bit overthinking.

At that time, his father Tuoba Yulu was known as a million cavalrymen...

Tuoba Gu on the side said: "Dai County is no longer available. The Yan Kingdom is in decline. The most powerful person in the world is Liang. We must not turn against him. Otherwise, if the Liang Lord and Murong Chui join forces to attack, the Dai Kingdom will be in danger!"

Murong Chui surrendered to the Liang Kingdom and had a great influence on the Northern Kingdom.

Liang Guo does not need to devote his energy to the northwest for the time being, and there are many things that Liang Guo does not need to take action on his own.

On the other hand, Murong Chui had a great demonstration effect, and he followed Liang Guoneng to eat meat...

Tuoba Shi Yijian rolled his eyes twice, "With only 20 riders, we can break through Henan and take Guanzhong directly!"

"Now that the Yellow River is frozen, we are ready to march. My brother and the southern master Liu Kuren will march together to first clear Henan and then move into Guanzhong!"

At first, Tuoba Shi Yijian was held as a hostage in Jie Zhao, and all the tribes in the Dai Dynasty supported Tuoba Gu. However, Tuoba Gu rushed to Jie Zhao and replaced Tuoba Shi Yijian as the successor. Even Shi Hu praised him for his loyalty.

Yan Feng said: "Now Liang, Jin and Qin are all holding back their troops. Our army cannot move out lightly. The Qin army is very powerful. We cannot fight with it. We should wait for the Central Plains to raise troops and our army can attack later."

Tuoba Shi Yijian kept saying that he had 20 men who could mount horses and control strings, but in fact he counted all the young and strong men in his clan.

It's okay to deal with Rouran people and Zahu people, but it will be very dangerous if they encounter the Qin army, Liang army, and Yan army.

"Sir, it's better to think carefully." Tuoba was aloof.

Tuoba Shi Yijian rolled his eyes, "Since Li Yue wants us to attack Zahu and plunder Guanzhong, we must provide some military supplies. If someone comes to go to Yecheng as an envoy, he will ask for 20... no... [-]." Stone grain and grass, three thousand sets of iron armor, one thousand horse armor, ten thousand bows, arrows, and swords and spears each!"

"This..." Tuoba Gu opened his eyes wide. With these things, why would he go south?
A thousand horse armors can form a heavy cavalry...

"He is begging us now, not us begging him. We will give you some, just ask for it!" Tuoba Shi Yijian and Li Yue went back and forth so many times that they gradually figured out Li Yue's temperament.

It's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. The last time Li Yue asked for [-] war horses and [-] athletes, Tuoba Shi Yijian still hasn't swallowed his breath...

Tuoba Shi Yijian did not move, Murong Chui was the first to make a move.

He personally led [-] elite soldiers across the frozen Yellow River to the other side, built camp at Longmen Mountain, and sent light cavalry south to raid Feng Yi and test Fu Fei.

Fu Fei built a strong wall and cleared the field, unable to stand firm.

Murong Chuiqin led his army down the Yellow River to attack Xia Yang, trying to control the ferries on both sides of the Yellow River.

Fu Fei rode ten thousand steps forward and arrived at Heyang.

Murong Chui was famous all over the world, and Fu Fei was also known as the enemy of thousands of people. Both sides were cautious.

It was naturally impossible for Murong Chui to fight to the death with Fu Fei for the benefit of the Liang Kingdom. He was already very obedient if he could send troops to Feng Yi to contain Fu Fei.This move has already taken a lot of risks. The Di Qin army has gathered in Chang'an and can go north to besiege Murong Chui at any time.

However, Fu Jian had no plans to take action at this time, "Murong Chui came to Yecheng personally last year, and he will definitely gain the trust of the Liang Lord. The reason why he is attacking me now is to contain him!"

"Murong Chui is famous all over the world, but Xinxing County Duke is enough to defeat him. There is no need to worry about this journey. At this time, we should stay still and wait for the right time!" Quan Yi shook his tail lightly.

The handle is made of white jade, which is very valuable at first glance.

Zhu Tong said: "Murong Chui is in the north, and the Liang army is heavily concentrated in the east of the river. Once our army goes south and Guanzhong is empty, I'm afraid Murong Chui will attack with all his strength!"

Now it's just a test, but when Fu Jian's army moves south, the situation will be different.

Lu Polou cupped his hands and said: "Although our army has received food from Liangzhou, it still contains tens of thousands of Liangzhou soldiers. The food and grass... are only enough to resist one side and will never last long."

They had been besieging Guzang City for the entire last year, and Fu Jian had almost squandered the money he had left behind.

The state of Qin is worse than the state of Liang.

Fu Jian frowned, a series of victories making him a little dizzy.

But if it is contained this time, there will be no chance in the future.

The situation in the world couldn't be more obvious. Liang Guo may not have any intention to attack Jiangdong, but he must have the ambition to annex Guanzhong.

For so many years, the Jin Dynasty's monarchs and ministers have always stayed in Jiangzuo. The so-called Northern Expedition is just a game of powerful ministers. The thunder is loud and the rain is small.

There is no doubt that after repelling Huan Wen's Northern Expedition, Liang Guo's next target must be Guanzhong!

"Hanzhong must not be abandoned. I intend to select [-] elite troops from Guanzhong to go all the way out of Chencang Road and all the way out of Baoxie Road. Then I will order Fu Ya of Liangzhou to lead an army of [-] troops from Longyou down the Qishan Road to attack Hanzhong together. What do you think?"

Originally, Fu Jian planned to use all the elite troops from Chang'an to attack Hanzhong and then capture Shuzhong, but now it seems that it is difficult to achieve it.

"I wonder who the king of heaven will use as his general?" Lu Polou asked.

Fu Jian took two steps. The most ideal generals were naturally Deng Qiang and Fu Fei, but they were placed to the east to resist Murong Chui and Liang Jun.

"Sir, do you have someone to choose?" Fu Jian turned to Quan Yi.

Quan Yi's eyes flashed, "In the past, generals came out of Chencang, and generals Yangwu came out with praise!"

Former General Yang An and General Yangwu Yao Chang were the most popular generals in the past two years. They were brave and resourceful. They fought in the south and north, wiped out Qiuchi and Liangzhou, and quelled rebellions in various places. Their contributions are getting bigger and bigger.

The raid on Hanzhong was a fierce battle, and no one but a strong general could do it.

Of course, these two are not the only fierce generals of the Di Qin Dynasty. Lu Polou, Liang Pinglao, Qiang Wang, Li Wei and others of the previous generation were also talented generals. Fu Jian's newly promoted generals such as Gou Chang, Yang Chengshi and Mao Song were also brave and resourceful. .

Just as Fu Jian was about to nod, Zhu Tong cupped his hands and said, "Both these two generals are descendants of the enemy's country. Their contribution to the attack on Hanzhong is not small. If they become stronger..."

Fu Jian took in many surrendered generals and ministers, and he did so well, but in recent years he has become more and more powerful.

One of them was Quan Yi, who became Fu Jian's mastermind and followed his advice.

It has caused dissatisfaction among the Di Qin elders.

Yao Chang is Quan Yi's old master, and Zhu Tong is reminding Fu Jian tactfully.

But Fu Jian waved his big hand, "He sincerely surrenders to me, and I treat him with my whole heart, how can I bear the burden? I have decided on a plan. To attack Hanzhong, it must be Yao Chang and Yang An!"

(End of this chapter)

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