Chapter 492
Li Yue stayed up all night, sitting alone in the tent, waiting for the arrival of dawn.

In fact, deep down in my heart, I am more or less reluctant to Meng Kailai, lest the brothers kill each other. Unfortunately, in this dangerous game, no one has any way out.

Diao Dou, who was patrolling the night, knocked five times, and before he knew it, it was the fifth watch.

The last moment was coming. Li Yue walked out of the tent. It was dark all around, but a silver line appeared on the eastern horizon.

The silver line became brighter and brighter, rising slowly.

In the camp, the old soldiers made even calls and slept in harmony with their armor.

Li Yue didn't blink all night, but at this moment, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

If Meng Kai was the vanguard, then Huan Wen would attack with his entire army. This would be a fierce battle. Li Yue never dared to underestimate the bravery of the Jin soldiers because they shared the same blood as the Black Cloud Army.

"Your Majesty, here we come!" Yang Lue pointed to the south. In the faint light, dark figures slowly walked towards him.

The infantry in the middle is in a cone shape, and two columns of cavalry guard the left and right. It is clearly an offensive formation.

"Open the gate of the village and prepare for war!" Li Yue's last trace of luck disappeared and he instantly entered a fighting state.


Not only was the gate of the village opened, but the antlers in front of the camp were also carried away.

The old soldiers opened their eyes as if they had a clue, gripped the spears beside them, and quickly formed a formation, waiting for the battle to come.

It was still dark between heaven and earth, only the sound of neat horse hooves and the clanging of armor could be heard.

However, when they arrived at the gate of the camp, the Jin army suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the world returned to complete silence, with only the cool morning breeze blowing slowly.

"Could it be that Meng Kai knew this was a trap?" Yang Lue asked doubtfully.

Behind the gate of the camp, there are numerous antlers and thousands of troops. Once inside, the gods cannot go back.

"Does he still have a way out now? Huan Wen is asking him to die. Even if he knows it's a trap, he still has to jump in!" Li Yue looked at the Jin army camp in the distance.

In the faint light, figures could be seen running around, seeming to be preparing.

It seemed that Li Yue was not the only one who stayed up all night.

"Meng Kai came to surrender, where is Your Majesty?" Meng Kai's rough voice sounded in front of the camp gate.

Gao Yun, the general of the front camp, said: "Your Majesty has hosted a banquet in the middle army and has been waiting for the general for a long time. Why did you hesitate in front of the camp?"

Li Yue secretly praised Gao Yun's answer, which forced Meng Kai to make a choice.

Of course, he actually had no choice.

Since ancient times, accepting surrender is like facing the enemy. It is not an exaggeration for Liang Jun to put on any alert posture.

When Ma Qiu Miyun Mountain surrendered, Duan Liao also tried to fake the surrender, and he and Murong Ke defeated the Zhao army. Sima Yangyu was captured alive by Murong Ke, and Ma Qiu returned on horseback...

The trick of surrendering is used again and again, but there are always people who are deceived and there are always people who use it...

Meng Kai is a pawn crossing the river and must die.

Li Yue was concerned about Huan Wen. Once the Jin army attacked from all fronts, and both sides would suffer, and you and I would die, things would be a little bad.

Jiangdong's current enemy is only Liang Guo, and Liang Guo has many enemies.

"I'll enter the camp right now!" After a long silence, Meng Kai finally moved.

The morning light became brighter and brighter, and the figures of the Jin army gradually emerged.

The cavalry on both wings trotted, accelerated, and then ran wildly into the camp. Like a stone dropped into a calm lake, this peaceful morning was completely disrupted.

"Conquer Shenzhou!" The infantrymen at the rear shouted loudly, charging into the camp with swords and spears.

"Recover China!" The Jin army shouted hysterically and moved forward regardless of their own safety.

With Jiangdong's military system, it was impossible for Meng Kai to have eight thousand tribes. This was almost the entire property of a large gentry.

Therefore, there must be many dead Jin soldiers among them.

Huan Wen wanted to use Meng Kai as the vanguard to disrupt Liang Jun's camp, so he would definitely not send the old, weak, sick and disabled.As soon as these people entered the camp, they rushed towards Yahu like crazy.

The cavalryman directly hit the antlers of the deer, and the horse made a long and shrill scream. The cavalryman was thrown off the saddle. Regardless of the pain, he stood up and continued to charge forward.

However, what waited for them were only spears and crossbow arrows from three sides...

At such a close distance, every time a spear was struck, a cloud of blood would burst out.

A mountain of spears stood in front of them.

The Black Cloud Army didn't say a word to persuade them to surrender. At this moment, these people who dared to come were determined to die, and they all launched a charge towards the Spear Mountain in front of them without hesitation.

It is a pity that their disregard for death did not receive a response from the Jin army camp at the rear.

Still so quiet and motionless.

Huan Wen neither fought nor left, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

The killings in the front camp were even more brutal. The dragnet set by the Black Cloud Army was difficult to break through with only flesh and blood.

The spear was airtight and kept thrusting forward.

A Jin army jumped up and tried to chop down the Heiyun warrior in front with his sword, but he was already shot into a hedgehog in mid-air.

Human corpses and horse corpses were piled up layer after layer, and the smell of blood dispersed the freshness of the morning soil.

Faced with such a tragic massacre, some Jin troops finally couldn't bear it anymore and fled backwards.

But there are timid people and there are fearless people.

The vast majority are still left to fight to the death.

The morning sun is already hanging above the eastern sky. It is a good day today, with cloudless sky and gentle morning breeze.

"Did Huan Wen give up on these dead soldiers?" Yang Lue had a look of pity on his face.

Even though he knew he was going to die, he still fought hard.

If the Jiangdong nobles were half as brave as these people, China would not have fallen into the hands of the barbarians.

"Huan Wen only has his appearance, nothing more than that!" Li Yue felt a wave of contempt in his heart.

Huan Wen's failure to come out meant that his last chance was gone.

"Huan Wen!" Meng Kai's shrill cry came from the front camp.

The killing has stopped, and there are still 3000 people standing on the pile of corpses, but they are surrounded by spears on all sides, making it difficult for them to fly.

After a brief lull, a new round of killing began again.

The dead soldier of the Jin army raised his spear and rushed down from the pile of corpses. He hit the blade of the spear like a moth to a flame. Then he twisted his body with difficulty and moved forward step by step, trying to assassinate the black cloud warrior in front of him. , but as soon as he raised the spear in his hand, five or six spears pierced his body...

Gao Yun deliberately kept these people to show to the Jin army in the south.

But the south had already become stone-hearted, and no army rushed out to come to the rescue.

"Huan Wen!" On top of the pile of corpses, a man looked up to the sky and roared. The man on the horse stood upright and followed his master.

That figure was all too familiar, Meng Kai had reached the end of his rope.

After failing to frustrate Liang Jun's camp, he and the 8000 people lost their use value and became abandoned.

Since the Yongjia Rebellion, except for Xi Jian, who was born in a noble family, almost all the refugee commanders who went south had a bad end. Even the loyal Zu Ti was angered to death.

There are fewer and fewer dead soldiers in the Jin army.

Seeing that the Jin army had no intention of supporting them, Gao Yun gave the final order, surrounded them with spears on all sides, and advanced.

"Let's go and see my brother off for the last time." Li Yue sighed.

"Wei." Yang Lue followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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