Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 494 Cutting down the flag

Chapter 494 Cutting down the flag
As the defensive side, the Jin army has a greater advantage.

Spear-like crossbow arrows were shot out from the camp, immediately pinning an infantry and cavalry member to the ground.

The catapults of the Jin army were also firing cannon stones crazily, making sharp whistling sounds from above their heads. Some hit the grass, and some smashed the soldiers into a pool of bloody mud.

There were even stones falling next to Li Yue.

But these deaths did not deter the advancing Black Cloud soldiers, who had an endless desire for victory.

After breaking through the blockade of catapults and ballistae, the black tide slammed into the enemy camp.

The lights of swords and spears flickered under the spring sun, and the entire battlefield seemed to be bursting into flames.

From east to west, there were fierce attacks and deadly battles everywhere.

The trenches and antlers of the Jin army seemed to be made of paper. They were torn to pieces and flattened by the soldiers in an instant. Seeing this, the cavalry rushed into the enemy camp, trampling and stabbing them wantonly.

However, the Jin army's defense was quite tight, and the soldiers who rushed into it were either surrounded and stabbed to death by the Jin army, or were driven out of the camp.

In a frontal battle, the Jin army was condescending, thousands of spears and the spears of the Black Cloud Army were strangled together, and their teeth were intertwined.

It was as if a wild beast opened its bloody mouth and wantonly devoured the flesh and blood of the warriors on both sides.

Although it was a melee, the Heiyun troops formed a line of five and a small team of ten, cooperating with each other and fighting bloody battles with the Jin army.

Every Heiyun soldier who falls can take away at least two or three Jin troops.

The injured Heiyun Army will be dragged away by Pao Ze behind him. According to Liang Guo's military law, rescuing Pao Ze has the same effect as beheading the enemy.

On the other hand, as long as the Jin army fell, even if they did not die, they would be trampled to death by the robes around them.

The black wave hit the Jin army camp again and again.

The defensive advantage of the Jin army was lost bit by bit, and the offensive advantage of the Liang army was expanded bit by bit.

"Ming Jiao!" Being in the battlefield, Li Yue's blood boiled all over.

Woo, woo, woo...

The desolate horn sounded from the infantry, immediately attracting a shower of arrows from the enemy, and the soldiers skillfully raised their shields.

When the Heiyun soldiers who were fighting heard the horn sound behind them, they seemed to be filled with courage and strength again, and they went towards the enemy even more crazily.

Those who guard it for a long time will lose it.

Those who are good at attacking are like mercury pouring down the ground, penetrating every hole.

The trumpet sounded, and the war drums also sounded in Hefei City. The four gates were opened wide, and all the defenders inside rushed out.

In an instant, the Jin army was caught between internal and external attacks.

Liang Xiao's attack became the last straw to overwhelm the Jin army.

Even if the Jin army had fortifications, it would not be able to block such an offensive.

"Break the base!"

Waves of cheers came from the east, and Li Yue followed the sound and saw Zhang Hao holding a mace, standing on a pile of antlered corpses, laughing, and the surrounding soldiers cheered.

The enemy before them had dispersed.

A dike thousands of miles long can collapse in an ant nest, let alone a fort more than ten miles long?
Once one place is broken, other fortresses cannot be defended.

People's hearts collapse at this moment.

Under the continuous fierce attack by Lu Guang and Dou Feng, several large camps in the west were also breached.

The Black Cloud Army swarmed in and charged into the camp wantonly. The Jin Army's will to resist became weaker and weaker. The Black Cloud Army's fighting spirit rose like a raging flame.

Li Yue was riding on his horse and could see the Jin army's camp gradually being submerged by the black tide, leaving corpses and surrendered soldiers all over the ground.

Many Jin troops fled frantically to the south.

Among the layers of fortifications, the big flag with the word "Jin" still fluttering in the wind, Li Yue raised his long pole and said, "The whole army will charge with me and take Huan Wen directly!"


Zhuiyun jumped out, Buqi following closely behind.

There are still many people in the Jin army's camp who are resisting and are divided. There are always some people in the army of [-] who are willing to die for the Sima family and Huan Wen.

Those who could not escape were already kneeling on the ground.

The Jin army's teeth were getting closer and closer, and Li Yue could already see the frightened expressions of the Jin army in front of the Chinese army's tent.But they were loyal to their duties, did not break up, and bravely raised their spears.

Li Yuele halted his horse, and Su Wei's armored soldiers charged forward with maces and axes. The axes struck down, red and white objects flew, and the armors and spears were broken.

Most of the people who can become Suwei's personal soldiers are strong men in the Black Cloud Army, wearing heavy armor and holding heavy soldiers.

Ordinary enemy troops are no match.

In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand Jin troops died tragically and fled in rout.

There is no longer any barrier between the Chinese army's big tent and the pole and teeth.

Li Yue was full of passion. Although Huan Wen had many shortcomings, he was still one of the best in Jiangdong. By capturing and killing him, Jiangdong was left without a leader, and people's hearts immediately collapsed!

The Su guards surrounded the tent.

Li Yue spurred his horse forward and said, "Mr. Huan, are you alright? Are these tents safe from my sword?"

The guards around him burst into laughter.

Figures moved around in the big tent, and someone laughed loudly, but he didn't speak.

Li Yue suddenly realized that something was wrong. Huan Wen also had tens of thousands of elite soldiers who had followed him in the north and south. It was impossible for him to reach the Chinese army's tent so easily...

He winked at Yang slightly.

Yang Lue came forward with more than a hundred soldiers holding shields. Dozens of crossbow arrows suddenly shot out from the tent, clanking and hitting the shields.

Only two soldiers were hit by arrows in their thighs and were dragged down by Pao Ze.

With a roar, the camp tent was cut open by swords, and a dozen people jumped out, charging toward Li Yue with weapons in hand.

But no one is Huan Wen.

Yang Lue waved his hand, "Catch them alive!"

The soldiers from Su Wei stepped forward and subdued several people easily.

There was only one person who fought to the death with a sword, but the five or six soldiers of the Suzhou Guards could not make a sound. This person was indeed brave.

But no matter how brave he is, he is still just one person. Under the siege of more than a dozen soldiers, he was eventually captured alive.

The others were trembling, but he was the only one who stared at Li Yue without fear.

"Who are you? Where is Huan Wen?"

The man laughed and said: "Wu Xing and Chen Jin are here, Duke Huan has retreated safely!"

Li Yue looked to the south. Tens of thousands of Jin troops were fighting and retreating to Shishui. Gao Yun and Lu Guang had already attacked them.

It is impossible for the [-] Jin troops to be killed so quickly. It is normal for them to collapse.

Li Yue glanced at the person in front of him and said, "Detain him."

Shen Jin raised his head and laughed.

Li Yue scolded: "The army is defeated like a mountain, and my generals are defeated. How can I laugh here?"

The laughter stopped immediately, and Shen Jin lowered his head.

Li Yue walked up to the Jin army's tooth band. Huan Wen retreated, but the Jin army's tooth band was still there.

There was a surge of hatred in his heart, and he took the big ax of the soldier beside him, and struck the thick wooden pile with one ax head after another. The sawdust flew up, as if he was cutting the Sima family's country and the orthodoxy of the Sima family.

Seventy-eight, the ax went down, and with a "squeak" sound, the flagpole fell down and hit the ground, raising a huge cloud of dust.

Li Yue cut off the banner with the word "Jin" with his own hands and tied it around the horse's neck. He was indescribably relieved that the so-called orthodoxy could not withstand the sword and axe.

Looking to the south, tens of thousands of Jin troops were divided into several sections by Gao Yun and Lu Guang, and they were still fighting fiercely.

Huan Wen did not dare to risk his life in a decisive battle, so he could only risk his life in escaping.

"Don't let Huan Wen escape! Yang Lue is here to clean up the mess. I will go after Huan Wen myself." Li Yue got on his horse.

Behind him, Heiyun Xiaoqi changed his horse to a new one and headed south with Li Yue.


(End of this chapter)

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