Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 50 Levels

Chapter 50 Levels
Quickly defeating the refugees from Jing County greatly deterred the surrounding forces.

The people who were still sneaking around outside Boshui Castle before were all gone now.

Wei Shan led Guduo soldiers and donkey and mule cavalry to appear outside the county seat. Although there were only more than 1000 people, they frightened the whole city into martial law.

Knowing the purpose of coming, Jing County obediently sent more than 20 pigs and more than ten mules to reward the "rebels".

Wei Shan didn't dislike the lack of things. While sending them back, he "visited" surrounding counties with armed forces.

The harvest is very good, no matter how much the big and small counties give, otherwise the mature crops in the field will suffer.

Donkeys, mules, pigs, rags and rags, Wei Shan didn't pick anything, he wanted everything, and brought it all back to Heiyun Mountain.

Moreover, Heiyun Mountain was not in vain, and sent troops to help them wipe out the bandits and water bandits around them, and solved their worries.

There is a harmonious scene on the boundary of Xingyang.

The discipline in Heiyun Mountain is quite strict, Li Yue strictly ordered not to trample on the crops, not to infringe on the common people, and those who disobeyed the order, the whole family would be punished by the military law.

No one dared to take half a step beyond the thunder pool.

The soldiers devoted themselves to suppressing the bandits and achieved remarkable results.

And the people in the Xingyang area praised it.

The only disharmonious place is that Mi County and Gao Gao in the south don't give much face.

He actually ignored Wei Shan.

Noble is the county where Mount Xuanyuan is located.

With a large population and strong strength, 1000 troops cannot threaten them.

Mi County is located in the shallow and hilly area of ​​western Henan, surrounded by mountains in the south, north and west, interlaced with hills and valleys, with more than [-] peaks and ridges, it is the gateway to the Central Plains from the north of Huaihe River, and its geographical environment is even stronger than that of Heiyun Mountain. generous.

There are many mountains, there are many troublesome people, and the people are more aggressive.

Wei Shan's one thousand "step riders" were turned away and returned without success.

Fifteen days before and after, more than 400 livestock, mostly donkeys and mules, were received as "rewards" from various counties and Wubao.

A total of more than 550 donkeys and mules, 57 horses, more than 3000 stones of grain, and more than 4000 people were brought in.

This allowed the "cavalry" of Heiyun Mountain to expand to [-] cavalry.

There are also more than 1000 pieces of broken knives, rusted spears and rotten armor. Li Yue asked the blacksmith to recast them all into bones and maces.

The population on the mountain surged to more than [-].

And most of them are young and strong, and the old and weak have been eliminated in the harsh living environment.

"The newcomers can't all be the general's people, otherwise the old people in Heiyun Mountain will feel dissatisfied and lose heart." Xin Can offered to suggest.

The older a person is, the more insight into human nature, the more bad water in his stomach.

"Does Mr. Xin have a good plan?" Li Yue suspected that the refugees from Jing County attacked him, probably because of his instigation.

"You can set up a three-class civil system, try your best, observe their hearts, watch their hearts, the first class is the people, the second class is the common people, and the third class is the children." Xin Can shook his head, with a thin figure and gray hair. , Too much like a dog-headed military division.

"What's the difference?"

"Subjects, who are the general's direct descendants and headquarters, can serve in the army and politics, study and practice martial arts, and receive [-]% of the land tax. Common people, who take the initiative to serve the general, can join the army and fight, but they cannot be generals. The land tax will receive [-]% Eighty percent of the children are captives, bandits, water thieves, and thieves. These people are a mixed bag, and if they absorb them rashly, they may cause disaster." Xin Can is old, but he is eloquent.

These words indeed revealed the current ills of Heiyun Mountain.

Just like Zhao Guang in the past, so many people were recruited, but how many people actually obeyed his orders?
And this hierarchy was not his first.

As early as the Shile period, there was a "national people" system, and the Qiang, Di, Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Wuhuan "six barbarians" were their minions, and the Han people were under the "country people" and "six barbarians", and became objects of oppression and plunder...

"Great kindness!" Li Yue thought for a moment and knew the benefits.

Things that are too easy to get are not valued.

And the newly absorbed refugees, bandits, etc., there are many people who harbor evil intentions, and if they are recruited without discrimination, they will surely become disasters in the future.

Xin Can saw that Li Yue was so devoted to good things, so he knew everything, "Young people will be common people for ten years, and ordinary people will be citizens for ten years. Among them, the outstanding ones who have made great achievements can be promoted to be ordinary people in advance."

Without rank, there would be no cohesion and no sense of superiority. Why should these enemies be treated the same as the old troops of Heiyun Mountain after they were defeated?
This approach applies not only to the present, but also to the future.

The Xiongnu, Qiangdi, Xianbei, etc. in the north can directly become boy people in the future.

Boys are actually slaves.

Li Yue immediately discussed the details with Xin Can, and Xin Can had more things in his stomach than Zhou Qian.

Zhou Qian's strength lies in practical work, while Director Xin Can has many good ideas in planning, especially in governance. Li Yue has benefited a lot from some conversations.

Every era has its own rules and order, and the things of later generations may not be suitable for this era.

And Xin Can has an insight into the rules of this era. Although he is not Wang Zuozhi at the level of Xun Yu and Zhuge Wuhou, he is also a qualified auxiliary talent.

It's a pity that he is a little older.

But being old has its perks, being experienced.

In official affairs, Li Yue had no airs, and listened carefully to Xin Can's opinions, and the two sides talked happily.

"The Shihu father and son are cruel and unkind, and their country will not last long. Within ten years, disasters will arise within the Xiaoqiang. Xingyang is located at the hub of east, west, north, south, and is a place for military use. The general is a martial artist, and he has a lot to do. In the future, he will be able to clean up the south of the river. If you welcome the Jin family, then the general will leave his name in the history!" Xin Can shook his head and shook his head.

But these words made Li Yue feel ashamed no matter how he heard them.

Can the Sima family still hold up?
With the lessons of Zu Ti and Su Jun, Li Yue did not dare to seek refuge in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Of course, Xin Can was born as a veteran gentry, so it is understandable. At his age, he has been a member of the Jin Dynasty for most of his life, and his ideas have already been finalized.

After all, the Eastern Jin Dynasty occupied orthodoxy and righteousness, and Murong Hao was called the King of Yan, and he had to ask Jiangdong for canonization again and again.

It wasn't until Shihu was defeated that Jiangdong's monarchs and ministers took a high look at them and realized their value. They were canonized as King Yan, envoys Chijie, generals, military governors in Hebei, Youzhou Mu, and Da Shanyu.

"What Elder Xin said is true, someday he will get rid of Jienu and restore the land!" Li Yue didn't want to argue with him either.

How much strength, how much ambition.

In the future, we will talk about it in the future.

Who can tell where Heiyun Mountain is going?
With Xin Can sharing the civil affairs on the mountain, Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

As if to repay the kindness of knowing you, Xin Can worked extremely hard, and he handled all kinds of affairs on the mountain in an orderly manner. Except for the five girls including Yueji, the other seven teenagers were regarded as his disciples, teaching them by precept and example.

The third-class democratic system will soon be implemented.

The people in the old part of Heiyun Mountain and a small number of Jijiabao are the people, most of the people in Jijiabao are the common people, and the captured refugees and bandits are the children.

After implementation, the cohesive force really increased greatly.

First of all, people from Heiyun Mountain and Jijiabao were united. As for the refugees and bandits who had just arrived, they naturally dared not have any opinions.

Li Yue investigated and found that what most people care about is not a hierarchy, but a stable order.

The world has been in chaos for so many years, and they yearn for a peaceful life, whether it's under Jie Zhao's rule, Murong Xianbei's rule, or Li Yue's rule.

This is China's great fortune, but also China's misfortune...

(End of this chapter)

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