Chapter 509
Although Huaibei was included in Daliang less than four years ago, under Zhou Qian's governance, it had already become a fertile field and the granary of Liang.

Grain from both sides of the Huaihe River can be quickly transported to Yecheng through water transportation.

Huan Yi rode a green donkey, wandering from north to south. It was said that he was observing the people's sentiments, but it was more like traveling in the mountains and rivers.

The people are either busy reclaiming wasteland or busy fishing and hunting.

However, local officials are busier than the common people, arranging adult men and women to get married all day long and encouraging childbirth.

After all, population growth is directly linked to political performance, and county magistrates are the most enthusiastic.

The powerful people are more honest than ever. Once they are accused of any illegal activities, the officials will come with red eyes and smell the smell.

These officials are all floating officials appointed by the imperial court and have no interest in the local area.

Although the national policy does not mention restraining the powerful, these have long been tacitly understood. If local officials want to climb up, they have two ways. One is to rely on political performance, honestly encourage farmers and mulberry trees, and encourage childbirth; the other is to Crack down on powerful people and win the appreciation of the court. Just like Wang Meng did in those days, he will directly become a general and become a prime minister.

Even powerful people have to live their lives, and no one wants to kill with their heads in their hands.

Liang Guo reduced taxes and they also enjoyed the benefits.

Moreover, the court did not prohibit them from reclaiming wasteland, as long as they were registered and paid taxes on time.

If you can get your own benefits through legitimate means and under legal rules, and the cost of breaking the law is too high, everyone will naturally abide by the law, and Huan Yi will have nothing to do with him.

Just focus on exploring the mountains and rivers, looking for hermits in the mountains, and your life will be happier.

Unknowingly, I crossed the Huai River and arrived at Hefei.

The bloodstains on the battlefield have long since dissipated, and the corpses everywhere have been collected. It has only been three or four months, and the sky is covered with weeds.

Looking at the rolling green mountains on the southern horizon, I can't help but feel melancholy in my heart. A sense of desolation spreads in my heart, as if it is also covered with weeds.

There is his homeland, his old friends, and his family in the south...

Huan Wen's Northern Expedition failed, the Liang Kingdom was prospering, and Jiangdong was suffering from internal and external troubles. How many years can it continue like this?
The sentence that Huan Yi admired most in the martial arts hall was: Soldiers are based on war, and warriors are based on politics.

The strength of the Liang State is not its military power, but its political leadership and people's leadership.


The green donkey under his crotch snorted, as if to remind him that he was in the right place.

Huan Yi took out the flute, and the clear and melodious sound of the flute sounded in the fields.

On the Feishui River, among the water plants, a small boat rowed out leisurely. There was a man standing on the bow. Although he was wearing short brown clothes, it was not difficult to tell from the scar on his face and his upright posture that he was a sergeant.

"Huan joins the army. I, Tan Xuan, have been ordered to wait for many days. Please get on board quickly."

Huan Yi got off the donkey and approached the river, but did not get on the boat. "The Northern Expedition failed. Yi has not completed his mission. It doesn't matter whether he can go back or not. I have a letter and I hope he can return to Jiankang."

After staying in the Liang Kingdom for a year, I was unknowingly infected by the vitality of the Northern Kingdom. There was no need to scheming and scheming, just do your own thing.

Over the past year, Huan Yi's music and martial arts have made great progress.

In Yecheng, there were also his classmates and Pao Ze.

What's there to do when you return to Jiangdong?
The failure of Huan Wen's Northern Expedition depleted the vitality and energy Jiangdong had accumulated over the years. Although Jing Xiang and Jian Kang compromised, after licking their wounds, the next round of internal fighting would begin again.

Huan Wen will not stop moving forward, and the root cause of Jiangdong's internal strife will not be eliminated.

It had only been 40 years since the founding of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Powerful officials came and went, and civil strife continued. The end was in sight, and Huan Yi was a little tired of this kind of life.Even if Huan Wen is suppressed, given Jiangdong's current state, Fang Wen and Li Wen will replace him.

Jiangdong was established with the support of the gentry, while Liang was killed with swords and spears in blood and fire...

Huan Yi has just turned [-] this year, and he has ambitions to make achievements in his career.

The only person in the world who can show his talents is Daliang.

With his family background and background, it is difficult for Jiangdong to be useful today. Unless he survives for 20 to [-] years, or takes refuge with Huan Wen, there is only a glimmer of hope.

"Does Huan Shenjun want to surrender to the enemy?" Tan Xuan's eyes suddenly sharpened and he pressed the handle of the knife.

"I was ordered to go north. I originally wanted to surrender to the Northern Kingdom. Now that the imperial court recognizes Daliang as the superior kingdom, how can I say I surrender to the enemy?"

Huan Yi looked calm and showed no fear at all.

Yuan Zhen's defection to Liang had a great impact on Jiangdong. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Yuan Zhen was a victim of internal fighting and was abandoned by both sides. Anyone else would choose to defect to Liang.

Tan Xuan pulled out the knife half an inch from his hand and stared at Huan Yi, "To surrender to the enemy is to surrender to the enemy, don't make excuses!"

"I'm in Daliang. I won't be able to dissuade His Majesty from marching south in the future and win a few more years of national honor for Jiangdong. If you feel that you are surrendering to the enemy, then so be it." Huan Yi's expression was still calm, and he opened his hands gracefully, as if waiting. Tan Xuan's blade fell.

However, the sword finally closed and hung down weakly. Huan Wen's Northern Expedition was defeated. Liang Jun drank his horse in the Yangtze River and peeked at Jiankang. Although he retreated, it severely shook Jiangdong's morale and people's hearts.

There is no objection to Daliang, who is also from the Chinese dynasty.

Tan Xuan took the letter from Huan Yi and put it close to him, "Liang Jun is heavily guarded. This is not a place where we can stay for a long time. In this case, I will leave now. You can take care of yourself in Daliang!"

Huan Yi nodded lightly, "I have been targeted by the school affairs office. You must not take the water route. First go west to Liu'an and lie dormant for a few days, then go to Huaixi, go to Nanyang and go down to Jingzhou. Only then can you escape the pursuit and return to Jiankang. .”

Tan Xuan looked surprised and bowed, "Thank you. I understand."

Huan Yi got on his donkey and headed eastward while playing the flute. After walking a few miles, he ran into a dozen riders, led by a man who was extremely majestic and full of murderous intent. "Are you Huan Yi?"

The cavalry scattered around and blocked all Huan Yi's retreat.

However, Huan Yi had no intention of escaping. If he really wanted to escape, he would not deliberately play the flute to attract his pursuers. "Huan Yi is so virtuous that he can trouble General Deng to come in person."

"Oh? You can actually recognize me?" The surprise on Deng Xia's face diluted the murderous look.

"General Deng drew his sword into the water and chopped off the dragon. He became famous in the east of the Yangtze River. When I visited Dongting in my early years, I felt like thunder piercing my ears."

A few words greatly dispelled Deng Xia's hostility and murderous intention. As long as Huan Yi did not flee south to Jiangdong, Deng Xia could not take action in any case. The school affairs only talked about arrest, not execution.

Deng Xia has been very high-spirited recently. Not only has he been granted a title of marquis, but he has also been directly promoted to General of the Youfu Army, on the same level as General Heiyun. He attaches great importance to everything in the court, so he personally led people here.

"The imperial court has issued an edict. Your Excellency, please follow me back to Fei."

Once the person is found, it won't be a big deal. Even if it is, it will be taken care of by the school affairs office.

They were all from Beitou, Jiangxi Province, so Deng Xia naturally felt close to Huan Yi.

"Wei." Huan Yi bowed his hands and followed Deng Xia back to Hefei.

They talked and laughed all the way, making judgments about the world situation, anecdotes about ancient and modern times, and playing the flute to relieve fatigue when they were bored. Deng Xia was so impressed that he actually changed it to "Sir"...

(End of this chapter)

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